Example #1
	void DiFocusedShadowPolicy::getShadowCamera (const DiSceneManager *sm, const DiCamera *cam, 
		const DiViewport *vp, const DiLight *light, DiCamera *texCam, size_t iteration) const
		// check availability - viewport not needed
		DI_ASSERT_MESSAGE(sm != NULL, "SceneManager is NULL");
		DI_ASSERT_MESSAGE(cam != NULL, "Camera (viewer) is NULL");
		DI_ASSERT_MESSAGE(light != NULL, "Light is NULL");
		DI_ASSERT_MESSAGE(texCam != NULL, "Camera (texture) is NULL");
		mLightFrustumCameraCalculated = false;


		// calculate standard shadow mapping matrix
		DiMat4 LView, LProj;
		calculateShadowMappingMatrix(*sm, *cam, *light, &LView, &LProj, NULL);

		// build scene bounding box
		auto& visInfo = texCam->GetVisBoundsInfo();
		DiAABB sceneBB = visInfo.aabb;
		DiAABB receiverAABB = cam->GetVisBoundsInfo().receiverAabb;

		// in case the sceneBB is empty (e.g. nothing visible to the cam) simply
		// return the standard shadow mapping matrix
		if (sceneBB.IsNull())
			texCam->SetCustomViewMatrix(true, LView);
			texCam->SetCustomProjectionMatrix(true, LProj);

		// calculate the intersection body B
		calculateB(*sm, *cam, *light, sceneBB, receiverAABB, &mPointListBodyB);

		// in case the bodyB is empty (e.g. nothing visible to the light or the cam)
		// simply return the standard shadow mapping matrix
		if (mPointListBodyB.getPointCount() == 0)
			texCam->SetCustomViewMatrix(true, LView);
			texCam->SetCustomProjectionMatrix(true, LProj);

		// transform to light space: y -> -z, z -> y
		LProj = msNormalToLightSpace * LProj;

		// calculate LVS so it does not need to be calculated twice
		// calculate the body L \cap V \cap S to make sure all returned points are in 
		// front of the camera
		calculateLVS(*sm, *cam, *light, sceneBB, &mPointListBodyLVS);

		// fetch the viewing direction
		const DiVec3 viewDir = getLSProjViewDir(LProj * LView, *cam, mPointListBodyLVS);

		// The light space will be rotated in such a way, that the projected light view 
		// always points upwards, so the up-vector is the y-axis (we already prepared the
		// light space for this usage).The transformation matrix is set up with the
		// following parameters:
		// - position is the origin
		// - the view direction is the calculated viewDir
		// - the up vector is the y-axis
		LProj = buildViewMatrix(DiVec3::ZERO, viewDir, DiVec3::UNIT_Y) * LProj;

		// map bodyB to unit cube
		LProj = transformToUnitCube(LProj * LView, mPointListBodyB) * LProj;

		// transform from light space to normal space: y -> z, z -> -y
		LProj = msLightSpaceToNormal * LProj;

		// set the two custom matrices
		texCam->SetCustomViewMatrix(true, LView);
		texCam->SetCustomProjectionMatrix(true, LProj);
	void LiSPSMShadowCameraSetup::getShadowCamera (const SceneManager *sm, const Camera *cam, 
		const Viewport *vp, const Light *light, Camera *texCam) const
		// check availability - viewport not needed
		OgreAssert(sm != NULL, "SceneManager is NULL");
		OgreAssert(cam != NULL, "Camera (viewer) is NULL");
		OgreAssert(light != NULL, "Light is NULL");
		OgreAssert(texCam != NULL, "Camera (texture) is NULL");
		mLightFrustumCameraCalculated = false;

		// calculate standard shadow mapping matrix
		Matrix4 LView, LProj;
		calculateShadowMappingMatrix(*sm, *cam, *light, &LView, &LProj, NULL);

		// build scene bounding box
		const VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo& visInfo = sm->getShadowCasterBoundsInfo(light);
		AxisAlignedBox sceneBB = visInfo.aabb;

		// in case the sceneBB is empty (e.g. nothing visible to the cam) simply
		// return the standard shadow mapping matrix
		if (sceneBB.isNull())
			texCam->setCustomViewMatrix(true, LView);
			texCam->setCustomProjectionMatrix(true, LProj);

		// calculate the intersection body B
		calculateB(*sm, *cam, *light, sceneBB, &mPointListBodyB);

		// in case the bodyB is empty (e.g. nothing visible to the light or the cam)
		// simply return the standard shadow mapping matrix
		if (mPointListBodyB.getPointCount() == 0)
			texCam->setCustomViewMatrix(true, LView);
			texCam->setCustomProjectionMatrix(true, LProj);

		// transform to light space: y -> -z, z -> y
		LProj = msNormalToLightSpace * LProj;

		// calculate LVS so it does not need to be calculated twice
		// calculate the body L \cap V \cap S to make sure all returned points are in 
		// front of the camera
		calculateLVS(*sm, *cam, *light, sceneBB, &mPointListBodyLVS);

		// fetch the viewing direction
		const Vector3 viewDir = getLSProjViewDir(LProj * LView, *cam, mPointListBodyLVS);

		// The light space will be rotated in such a way, that the projected light view 
		// always points upwards, so the up-vector is the y-axis (we already prepared the
		// light space for this usage).The transformation matrix is set up with the
		// following parameters:
		// - position is the origin
		// - the view direction is the calculated viewDir
		// - the up vector is the y-axis
		LProj = buildViewMatrix(Vector3::ZERO, viewDir, Vector3::UNIT_Y) * LProj;

		// calculate LiSPSM projection
		LProj = calculateLiSPSM(LProj * LView, mPointListBodyB, mPointListBodyLVS, *sm, *cam, *light) * LProj;

		// map bodyB to unit cube
		LProj = transformToUnitCube(LProj * LView, mPointListBodyB) * LProj;

		// transform from light space to normal space: y -> z, z -> -y
		LProj = msLightSpaceToNormal * LProj;

		// LView = Lv^-1
		// LProj = Switch_{-ls} * FocusBody * P * L_r * Switch_{ls} * L_p
		texCam->setCustomViewMatrix(true, LView);
		texCam->setCustomProjectionMatrix(true, LProj);
void setup(Args *args, B_matrix *B, C_matrix *c){
    mwIndex i;
	Count count = {0};
    mwIndex numBlocks = 0;
    mwIndex n = args->n;
	mwIndex* coreBlocks2, *new_perm;
    B->invDiag = 0;
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
        if (args->map[i] > numBlocks){
			numBlocks = args->map[i];
	coreBlocks2 =  (mwIndex*) malloc((numBlocks+1) * sizeof (mwIndex));
	new_perm =  (mwIndex*) malloc(n * sizeof (mwIndex));
	for (i = 0 ; i < (numBlocks+1); i++){
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
        coreBlocks2[args->map[i]+1]++ ;
	for (i = 1 ; i < (numBlocks+1); i++){
        coreBlocks2[i]=coreBlocks2[i] + coreBlocks2[i-1];
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
		new_perm[coreBlocks2[args->map[i]]] = i;
	for (i = 0 ; i < (numBlocks+1); i++){
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
        coreBlocks2[args->map[i]+1]++ ;
	for (i = 1 ; i < (numBlocks+1); i++){
        coreBlocks2[i]=coreBlocks2[i] + coreBlocks2[i-1];
	coreBlocks2[numBlocks] = n;
	args->coreBlocks = coreBlocks2;
	args->perm = new_perm;
	args->numCoreBlocks = numBlocks;
    args->reversed_perm = (mwIndex*) malloc(args->n * sizeof (mwIndex));
    c->blocks = (mwIndex*) malloc(sizeof(mwIndex)*(args->numCoreBlocks*args->numCoreBlocks+1));
    B->vc_idx = 0;
    B->starts = (mwIndex*)malloc((n+1) * sizeof (mwIndex));
    for(i = 0; i < n ; i++){
        args->reversed_perm[args->perm[i]] = i;
    for(i = 0; i < (args->numCoreBlocks*args->numCoreBlocks+1); i++){
		c->blocks[i] = 0;
    count_ans_create_C_blocks(args, c, &count);
    // note that currently, the size of block ij is held at C_blocks[i*args.numCoreBlocks+j+1]
    c->cols = (idx_type*)malloc(count.ans_C * sizeof (idx_type));
    c->rows = (idx_type*)malloc(count.ans_C * sizeof (idx_type));
    c->vals = (double*)malloc(count.ans_C * sizeof (double));
        B->cols = (idx_type*) malloc(count.ans_B * sizeof (idx_type));
        B->vals = (double*) malloc(count.ans_B * sizeof (double));
        calculateB(args, B, c, &count);
    } else{        
        B->cols = (idx_type*)malloc(count.ans_B_lower * sizeof (idx_type));
        B->vals = (double*)malloc(count.ans_B_lower * sizeof (double));
        calculateBLower(args, B, c, &count);