Example #1
void ompl::geometric::RRTstar::setup()
    tools::SelfConfig sc(si_, getName());
    if (!si_->getStateSpace()->hasSymmetricDistance() || !si_->getStateSpace()->hasSymmetricInterpolate())
        OMPL_WARN("%s requires a state space with symmetric distance and symmetric interpolation.", getName().c_str());

    if (!nn_)
    nn_->setDistanceFunction(std::bind(&RRTstar::distanceFunction, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));

    // Setup optimization objective
    // If no optimization objective was specified, then default to
    // optimizing path length as computed by the distance() function
    // in the state space.
    if (pdef_)
        if (pdef_->hasOptimizationObjective())
            opt_ = pdef_->getOptimizationObjective();
            OMPL_INFORM("%s: No optimization objective specified. Defaulting to optimizing path length for the allowed planning time.", getName().c_str());
            opt_.reset(new base::PathLengthOptimizationObjective(si_));

            // Store the new objective in the problem def'n
        OMPL_INFORM("%s: problem definition is not set, deferring setup completion...", getName().c_str());
        setup_ = false;

    // Get the measure of the entire space:
    prunedMeasure_ = si_->getSpaceMeasure();

    // Calculate some constants:

    // Set the bestCost_ and prunedCost_ as infinite
    bestCost_ = opt_->infiniteCost();
    prunedCost_ = opt_->infiniteCost();
Example #2
void ompl::geometric::RRTXstatic::setup()
    tools::SelfConfig sc(si_, getName());
    if (!si_->getStateSpace()->hasSymmetricDistance() || !si_->getStateSpace()->hasSymmetricInterpolate())
        OMPL_WARN("%s requires a state space with symmetric distance and symmetric interpolation.", getName().c_str());

    if (!nn_)
        nn_.reset(tools::SelfConfig::getDefaultNearestNeighbors<Motion *>(this));
    nn_->setDistanceFunction([this](const Motion *a, const Motion *b) { return distanceFunction(a, b); });

    // Setup optimization objective
    // If no optimization objective was specified, then default to
    // optimizing path length as computed by the distance() function
    // in the state space.
    if (pdef_)
        if (pdef_->hasOptimizationObjective())
            opt_ = pdef_->getOptimizationObjective();
            OMPL_INFORM("%s: No optimization objective specified. Defaulting to optimizing path length for the allowed "
                        "planning time.",
            opt_ = std::make_shared<base::PathLengthOptimizationObjective>(si_);

            // Store the new objective in the problem def'n
        mc_ = MotionCompare(opt_, pdef_);
        q_ = BinaryHeap<Motion *, MotionCompare>(mc_);
        OMPL_INFORM("%s: problem definition is not set, deferring setup completion...", getName().c_str());
        setup_ = false;

    // Calculate some constants:

    // Set the bestCost_ and prunedCost_ as infinite
    bestCost_ = opt_->infiniteCost();
Example #3
void ompl::geometric::RRTstar::setPrunedMeasure(bool informedMeasure)
    if (static_cast<bool>(opt_) == true)
        if (opt_->hasCostToGoHeuristic() == false)
            OMPL_INFORM("%s: No cost-to-go heuristic set. Informed techniques will not work well.", getName().c_str());

    // This option only works with informed sampling
    if (informedMeasure == true && (useInformedSampling_ == false || useTreePruning_ == false))
        OMPL_ERROR("%s: InformedMeasure requires InformedSampling and TreePruning.", getName().c_str());

    // Check if we're changed and update parameters if we have:
    if (informedMeasure != usePrunedMeasure_)
        // Store the setting
        usePrunedMeasure_ = informedMeasure;

        // Update the prunedMeasure_ appropriately, if it has been configured.
        if (setup_ == true)
            if (usePrunedMeasure_)
                prunedMeasure_ = infSampler_->getInformedMeasure(prunedCost_);
                prunedMeasure_ = si_->getSpaceMeasure();

        // And either way, update the rewiring radius if necessary
        if (useKNearest_ == false)
Example #4
int ompl::geometric::RRTstar::pruneTree(const base::Cost& pruneTreeCost)
    // Variable
    // The percent improvement (expressed as a [0,1] fraction) in cost
    double fracBetter;
    // The number pruned
    int numPruned = 0;

    if (opt_->isFinite(prunedCost_))
        fracBetter = std::abs((pruneTreeCost.value() - prunedCost_.value())/prunedCost_.value());
        fracBetter = 1.0;

    if (fracBetter > pruneThreshold_)
        // We are only pruning motions if they, AND all descendents, have a estimated cost greater than pruneTreeCost
        // The easiest way to do this is to find leaves that should be pruned and ascend up their ancestry until a motion is found that is kept.
        // To avoid making an intermediate copy of the NN structure, we process the tree by descending down from the start(s).
        // In the first pass, all Motions with a cost below pruneTreeCost, or Motion's with children with costs below pruneTreeCost are added to the replacement NN structure,
        // while all other Motions are stored as either a 'leaf' or 'chain' Motion. After all the leaves are disconnected and deleted, we check
        // if any of the the chain Motions are now leaves, and repeat that process until done.
        // This avoids (1) copying the NN structure into an intermediate variable and (2) the use of the expensive NN::remove() method.

        // Variable
        // The queue of Motions to process:
        std::queue<Motion*, std::deque<Motion*> > motionQueue;
        // The list of leaves to prune
        std::queue<Motion*, std::deque<Motion*> > leavesToPrune;
        // The list of chain vertices to recheck after pruning
        std::list<Motion*> chainsToRecheck;

        //Clear the NN structure:

        // Put all the starts into the NN structure and their children into the queue:
        // We do this so that start states are never pruned.
        for (auto & startMotion : startMotions_)
            // Add to the NN

            // Add their children to the queue:
            addChildrenToList(&motionQueue, startMotion);

        while (motionQueue.empty() == false)
            // Test, can the current motion ever provide a better solution?
            if (keepCondition(motionQueue.front(), pruneTreeCost))
                // Yes it can, so it definitely won't be pruned
                // Add it back into the NN structure

                //Add it's children to the queue
                addChildrenToList(&motionQueue, motionQueue.front());
                // No it can't, but does it have children?
                if (motionQueue.front()->children.empty() == false)
                    // Yes it does.
                    // We can minimize the number of intermediate chain motions if we check their children
                    // If any of them won't be pruned, then this motion won't either. This intuitively seems
                    // like a nice balance between following the descendents forever.

                    // Variable
                    // Whether the children are definitely to be kept.
                    bool keepAChild = false;

                    // Find if any child is definitely not being pruned.
                    for (unsigned int i = 0u; keepAChild == false && i < motionQueue.front()->children.size(); ++i)
                        // Test if the child can ever provide a better solution
                        keepAChild = keepCondition(motionQueue.front()->children.at(i), pruneTreeCost);

                    // Are we *definitely* keeping any of the children?
                    if (keepAChild)
                        // Yes, we are, so we are not pruning this motion
                        // Add it back into the NN structure.
                        // No, we aren't. This doesn't mean we won't though
                        // Move this Motion to the temporary list

                    // Either way. add it's children to the queue
                    addChildrenToList(&motionQueue, motionQueue.front());
                    // No, so we will be pruning this motion:

            // Pop the iterator, std::list::erase returns the next iterator

       // We now have a list of Motions to definitely remove, and a list of Motions to recheck
       // Iteratively check the two lists until there is nothing to to remove
        while (leavesToPrune.empty() == false)
            // First empty the leave-to-prune
            while (leavesToPrune.empty() == false)
                // Remove the leaf from its parent

                // Erase the actual motion
                // First free the state

                // then delete the pointer
                delete leavesToPrune.front();

                // And finally remove it from the list, erase returns the next iterator

                // Update our counter

            // Now, we need to go through the list of chain vertices and see if any are now leaves
            auto mIter = chainsToRecheck.begin();
            while (mIter != chainsToRecheck.end())
                // Is the Motion a leaf?
                if ((*mIter)->children.empty() == true)
                    // It is, add to the removal queue

                    // Remove from this queue, getting the next
                    mIter = chainsToRecheck.erase(mIter);
                    // Is isn't, skip to the next

       // Now finally add back any vertices left in chainsToReheck.
       // These are chain vertices that have descendents that we want to keep
       for (std::list<Motion*>::const_iterator mIter = chainsToRecheck.begin(); mIter != chainsToRecheck.end(); ++mIter)
           // Add the motion back to the NN struct:

        // All done pruning.
        // Update the cost at which we've pruned:
        prunedCost_ = pruneTreeCost;

        // And if we're using the pruned measure, the measure to which we've pruned
        if (usePrunedMeasure_)
            prunedMeasure_ = infSampler_->getInformedMeasure(prunedCost_);

            if (useKNearest_ == false)
        //No else, prunedMeasure_ is the si_ measure by default.

    return numPruned;