Example #1
//! waits until the temperature does not change more than 'temp' degree Celsius in 'dt' seconds
void wait_for_stable_temperature(float temp, int dt){
	unsigned int time_in_sec = 0, t_start = 0, t_stop;
	float diode_test_1 = 0, diode_test_2 = 0, diode_difference;
	int milli_temp = (int)(1000*temp);
	milli_temp %= 1000;
	diode_test_2 = sysmon_temp_reg() * TEMPERATURE_FACTOR;
	diode_difference = diode_test_2 - diode_test_1;
	if (diode_difference<0) diode_difference = -diode_difference;
	diag_printf("\nwait until temporal temperature difference is below %d.%03d degree Celsius inside %d seconds interval \n", (int) temp, milli_temp, dt);
	// temperature is considered stable when difference in x seconds is less than defined temperature difference
	while (diode_difference > temp ){
		diode_test_1 = diode_test_2;
		// 1. wait for 20 seconds
		time_in_sec = 0;
		// busy waiting
		t_start = *timebase;
		while (time_in_sec < dt){
			t_stop = *timebase;
			time_in_sec = (calc_timediff(t_start, t_stop) / 100000000);
		diode_test_2 = sysmon_temp_reg() * TEMPERATURE_FACTOR;
		diode_difference = diode_test_2 - diode_test_1;
		if (diode_difference<0) diode_difference = -diode_difference;
Example #2
   sample sw thread

    @param data: input data for sw thread
void sampling_sw_thread (cyg_addrword_t data){

  //unsigned int thread_number = (unsigned int) data;
    int from, to;
    int done;
    int i;
    int new_message = FALSE;
    int message = 1;
    int message_to_deliver = FALSE;
    timing_t time_start_s = 0, time_stop_s = 0, time_sampling_sw = 0;
    int number_of_measurements_s = 0;
    while (42) {

      // 1) if there is no message to delivered, check for new message
      while (message_to_deliver == FALSE && new_message == FALSE){

            message = (int) cyg_mbox_get( mb_sampling_handle[0] );
            if (message > 0 && message <= number_of_blocks){
	      //printf("\n[Sampling Thread No. %d] Nachricht %d erhalten", (int) thread_number, message);
	          new_message = TRUE;
		  time_start_s = gettime();

 #ifdef USE_CACHE  
       XCache_EnableDCache( 0xF0000000 );

      // 2) if a new message has arrived, sample the particles
      while (new_message == TRUE){

	  new_message = FALSE;

    	  from = (message - 1) * block_size;
          to   = from + block_size - 1;
          if ((N - 1) < to)
	       to = N - 1; 
          // sample particles
          for (i=from; i<=to; i++){
                  // predict particle
                  prediction (&particles[i]);

          message_to_deliver = TRUE;

#ifdef USE_CACHE  
       XCache_EnableDCache( 0xF0000000 );
      time_stop_s = gettime();
      // 3) if a message should be delivered, deliver it
      while ( message_to_deliver == TRUE){

            done = cyg_mbox_tryput( mb_sampling_done_handle[0], ( void * ) message );
           if (done > 0){
	     //printf("\n[Sampling Thread No. %d] Nachricht %d geschickt", (int) thread_number, message);
              message_to_deliver = FALSE;
              time_sampling_sw = calc_timediff( time_start_s, time_stop_s );
              //diag_printf("\nSampling SW: %d, \tmessage %d, \ttime: %d", number_of_measurements_s, message, time_sampling_sw);
Example #3
   observation sw thread

    @param data: input data for sw thread
void observation_sw_thread (cyg_addrword_t data){

  //unsigned int thread_number = (unsigned int) data;
    int from, to;
    int done;
    int i;
    int new_message = FALSE;
    int message = 1;
    int message_to_deliver = FALSE;
    int number_of_measurements_o = 0;
    //int sum_of_measurements_o = 0;
    //int average_of_measurements_o = 0;
    timing_t time_start_o = 0, time_stop_o = 0, time_observation_sw = 0;
    while (42) {

      // 1) if there is no message to delivered, check for new message
      while (message_to_deliver == FALSE && new_message == FALSE){

            message = (int) cyg_mbox_get( mb_sampling_done_handle[0] );
            if (message > 0 && message <= (N/block_size)){
	          new_message = TRUE;
                  time_start_o = gettime();      
                  //printf("\n[Observation Thread No. %d] Nachricht %d erhalten", (int) thread_number, message);
                  //diag_printf("\n[Observation] Nachricht %d erhalten", message);

      // 2) if a new message has arrived, sample the particles
      new_message = FALSE;

      from = (message - 1) * block_size;
      to   = from + block_size - 1;
      if ((N - 1) < to)
	       to = N - 1; 

#ifdef USE_CACHE  
       XCache_EnableDCache( 0xF0000000 );

      // extract observations
      for (i=from; i<=to; i++){
            extract_observation(&particles[i], &observations[i]);

      message_to_deliver = TRUE;

#ifdef USE_CACHE  
       XCache_EnableDCache( 0xF0000000 );
      time_stop_o = gettime();

      // 3) if a message should be delivered, deliver it
      while ( message_to_deliver == TRUE){

           done = cyg_mbox_tryput( mb_importance_handle[0], ( void * ) message );
           if (done > 0){
              message_to_deliver = FALSE;
              time_observation_sw = calc_timediff( time_start_o, time_stop_o );
              //sum_of_measurements_o += time_observation_sw;
              //average_of_measurements_o = sum_of_measurements_o / number_of_measurements_o;
              //diag_printf("\nObservation SW: %d, \tmessage %d, \ttime: %d", 
              //         number_of_measurements_o, (message-1), time_observation_sw);
              //printf("\n[Observation Thread No. %d] Nachricht %d geschickt", (int) thread_number, message);
Example #4
   preResampling sw thread. Waits for all importance_done messages, normalizes the particle weights,
   calls iteration_done function and finally sends messages to the resampling message box.
void preResampling_thread (cyg_addrword_t data){

  int message = 1;
  int i, done;
  int message_delivered = FALSE;
  int * messages = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*(number_of_blocks));
  //int * messages = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*N);
  timing_t time_start = 0, time_stop = 0, time_particle_filter = 0;
  int number_of_measurements = 0;
  timing_t t_start = 0, t_stop = 0, t_result_1 = 0, t_result;

  for (i=0; i<number_of_blocks; i++){
       messages[i] = FALSE;

  while (42){

      // 1) check, if all messages are received to message box
      //    If this is not true, get the next message
      while (!all_messages_received(messages, number_of_blocks) ){

          message = (int) cyg_mbox_get( mb_importance_done_handle[0] );

          if (message > 0){
              messages[message-1] = TRUE;
      //printf("\n[Resampling Switch] alle Nachrichten erhalten");

      t_start = gettime();

      // set messages back to 'not received'
      for (i=0; i<number_of_blocks; i++){
           messages[i] = FALSE;

#ifdef USE_CACHE
      XCache_EnableDCache( 0xF0000000 );

#ifdef OBSERVATION_DEBUG             
            // debug: check, if observation is correct
            i = 0;     
            observation * obs1 = &observations[i];
            observation obs2;
            extract_observation(&particles[i], &obs2);            

            if (obs1->no_tracking_needed != obs2.no_tracking_needed)
                  diag_printf("\nparticle[%d] \tno_tracking_needed - hw=%d sw=%d", 
                          i, obs1->no_tracking_needed, obs2.no_tracking_needed);
                  diag_printf("\nparticle[%d] \told_likelihood - hw=%d sw=%d", 
                          i, obs1->old_likelihood, obs2.old_likelihood);
            else if (obs1->no_tracking_needed == FALSE)
                  int j;
                       if ((ABS(obs2.fft[j].re-obs1->fft[j].re)>1)||(ABS(obs2.fft[j].im-obs1->fft[j].im)>1))
                             diag_printf("\nobservation[%d].fft[%d].re - hw=%d sw=%d",
                             diag_printf("\nobservation[%d].fft[%d].im - hw=%d sw=%d",
            // debug end

      // TODO: remove debug
      // debug: check if likelihood is calculated correctly
      int sw_likelihood, difference;
      for (i=0; i<N; i++){
          if (observations[i].no_tracking_needed == FALSE) {
		//printf("\nreceived hw results. get sw results");
                sw_likelihood = likelihood(&particles[i], &observations[i], NULL);
                // difference between likelihood calculated in sw and likelihood calculated in hw
                difference = particles[i].w - sw_likelihood;
                //if (difference > 1 || difference < -1) 
                diag_printf("\nlikelihood[%d]: sw = %d; hw = %d", i, sw_likelihood, particles[i].w);
      // debug end
      if (particles[i].w <= 0) particles[i].w = 1;

      // 2) calls iteration_done user function
      iteration_done(particles, observations, ref_data, N);

      // 3) normalize particle weights 

      t_stop = gettime();
      t_result_1 = calc_timediff(t_start, t_stop);
      //printf("\nNormalize weights + iteration done: %d", t_result_1);;

      // calculate time for one particle filter loop
      time_stop = gettime();
      time_particle_filter = calc_timediff( time_start, time_stop );
      if (number_of_measurements > 0)
	 //printf("\n%d \t%d", number_of_measurements, time_particle_filter);
         printf("\n%d", time_particle_filter);
	 //diag_printf("\n%d \t%d", number_of_measurements, time_particle_filter);
      time_start = gettime();

      t_start = gettime();

      // 4) calculate Resampling Function U

      t_stop = gettime();
      t_result = calc_timediff(t_start, t_stop);
      t_result += t_result_1;
      //printf("\nPreresampling: %d", t_result);

#ifdef USE_CACHE 
       XCache_EnableDCache( 0xF0000000 );

      // 5) send all messages to sw/hw message box
      for (message=1; message<=number_of_blocks; message++){

	   message_delivered = FALSE;
	   while (message_delivered == FALSE){

		done = cyg_mbox_tryput( mb_resampling_handle[0], ( void * ) message );

	     if (done > 0){
	         //diag_printf("\n[Resampling Switch] Nachricht %d an Reampling weitergeleitet", message);
                  message_delivered = TRUE;   
      //printf("\n[Sampling Switch] alle Nachrichten geschickt");   
Example #5
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )

    unsigned int start, stop;
    int i = 0;
    int test = 0;
    int NUM_LOAD_THREADS = 0;
    thread_arg_t arg;
    hthread_mutexattr_t block_attr;
    hthread_mutexattr_t data_attr;
    benchmark_t my_benchmark[TESTS];

    // Turn on the Xilinx Timer

    for (test = 0; test < TESTS; test++)
	    // Set the # of load threads
	    NUM_LOAD_THREADS = test * 10;
	    // Init. benchmark structure
	    my_benchmark[test].num_threads_in_test = NUM_LOAD_THREADS;
	    *my_benchmark[test].name = "lock/unlock";
	    for (i = 0; i < RUNS; i++)
	        // Initialize thread argument fields
		    //  * Setup mutexes
		    //  * Initialize counter
		    block_attr.num = 0;
		    block_attr.type = HTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT;
		    data_attr.num = 1;
		    data_attr.type = HTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT;
		    hthread_mutex_init(&arg.block_mutex, &block_attr);
		    hthread_mutex_init(&arg.data_mutex, &data_attr);
		    arg.counter = 0;
		    arg.num_load_threads = NUM_LOAD_THREADS;
	        // Run the test
	        start = readTimer();
	        stop = readTimer();
	        // Gather results
	        my_benchmark[test].results1[i] = calc_timediff(arg.lock_start, arg.lock_stop);
	        my_benchmark[test].results2[i] = calc_timediff(arg.unlock_start, arg.unlock_stop);
	                "*** start      = %u\n"
	                "*** stop       = %u\n"
	                "*** elapsed    = %u\n",
	                start, stop, stop - start
	        // Calculate timing results
	        printf(     "\t*********************************\n"
	                    "\t lock Start Time    = %llu ticks\n"
	                    "\t lock Stop Time     = %llu ticks\n"
	                    "\t diff               = %llu ticks\n"
	                    "\t lock Elapsed Time  = %llu us\n",
	                    arg.lock_start, arg.lock_stop, arg.lock_stop - arg.lock_start, calc_timediff_us(arg.lock_start, arg.lock_stop)
	        printf(     "\t*********************************\n"
	                    "\t unlock Start Time    = %llu ticks\n"
	                    "\t unlock Stop Time     = %llu ticks\n"
	                    "\t diff                 = %llu ticks\n"
	                    "\t unlock Elapsed Time  = %llu us\n",
	                    arg.unlock_start, arg.unlock_stop, arg.unlock_stop - arg.unlock_start, calc_timediff_us(arg.unlock_start, arg.unlock_stop)
	               ); */

    for (test = 0; test < TESTS; test++)
	    // Set the # of load threads
	    NUM_LOAD_THREADS = test * 10;
	    // Init. benchmark structure
	    my_benchmark[test].num_threads_in_test = NUM_LOAD_THREADS;
	    *my_benchmark[test].name = "turn_around";
	    for (i = 0; i < RUNS; i++)
	        // Initialize thread argument fields
		    //  * Setup mutexes
		    //  * Initialize counter
		    block_attr.num = 0;
		    block_attr.type = HTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT;
		    data_attr.num = 1;
		    data_attr.type = HTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT;
		    hthread_mutex_init(&arg.block_mutex, &block_attr);
		    hthread_mutex_init(&arg.data_mutex, &data_attr);
		    arg.counter = 0;

            // Num loads threads + 1 b/c the 2nd measurement thread is a load thread and needs to increment the counter barrier
            // before the main thread releases the blocking mutex
            arg.num_load_threads = NUM_LOAD_THREADS+1;
	        // Run the test
	        start = readTimer();
	        stop = readTimer();
	        // Gather results
	        my_benchmark[test].results1[i] = calc_timediff(arg.unlock_start, arg.measure_lock_stop);
	        my_benchmark[test].results2[i] = calc_timediff(arg.unlock_start, arg.measure_lock_stop);
	                "*** start      = %u\n"
	                "*** stop       = %u\n"
	                "*** elapsed    = %u\n",
	                start, stop, stop - start

            // Calculate timing results
	        printf(     "\t*********************************\n"
	                    "\t lock Start Time    = %llu ticks\n"
	                    "\t lock Stop Time     = %llu ticks\n"
	                    "\t diff               = %llu ticks\n"
	                    "\t lock Elapsed Time  = %llu us\n",
	                    arg.lock_start, arg.lock_stop, arg.lock_stop - arg.lock_start, calc_timediff_us(arg.lock_start, arg.lock_stop)
	        printf(     "\t*********************************\n"
	                    "\t unlock Start Time    = %llu ticks\n"
	                    "\t unlock Stop Time     = %llu ticks\n"
	                    "\t diff                 = %llu ticks\n"
	                    "\t unlock Elapsed Time  = %llu us\n"
	                    "\t m_lock Start Time    = %llu ticks\n"
	                    "\t m_lock Stop Time     = %llu ticks\n"
	                    "\t turn around          = %llu us\n",
	                    arg.unlock_start, arg.unlock_stop, arg.unlock_stop - arg.unlock_start, calc_timediff_us(arg.unlock_start, arg.unlock_stop), arg.measure_lock_start, arg.measure_lock_stop, calc_timediff_us(arg.unlock_start, arg.measure_lock_stop)); */

    return 0;
Example #6
 * This SW thread which reads the new frame (if it is not allready stored in Main Memory) and sends particle data back to the PV via TCP/IP packages.
 * @param data: entry data for thread (e.g. an address)
void read_new_frame(cyg_addrword_t data) {

  int frame_counter = 0;
  timing_t t_start = 0, t_stop = 0, t_result = 0;
  int i;
  while (42){

        // 1) wait for semaphore
        //diag_printf("\n+++++++++++++++wait for sem_read_new_frame_start semaphore");
        //diag_printf("\n+++++++++++++++received sem_read_new_frame_start semaphore");
        //printf("\nFrame %d", frame_counter);

        // 2) read new frame
        // all frames are read
        //printf("\nframe counter: %d", frame_counter);
        if ((frame_counter % MAX_FRAMES) == 0 && frame_counter > 0){
             //diag_printf("\nload next %d Frames", MAX_FRAMES);
              send_particles_back(particles, N);
              // load first frames
             for(i=0; i<MAX_FRAMES; i++){
               //diag_printf("\n+++++++++++++++read frame");
        //send_best_particle_back(particles, N);
        // send particle data to pc program
        t_start = gettime();
        send_particles_back(particles, N);
        //send_best_particle_back(particles, N);
        t_stop = gettime();
        t_result = calc_timediff(t_start, t_stop);
        //printf("\nSend Particles back: %d", t_result);

        t_start = gettime();
        // read next frame
        t_stop = gettime();
        t_result = calc_timediff(t_start, t_stop);
        //printf("\nRead Frame: %d", t_result);

        //diag_printf("\n+++++++++++++++send sem_read_new_frame_stop semaphore");
        // 3) post semaphore