Example #1
void AudioScope::addLastFrameRepeatedWithFadeToScope(int samplesPerChannel) {
    const int16_t* lastFrameData = reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(_scopeLastFrame.data());
    int samplesRemaining = samplesPerChannel;
    int indexOfRepeat = 0;
    do {
        int samplesToWriteThisIteration = std::min(samplesRemaining, (int) AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL);
        float fade = calculateRepeatedFrameFadeFactor(indexOfRepeat);
        addBufferToScope(_scopeOutputLeft, _scopeOutputOffset, lastFrameData,
                         samplesToWriteThisIteration, 0, STEREO_FACTOR, fade);
        _scopeOutputOffset = addBufferToScope(_scopeOutputRight, _scopeOutputOffset,
                                              lastFrameData, samplesToWriteThisIteration, 1, STEREO_FACTOR, fade);
        samplesRemaining -= samplesToWriteThisIteration;
    } while (samplesRemaining > 0);
Example #2
int InboundAudioStream::writeLastFrameRepeatedWithFade(int samples) {
    AudioRingBuffer::ConstIterator frameToRepeat = _ringBuffer.lastFrameWritten();
    int frameSize = _ringBuffer.getNumFrameSamples();
    int samplesToWrite = samples;
    int indexOfRepeat = 0;
    do {
        int samplesToWriteThisIteration = std::min(samplesToWrite, frameSize);
        float fade = calculateRepeatedFrameFadeFactor(indexOfRepeat);
        if (fade == 1.0f) {
            samplesToWrite -= _ringBuffer.writeSamples(frameToRepeat, samplesToWriteThisIteration);
        } else {
            samplesToWrite -= _ringBuffer.writeSamplesWithFade(frameToRepeat, samplesToWriteThisIteration, fade);
    } while (samplesToWrite > 0);

    return samples;
Example #3
int AudioMixer::addStreamToMixForListeningNodeWithStream(PositionalAudioStream* streamToAdd,
                                                          AvatarAudioStream* listeningNodeStream) {
    // If repetition with fade is enabled:
    // If streamToAdd could not provide a frame (it was starved), then we'll mix its previously-mixed frame
    // This is preferable to not mixing it at all since that's equivalent to inserting silence.
    // Basically, we'll repeat that last frame until it has a frame to mix.  Depending on how many times
    // we've repeated that frame in a row, we'll gradually fade that repeated frame into silence.
    // This improves the perceived quality of the audio slightly.

    float repeatedFrameFadeFactor = 1.0f;

    if (!streamToAdd->lastPopSucceeded()) {
        if (_streamSettings._repetitionWithFade && !streamToAdd->getLastPopOutput().isNull()) {
            // reptition with fade is enabled, and we do have a valid previous frame to repeat.
            // calculate its fade factor, which depends on how many times it's already been repeated.
            repeatedFrameFadeFactor = calculateRepeatedFrameFadeFactor(streamToAdd->getConsecutiveNotMixedCount() - 1);
            if (repeatedFrameFadeFactor == 0.0f) {
                return 0;
        } else {
            return 0;

    // at this point, we know streamToAdd's last pop output is valid

    // if the frame we're about to mix is silent, bail
    if (streamToAdd->getLastPopOutputLoudness() == 0.0f) {
        return 0;

    float bearingRelativeAngleToSource = 0.0f;
    float attenuationCoefficient = 1.0f;
    int numSamplesDelay = 0;
    float weakChannelAmplitudeRatio = 1.0f;
    bool shouldAttenuate = (streamToAdd != listeningNodeStream);

    if (shouldAttenuate) {
        // if the two stream pointers do not match then these are different streams
        glm::vec3 relativePosition = streamToAdd->getPosition() - listeningNodeStream->getPosition();
        float distanceBetween = glm::length(relativePosition);
        if (distanceBetween < EPSILON) {
            distanceBetween = EPSILON;
        if (streamToAdd->getLastPopOutputTrailingLoudness() / distanceBetween <= _minAudibilityThreshold) {
            // according to mixer performance we have decided this does not get to be mixed in
            // bail out
            return 0;
        if (streamToAdd->getListenerUnattenuatedZone()) {
            shouldAttenuate = !streamToAdd->getListenerUnattenuatedZone()->contains(listeningNodeStream->getPosition());
        if (streamToAdd->getType() == PositionalAudioStream::Injector) {
            attenuationCoefficient *= reinterpret_cast<InjectedAudioStream*>(streamToAdd)->getAttenuationRatio();
        shouldAttenuate = shouldAttenuate && distanceBetween > ATTENUATION_EPSILON_DISTANCE;
        if (shouldAttenuate) {
            glm::quat inverseOrientation = glm::inverse(listeningNodeStream->getOrientation());
            float distanceSquareToSource = glm::dot(relativePosition, relativePosition);
            float radius = 0.0f;
            if (streamToAdd->getType() == PositionalAudioStream::Injector) {
                radius = reinterpret_cast<InjectedAudioStream*>(streamToAdd)->getRadius();
            if (radius == 0 || (distanceSquareToSource > radius * radius)) {
                // this is either not a spherical source, or the listener is outside the sphere
                if (radius > 0) {
                    // this is a spherical source - the distance used for the coefficient
                    // needs to be the closest point on the boundary to the source
                    // ovveride the distance to the node with the distance to the point on the
                    // boundary of the sphere
                    distanceSquareToSource -= (radius * radius);
                } else {
                    // calculate the angle delivery for off-axis attenuation
                    glm::vec3 rotatedListenerPosition = glm::inverse(streamToAdd->getOrientation()) * relativePosition;
                    float angleOfDelivery = glm::angle(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f),
                    const float MAX_OFF_AXIS_ATTENUATION = 0.2f;
                    const float OFF_AXIS_ATTENUATION_FORMULA_STEP = (1 - MAX_OFF_AXIS_ATTENUATION) / 2.0f;
                    float offAxisCoefficient = MAX_OFF_AXIS_ATTENUATION +
                        (OFF_AXIS_ATTENUATION_FORMULA_STEP * (angleOfDelivery / PI_OVER_TWO));
                    // multiply the current attenuation coefficient by the calculated off axis coefficient
                    attenuationCoefficient *= offAxisCoefficient;
                glm::vec3 rotatedSourcePosition = inverseOrientation * relativePosition;
                if (distanceBetween >= ATTENUATION_BEGINS_AT_DISTANCE) {
                    // calculate the distance coefficient using the distance to this node
                    float distanceCoefficient = 1 - (logf(distanceBetween / ATTENUATION_BEGINS_AT_DISTANCE) / logf(2.0f)
                                                     * ATTENUATION_AMOUNT_PER_DOUBLING_IN_DISTANCE);
                    if (distanceCoefficient < 0) {
                        distanceCoefficient = 0;
                    // multiply the current attenuation coefficient by the distance coefficient
                    attenuationCoefficient *= distanceCoefficient;
                // project the rotated source position vector onto the XZ plane
                rotatedSourcePosition.y = 0.0f;
                // produce an oriented angle about the y-axis
                bearingRelativeAngleToSource = glm::orientedAngle(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f),
                                                                  glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
                const float PHASE_AMPLITUDE_RATIO_AT_90 = 0.5;
                // figure out the number of samples of delay and the ratio of the amplitude
                // in the weak channel for audio spatialization
                float sinRatio = fabsf(sinf(bearingRelativeAngleToSource));
                numSamplesDelay = SAMPLE_PHASE_DELAY_AT_90 * sinRatio;
                weakChannelAmplitudeRatio = 1 - (PHASE_AMPLITUDE_RATIO_AT_90 * sinRatio);
    AudioRingBuffer::ConstIterator streamPopOutput = streamToAdd->getLastPopOutput();
    if (!streamToAdd->isStereo() && shouldAttenuate) {
        // this is a mono stream, which means it gets full attenuation and spatialization
        // if the bearing relative angle to source is > 0 then the delayed channel is the right one
        int delayedChannelOffset = (bearingRelativeAngleToSource > 0.0f) ? 1 : 0;
        int goodChannelOffset = delayedChannelOffset == 0 ? 1 : 0;
        int16_t correctStreamSample[2], delayStreamSample[2];
        int delayedChannelIndex = 0;
        const int SINGLE_STEREO_OFFSET = 2;
        float attenuationAndFade = attenuationCoefficient * repeatedFrameFadeFactor;
        for (int s = 0; s < NETWORK_BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES_STEREO; s += 4) {
            // setup the int16_t variables for the two sample sets
            correctStreamSample[0] = streamPopOutput[s / 2] * attenuationAndFade;
            correctStreamSample[1] = streamPopOutput[(s / 2) + 1] * attenuationAndFade;
            delayedChannelIndex = s + (numSamplesDelay * 2) + delayedChannelOffset;
            delayStreamSample[0] = correctStreamSample[0] * weakChannelAmplitudeRatio;
            delayStreamSample[1] = correctStreamSample[1] * weakChannelAmplitudeRatio;
            _clientSamples[s + goodChannelOffset] += correctStreamSample[0];
            _clientSamples[s + goodChannelOffset + SINGLE_STEREO_OFFSET] += correctStreamSample[1];
            _clientSamples[delayedChannelIndex] += delayStreamSample[0];
            _clientSamples[delayedChannelIndex + SINGLE_STEREO_OFFSET] += delayStreamSample[1];
        if (numSamplesDelay > 0) {
            // if there was a sample delay for this stream, we need to pull samples prior to the popped output
            // to stick at the beginning
            float attenuationAndWeakChannelRatioAndFade = attenuationCoefficient * weakChannelAmplitudeRatio * repeatedFrameFadeFactor;
            AudioRingBuffer::ConstIterator delayStreamPopOutput = streamPopOutput - numSamplesDelay;

            // TODO: delayStreamPopOutput may be inside the last frame written if the ringbuffer is completely full
            // maybe make AudioRingBuffer have 1 extra frame in its buffer
            for (int i = 0; i < numSamplesDelay; i++) {
                int parentIndex = i * 2;
                _clientSamples[parentIndex + delayedChannelOffset] += *delayStreamPopOutput * attenuationAndWeakChannelRatioAndFade;
    } else {
        int stereoDivider = streamToAdd->isStereo() ? 1 : 2;

        if (!shouldAttenuate) {
            attenuationCoefficient = 1.0f;

        float attenuationAndFade = attenuationCoefficient * repeatedFrameFadeFactor;

        for (int s = 0; s < NETWORK_BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES_STEREO; s++) {
            _clientSamples[s] = glm::clamp(_clientSamples[s] + (int)(streamPopOutput[s / stereoDivider] * attenuationAndFade),
                                            MIN_SAMPLE_VALUE, MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE);

    if (_enableFilter && shouldAttenuate) {
        glm::vec3 relativePosition = streamToAdd->getPosition() - listeningNodeStream->getPosition();
        if (relativePosition.z < 0) {  // if the source is behind us
            AudioFilterHSF1s& penumbraFilter = streamToAdd->getFilter();

            // calculate penumbra angle
            float headPenumbraAngle = glm::angle(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f),
            // normalize penumbra angle
            float normalizedHeadPenumbraAngle = headPenumbraAngle / PI_OVER_TWO;
            if (normalizedHeadPenumbraAngle < EPSILON) { 
                normalizedHeadPenumbraAngle = EPSILON;
            const float SQUARE_ROOT_OF_TWO_OVER_TWO = 0.71f;
            const float FILTER_CUTOFF_FREQUENCY_HZ = 4000.0f;
            float penumbraFilterGain;
            float penumbraFilterFrequency;
            float penumbraFilterSlope;

            // calculate the updated gain.  this will be tuned over time.
            // consider this only a crude-first pass at correlating gain, freq and slope with penumbra angle.
            penumbraFilterGain = SQUARE_ROOT_OF_TWO_OVER_TWO * (normalizedHeadPenumbraAngle + SQUARE_ROOT_OF_TWO_OVER_TWO);
            penumbraFilterFrequency = FILTER_CUTOFF_FREQUENCY_HZ; // constant frequency
            penumbraFilterSlope = SQUARE_ROOT_OF_TWO_OVER_TWO; // constant slope
            qDebug() << "penumbra gain=" << penumbraFilterGain << ", penumbraAngle=" << normalizedHeadPenumbraAngle;

            // set the gain on both filter channels
            penumbraFilter.setParameters(0, 0, SAMPLE_RATE, penumbraFilterFrequency, penumbraFilterGain, penumbraFilterSlope);
            penumbraFilter.setParameters(0, 1, SAMPLE_RATE, penumbraFilterFrequency, penumbraFilterGain, penumbraFilterSlope);
            penumbraFilter.render(_clientSamples, _clientSamples, NETWORK_BUFFER_LENGTH_SAMPLES_STEREO / 2);

    return 1;
Example #4
void AudioMixerSlave::addStream(AudioMixerClientData& listenerNodeData, const QUuid& sourceNodeID,
        const AvatarAudioStream& listeningNodeStream, const PositionalAudioStream& streamToAdd,
        bool throttle) {

    // to reduce artifacts we call the HRTF functor for every source, even if throttled or silent
    // this ensures the correct tail from last mixed block and the correct spatialization of next first block

    // check if this is a server echo of a source back to itself
    bool isEcho = (&streamToAdd == &listeningNodeStream);

    glm::vec3 relativePosition = streamToAdd.getPosition() - listeningNodeStream.getPosition();

    float distance = glm::max(glm::length(relativePosition), EPSILON);
    float gain = computeGain(listenerNodeData, listeningNodeStream, streamToAdd, relativePosition, isEcho);
    float azimuth = isEcho ? 0.0f : computeAzimuth(listeningNodeStream, listeningNodeStream, relativePosition);
    const int HRTF_DATASET_INDEX = 1;

    if (!streamToAdd.lastPopSucceeded()) {
        bool forceSilentBlock = true;

        if (!streamToAdd.getLastPopOutput().isNull()) {
            bool isInjector = dynamic_cast<const InjectedAudioStream*>(&streamToAdd);

            // in an injector, just go silent - the injector has likely ended
            // in other inputs (microphone, &c.), repeat with fade to avoid the harsh jump to silence
            if (!isInjector) {
                // calculate its fade factor, which depends on how many times it's already been repeated.
                float fadeFactor = calculateRepeatedFrameFadeFactor(streamToAdd.getConsecutiveNotMixedCount() - 1);
                if (fadeFactor > 0.0f) {
                    // apply the fadeFactor to the gain
                    gain *= fadeFactor;
                    forceSilentBlock = false;

        if (forceSilentBlock) {
            // call renderSilent with a forced silent block to reduce artifacts
            // (this is not done for stereo streams since they do not go through the HRTF)
            if (!streamToAdd.isStereo() && !isEcho) {
                // get the existing listener-source HRTF object, or create a new one
                auto& hrtf = listenerNodeData.hrtfForStream(sourceNodeID, streamToAdd.getStreamIdentifier());

                static int16_t silentMonoBlock[AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL] = {};
                hrtf.renderSilent(silentMonoBlock, _mixSamples, HRTF_DATASET_INDEX, azimuth, distance, gain,



    // grab the stream from the ring buffer
    AudioRingBuffer::ConstIterator streamPopOutput = streamToAdd.getLastPopOutput();

    // stereo sources are not passed through HRTF
    if (streamToAdd.isStereo()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_STEREO; ++i) {
            _mixSamples[i] += float(streamPopOutput[i] * gain / AudioConstants::MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE);


    // echo sources are not passed through HRTF
    if (isEcho) {
        for (int i = 0; i < AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_STEREO; i += 2) {
            auto monoSample = float(streamPopOutput[i / 2] * gain / AudioConstants::MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE);
            _mixSamples[i] += monoSample;
            _mixSamples[i + 1] += monoSample;


    // get the existing listener-source HRTF object, or create a new one
    auto& hrtf = listenerNodeData.hrtfForStream(sourceNodeID, streamToAdd.getStreamIdentifier());

    streamPopOutput.readSamples(_bufferSamples, AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL);

    if (streamToAdd.getLastPopOutputLoudness() == 0.0f) {
        // call renderSilent to reduce artifacts
        hrtf.renderSilent(_bufferSamples, _mixSamples, HRTF_DATASET_INDEX, azimuth, distance, gain,


    if (throttle) {
        // call renderSilent with actual frame data and a gain of 0.0f to reduce artifacts
        hrtf.renderSilent(_bufferSamples, _mixSamples, HRTF_DATASET_INDEX, azimuth, distance, 0.0f,


    hrtf.render(_bufferSamples, _mixSamples, HRTF_DATASET_INDEX, azimuth, distance, gain,

Example #5
int AudioMixer::addStreamToMixForListeningNodeWithStream(AudioMixerClientData* listenerNodeData,
                                                         const QUuid& streamUUID,
                                                         PositionalAudioStream* streamToAdd,
                                                         AvatarAudioStream* listeningNodeStream) {
    // If repetition with fade is enabled:
    // If streamToAdd could not provide a frame (it was starved), then we'll mix its previously-mixed frame
    // This is preferable to not mixing it at all since that's equivalent to inserting silence.
    // Basically, we'll repeat that last frame until it has a frame to mix.  Depending on how many times
    // we've repeated that frame in a row, we'll gradually fade that repeated frame into silence.
    // This improves the perceived quality of the audio slightly.

    bool showDebug = false;  // (randFloat() < 0.05f);

    float repeatedFrameFadeFactor = 1.0f;

    if (!streamToAdd->lastPopSucceeded()) {
        if (_streamSettings._repetitionWithFade && !streamToAdd->getLastPopOutput().isNull()) {
            // reptition with fade is enabled, and we do have a valid previous frame to repeat.
            // calculate its fade factor, which depends on how many times it's already been repeated.
            repeatedFrameFadeFactor = calculateRepeatedFrameFadeFactor(streamToAdd->getConsecutiveNotMixedCount() - 1);
            if (repeatedFrameFadeFactor == 0.0f) {
                return 0;
        } else {
            return 0;

    // at this point, we know streamToAdd's last pop output is valid

    // if the frame we're about to mix is silent, bail
    if (streamToAdd->getLastPopOutputLoudness() == 0.0f) {
        return 0;

    float bearingRelativeAngleToSource = 0.0f;
    float attenuationCoefficient = 1.0f;
    int numSamplesDelay = 0;
    float weakChannelAmplitudeRatio = 1.0f;

    //  Is the source that I am mixing my own?
    bool sourceIsSelf = (streamToAdd == listeningNodeStream);

    glm::vec3 relativePosition = streamToAdd->getPosition() - listeningNodeStream->getPosition();

    float distanceBetween = glm::length(relativePosition);

    if (distanceBetween < EPSILON) {
        distanceBetween = EPSILON;

    if (streamToAdd->getLastPopOutputTrailingLoudness() / distanceBetween <= _minAudibilityThreshold) {
        // according to mixer performance we have decided this does not get to be mixed in
        // bail out
        return 0;


    if (streamToAdd->getType() == PositionalAudioStream::Injector) {
        attenuationCoefficient *= reinterpret_cast<InjectedAudioStream*>(streamToAdd)->getAttenuationRatio();
        if (showDebug) {
            qDebug() << "AttenuationRatio: " << reinterpret_cast<InjectedAudioStream*>(streamToAdd)->getAttenuationRatio();

    if (showDebug) {
        qDebug() << "distance: " << distanceBetween;

    glm::quat inverseOrientation = glm::inverse(listeningNodeStream->getOrientation());

    if (!sourceIsSelf && (streamToAdd->getType() == PositionalAudioStream::Microphone)) {
        //  source is another avatar, apply fixed off-axis attenuation to make them quieter as they turn away from listener
        glm::vec3 rotatedListenerPosition = glm::inverse(streamToAdd->getOrientation()) * relativePosition;

        float angleOfDelivery = glm::angle(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f),

        const float MAX_OFF_AXIS_ATTENUATION = 0.2f;

        float offAxisCoefficient = MAX_OFF_AXIS_ATTENUATION +
                                    (OFF_AXIS_ATTENUATION_FORMULA_STEP * (angleOfDelivery / PI_OVER_TWO));

        if (showDebug) {
            qDebug() << "angleOfDelivery" << angleOfDelivery << "offAxisCoefficient: " << offAxisCoefficient;

        // multiply the current attenuation coefficient by the calculated off axis coefficient

        attenuationCoefficient *= offAxisCoefficient;

    float attenuationPerDoublingInDistance = _attenuationPerDoublingInDistance;
    for (int i = 0; i < _zonesSettings.length(); ++i) {
        if (_audioZones[_zonesSettings[i].source].contains(streamToAdd->getPosition()) &&
            _audioZones[_zonesSettings[i].listener].contains(listeningNodeStream->getPosition())) {
            attenuationPerDoublingInDistance = _zonesSettings[i].coefficient;

    if (distanceBetween >= ATTENUATION_BEGINS_AT_DISTANCE) {
        // calculate the distance coefficient using the distance to this node
        float distanceCoefficient = 1 - (logf(distanceBetween / ATTENUATION_BEGINS_AT_DISTANCE) / logf(2.0f)
                                         * attenuationPerDoublingInDistance);

        if (distanceCoefficient < 0) {
            distanceCoefficient = 0;

        // multiply the current attenuation coefficient by the distance coefficient
        attenuationCoefficient *= distanceCoefficient;
        if (showDebug) {
            qDebug() << "distanceCoefficient: " << distanceCoefficient;

    if (!sourceIsSelf) {
        //  Compute sample delay for the two ears to create phase panning
        glm::vec3 rotatedSourcePosition = inverseOrientation * relativePosition;

        // project the rotated source position vector onto the XZ plane
        rotatedSourcePosition.y = 0.0f;

        // produce an oriented angle about the y-axis
        bearingRelativeAngleToSource = glm::orientedAngle(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f),
                                                          glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

        const float PHASE_AMPLITUDE_RATIO_AT_90 = 0.5;

        // figure out the number of samples of delay and the ratio of the amplitude
        // in the weak channel for audio spatialization
        float sinRatio = fabsf(sinf(bearingRelativeAngleToSource));
        numSamplesDelay = SAMPLE_PHASE_DELAY_AT_90 * sinRatio;
        weakChannelAmplitudeRatio = 1 - (PHASE_AMPLITUDE_RATIO_AT_90 * sinRatio);

        if (distanceBetween < RADIUS_OF_HEAD) {
            // Diminish phase panning if source would be inside head
            numSamplesDelay *= distanceBetween / RADIUS_OF_HEAD;
            weakChannelAmplitudeRatio += (PHASE_AMPLITUDE_RATIO_AT_90 * sinRatio) * distanceBetween / RADIUS_OF_HEAD;

    if (showDebug) {
        qDebug() << "attenuation: " << attenuationCoefficient;
        qDebug() << "bearingRelativeAngleToSource: " << bearingRelativeAngleToSource << " numSamplesDelay: " << numSamplesDelay;

    AudioRingBuffer::ConstIterator streamPopOutput = streamToAdd->getLastPopOutput();

    if (!streamToAdd->isStereo()) {
        // this is a mono stream, which means it gets full attenuation and spatialization

        // we need to do several things in this process:
        //    1) convert from mono to stereo by copying each input sample into the left and right output samples
        //    2)
        //    2) apply an attenuation AND fade to all samples (left and right)
        //    3) based on the bearing relative angle to the source we will weaken and delay either the left or
        //       right channel of the input into the output
        //    4) because one of these channels is delayed, we will need to use historical samples from
        //       the input stream for that delayed channel

        // Mono input to stereo output (item 1 above)
        int maxOutputIndex = AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_STEREO;

        // attenuation and fade applied to all samples (item 2 above)
        float attenuationAndFade = attenuationCoefficient * repeatedFrameFadeFactor;

        // determine which side is weak and delayed (item 3 above)
        bool rightSideWeakAndDelayed = (bearingRelativeAngleToSource > 0.0f);

        // since we're converting from mono to stereo, we'll use these two indices to step through
        // the output samples. we'll increment each index independently in the loop
        int leftDestinationIndex = 0;
        int rightDestinationIndex = 1;

        // One of our two channels will be delayed (determined below). We'll use this index to step
        // through filling in our output with the historical samples for the delayed channel.  (item 4 above)
        int delayedChannelHistoricalAudioOutputIndex;

        // All samples will be attenuated by at least this much
        float leftSideAttenuation = attenuationAndFade;
        float rightSideAttenuation = attenuationAndFade;

        // The weak/delayed channel will be attenuated by this additional amount
        float attenuationAndWeakChannelRatioAndFade = attenuationAndFade * weakChannelAmplitudeRatio;

        // Now, based on the determination of which side is weak and delayed, set up our true starting point
        // for our indexes, as well as the appropriate attenuation for each channel
        if (rightSideWeakAndDelayed) {
            delayedChannelHistoricalAudioOutputIndex = rightDestinationIndex;
            rightSideAttenuation = attenuationAndWeakChannelRatioAndFade;
            rightDestinationIndex += (numSamplesDelay * OUTPUT_SAMPLES_PER_INPUT_SAMPLE);
        } else {
            delayedChannelHistoricalAudioOutputIndex = leftDestinationIndex;
            leftSideAttenuation = attenuationAndWeakChannelRatioAndFade;
            leftDestinationIndex += (numSamplesDelay * OUTPUT_SAMPLES_PER_INPUT_SAMPLE);

        // If there was a sample delay for this stream, we need to pull samples prior to the official start of the input
        // and stick those samples at the beginning of the output. We only need to loop through this for the weak/delayed
        // side, since the normal side is fully handled below. (item 4 above)
        if (numSamplesDelay > 0) {

            // TODO: delayStreamSourceSamples may be inside the last frame written if the ringbuffer is completely full
            // maybe make AudioRingBuffer have 1 extra frame in its buffer
            AudioRingBuffer::ConstIterator delayStreamSourceSamples = streamPopOutput - numSamplesDelay;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSamplesDelay; i++) {
                int16_t originalHistoricalSample = *delayStreamSourceSamples;

                _preMixSamples[delayedChannelHistoricalAudioOutputIndex] += originalHistoricalSample
                                                                                 * attenuationAndWeakChannelRatioAndFade;
                ++delayStreamSourceSamples; // move our input pointer
                delayedChannelHistoricalAudioOutputIndex += OUTPUT_SAMPLES_PER_INPUT_SAMPLE; // move our output sample

        // Here's where we copy the MONO input to the STEREO output, and account for delay and weak side attenuation
        for (int inputSample = 0; inputSample < inputSampleCount; inputSample++) {
            int16_t originalSample = streamPopOutput[inputSample];
            int16_t leftSideSample = originalSample * leftSideAttenuation;
            int16_t rightSideSample = originalSample * rightSideAttenuation;

            // since we might be delayed, don't write beyond our maxOutputIndex
            if (leftDestinationIndex <= maxOutputIndex) {
                _preMixSamples[leftDestinationIndex] += leftSideSample;
            if (rightDestinationIndex <= maxOutputIndex) {
                _preMixSamples[rightDestinationIndex] += rightSideSample;

            leftDestinationIndex += OUTPUT_SAMPLES_PER_INPUT_SAMPLE;
            rightDestinationIndex += OUTPUT_SAMPLES_PER_INPUT_SAMPLE;

    } else {
        int stereoDivider = streamToAdd->isStereo() ? 1 : 2;

       float attenuationAndFade = attenuationCoefficient * repeatedFrameFadeFactor;

        for (int s = 0; s < AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_STEREO; s++) {
            _preMixSamples[s] = glm::clamp(_preMixSamples[s] + (int)(streamPopOutput[s / stereoDivider] * attenuationAndFade),

    if (!sourceIsSelf && _enableFilter && !streamToAdd->ignorePenumbraFilter()) {

        const float TWO_OVER_PI = 2.0f / PI;

        const float ZERO_DB = 1.0f;
        const float NEGATIVE_ONE_DB = 0.891f;
        const float NEGATIVE_THREE_DB = 0.708f;

        const float FILTER_GAIN_AT_0 = ZERO_DB; // source is in front
        const float FILTER_GAIN_AT_90 = NEGATIVE_ONE_DB; // source is incident to left or right ear
        const float FILTER_GAIN_AT_180 = NEGATIVE_THREE_DB; // source is behind

        const float FILTER_CUTOFF_FREQUENCY_HZ = 1000.0f;

        const float penumbraFilterFrequency = FILTER_CUTOFF_FREQUENCY_HZ; // constant frequency
        const float penumbraFilterSlope = NEGATIVE_THREE_DB; // constant slope

        float penumbraFilterGainL;
        float penumbraFilterGainR;

        // variable gain calculation broken down by quadrant
        if (-bearingRelativeAngleToSource < -PI_OVER_TWO && -bearingRelativeAngleToSource > -PI) {
            penumbraFilterGainL = TWO_OVER_PI *
                (FILTER_GAIN_AT_0 - FILTER_GAIN_AT_180) * (-bearingRelativeAngleToSource + PI_OVER_TWO) + FILTER_GAIN_AT_0;
            penumbraFilterGainR = TWO_OVER_PI *
                (FILTER_GAIN_AT_90 - FILTER_GAIN_AT_180) * (-bearingRelativeAngleToSource + PI_OVER_TWO) + FILTER_GAIN_AT_90;
        } else if (-bearingRelativeAngleToSource <= PI && -bearingRelativeAngleToSource > PI_OVER_TWO) {
            penumbraFilterGainL = TWO_OVER_PI *
                (FILTER_GAIN_AT_180 - FILTER_GAIN_AT_90) * (-bearingRelativeAngleToSource - PI) + FILTER_GAIN_AT_180;
            penumbraFilterGainR = TWO_OVER_PI *
                (FILTER_GAIN_AT_180 - FILTER_GAIN_AT_0) * (-bearingRelativeAngleToSource - PI) + FILTER_GAIN_AT_180;
        } else if (-bearingRelativeAngleToSource <= PI_OVER_TWO && -bearingRelativeAngleToSource > 0) {
            penumbraFilterGainL = TWO_OVER_PI *
                (FILTER_GAIN_AT_90 - FILTER_GAIN_AT_0) * (-bearingRelativeAngleToSource - PI_OVER_TWO) + FILTER_GAIN_AT_90;
            penumbraFilterGainR = FILTER_GAIN_AT_0;
        } else {
            penumbraFilterGainL = FILTER_GAIN_AT_0;
            penumbraFilterGainR =  TWO_OVER_PI *
                (FILTER_GAIN_AT_0 - FILTER_GAIN_AT_90) * (-bearingRelativeAngleToSource) + FILTER_GAIN_AT_0;

        if (distanceBetween < RADIUS_OF_HEAD) {
            // Diminish effect if source would be inside head
            penumbraFilterGainL += (1.0f - penumbraFilterGainL) * (1.0f - distanceBetween / RADIUS_OF_HEAD);
            penumbraFilterGainR += (1.0f - penumbraFilterGainR) * (1.0f - distanceBetween / RADIUS_OF_HEAD);

        bool wantDebug = false;
        if (wantDebug) {
            qDebug() << "gainL=" << penumbraFilterGainL
                     << "gainR=" << penumbraFilterGainR
                     << "angle=" << -bearingRelativeAngleToSource;

        // Get our per listener/source data so we can get our filter
        AudioFilterHSF1s& penumbraFilter = listenerNodeData->getListenerSourcePairData(streamUUID)->getPenumbraFilter();

        // set the gain on both filter channels
        penumbraFilter.setParameters(0, 0, AudioConstants::SAMPLE_RATE, penumbraFilterFrequency, penumbraFilterGainL, penumbraFilterSlope);
        penumbraFilter.setParameters(0, 1, AudioConstants::SAMPLE_RATE, penumbraFilterFrequency, penumbraFilterGainR, penumbraFilterSlope);
        penumbraFilter.render(_preMixSamples, _preMixSamples, AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_STEREO / 2);

    // Actually mix the _preMixSamples into the _mixSamples here.
    for (int s = 0; s < AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_STEREO; s++) {
        _mixSamples[s] = glm::clamp(_mixSamples[s] + _preMixSamples[s], AudioConstants::MIN_SAMPLE_VALUE,

    return 1;
Example #6
void AudioMixer::addStreamToMixForListeningNodeWithStream(AudioMixerClientData& listenerNodeData,
                                                          const PositionalAudioStream& streamToAdd,
                                                          const QUuid& sourceNodeID,
                                                          const AvatarAudioStream& listeningNodeStream) {

    // to reduce artifacts we calculate the gain and azimuth for every source for this listener
    // even if we are not going to end up mixing in this source


    // this ensures that the tail of any previously mixed audio or the first block of new audio sounds correct

    // check if this is a server echo of a source back to itself
    bool isEcho = (&streamToAdd == &listeningNodeStream);

    glm::vec3 relativePosition = streamToAdd.getPosition() - listeningNodeStream.getPosition();

    // figure out the distance between source and listener
    float distance = glm::max(glm::length(relativePosition), EPSILON);

    // figure out the gain for this source at the listener
    float gain = gainForSource(streamToAdd, listeningNodeStream, relativePosition, isEcho);

    // figure out the azimuth to this source at the listener
    float azimuth = isEcho ? 0.0f : azimuthForSource(streamToAdd, listeningNodeStream, relativePosition);

    float repeatedFrameFadeFactor = 1.0f;

    static const int HRTF_DATASET_INDEX = 1;

    if (!streamToAdd.lastPopSucceeded()) {
        bool forceSilentBlock = true;

        if (_streamSettings._repetitionWithFade && !streamToAdd.getLastPopOutput().isNull()) {

            // reptition with fade is enabled, and we do have a valid previous frame to repeat
            // so we mix the previously-mixed block

            // this is preferable to not mixing it at all to avoid the harsh jump to silence

            // we'll repeat the last block until it has a block to mix
            // and we'll gradually fade that repeated block into silence.

            // calculate its fade factor, which depends on how many times it's already been repeated.

            repeatedFrameFadeFactor = calculateRepeatedFrameFadeFactor(streamToAdd.getConsecutiveNotMixedCount() - 1);
            if (repeatedFrameFadeFactor > 0.0f) {
                // apply the repeatedFrameFadeFactor to the gain
                gain *= repeatedFrameFadeFactor;

                forceSilentBlock = false;

        if (forceSilentBlock) {
            // we're deciding not to repeat either since we've already done it enough times or repetition with fade is disabled
            // in this case we will call renderSilent with a forced silent block
            // this ensures the correct tail from the previously mixed block and the correct spatialization of first block
            // of any upcoming audio

            if (!streamToAdd.isStereo() && !isEcho) {
                // get the existing listener-source HRTF object, or create a new one
                auto& hrtf = listenerNodeData.hrtfForStream(sourceNodeID, streamToAdd.getStreamIdentifier());

                // this is not done for stereo streams since they do not go through the HRTF
                static int16_t silentMonoBlock[AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL] = {};
                hrtf.renderSilent(silentMonoBlock, _mixedSamples, HRTF_DATASET_INDEX, azimuth, distance, gain,



    // grab the stream from the ring buffer
    AudioRingBuffer::ConstIterator streamPopOutput = streamToAdd.getLastPopOutput();

    if (streamToAdd.isStereo() || isEcho) {
        // this is a stereo source or server echo so we do not pass it through the HRTF
        // simply apply our calculated gain to each sample
        if (streamToAdd.isStereo()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_STEREO; ++i) {
                _mixedSamples[i] += float(streamPopOutput[i] * gain / AudioConstants::MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE);

        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_STEREO; i += 2) {
                auto monoSample = float(streamPopOutput[i / 2] * gain / AudioConstants::MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE);
                _mixedSamples[i] += monoSample;
                _mixedSamples[i + 1] += monoSample;



    // get the existing listener-source HRTF object, or create a new one
    auto& hrtf = listenerNodeData.hrtfForStream(sourceNodeID, streamToAdd.getStreamIdentifier());

    static int16_t streamBlock[AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL];

    streamPopOutput.readSamples(streamBlock, AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL);

    // if the frame we're about to mix is silent, simply call render silent and move on
    if (streamToAdd.getLastPopOutputLoudness() == 0.0f) {
        // silent frame from source

        // we still need to call renderSilent via the HRTF for mono source
        hrtf.renderSilent(streamBlock, _mixedSamples, HRTF_DATASET_INDEX, azimuth, distance, gain,



    if (_performanceThrottlingRatio > 0.0f
        && streamToAdd.getLastPopOutputTrailingLoudness() / glm::length(relativePosition) <= _minAudibilityThreshold) {
        // the mixer is struggling so we're going to drop off some streams

        // we call renderSilent via the HRTF with the actual frame data and a gain of 0.0
        hrtf.renderSilent(streamBlock, _mixedSamples, HRTF_DATASET_INDEX, azimuth, distance, 0.0f,




    // mono stream, call the HRTF with our block and calculated azimuth and gain
    hrtf.render(streamBlock, _mixedSamples, HRTF_DATASET_INDEX, azimuth, distance, gain,