Example #1
 * @brief    Calculation of evaporation from the canopy, including the
 *           possibility of potential evaporation exhausting ppt+canopy storage
canopy_evap(layer_data_struct *layer,
            veg_var_struct    *veg_var,
            bool               CALC_EVAP,
            unsigned short     veg_class,
            double            *Wdew,
            double             delta_t,
            double             rad,
            double             vpd,
            double             net_short,
            double             air_temp,
            double             ra,
            double             elevation,
            double             ppt,
            double            *Wmax,
            double            *Wcr,
            double            *Wpwp,
            double            *frost_fract,
            double            *root,
            double            *dryFrac,
            double             shortwave,
            double             Catm,
            double            *CanopLayerBnd)
    /** declare global variables **/
    extern veg_lib_struct *vic_run_veg_lib;
    extern option_struct   options;

    /** declare local variables **/
    size_t                 i;
    double                 f;   /* fraction of time step used to fill canopy */
    double                 throughfall;
    double                 Evap;
    double                 tmp_Evap;
    double                 canopyevap;
    double                 tmp_Wdew;
    double                 layerevap[MAX_LAYERS];
    double                 rc;

    Evap = 0;

    /* Initialize variables */
    for (i = 0; i < options.Nlayer; i++) {
        layerevap[i] = 0;
    canopyevap = 0;
    throughfall = 0;
    tmp_Wdew = *Wdew;

       Compute Evaporation from Canopy Intercepted Water

    veg_var->Wdew = tmp_Wdew;
    if (tmp_Wdew > veg_var->Wdmax) {
        throughfall = tmp_Wdew - veg_var->Wdmax;
        tmp_Wdew = veg_var->Wdmax;

    rc = calc_rc((double) 0.0, net_short, vic_run_veg_lib[veg_class].RGL,
                 air_temp, vpd, veg_var->LAI, (double) 1.0, false);
    if (veg_var->LAI > 0) {
        canopyevap = pow((tmp_Wdew / veg_var->Wdmax), (2.0 / 3.0)) *
                     penman(air_temp, elevation, rad, vpd, ra, rc,
                            vic_run_veg_lib[veg_class].rarc) *
                     delta_t / CONST_CDAY;
    else {
        canopyevap = 0;

    if (canopyevap > 0.0 && delta_t == CONST_CDAY) {
        /** If daily time step, evap can include current precipitation **/
        f = min(1.0, ((tmp_Wdew + ppt) / canopyevap));
    else if (canopyevap > 0.0) {
        /** If sub-daily time step, evap can not exceed current storage **/
        f = min(1.0, ((tmp_Wdew) / canopyevap));
    else {
        f = 1.0;
    canopyevap *= f;

    /* compute fraction of canopy that is dry */
    if (veg_var->Wdmax > 0) {
        *dryFrac = 1.0 - f * pow((tmp_Wdew / veg_var->Wdmax), (2.0 / 3.0));
    else {
        *dryFrac = 0;

    tmp_Wdew += ppt - canopyevap;
    if (tmp_Wdew < 0.0) {
        tmp_Wdew = 0.0;
    if (tmp_Wdew <= veg_var->Wdmax) {
        throughfall += 0.0;
    else {
        throughfall += tmp_Wdew - veg_var->Wdmax;
        tmp_Wdew = veg_var->Wdmax;

       Compute Evapotranspiration from Vegetation
    if (CALC_EVAP) {
        transpiration(layer, veg_var, veg_class, rad, vpd, net_short,
                      air_temp, ra, *dryFrac, delta_t, elevation, Wmax, Wcr,
                      Wpwp, layerevap, frost_fract, root, shortwave, Catm,

    veg_var->canopyevap = canopyevap;
    veg_var->throughfall = throughfall;
    veg_var->Wdew = tmp_Wdew;
    tmp_Evap = canopyevap;
    for (i = 0; i < options.Nlayer; i++) {
        layer[i].evap = layerevap[i];
        tmp_Evap += layerevap[i];

    Evap += tmp_Evap / (MM_PER_M * delta_t);

    return (Evap);
double canopy_evap(layer_data_struct *layer,
                   veg_var_struct    *veg_var, 
		   char               CALC_EVAP,
                   int                veg_class, 
                   int                month, 
                   double            *Wdew,
                   double             delta_t,
                   double             rad,
		   double             vpd,
		   double             net_short,
		   double             air_temp,
                   double             ra,
                   double             displacement,
                   double             roughness,
                   double             ref_height,
		   double             elevation,
                   double             ppt,
		   double            *depth,
		   double            *Wmax,
		   double            *Wcr,
		   double            *Wpwp,
		   double            *frost_fract,
		   float             *root,
		   double            *dryFrac,
		   double             shortwave,
		   double             Catm,
		   double            *CanopLayerBnd)

  Calculation of evaporation from the canopy, including the
  possibility of potential evaporation exhausting ppt+canopy storage
  2.16 + 2.17
  Index [0] refers to current time step, index [1] to next one
  If f < 1.0 then veg_var->canopyevap = veg_var->Wdew + ppt
  and Wdew = 0.0

  Wdmax - max monthly dew holding capacity
  Wdew - dew trapped on vegetation

     04-14-98 to work within calc_surf_energy_balance.c  KAC
     07-24-98 fixed problem that caused hourly precipitation
              to evaporate from the canopy during the same
	      time step that it falls (OK for daily time step, 
	      but causes oscilations in surface temperature
	      for hourly time step)                      KAC, Dag
     6-8-2000 Modified to use spatially distributed soil frost if 
              present.                                           KAC
     5-8-2001 Modified to close the canopy energy balance.       KAC
  2009-Jun-09 Moved computation of canopy resistance rc out of penman()
	      and into separate function calc_rc().			TJB
  2012-Jan-16 Removed LINK_DEBUG code					BN
  2013-Jul-25 Save dryFrac for use elsewhere.				TJB
  2014-Mar-28 Removed DIST_PRCP option.					TJB
  2014-Apr-25 Switched LAI from veg_lib to veg_var.			TJB
  2014-May-05 Added logic to handle LAI = 0.				TJB
  2014-May-05 Replaced HUGE_RESIST with RSMAX.				TJB


  /** declare global variables **/
  extern veg_lib_struct *veg_lib; 
  extern option_struct options;

  /** declare local variables **/
  int                i;
  double             f;		/* fraction of time step used to fill canopy */
  double             throughfall;
  double             Evap;
  double             tmp_Evap;
  double             canopyevap;
  double             tmp_Wdew;
  double             layerevap[MAX_LAYERS];
  double             rc;
  int flag_irr;

  Evap = 0;

  /* Initialize variables */
  for ( i = 0; i < options.Nlayer; i++ ) layerevap[i] = 0;
  canopyevap = 0;
  throughfall = 0;
  tmp_Wdew = *Wdew;

    Compute Evaporation from Canopy Intercepted Water

  veg_var->Wdew = tmp_Wdew;
  if (tmp_Wdew > veg_var->Wdmax) {
    throughfall = tmp_Wdew - veg_var->Wdmax;
    tmp_Wdew    = veg_var->Wdmax;

  flag_irr = veg_lib[veg_class].irr_active[month-1];

  rc = calc_rc((double)0.0, net_short, veg_lib[veg_class].RGL,
               air_temp, vpd, veg_var->LAI, (double)1.0, FALSE,flag_irr);
  if (veg_var->LAI > 0)
    canopyevap = pow((tmp_Wdew/veg_var->Wdmax),(2.0/3.0))
                 * penman(air_temp, elevation, rad, vpd, ra, rc, veg_lib[veg_class].rarc)
                 * delta_t / SEC_PER_DAY;
    canopyevap = 0;

  if (canopyevap > 0.0 && delta_t == SEC_PER_DAY)
    /** If daily time step, evap can include current precipitation **/
    f = min(1.0,((tmp_Wdew + ppt) / canopyevap));
  else if (canopyevap > 0.0)
    /** If sub-daily time step, evap can not exceed current storage **/
    f = min(1.0,((tmp_Wdew) / canopyevap));
    f = 1.0;
  canopyevap *= f;

  /* compute fraction of canopy that is dry */
  if (veg_var->Wdmax > 0)
    *dryFrac = 1.0-f*pow((tmp_Wdew/veg_var->Wdmax),(2.0/3.0));
    *dryFrac = 0;

  tmp_Wdew += ppt - canopyevap;
  if (tmp_Wdew < 0.0) 
    tmp_Wdew = 0.0;
  if (tmp_Wdew <= veg_var->Wdmax) 
    throughfall += 0.0;
  else {
    throughfall += tmp_Wdew - veg_var->Wdmax;
    tmp_Wdew = veg_var->Wdmax;

    Compute Evapotranspiration from Vegetation
    transpiration(layer, veg_var, veg_class, month, rad, vpd, net_short, 
                  air_temp, ra, ppt, *dryFrac, delta_t, 
                  elevation, depth, Wmax, Wcr, Wpwp, 

  veg_var->canopyevap = canopyevap;
  veg_var->throughfall = throughfall;
  veg_var->Wdew = tmp_Wdew;
  tmp_Evap = canopyevap;
  for(i=0;i<options.Nlayer;i++) {
    layer[i].evap  = layerevap[i];
    tmp_Evap          += layerevap[i];
  Evap += tmp_Evap / (1000. * delta_t);

  return (Evap);

Example #3
 * @brief    Calculate the transpiration from the canopy.
transpiration(layer_data_struct *layer,
              veg_var_struct    *veg_var,
              unsigned short     veg_class,
              double             rad,
              double             vpd,
              double             net_short,
              double             air_temp,
              double             ra,
              double             dryFrac,
              double             delta_t,
              double             elevation,
              double            *Wmax,
              double            *Wcr,
              double            *Wpwp,
              double            *layerevap,
              double            *frost_fract,
              double            *root,
              double             shortwave,
              double             Catm,
              double            *CanopLayerBnd)
    extern veg_lib_struct   *vic_run_veg_lib;
    extern option_struct     options;
    extern parameters_struct param;

    size_t                   i;
    size_t                   frost_area;
    double                   gsm_inv;   /* soil moisture stress factor */
    double                   moist1, moist2; /* tmp holding of moisture */
    double                   evap;      /* tmp holding for evap total */
    double                   Wcr1;      /* tmp holding of critical water for upper layers */
    double                   root_sum;  /* proportion of roots in moist>Wcr zones */
    double                   spare_evap; /* evap for 2nd distribution */
    double                   avail_moist[MAX_LAYERS]; /* moisture available for trans */
    double                   ice[MAX_LAYERS];
    double                   gc;
    double                  *gsLayer = NULL;
    size_t                   cidx;


       Calculation of the evapotranspirations

       First part: Soil moistures and root fractions of both layers
       influence each other

       Re-written to allow for multi-layers.

       Set ice content in all individual layers
    for (i = 0; i < options.Nlayer; i++) {
        ice[i] = 0;
        for (frost_area = 0; frost_area < options.Nfrost; frost_area++) {
            ice[i] += layer[i].ice[frost_area] * frost_fract[frost_area];

       Compute moisture content in combined upper layers
    moist1 = 0.0;
    Wcr1 = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < options.Nlayer - 1; i++) {
        if (root[i] > 0.) {
            avail_moist[i] = 0;
            for (frost_area = 0; frost_area < options.Nfrost; frost_area++) {
                avail_moist[i] +=
                    ((layer[i].moist -
                      layer[i].ice[frost_area]) * frost_fract[frost_area]);
            moist1 += avail_moist[i];
            Wcr1 += Wcr[i];
        else {
            avail_moist[i] = 0.;

       Compute moisture content in lowest layer
    i = options.Nlayer - 1;
    moist2 = 0;
    for (frost_area = 0; frost_area < options.Nfrost; frost_area++) {
        moist2 +=
            ((layer[i].moist -
              layer[i].ice[frost_area]) * frost_fract[frost_area]);
    avail_moist[i] = moist2;

    /** Set photosynthesis inhibition factor **/
    if (layer[0].moist > vic_run_veg_lib[veg_class].Wnpp_inhib * Wmax[0]) {
        veg_var->NPPfactor = vic_run_veg_lib[veg_class].NPPfactor_sat +
                             (1 - vic_run_veg_lib[veg_class].NPPfactor_sat) *
                             (Wmax[0] - layer[0].moist) / (Wmax[0] -
                                                           Wnpp_inhib *
    else {
        veg_var->NPPfactor = 1.0;

       CASE 1: Moisture in both layers exceeds Wcr, or Moisture in
       layer with more than half of the roots exceeds Wcr.

       Potential evapotranspiration not hindered by soil dryness.  If
       layer with less than half the roots is dryer than Wcr, extra
       evaporation is taken from the wetter layer.  Otherwise layers
       contribute to evapotransipration based on root fraction.

    if (options.SHARE_LAYER_MOIST &&
        ((moist1 >= Wcr1 && moist2 >= Wcr[options.Nlayer - 1] && Wcr1 > 0.) ||
         (moist1 >= Wcr1 && (1 - root[options.Nlayer - 1]) >= 0.5) ||
         (moist2 >= Wcr[options.Nlayer - 1] && root[options.Nlayer - 1] >=
          0.5))) {
        gsm_inv = 1.0;

        /* compute whole-canopy stomatal resistance */
        if (!options.CARBON || options.RC_MODE == RC_JARVIS) {
            /* Jarvis scheme, using resistance factors from Wigmosta et al., 1994 */
            veg_var->rc = calc_rc(vic_run_veg_lib[veg_class].rmin, net_short,
                                  vic_run_veg_lib[veg_class].RGL, air_temp, vpd,
                                  veg_var->LAI, gsm_inv, false);
            if (options.CARBON) {
                for (cidx = 0; cidx < options.Ncanopy; cidx++) {
                    if (veg_var->LAI > 0) {
                        veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = veg_var->rc / veg_var->LAI;
                    else {
                        veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = param.HUGE_RESIST;
                    if (veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] > param.CANOPY_RSMAX) {
                        veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = param.CANOPY_RSMAX;
        else {
            /* Compute rc based on photosynthetic demand from Knorr 1997 */
                       veg_var->NscaleFactor, air_temp, shortwave,
                       veg_var->aPARLayer, elevation, Catm,
                       CanopLayerBnd, veg_var->LAI, gsm_inv, vpd,
                       veg_var->rsLayer, &(veg_var->rc));

        /* compute transpiration */
        evap = penman(air_temp, elevation, rad, vpd, ra, veg_var->rc,
                      vic_run_veg_lib[veg_class].rarc) *
               delta_t / CONST_CDAY * dryFrac;

        /** divide up evap based on root distribution **/
        /** Note the indexing of the roots **/
        root_sum = 1.0;
        spare_evap = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < options.Nlayer; i++) {
            if (avail_moist[i] >= Wcr[i]) {
                layerevap[i] = evap * (double) root[i];
            else {
                if (avail_moist[i] >= Wpwp[i]) {
                    gsm_inv = (avail_moist[i] - Wpwp[i]) /
                              (Wcr[i] - Wpwp[i]);
                else {
                    gsm_inv = 0.0;

                layerevap[i] = evap * gsm_inv * (double) root[i];
                root_sum -= root[i];
                spare_evap = evap * (double) root[i] * (1.0 - gsm_inv);

        /** Assign excess evaporation to wetter layer **/
        if (spare_evap > 0.0) {
            for (i = 0; i < options.Nlayer; i++) {
                if (avail_moist[i] >= Wcr[i]) {
                    layerevap[i] += (double) root[i] * spare_evap / root_sum;

       CASE 2: Independent evapotranspirations

       Evapotranspiration is restricted by low soil moisture. Evaporation
       is computed independantly from each soil layer.

    else {
        /* Initialize conductances for aggregation over soil layers */
        gc = 0;
        if (options.CARBON) {
            gsLayer = calloc(options.Ncanopy, sizeof(*gsLayer));
            check_alloc_status(gsLayer, "Memory allocation error.");
            for (cidx = 0; cidx < options.Ncanopy; cidx++) {
                gsLayer[cidx] = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < options.Nlayer; i++) {
            /** Set evaporation restriction factor **/
            if (avail_moist[i] >= Wcr[i]) {
                gsm_inv = 1.0;
            else if (avail_moist[i] >= Wpwp[i] && avail_moist[i] < Wcr[i]) {
                gsm_inv = (avail_moist[i] - Wpwp[i]) / (Wcr[i] - Wpwp[i]);
            else {
                gsm_inv = 0.0;

            if (gsm_inv > 0.0) {
                /* compute whole-canopy stomatal resistance */
                if (!options.CARBON || options.RC_MODE == RC_JARVIS) {
                    /* Jarvis scheme, using resistance factors from Wigmosta et al., 1994 */
                    veg_var->rc = calc_rc(vic_run_veg_lib[veg_class].rmin,
                                          air_temp, vpd,
                                          veg_var->LAI, gsm_inv, false);
                    if (options.CARBON) {
                        for (cidx = 0; cidx < options.Ncanopy; cidx++) {
                            if (veg_var->LAI > 0) {
                                veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = veg_var->rc /
                            else {
                                veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = param.HUGE_RESIST;
                            if (veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] > param.CANOPY_RSMAX) {
                                veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = param.CANOPY_RSMAX;
                else {
                    /* Compute rc based on photosynthetic demand from Knorr 1997 */
                               veg_var->NscaleFactor, air_temp, shortwave,
                               veg_var->aPARLayer, elevation, Catm,
                               CanopLayerBnd, veg_var->LAI, gsm_inv, vpd,
                               veg_var->rsLayer, &(veg_var->rc));

                /* compute transpiration */
                layerevap[i] = penman(air_temp, elevation, rad, vpd, ra,
                                      vic_run_veg_lib[veg_class].rarc) *
                               delta_t / CONST_CDAY * dryFrac *
                               (double) root[i];

                if (veg_var->rc > 0) {
                    gc += 1 / (veg_var->rc);
                else {
                    gc += param.HUGE_RESIST;

                if (options.CARBON) {
                    for (cidx = 0; cidx < options.Ncanopy; cidx++) {
                        if (veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] > 0) {
                            gsLayer[cidx] += 1 / (veg_var->rsLayer[cidx]);
                        else {
                            gsLayer[cidx] += param.HUGE_RESIST;
            else {
                layerevap[i] = 0.0;
                gc += 0;
                if (options.CARBON) {
                    for (cidx = 0; cidx < options.Ncanopy; cidx++) {
                        gsLayer[cidx] += 0;
        } // end loop over layers

        /* Now, take the inverse of the conductance */
        if (gc > 0) {
            veg_var->rc = 1 / gc;
        else {
            veg_var->rc = param.HUGE_RESIST;
        if (veg_var->rc > param.CANOPY_RSMAX) {
            veg_var->rc = param.CANOPY_RSMAX;

        if (options.CARBON) {
            for (cidx = 0; cidx < options.Ncanopy; cidx++) {
                if (gsLayer[cidx] > 0) {
                    veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = 1 / gsLayer[cidx];
                else {
                    veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = param.HUGE_RESIST;
                if (veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] > param.CANOPY_RSMAX) {
                    veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = param.CANOPY_RSMAX;

        if (options.CARBON) {
            free((char *) gsLayer);

       Check that evapotransipration does not cause soil moisture to
       fall below wilting point.
    for (i = 0; i < options.Nlayer; i++) {
        if (ice[i] > 0) {
            if (ice[i] >= Wpwp[i]) {
                // ice content greater than wilting point can use all unfrozen moist
                if (layerevap[i] > avail_moist[i]) {
                    layerevap[i] = avail_moist[i];
            else {
                // ice content less than wilting point restrict loss of unfrozen moist
                if (layerevap[i] > layer[i].moist - Wpwp[i]) {
                    layerevap[i] = layer[i].moist - Wpwp[i];
        else {
            // No ice restrict loss of unfrozen moist
            if (layerevap[i] > layer[i].moist - Wpwp[i]) {
                layerevap[i] = layer[i].moist - Wpwp[i];
        if (layerevap[i] < 0.0) {
            layerevap[i] = 0.0;
void transpiration(layer_data_struct *layer,
		   veg_var_struct *veg_var,
		   int veg_class, 
		   int month, 
		   double rad,
		   double vpd,
		   double net_short,
		   double air_temp,
		   double ra,
		   double ppt,
		   double dryFrac,
		   double delta_t,
		   double elevation,
		   double *depth,
		   double *Wmax,
		   double *Wcr,
		   double *Wpwp,
		   double *layerevap,
		   double *frost_fract,
		   float  *root,
                   double  shortwave,
                   double  Catm,
                   double *CanopLayerBnd)
  Computes evapotranspiration for unfrozen soils
  Allows for multiple layers.

  6-8-2000 Modified to use spatially distributed soil frost if 
           present.                                               KAC
  2006-Oct-16 Modified to initialize ice[] for all soil layers
	      before computing available moisture (to avoid using
	      uninitialized values later on).				TJB
  2009-Jun-09 Moved computation of canopy resistance rc out of penman()
	      and into separate function calc_rc().			TJB
  2013-Jul-25 Save dryFrac for use elsewhere.				TJB
  2013-Jul-25 Added photosynthesis terms.				TJB
  2014-Apr-25 Switched LAI from veg_lib to veg_var.			TJB
  extern veg_lib_struct *veg_lib;
  extern option_struct options;

  int    i;
  int    frost_area;
  double gsm_inv;               	/* soil moisture stress factor */
  double moist1, moist2;                /* tmp holding of moisture */
  double evap;                          /* tmp holding for evap total */
  double Wcr1;                          /* tmp holding of critical water for upper layers */
  double root_sum;                      /* proportion of roots in moist>Wcr zones */
  double spare_evap;                    /* evap for 2nd distribution */
  double avail_moist[MAX_LAYERS];         /* moisture available for trans */
  double ice[MAX_LAYERS];
  double gc;
  double *gsLayer;
  int    cidx;
  int flag_irr;

     Calculation of the evapotranspirations

     First part: Soil moistures and root fractions of both layers
     influence each other

     Re-written to allow for multi-layers.

  flag_irr = veg_lib[veg_class].irr_active[month-1];

    Set ice content in all individual layers
    ice[i] = 0;
    for ( frost_area = 0; frost_area < options.Nfrost; frost_area++ ) {
      ice[i] += layer[i].ice[frost_area] * frost_fract[frost_area];

    Compute moisture content in combined upper layers
  moist1 = 0.0;
  Wcr1 = 0.0;  
    if(root[i] > 0.) {
      avail_moist[i] = 0;
      for ( frost_area = 0; frost_area < options.Nfrost; frost_area++ ) {
	avail_moist[i] += ((layer[i].moist - layer[i].ice[frost_area]) * frost_fract[frost_area]);
      Wcr1 += Wcr[i];
    else avail_moist[i]=0.;

    Compute moisture content in lowest layer
  i = options.Nlayer - 1;
  moist2 = 0;
  for ( frost_area = 0; frost_area < options.Nfrost; frost_area++ )
    moist2 += ((layer[i].moist - layer[i].ice[frost_area]) * frost_fract[frost_area]);

  /** Set photosynthesis inhibition factor **/
  if (layer[0].moist > veg_lib[veg_class].Wnpp_inhib*Wmax[0])
    veg_var->NPPfactor = veg_lib[veg_class].NPPfactor_sat + (1 - veg_lib[veg_class].NPPfactor_sat) * (Wmax[0] - layer[0].moist) / (Wmax[0] - veg_lib[veg_class].Wnpp_inhib*Wmax[0]);
    veg_var->NPPfactor = 1.0;

    CASE 1: Moisture in both layers exceeds Wcr, or Moisture in
    layer with more than half of the roots exceeds Wcr.

    Potential evapotranspiration not hindered by soil dryness.  If
    layer with less than half the roots is dryer than Wcr, extra
    evaporation is taken from the wetter layer.  Otherwise layers
    contribute to evapotransipration based on root fraction.

  if( options.SHARE_LAYER_MOIST &&
      ( (moist1>=Wcr1 && moist2>=Wcr[options.Nlayer-1] && Wcr1>0.) ||
        (moist1>=Wcr1 && (1-root[options.Nlayer-1])>= 0.5) ||
        (moist2>=Wcr[options.Nlayer-1] && root[options.Nlayer-1]>=0.5) ) ) {


    /* compute whole-canopy stomatal resistance */
    if (!options.CARBON || options.RC_MODE == RC_JARVIS) {
      /* Jarvis scheme, using resistance factors from Wigmosta et al., 1994 */
      veg_var->rc = calc_rc(veg_lib[veg_class].rmin, net_short,
		   veg_lib[veg_class].RGL, air_temp, vpd,
			    veg_var->LAI, gsm_inv, FALSE,flag_irr);
      if (options.CARBON) {
        for (cidx=0; cidx<options.Ncanopy; cidx++) {
          if (veg_var->LAI > 0)
            veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = veg_var->rc / veg_var->LAI;
            veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = HUGE_RESIST;
          if (veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] > RSMAX) veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = RSMAX;
    else {
      /* Compute rc based on photosynthetic demand from Knorr 1997 */
      calc_rc_ps(veg_lib[veg_class].Ctype, veg_lib[veg_class].MaxCarboxRate,
		 veg_lib[veg_class].MaxETransport, veg_lib[veg_class].CO2Specificity,
		 veg_var->NscaleFactor, air_temp, shortwave, veg_var->aPARLayer, elevation, Catm,
		 CanopLayerBnd, veg_var->LAI, gsm_inv, vpd, veg_var->rsLayer, &(veg_var->rc));

    /* compute transpiration */
    evap = penman(air_temp, elevation, rad, vpd, ra, veg_var->rc,
		  veg_lib[veg_class].rarc) * delta_t / SEC_PER_DAY * dryFrac;

    /** divide up evap based on root distribution **/
    /** Note the indexing of the roots **/
      else {
        if (avail_moist[i] >= Wpwp[i]) 
          gsm_inv = (avail_moist[i] - Wpwp[i]) /
                    (Wcr[i] - Wpwp[i]);
        layerevap[i]  = evap*gsm_inv*(double)root[i];
        root_sum     -= root[i];
        spare_evap    = evap*(double)root[i]*(1.0-gsm_inv);

    /** Assign excess evaporation to wetter layer **/
        if(avail_moist[i] >= Wcr[i]){
          layerevap[i] += (double)root[i]*spare_evap/root_sum;

    CASE 2: Independent evapotranspirations

    Evapotranspiration is restricted by low soil moisture. Evaporation
    is computed independantly from each soil layer.

  else {

    /* Initialize conductances for aggregation over soil layers */
    gc =  0;
    if (options.CARBON) {
      gsLayer = (double *)calloc(options.Ncanopy, sizeof(double));
      for (cidx=0; cidx<options.Ncanopy; cidx++) {
        gsLayer[cidx] = 0;

    for (i=0;i<options.Nlayer;i++) {

      /** Set evaporation restriction factor **/
      if(avail_moist[i] >= Wcr[i])
	gsm_inv = 1.0;
      else if(avail_moist[i] >= Wpwp[i] && avail_moist[i] < Wcr[i])
	gsm_inv = (avail_moist[i] - Wpwp[i]) / (Wcr[i] - Wpwp[i]);
	gsm_inv = 0.0;

      if(gsm_inv > 0.0){

        /* compute whole-canopy stomatal resistance */
        if (!options.CARBON || options.RC_MODE == RC_JARVIS) {
          /* Jarvis scheme, using resistance factors from Wigmosta et al., 1994 */
          veg_var->rc = calc_rc(veg_lib[veg_class].rmin, net_short,
		       veg_lib[veg_class].RGL, air_temp, vpd,
				veg_var->LAI, gsm_inv, FALSE,flag_irr);
          if (options.CARBON) {
            for (cidx=0; cidx<options.Ncanopy; cidx++) {
              if (veg_var->LAI > 0)
                veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = veg_var->rc / veg_var->LAI;
                veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = HUGE_RESIST;
              if (veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] > RSMAX) veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = RSMAX;
        else {
          /* Compute rc based on photosynthetic demand from Knorr 1997 */
          calc_rc_ps(veg_lib[veg_class].Ctype, veg_lib[veg_class].MaxCarboxRate,
		     veg_lib[veg_class].MaxETransport, veg_lib[veg_class].CO2Specificity,
		     veg_var->NscaleFactor, air_temp, shortwave, veg_var->aPARLayer, elevation, Catm,
		     CanopLayerBnd, veg_var->LAI, gsm_inv, vpd, veg_var->rsLayer, &(veg_var->rc));

        /* compute transpiration */
        layerevap[i] = penman(air_temp, elevation, rad, vpd, ra, veg_var->rc,
			      veg_lib[veg_class].rarc) * delta_t / SEC_PER_DAY * dryFrac * (double)root[i];

        if (veg_var->rc > 0)
          gc += 1/(veg_var->rc);
          gc += HUGE_RESIST;

        if (options.CARBON) {
          for (cidx=0; cidx<options.Ncanopy; cidx++) {
            if (veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] > 0)
              gsLayer[cidx] += 1/(veg_var->rsLayer[cidx]);
              gsLayer[cidx] += HUGE_RESIST;

      else {
	layerevap[i] = 0.0;
        gc += 0;
        if (options.CARBON) {
          for (cidx=0; cidx<options.Ncanopy; cidx++) {
            gsLayer[cidx] += 0;

    } // end loop over layers

    /* Now, take the inverse of the conductance */
    if (gc > 0)
      veg_var->rc = 1/gc;
      veg_var->rc = HUGE_RESIST;
    if (veg_var->rc > RSMAX) veg_var->rc = RSMAX;

    if (options.CARBON) {
      for (cidx=0; cidx<options.Ncanopy; cidx++) {
        if (gsLayer[cidx] > 0)
          veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = 1/gsLayer[cidx];
          veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = HUGE_RESIST;
        if (veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] > RSMAX) veg_var->rsLayer[cidx] = RSMAX;

    if (options.CARBON) free((char *)gsLayer);


    Check that evapotransipration does not cause soil moisture to 
    fall below wilting point.
  for ( i = 0; i < options.Nlayer; i++ ) {
    if ( ice[i] > 0 ) {
      if ( ice[i] >= Wpwp[i] ) {
	// ice content greater than wilting point can use all unfrozen moist
	if ( layerevap[i] > avail_moist[i] ) layerevap[i] = avail_moist[i];
      else {
	// ice content less than wilting point restrict loss of unfrozen moist
	if ( layerevap[i] > layer[i].moist - Wpwp[i] ) 
	  layerevap[i] = layer[i].moist - Wpwp[i];
    else {
      // No ice restrict loss of unfrozen moist
      if ( layerevap[i] > layer[i].moist - Wpwp[i] ) 
	layerevap[i] = layer[i].moist - Wpwp[i];
    if ( layerevap[i] < 0.0 ) layerevap[i] = 0.0;
