Example #1
 * Function to encode an an_packet
void an_packet_encode(an_packet_t *an_packet)
	uint16_t crc;
	an_packet->header[1] = an_packet->id;
	an_packet->header[2] = an_packet->length;
	crc = calculate_crc16(an_packet->data, an_packet->length);
	memcpy(&an_packet->header[3], &crc, sizeof(uint16_t));
	an_packet->header[0] = calculate_header_lrc(&an_packet->header[1]);
Example #2
 * Function to decode an_packets from raw data
 * Returns a pointer to the packet decoded or NULL if no packet was decoded
an_packet_t *an_packet_decode(an_decoder_t *an_decoder)
	uint16_t decode_iterator = 0;
	an_packet_t *an_packet = NULL;
	uint8_t header_lrc, id, length;
	uint16_t crc;

	while (decode_iterator + AN_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE <= an_decoder->buffer_length)
		header_lrc = an_decoder->buffer[decode_iterator++];
		if (header_lrc == calculate_header_lrc(&an_decoder->buffer[decode_iterator]))
			id = an_decoder->buffer[decode_iterator++];
			length = an_decoder->buffer[decode_iterator++];
			crc = an_decoder->buffer[decode_iterator++];
			crc |= an_decoder->buffer[decode_iterator++] << 8;

			if (decode_iterator + length > an_decoder->buffer_length)
				decode_iterator -= AN_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE;

			if (crc == calculate_crc16(&an_decoder->buffer[decode_iterator], length))
				an_packet = an_packet_allocate(length, id);
				if (an_packet != NULL)
					memcpy(an_packet->header, &an_decoder->buffer[decode_iterator - AN_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE], AN_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE * sizeof(uint8_t));
					memcpy(an_packet->data, &an_decoder->buffer[decode_iterator], length * sizeof(uint8_t));
				decode_iterator += length;
				decode_iterator -= (AN_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE - 1);

	if (decode_iterator < an_decoder->buffer_length)
		if (decode_iterator > 0)
			memmove(&an_decoder->buffer[0], &an_decoder->buffer[decode_iterator], (an_decoder->buffer_length - decode_iterator) * sizeof(uint8_t));
			an_decoder->buffer_length -= decode_iterator;
	else an_decoder->buffer_length = 0;

	return an_packet;
Example #3
bool lock_config_zone (int fd, enum DEVICE_STATE state)

  if (STATE_FACTORY != state)
    return true;

  struct octet_buffer config = get_config_zone (fd);

  uint16_t crc = calculate_crc16 (config.ptr, config.len);

  return lock (fd, CONFIG_ZONE, crc);

Example #4
unsigned int serialize_command (struct Command_ATSHA204 *c, uint8_t **serialized)
  unsigned int total_len = 0;
  unsigned int crc_len = 0;
  unsigned int crc_offset = 0;
  uint8_t *data;
  uint16_t *crc;

  assert (NULL != c);
  assert (NULL != serialized);

  total_len = sizeof (c->command) + sizeof (c->count) +sizeof (c->opcode) +
    sizeof (c->param1) + sizeof (c->param2) + c->data_len + sizeof (c->checksum);

  crc_len = total_len - sizeof (c->command) - sizeof (c->checksum);

  crc_offset = total_len - sizeof (c->checksum);

  c->count = total_len - sizeof (c->command);

  data = (uint8_t*)malloc (total_len);

  assert (NULL != data);

  print_command (c);

           "Total len: %d, count: %d, CRC_LEN: %d, CRC_OFFSET: %d\n",
           total_len, c->count, crc_len, crc_offset);

  /* copy over the command */
  data[0] = c->command;
  data[1] = c->count;
  data[2] = c->opcode;
  data[3] = c->param1;
  data[4] = c->param2[0];
  data[5] = c->param2[1];
  if (c->data_len > 0)
    memcpy (&data[6], c->data, c->data_len);

  crc = (uint16_t *)&data[crc_offset];
  *crc = calculate_crc16 (&data[1], crc_len);

  *serialized = data;

  return total_len;

Example #5
uint16_t crc_data_otp_zone (struct octet_buffer data, struct octet_buffer otp)
  const unsigned int len = otp.len + data.len;
  uint8_t *buf = malloc_wipe (len);

  memcpy (buf, data.ptr, data.len);
  memcpy (buf + data.len, otp.ptr, otp.len);

  uint16_t crc = calculate_crc16 (buf, len);

  free_wipe (buf, len);

  return crc;

Example #6
bool is_crc_16_valid(const uint8_t *data, unsigned int data_len,
                     const uint8_t *crc)

    uint16_t result = 0;

    assert(NULL != data);
    assert(NULL != crc);

    print_hex_string("crc", crc, 2);

    result = calculate_crc16(data, data_len);

    print_hex_string("Calculated crc", (uint8_t*)&result, 2);

    return ((0 == memcmp(&result, crc, sizeof(result))) ? true : false);
