Example #1
void handleButton()
	static uint32_t btPrev = 0;
	uint32_t bt; 
	static uint8_t r, g, b;

	bt = button();

	if (bt)
		cam_getFrame((uint8_t *)SRAM0_LOC, SRAM0_SIZE, 0x21, 0, 0, 320, 200);
		getColor(&r, &g, &b);
		saturate(&r, &g, &b);
		led_setRGB(r, g, b);	 	
	else if (btPrev)
		led_setRGB(0, 0, 0);
		led_setRGB(r, g, b);	 	
		led_setRGB(0, 0, 0);
		led_setRGB(r, g, b);	 	
		led_setRGB(0, 0, 0);		

	btPrev = bt;
Example #2
int32_t cam_getFrameChirpFlags(const uint8_t &type, const uint16_t &xOffset, const uint16_t &yOffset, const uint16_t &xWidth, const uint16_t &yWidth, Chirp *chirp, uint8_t renderFlags)
	int32_t result, len;
	uint8_t *frame = (uint8_t *)SRAM1_LOC;

	// fill buffer contents manually for return data 
	len = Chirp::serialize(chirp, frame, SRAM1_SIZE, HTYPE(FOURCC('B','A','8','1')), HINT8(renderFlags), UINT16(xWidth), UINT16(yWidth), UINTS8_NO_COPY(xWidth*yWidth), END);
	// write frame after chirp args
	result = cam_getFrame(frame+len, SRAM1_SIZE-len, type, xOffset, yOffset, xWidth, yWidth);

	// tell chirp to use this buffer
	chirp->useBuffer(frame, len+xWidth*yWidth); 

	return result;
Example #3
int32_t cam_getFrameChirp(const uint8_t &type, const uint16_t &xOffset, const uint16_t &yOffset, const uint16_t &xWidth, const uint16_t &yWidth, Chirp *chirp)
	int32_t result, prebuf;
	uint8_t *frame = (uint8_t *)SRAM0_LOC;

	// force an error to get prebuf length
	CRP_RETURN(chirp, USE_BUFFER(SRAM0_SIZE, frame), HTYPE(0), UINT16(0), UINT16(0), UINTS8(0, 0), END);
	prebuf = chirp->getPreBufLen();

	if ((result=cam_getFrame(frame+prebuf, SRAM0_SIZE-prebuf, type, xOffset, yOffset, xWidth, yWidth))>=0)
		// send frame, use in-place buffer	
		CRP_RETURN(chirp, USE_BUFFER(SRAM0_SIZE, frame), HTYPE(FOURCC('B','A','8','1')), UINT16(xWidth), UINT16(yWidth), UINTS8(xWidth*yWidth, frame+prebuf), END);

	return result;
Example #4
void sendCustom(uint8_t renderFlags=RENDER_FLAG_FLUSH)
	int32_t len;
	uint8_t *frame = (uint8_t *)SRAM1_LOC;
	uint32_t fcc;

	// fill buffer contents manually for return data
	len = Chirp::serialize(g_chirpUsb, frame, SRAM1_SIZE, HTYPE(FOURCC('B','A','8','1')), HINT8(renderFlags), UINT16(CAM_RES2_WIDTH), UINT16(CAM_RES2_HEIGHT), UINTS8_NO_COPY(CAM_RES2_WIDTH*CAM_RES2_HEIGHT), END);
	// write frame after chirp args
	cam_getFrame(frame+len, SRAM1_SIZE-len, CAM_GRAB_M1R2, 0, 0, CAM_RES2_WIDTH, CAM_RES2_HEIGHT);

	//convolutionImage(CAM_RES2_WIDTH, CAM_RES2_HEIGHT, len, frame, true);
	//inverceImage(CAM_RES2_WIDTH, CAM_RES2_HEIGHT, len, frame);
	// tell chirp to use this buffer
	g_chirpUsb->useBuffer(frame, len+CAM_RES2_WIDTH*CAM_RES2_HEIGHT);

//	if (g_execArg==1)
//	{
//		cprintf("g_execArg==1");
//		// fill buffer contents manually for return data
//		len = Chirp::serialize(g_chirpUsb, frame, SRAM1_SIZE, HTYPE(FOURCC('C','M','V','2')), HINT8(renderFlags), UINT16(CAM_RES2_WIDTH), UINT16(CAM_RES2_HEIGHT), UINTS8_NO_COPY(CAM_RES2_WIDTH*CAM_RES2_HEIGHT), END);
//		// write frame after chirp args
//		cam_getFrame(frame+len, SRAM1_SIZE-len, CAM_GRAB_M1R2, 0, 0, CAM_RES2_WIDTH, CAM_RES2_HEIGHT);
//		//inverceImage(CAM_RES2_WIDTH, CAM_RES2_HEIGHT, len, frame);
//		// tell chirp to use this buffer
//		g_chirpUsb->useBuffer(frame, len+CAM_RES2_WIDTH*CAM_RES2_HEIGHT);
//	}
//	else if (100<=g_execArg && g_execArg<200)
//	{
//		cprintf("100<=g_execArg && g_execArg<200");
//		fcc =  FOURCC('E','X',(g_execArg%100)/10 + '0', (g_execArg%10) + '0');
//		len = Chirp::serialize(g_chirpUsb, frame, SRAM1_SIZE, HTYPE(fcc), HINT8(renderFlags), UINT16(CAM_RES2_WIDTH), UINT16(CAM_RES2_HEIGHT), UINTS8_NO_COPY(CAM_RES2_WIDTH*CAM_RES2_HEIGHT), END);
//		// write frame after chirp args
//		cam_getFrame(frame+len, SRAM1_SIZE-len, CAM_GRAB_M1R2, 0, 0, CAM_RES2_WIDTH, CAM_RES2_HEIGHT);
//		//inverceImage(CAM_RES2_WIDTH, CAM_RES2_HEIGHT, len, frame);
//		// tell chirp to use this buffer
//		g_chirpUsb->useBuffer(frame, len+CAM_RES2_WIDTH*CAM_RES2_HEIGHT);
//	}
//	else
//	{
//		cprintf("sendCustom else");
//		cam_getFrameChirp(CAM_GRAB_M1R2, 0, 0, CAM_RES2_WIDTH, CAM_RES2_HEIGHT, g_chirpUsb);
//	}

Example #5
int main(void) 

// 	pixyInit(SRAM3_LOC, &LR0[0], sizeof(LR0));
#if 0


#if 1		/* test loop */
#if 0
	int i = 0;
		//uint8_t reg = cam_getRegister(0x0a);
		cprintf("hello world %d\n", i++);
#if 0
		uint8_t *frame = (uint8_t *)SRAM1_LOC;
		int res;

		res = cam_getFrame(frame, SRAM1_SIZE, CAM_GRAB_M1R2, 0, 0, CAM_RES2_WIDTH, CAM_RES2_HEIGHT);
		if (i%50==0)
			lpc_printf("%d\n", i);


#if 1
	exec_addProg(&g_progVideo, true);

#if 0

	ColorModel model, *model2;
	uint32_t len;
	model.m_hue[0].m_slope = 1.0;
	model.m_hue[0].m_yi = 2.0;
	model.m_hue[1].m_slope = 3.0;
	model.m_hue[1].m_yi = 4.0;
	model.m_sat[0].m_slope = 5.0;
	model.m_sat[0].m_yi = 6.0;
	model.m_sat[1].m_slope = 7.0;
	model.m_sat[1].m_yi = 8.0;
	prm_add("signature1", "Color signature 1", INTS8(sizeof(ColorModel), &model), END);
	prm_set("signature1", INTS8(sizeof(ColorModel), &model), END);
	model.m_hue[0].m_slope = 9.0;
	model.m_hue[0].m_yi = 10.0;
	model.m_hue[1].m_slope = 11.0;
	model.m_hue[1].m_yi = 12.0;
	model.m_sat[0].m_slope = 13.0;
	model.m_sat[0].m_yi = 14.0;
	model.m_sat[1].m_slope = 15.0;
	model.m_sat[1].m_yi = 16.0;
	prm_add("signature2", "Color signature 2", INTS8(sizeof(ColorModel), &model), END);
	prm_set("signature2", INTS8(sizeof(ColorModel), &model), END);
	prm_get("signature1", &len, &model2, END);
	model.m_hue[0].m_slope = 17.0;
	model.m_hue[0].m_yi = 18.0;
	model.m_hue[1].m_slope = 19.0;
	model.m_hue[1].m_yi = 20.0;
	model.m_sat[0].m_slope = 21.0;
	model.m_sat[0].m_yi = 22.0;
	model.m_sat[1].m_slope = 23.0;
	model.m_sat[1].m_yi = 24.0;
	prm_get("signature1", &len, &model2, END);

	prm_set("signature1", INTS8(sizeof(ColorModel), &model), END);
	prm_get("signature1", &len, &model2, END);
	prm_get("signature2", &len, &model2, END);

#if 0
	#define DELAY 1000000
	rcs_setLimits(0, -200, 200);
	rcs_setLimits(1, -200, 200);
		rcs_setPos(0, 0);
		rcs_setPos(0, 500);
		rcs_setPos(0, 1000);
		rcs_setPos(1, 0);
		rcs_setPos(1, 500);
		rcs_setPos(1, 1000);

#if 0
Example #6
void edgeDetect_run()
	cam_setBrightness(BRIGHTNESS); 				// 0 to 255
	uint8_t *frame = (uint8_t *)SRAM1_LOC;
	uint8_t *frameloc = (uint8_t *)(SRAM1_LOC + 2);
	uint8_t *sendPositions = (uint8_t*)(SRAM1_LOC);
	float theta;
	// recieve the command to get a frame
	while(1) {
		led_setRGB(255, 0, 0);
		while(1) {
				//rxbuf = UART_ReceiveByte(LPC_USART0);
				theta = (float)UART_DATA_AVAILABLE;
		theta = (float)(theta*(3.14159/180.0));
		led_setRGB(0, 255, 0);
			cam_getFrame(frameloc, SRAM1_SIZE, CAM_GRAB_M1R2, 0, 0, RES_WIDTH, RES_HEIGHT);
			// second time through gets a frame fine
			frameloc = frame;
			for(uint16_t y = 1 + OFFSET; y < (RES_HEIGHT - OFFSET); y += 2) {
				uint16_t ypo = y + 1;
				uint16_t ymo = y - 1;
				for(uint16_t x = 1 + OFFSET; x < (RES_WIDTH - OFFSET); x += 2) {
					uint16_t xpo = x + 1;
					uint16_t xmo = x - 1;
					uint16_t grad; 
					uint16_t intense_XPO_Y = frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + xpo] + frameloc[ypo*RES_WIDTH + xpo+1] + 
							(frameloc[ypo*RES_WIDTH + xpo] + frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + xpo+1])/2;
					uint16_t intense_XMO_Y = frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + xmo] + frameloc[ypo*RES_WIDTH + x] + 
							(frameloc[ypo*RES_WIDTH + xmo] + frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + x])/2;
					uint16_t intense_X_YPO = frameloc[ypo*RES_WIDTH + x] + frameloc[(ypo+1)*RES_WIDTH + xpo] + 
							(frameloc[(ypo+1)*RES_WIDTH + x] + frameloc[ypo*RES_WIDTH + xpo])/2;
					uint16_t intense_XPO_YPO = frameloc[ypo*RES_WIDTH + xpo] + frameloc[(ypo+1)*RES_WIDTH + xpo+1] + 
							(frameloc[(ypo+1)*RES_WIDTH + xpo] + frameloc[ypo*RES_WIDTH + xpo+1])/2;
					uint16_t intense_XMO_YPO = frameloc[(ypo)*RES_WIDTH + xmo] + frameloc[(ypo+1)*RES_WIDTH + x] + 
							(frameloc[(ypo+1)*RES_WIDTH + xmo] + frameloc[ypo*RES_WIDTH + x])/2;
					uint16_t intense_X_YMO = frameloc[ymo*RES_WIDTH + x] + frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + xpo] + 
							(frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + x] + frameloc[ymo*RES_WIDTH + xpo])/2;
					uint16_t intense_XPO_YMO = frameloc[ymo*RES_WIDTH + xpo] + frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + xpo+1] + 
							(frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + xpo] + frameloc[ymo*RES_WIDTH + xpo+1])/2;
					uint16_t intense_XMO_YMO = frameloc[ymo*RES_WIDTH + xmo] + frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + x] + 
							(frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + xmo] + frameloc[ymo*RES_WIDTH + x])/2;
					uint16_t grad1 = abs(intense_XPO_Y - intense_XMO_Y
						+ intense_XPO_YPO - intense_XMO_YPO
						+ intense_XPO_YMO - intense_XMO_YMO);
					uint16_t grad2 = abs(intense_X_YPO -	intense_X_YMO
						+ intense_XPO_YPO -	intense_XPO_YMO
						+ intense_XMO_YPO - intense_XMO_YMO);
					grad = grad1 + grad2;

					// when it loops a second time through, it cannot make it passed the next line
					// Deleted if statement, hopefully that'll do 'er. Really inefficient though

					if(grad > THREASHOLD) {
						frameloc[ymo*RES_WIDTH + xmo] = 255;
						frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + xmo] = 255;
						frameloc[ymo*RES_WIDTH + x] = 255;
						frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + x] = 255;
					else {
						frameloc[ymo*RES_WIDTH + xmo] = 0;
						frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + xmo] = 0;
						frameloc[ymo*RES_WIDTH + x] = 0;
						frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + x] = 0;
					if( y == x) {
						frameloc[ymo*RES_WIDTH + xmo] = 255;
						frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + xmo] = 255;
						frameloc[ymo*RES_WIDTH + x] = 255;
						frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + x] = 255;
					else {
						frameloc[ymo*RES_WIDTH + xmo] = 0;
						frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + xmo] = 0;
						frameloc[ymo*RES_WIDTH + x] = 0;
						frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + x] = 0;
			led_setRGB(255, 0, 255);
			// floor detection & 
		uint16_t count = 0;
		for(float x = (POS_OFFSET); x < (RES_WIDTH - POS_OFFSET); x += 2.0) {
			float xPos;
			for(float y = (RES_HEIGHT - POS_OFFSET); y > POS_OFFSET; y -= 2.0) {
				if(frameloc[((uint8_t)y)*RES_WIDTH + (uint16_t)x] != 0) {
					float yPos;
					double theta_ph = atan(((2.0*y-200.0)/200.0)*TAN_FOVH_DIV_2);		// This works
					double cos_theta_ph = cos(theta_ph);
					//sendPositions[count] = cos_theta_ph*128;
					double cos_theta_minus_ph = cos(theta - theta_ph);
					//sendPositions[count] = cos_theta_minus_ph*128;
					//sendPositions[count] = (int8_t)(theta_ph * (180.0/3.142));				// these two lines send x,y pairs
					//sendPositions[count] = (cos_theta_ph)/(cos_theta_minus_ph);
					yPos = ((double)((3.8)*((cos_theta_ph))))/(cos_theta_minus_ph) + 
										(0.0)*tan(theta - theta_ph);
					xPos = (yPos*(2.0*x - 320.0))/417.0;	// hopefully the x cord. won't be super inaccurate. Not crucial though.

					//sendPositions[2*count + 1] = yPos;	  //(int8_t)yPos;
					//sendPositions[2*count] = x;				// these two lines send x,y pairs
					sendPositions[count] = yPos;	  //(int8_t)yPos;
				else {
					// color the floor a different color. Not used in this scenario
		UART_Send(LPC_USART0, sendPositions, count, BLOCKING);	// sends x,y pairs
		//UART_Send(LPC_USART0, sendPositions, count, BLOCKING);	// sends only the y distance
		count = 0;
		// Byte packing for processing script
		for(uint16_t y = 0; y < RES_HEIGHT/2; y += 1) {
			for (uint16_t x = 0; x < RES_WIDTH/2; x += 8) {
	/*		// Checkerboard for configuring things
					frameloc[y*20 + x/8] = 0x55;
					frameloc[y*20 + x/8] = 0xAA;
					frameloc[y*(RES_WIDTH/16) + x/8] = (frameloc[(y*2+1)*RES_WIDTH + (2*(x+0)+1)] & 0x80) | 
																					(frameloc[(y*2+1)*RES_WIDTH + (2*(x+1)+1)] & 0x40) |
																					(frameloc[(y*2+1)*RES_WIDTH + (2*(x+2)+1)] & 0x20) |
																					(frameloc[(y*2+1)*RES_WIDTH + (2*(x+3)+1)] & 0x10) |
																					(frameloc[(y*2+1)*RES_WIDTH + (2*(x+4)+1)] & 0x08) |
																					(frameloc[(y*2+1)*RES_WIDTH + (2*(x+5)+1)] & 0x04) |
																					(frameloc[(y*2+1)*RES_WIDTH + (2*(x+6)+1)] & 0x02) |
																					(frameloc[(y*2+1)*RES_WIDTH + (2*(x+7)+1)] & 0x01); 

		// UART_Send(LPC_USART0, frameloc, 16000, BLOCKING);   // Send the frame to see it in tera term. NO BYTE PACK
		// frame[0] = 'A';																		 // key byte
		// UART_Send(LPC_USART0, frameloc, 2001, BLOCKING);		 // Send the frame byte packed to see it in processing
		//UART_Send(LPC_USART0, sendPositions, (RES_WIDTH - 2*POS_OFFSET)>>1, BLOCKING);
		// clear array
		for(uint8_t x = 0; x < 240; x++) {
			sendPositions[x] = 255;
Example #7
void edgeDetect_highres_run()
	uint8_t *frame = (uint8_t *)SRAM1_LOC;
	uint8_t *frameloc = (uint8_t *)(SRAM1_LOC + 0);
	uint8_t *sendPositions = (uint8_t*)(SRAM1_LOC);
	float theta;
	// recieve the command to get a frame
	while(1) {
		// red LED: Stopped waiting for data
		led_setRGB(255, 0, 0);
		while(1) {
			if(UART_DATA_AVAILABLE) {		// Data has come!
				theta = (float)UART_DATA_AVAILABLE;
		if(theta > 45) {
			// make sure that theta is casted as a float
			theta = (float)(theta*(3.14159/180.0));
			// green LED, lets go!
			led_setRGB(0, 255, 0);
		// grab frame
			cam_getFrame(frameloc, SRAM1_SIZE, CAM_GRAB_M1R2, 0, 0, RES_WIDTH, RES_HEIGHT);
			frameloc = frame;			// 
		// double for loop for calculating edges
			for(uint16_t y = 1; y < (RES_HEIGHT); y += 1) {
				uint16_t ypo = y + 1;
				uint16_t ymo = y - 1;
				for(uint16_t x = 1; x < (RES_WIDTH); x += 1) {
					uint16_t xpo = x + 1;
					uint16_t xmo = x - 1;
				// Gradient calculation
					// intensity calculation for the pixel groups around each pixel
					uint16_t intense_XPO_Y;
					uint16_t intense_XMO_Y;
					uint16_t intense_X_YPO;
					uint16_t intense_XPO_YPO;
					uint16_t intense_XMO_YPO;
					uint16_t intense_X_YMO;
					uint16_t intense_XPO_YMO;
					uint16_t intense_XMO_YMO;
					if( ( (x % 2 == 0) && (y % 2 == 0) ) || ( (x % 2 == 1) && (y % 2 == 1) ) )  {			// We are on a blue or red pixel
						intense_XPO_Y = intensityCalc_GreenPixel(frameloc, xpo, y);
						intense_XMO_Y = intensityCalc_GreenPixel(frameloc, xmo, y);
						intense_X_YPO = intensityCalc_GreenPixel(frameloc, x, ypo);
						intense_XPO_YPO = intensityCalc_BlueRedPixel(frameloc, xpo, ypo);
					  intense_XMO_YPO = intensityCalc_BlueRedPixel(frameloc, xmo, ypo);
						intense_X_YMO = intensityCalc_GreenPixel(frameloc, x, ymo);
						intense_XPO_YMO = intensityCalc_BlueRedPixel(frameloc, xpo, ymo);
						intense_XMO_YMO = intensityCalc_BlueRedPixel(frameloc, xmo, ymo);
					else {			// We are on a green pixel
						intense_XPO_Y = intensityCalc_BlueRedPixel(frameloc, xpo, y);
						intense_XMO_Y = intensityCalc_BlueRedPixel(frameloc, xmo, y);
						intense_X_YPO = intensityCalc_BlueRedPixel(frameloc, x, ypo);
						intense_XPO_YPO = intensityCalc_GreenPixel(frameloc, xpo, ypo);
					  intense_XMO_YPO = intensityCalc_GreenPixel(frameloc, xmo, ypo);
						intense_X_YMO = intensityCalc_BlueRedPixel(frameloc, x, ymo);
						intense_XPO_YMO = intensityCalc_GreenPixel(frameloc, xpo, ymo);
						intense_XMO_YMO = intensityCalc_GreenPixel(frameloc, xmo, ymo);
					float grad1 = abs(intense_XPO_Y - intense_XMO_Y
						+ intense_XPO_YPO - intense_XMO_YPO
						+ intense_XPO_YMO - intense_XMO_YMO);
					float grad2 = abs(intense_X_YPO -	intense_X_YMO
						+ intense_XPO_YPO -	intense_XPO_YMO
						+ intense_XMO_YPO - intense_XMO_YMO);
								// Threashold detection
					if( (grad1 + grad2) > THREASHOLD_LOW ) {
						// EDGE
						frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + x] = 255;
					else {
						// NO EDGE
						frameloc[y*RES_WIDTH + x] = 0;
			} // end nested for loop
			led_setRGB(255, 0, 255);	// Purple LED
				// floor detection & distance extrapolation
			uint16_t count = 0;
			for(float x = (POS_OFFSET); x < (RES_WIDTH - POS_OFFSET); x += 1.0) {	// start on the left
				float xPos;
				for(float y = (RES_HEIGHT - POS_OFFSET); y > POS_OFFSET; y -= 1.0) {	// start from the bottom
					if(frameloc[((uint16_t)y)*RES_WIDTH + (uint16_t)x] != 0) {
						float yPos;
						double theta_ph = atan(((2.0*y-200.0)/200.0)*TAN_FOVH_DIV_2);		// angle of the pixel
						double cos_theta_ph = cos(theta_ph);											// used in the computations
						double cos_theta_minus_ph = cos(theta - theta_ph);				// used in the computations
						yPos = ((double)((3.9)*((cos_theta_ph))))/(cos_theta_minus_ph) + 
											(2.1)*tan(theta - theta_ph);		// y distance from the bot
						xPos = (yPos*(2.0*x - 320.0))/417.0;			// x distance from the bot

						sendPositions[2*count] = xPos;				// these two lines send x,y pairs
						sendPositions[2*count + 1] = yPos;
						count++;		// count of the number of edges of obsticles detected
						break;			// stop looking for the edge, break to the next x co-ordinate
					else {
						// color the floor a different color. Not used in this scenario
			UART_Send(LPC_USART0, sendPositions, 2*count, BLOCKING);	// sends x,y pairs
			count = 0;
			// clear array
			for(uint16_t x = 0; x < 640; x++) {
				sendPositions[x] = 255;
		} // end edge detecting
		else if(theta > 1 ) {	// Servo move routine
			uint16_t position;
			int8_t retVal;
			// Move the servo based on the input from the PIC
			// theta == 2 corrisponds to a 45 degree angle,
			// theta == 42 corrisponds to a 135 degree angle.
			position = (position - 2)*(25);
			retVal = rcs_setPos(1, position);
			if(retVal == 0) {
				uint8_t retStr[] = "successful Servo Move\n\r";
				UART_Send(LPC_USART0, retStr, 24, BLOCKING);
			else {
				uint8_t retStr[] = "Error: Servo Move\n\r";
				UART_Send(LPC_USART0, retStr, 20, BLOCKING);
		else {		// theta == 1, they are asking for my ID
			// tell the processing script/pic/whatever that I am the pixy
			uint8_t ID[] = "I am the Pixy!\n\r";