int main(void)
  /* Setup */
  identifier = (int *)calloc_safe(1, sizeof(int));
  *identifier = PARENT_IDENTIFIER;
  process_number = -1;

  /* Open file for reading */
  FILE *input_file = fopen_safe("input.txt", "r");

  /* Create necessary pipes */

  /* Fork children processes */
  pid_t main_id = getpid(); // main_id contains parent process ID

  if (getpid() == main_id) // more efficient to include this statement

  /* Close proper pipe ends */

  /* Parse the input file. Processes handle properly. */

  // free heap ptrs

  return 0;
Example #2
GC_profileData profileMalloc (GC_state s) {
  GC_profileData p;
  uint32_t profileMasterLength;

  p = (GC_profileData)(malloc_safe (sizeof(*p)));
  p->total = 0;
  p->totalGC = 0;
  profileMasterLength = s->sourceMaps.sourcesLength + s->sourceMaps.sourceNamesLength;
  p->countTop = (uintmax_t*)(calloc_safe(profileMasterLength, sizeof(*(p->countTop))));
  if (s->profiling.stack)
    p->stack =
      (struct GC_profileStack *)
      (calloc_safe(profileMasterLength, sizeof(*(p->stack))));
    fprintf (stderr, FMTPTR" = profileMalloc ()\n", (uintptr_t)p);
  return p;
Example #3
GC_objectHashTable allocHashTable (GC_state s) {
  uint32_t elementsLengthMax;
  pointer regionStart;
  pointer regionEnd;
  GC_objectHashTable t;

  t = (GC_objectHashTable)(malloc_safe (sizeof(*t)));
  // Try to use space in the heap for the elements.
  if (not (isHeapInit (&s->secondaryHeap))) {
    if (DEBUG_SHARE)
      fprintf (stderr, "using secondaryHeap\n");
    regionStart = s->secondaryHeap.start;
    regionEnd = s->secondaryHeap.start + s->secondaryHeap.size;
  } else if (s->amInGC or not s->canMinor) {
    if (DEBUG_SHARE)
      fprintf (stderr, "using end of heap\n");
    regionStart = s->frontier;
    regionEnd = s->limitPlusSlop;
  } else {
    if (DEBUG_SHARE)
      fprintf (stderr, "using minor space\n");
    assert (s->canMinor);
    regionStart = s->heap.start + s->heap.oldGenSize;
    regionEnd = s->heap.nursery;
  elementsLengthMax = (regionEnd - regionStart) / sizeof (*(t->elements));
    fprintf (stderr, "elementsLengthMax = %"PRIu32"\n", elementsLengthMax);
  t->elementsLengthMax = 64;  // some small power of two
  t->elementsLengthMaxLog2 = 6;  // and its log base 2
  if (elementsLengthMax < t->elementsLengthMax) {
    if (DEBUG_SHARE)
      fprintf (stderr, "elementsLengthMax too small -- using calloc\n");
    t->elementsIsInHeap = FALSE;
    t->elements = 
      (struct GC_objectHashElement *)
      (calloc_safe(t->elementsLengthMax, sizeof(*(t->elements))));
  } else {
    if (DEBUG_SHARE)
      fprintf (stderr, "elementsLengthMax big enough -- using heap\n");
    t->elementsIsInHeap = TRUE;
    t->elements = (struct GC_objectHashElement*)regionStart;
    // Find the largest power of two that fits.
    for ( ; 
         t->elementsLengthMax <= elementsLengthMax; 
         t->elementsLengthMax <<= 1, t->elementsLengthMaxLog2++)
      ; // nothing
    t->elementsLengthMax >>= 1;
    assert (t->elementsLengthMax <= elementsLengthMax);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < t->elementsLengthMax; ++i)
      t->elements[i].object = NULL;
  t->elementsLengthCur = 0;
  t->mayInsert = TRUE;
  if (DEBUG_SHARE) {
    fprintf (stderr, "elementsIsInHeap = %s\n", 
             boolToString (t->elementsIsInHeap));
    fprintf (stderr, "elementsLengthMax = %"PRIu32"\n", t->elementsLengthMax);
    fprintf (stderr, FMTPTR" = allocHashTable ()\n", (uintptr_t)t);
  return t;