CamelMimePart * mail_tool_make_message_attachment (CamelMimeMessage *message) { CamelMimePart *part; const char *subject; struct _camel_header_raw *xev; char *desc; subject = camel_mime_message_get_subject (message); if (subject) desc = g_strdup_printf (_("Forwarded message - %s"), subject); else desc = g_strdup (_("Forwarded message")); /* rip off the X-Evolution headers */ xev = mail_tool_remove_xevolution_headers (message); camel_header_raw_clear(&xev); /* remove Bcc headers */ camel_medium_remove_header (CAMEL_MEDIUM (message), "Bcc"); part = camel_mime_part_new (); camel_mime_part_set_disposition (part, "inline"); camel_mime_part_set_description (part, desc); camel_medium_set_content_object (CAMEL_MEDIUM (part), CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (message)); camel_mime_part_set_content_type (part, "message/rfc822"); g_free (desc); return part; }
static gint multipart_construct_from_parser (CamelMultipart *multipart, CamelMimeParser *mp) { gint err; CamelContentType *content_type; CamelMimePart *bodypart; gchar *buf; gsize len; g_assert (camel_mime_parser_state (mp) == CAMEL_MIME_PARSER_STATE_MULTIPART); /* FIXME: we should use a came-mime-mutlipart, not jsut a camel-multipart, but who cares */ d(printf("Creating multi-part\n")); content_type = camel_mime_parser_content_type (mp); camel_multipart_set_boundary (multipart, camel_content_type_param(content_type, "boundary")); while (camel_mime_parser_step (mp, &buf, &len) != CAMEL_MIME_PARSER_STATE_MULTIPART_END) { camel_mime_parser_unstep (mp); bodypart = camel_mime_part_new (); camel_mime_part_construct_from_parser_sync ( bodypart, mp, NULL, NULL); camel_multipart_add_part (multipart, bodypart); g_object_unref (bodypart); } /* these are only return valid data in the MULTIPART_END state */ camel_multipart_set_preface (multipart, camel_mime_parser_preface (mp)); camel_multipart_set_postface (multipart, camel_mime_parser_postface (mp)); err = camel_mime_parser_errno (mp); if (err != 0) { errno = err; return -1; } else return 0; }
CamelMimeMessage * scalix_appointment_to_mime_message (ScalixObject * object) { CamelMimeMessage *message; CamelMultipart *multipart; CamelMimePart *part; CamelMedium *medium; CamelStream *stream; CamelDataWrapper *wrapper; ECalComponentDateTime dtstart, dtend; ECalComponent *comp; ECalComponentText text; icalcomponent_kind kind; icalcomponent *icalcomp, *toplevel_comp; icaltimezone *zone = NULL; GSList *attachment_list = NULL; GSList *attachment_list_new = NULL; GSList *siter = NULL; GList *part_list = NULL; GList *iter = NULL; char *msgid; char *str, *meeting_status; const char *ouid = NULL; char *file_contents = NULL; char *full_path, *filename, *mime_filename; char *cid; int size; g_object_get (SCALIX_APPOINTMENT (object), "timezone", &zone, NULL); comp = E_CAL_COMPONENT (scalix_object_clone (object)); message = camel_mime_message_new (); medium = CAMEL_MEDIUM (message); camel_medium_add_header (medium, "X-Scalix-Class", "IPM.Appointment"); /* Preserve msg id if there is already one */ if (scalix_appointment_get (SCALIX_APPOINTMENT (comp), X_SCALIX_MSG_ID, &msgid)) { scalix_appointment_unset (SCALIX_APPOINTMENT (comp), X_SCALIX_MSG_ID); } else { msgid = camel_header_msgid_generate (); } camel_mime_message_set_message_id (message, msgid); /* subject */ e_cal_component_get_summary (comp, &text); if (text.value != NULL) { camel_mime_message_set_subject (message, text.value); } /* start day */ e_cal_component_get_dtstart (comp, &dtstart); if (!icaltime_get_timezone (*dtstart.value)) icaltime_set_timezone (dtstart.value, icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone_from_tzid (dtstart.tzid)); /* end day */ e_cal_component_get_dtend (comp, &dtend); if (!icaltime_get_timezone (*dtend.value)) icaltime_set_timezone (dtend.value, icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone_from_tzid (dtend.tzid)); /* set From: and Sender: */ if (e_cal_component_has_organizer (comp)) { ECalComponentOrganizer organizer; e_cal_component_get_organizer (comp, &organizer); if (!strncasecmp (organizer.value, "MAILTO:", 7)) { camel_medium_add_header (medium, "Sender", organizer.value + 7); camel_medium_add_header (medium, "From", organizer.value + 7); } } /* set the appropriate recipient headers from the recipient table */ if (e_cal_component_has_attendees (comp) && e_cal_component_has_organizer (comp)) { GSList *iter, *attendees = NULL; CamelInternetAddress *recipients_to = NULL; CamelInternetAddress *recipients_cc = NULL; meeting_status = "1"; e_cal_component_get_attendee_list (comp, &attendees); for (iter = attendees; iter; iter = iter->next) { ECalComponentAttendee *attendee = iter->data; const char *mail = NULL; /* attendee entries must start with MAILTO: */ if (strncasecmp (attendee->value, "MAILTO:", 7)) { continue; } mail = attendee->value + 7; if (attendee->role == ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT) { if (recipients_to == NULL) { recipients_to = camel_internet_address_new (); } camel_internet_address_add (recipients_to, attendee->cn, mail); } else if (attendee->role == ICAL_ROLE_OPTPARTICIPANT) { if (recipients_cc == NULL) { recipients_cc = camel_internet_address_new (); } camel_internet_address_add (recipients_cc, attendee->cn, mail); } else { continue; } } if (recipients_to != NULL) { camel_mime_message_set_recipients (message, "To", recipients_to); camel_object_unref (recipients_to); } if (recipients_cc != NULL) { camel_mime_message_set_recipients (message, "Cc", recipients_cc); camel_object_unref (recipients_cc); } } else { meeting_status = "0"; } /* Clear properties */ scalix_appointment_unset (SCALIX_APPOINTMENT (comp), X_SCALIX_IMAP_UID); /* Render the text/calendar */ e_cal_component_commit_sequence (comp); icalcomp = e_cal_component_get_icalcomponent (comp); kind = icalcomponent_isa (icalcomp); if (kind != ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT) { /* If its not a VCALENDAR, make it one to simplify below */ toplevel_comp = e_cal_util_new_top_level (); icalcomponent_add_component (toplevel_comp, icalcomp); icalcomp = toplevel_comp; } /* set METHOD to PUSBLISH */ icalcomponent_set_method (icalcomp, ICAL_METHOD_PUBLISH); /* Add the VTIMEZONE components for start- and/or end-times */ if (zone) { icalcomponent_add_component (icalcomp, icaltimezone_get_component (zone)); } else if (dtstart.tzid) { icalcomponent_add_component (icalcomp, icaltimezone_get_component (icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone_from_tzid (dtstart.tzid))); } if (dtstart.tzid && dtend.tzid && strcmp (dtstart.tzid, dtend.tzid) != 0) { icalcomponent_add_component (icalcomp, icaltimezone_get_component (icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone_from_tzid (dtend.tzid))); } /* FIXME: do we leek icalcomponents here? */ if (e_cal_component_has_attachments (comp)) { multipart = camel_multipart_new (); camel_multipart_set_boundary (multipart, NULL); e_cal_component_get_uid (comp, &ouid); e_cal_component_get_attachment_list (comp, &attachment_list); for (siter = attachment_list; siter; siter = siter->next) { if (siter->data == NULL) continue; if (strstr (siter->data, "file://") != siter->data) continue; full_path = ((char *) siter->data) + strlen ("file://"); filename = g_strrstr (full_path, "/") + 1; mime_filename = filename + strlen (ouid) + 1; size = 0; file_contents = get_file_contents (full_path, &size); if (file_contents == NULL) continue; stream = camel_stream_mem_new_with_buffer (file_contents, size); wrapper = camel_data_wrapper_new (); camel_data_wrapper_construct_from_stream (wrapper, stream); camel_object_unref (stream); part = camel_mime_part_new (); camel_medium_set_content_object (CAMEL_MEDIUM (part), wrapper); camel_mime_part_set_filename (part, mime_filename); camel_mime_part_set_encoding (part, CAMEL_TRANSFER_ENCODING_BASE64); cid = camel_header_msgid_generate (); camel_mime_part_set_content_id (part, cid); camel_mime_part_set_description (part, mime_filename); camel_mime_part_set_disposition (part, "attachment"); part_list = g_list_append (part_list, part); attachment_list_new = g_slist_append (attachment_list_new, g_strdup_printf ("CID:%s", cid)); g_free (cid); } e_cal_component_set_attachment_list (comp, attachment_list_new); str = icalcomponent_as_ical_string (icalcomp); part = camel_mime_part_new (); camel_mime_part_set_content (part, str, strlen (str), "text/calendar; method=PUBLISH; charset=UTF-8"); part_list = g_list_prepend (part_list, part); for (iter = part_list; iter; iter = iter->next) { part = (CamelMimePart *) iter->data; camel_multipart_add_part (multipart, part); camel_object_unref (part); } camel_medium_set_content_object (CAMEL_MEDIUM (message), CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (multipart)); camel_object_unref (multipart); g_slist_free (attachment_list); g_slist_free (attachment_list_new); g_list_free (part_list); } else { str = icalcomponent_as_ical_string (icalcomp); camel_mime_part_set_content (CAMEL_MIME_PART (message), str, strlen (str), "text/calendar; method=PUBLISH; charset=UTF-8"); } scalix_appointment_set (SCALIX_APPOINTMENT (object), X_SCALIX_MSG_ID, msgid); return message; }
static void eab_composer_created_cb (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data) { CreateComposerData *ccd = user_data; EComposerHeaderTable *table; EMsgComposer *composer; GError *error = NULL; g_return_if_fail (ccd != NULL); composer = e_msg_composer_new_finish (result, &error); if (error) { g_warning ("%s: Failed to create msg composer: %s", G_STRFUNC, error->message); g_clear_error (&error); } else { table = e_msg_composer_get_header_table (composer); if (ccd->to_destinations) e_composer_header_table_set_destinations_to (table, ccd->to_destinations); if (ccd->bcc_destinations) e_composer_header_table_set_destinations_bcc (table, ccd->bcc_destinations); if (ccd->attachment_destinations) { CamelMimePart *attachment; GSList *contacts, *iter; gchar *data; attachment = camel_mime_part_new (); contacts = g_slist_copy (ccd->attachment_destinations); for (iter = contacts; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) iter->data = e_destination_get_contact (iter->data); data = eab_contact_list_to_string (contacts); g_slist_free (contacts); camel_mime_part_set_content (attachment, data, strlen (data), "text/x-vcard"); if (ccd->attachment_destinations->next != NULL) { camel_mime_part_set_description (attachment, _("Multiple vCards")); } else { EContact *contact; const gchar *file_as; gchar *description; contact = e_destination_get_contact (ccd->attachment_destinations->data); file_as = e_contact_get_const (contact, E_CONTACT_FILE_AS); description = g_strdup_printf (_("vCard for %s"), file_as); camel_mime_part_set_description (attachment, description); g_free (description); } camel_mime_part_set_disposition (attachment, "attachment"); e_msg_composer_attach (composer, attachment); g_object_unref (attachment); if (ccd->attachment_destinations->next != NULL) { e_composer_header_table_set_subject (table, _("Contact information")); } else { EContact *contact; gchar *tempstr; const gchar *tempstr2; gchar *tempfree = NULL; contact = e_destination_get_contact (ccd->attachment_destinations->data); tempstr2 = e_contact_get_const (contact, E_CONTACT_FILE_AS); if (!tempstr2 || !*tempstr2) tempstr2 = e_contact_get_const (contact, E_CONTACT_FULL_NAME); if (!tempstr2 || !*tempstr2) tempstr2 = e_contact_get_const (contact, E_CONTACT_ORG); if (!tempstr2 || !*tempstr2) { g_free (tempfree); tempstr2 = get_email (contact, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_1, &tempfree); } if (!tempstr2 || !*tempstr2) { g_free (tempfree); tempstr2 = get_email (contact, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_2, &tempfree); } if (!tempstr2 || !*tempstr2) { g_free (tempfree); tempstr2 = get_email (contact, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_3, &tempfree); } if (!tempstr2 || !*tempstr2) tempstr = g_strdup_printf (_("Contact information")); else tempstr = g_strdup_printf (_("Contact information for %s"), tempstr2); e_composer_header_table_set_subject (table, tempstr); g_free (tempstr); g_free (tempfree); } } gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (composer)); } if (ccd->to_destinations) e_destination_freev (ccd->to_destinations); if (ccd->bcc_destinations) e_destination_freev (ccd->bcc_destinations); g_slist_free_full (ccd->attachment_destinations, g_object_unref); g_free (ccd); }
static gboolean empe_inlinepgp_encrypted_parse (EMailParserExtension *extension, EMailParser *parser, CamelMimePart *part, GString *part_id, GCancellable *cancellable, GQueue *out_mail_parts) { CamelCipherContext *cipher; CamelCipherValidity *valid; CamelMimePart *opart; CamelDataWrapper *dw; gchar *mime_type; gint len; GQueue work_queue = G_QUEUE_INIT; GList *head, *link; GError *local_error = NULL; if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (cancellable)) return FALSE; cipher = camel_gpg_context_new (e_mail_parser_get_session (parser)); opart = camel_mime_part_new (); /* Decrypt the message */ valid = camel_cipher_context_decrypt_sync ( cipher, part, opart, cancellable, &local_error); if (local_error != NULL) { e_mail_parser_error ( parser, out_mail_parts, _("Could not parse PGP message: %s"), local_error->message); g_error_free (local_error); e_mail_parser_parse_part_as ( parser, part, part_id, "application/vnd.evolution.source", cancellable, out_mail_parts); g_object_unref (cipher); g_object_unref (opart); return TRUE; } dw = camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) opart); mime_type = camel_data_wrapper_get_mime_type (dw); /* this ensures to show the 'opart' as inlined, if possible */ if (mime_type && g_ascii_strcasecmp (mime_type, "application/octet-stream") == 0) { const gchar *snoop; snoop = e_mail_part_snoop_type (opart); if (snoop != NULL) { camel_data_wrapper_set_mime_type (dw, snoop); /* Set the MIME type on the 'opart' itself as well. * If it's "text/plain", then we want the TextPlain * parser extension to treat it as "text/plain" and * NOT wrap it as an attachment. */ camel_data_wrapper_set_mime_type ( CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (opart), snoop); } } e_mail_part_preserve_charset_in_content_type (part, opart); g_free (mime_type); /* Pass it off to the real formatter */ len = part_id->len; g_string_append (part_id, ".inlinepgp_encrypted"); g_warn_if_fail (e_mail_parser_parse_part_as ( parser, opart, part_id, camel_data_wrapper_get_mime_type (dw), cancellable, &work_queue)); g_string_truncate (part_id, len); head = g_queue_peek_head_link (&work_queue); for (link = head; link != NULL; link = g_list_next (link)) { EMailPart *mail_part = link->data; e_mail_part_update_validity ( mail_part, valid, E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_ENCRYPTED | E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_PGP); } e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts); /* Add a widget with details about the encryption, but only when * the encrypted isn't itself secured, in that case it has created * the button itself */ if (!e_mail_part_is_secured (opart)) { EMailPart *mail_part; g_string_append (part_id, ".inlinepgp_encrypted.button"); e_mail_parser_parse_part_as ( parser, part, part_id, "application/", cancellable, &work_queue); mail_part = g_queue_peek_head (&work_queue); if (mail_part != NULL) e_mail_part_update_validity ( mail_part, valid, E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_ENCRYPTED | E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_PGP); e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts); g_string_truncate (part_id, len); } /* Clean Up */ camel_cipher_validity_free (valid); g_object_unref (opart); g_object_unref (cipher); return TRUE; }
static int sm_sign(CamelCipherContext *context, const char *userid, CamelCipherHash hash, CamelMimePart *ipart, CamelMimePart *opart, CamelException *ex) { int res = -1; NSSCMSMessage *cmsg; CamelStream *ostream, *istream; SECOidTag sechash; NSSCMSEncoderContext *enc; CamelDataWrapper *dw; CamelContentType *ct; switch (hash) { case CAMEL_CIPHER_HASH_SHA1: case CAMEL_CIPHER_HASH_DEFAULT: default: sechash = SEC_OID_SHA1; break; case CAMEL_CIPHER_HASH_MD5: sechash = SEC_OID_MD5; break; } cmsg = sm_signing_cmsmessage((CamelSMIMEContext *)context, userid, sechash, ((CamelSMIMEContext *)context)->priv->sign_mode == CAMEL_SMIME_SIGN_CLEARSIGN, ex); if (cmsg == NULL) return -1; ostream = camel_stream_mem_new(); /* FIXME: stream this, we stream output at least */ istream = camel_stream_mem_new(); if (camel_cipher_canonical_to_stream(ipart, CAMEL_MIME_FILTER_CANON_STRIP |CAMEL_MIME_FILTER_CANON_CRLF |CAMEL_MIME_FILTER_CANON_FROM, istream) == -1) { camel_exception_setv(ex, CAMEL_EXCEPTION_SYSTEM, _("Could not generate signing data: %s"), g_strerror(errno)); goto fail; } enc = NSS_CMSEncoder_Start(cmsg, sm_write_stream, ostream, /* DER output callback */ NULL, NULL, /* destination storage */ NULL, NULL, /* password callback */ NULL, NULL, /* decrypt key callback */ NULL, NULL ); /* detached digests */ if (!enc) { camel_exception_set (ex, CAMEL_EXCEPTION_SYSTEM, _("Cannot create encoder context")); goto fail; } if (NSS_CMSEncoder_Update(enc, (char *) ((CamelStreamMem *)istream)->buffer->data, ((CamelStreamMem *)istream)->buffer->len) != SECSuccess) { NSS_CMSEncoder_Cancel(enc); camel_exception_set (ex, CAMEL_EXCEPTION_SYSTEM, _("Failed to add data to CMS encoder")); goto fail; } if (NSS_CMSEncoder_Finish(enc) != SECSuccess) { camel_exception_set (ex, CAMEL_EXCEPTION_SYSTEM, _("Failed to encode data")); goto fail; } res = 0; dw = camel_data_wrapper_new(); camel_stream_reset(ostream); camel_data_wrapper_construct_from_stream(dw, ostream); dw->encoding = CAMEL_TRANSFER_ENCODING_BINARY; if (((CamelSMIMEContext *)context)->priv->sign_mode == CAMEL_SMIME_SIGN_CLEARSIGN) { CamelMultipartSigned *mps; CamelMimePart *sigpart; sigpart = camel_mime_part_new(); ct = camel_content_type_new("application", "x-pkcs7-signature"); camel_content_type_set_param(ct, "name", "smime.p7s"); camel_data_wrapper_set_mime_type_field(dw, ct); camel_content_type_unref(ct); camel_medium_set_content_object((CamelMedium *)sigpart, dw); camel_mime_part_set_filename(sigpart, "smime.p7s"); camel_mime_part_set_disposition(sigpart, "attachment"); camel_mime_part_set_encoding(sigpart, CAMEL_TRANSFER_ENCODING_BASE64); mps = camel_multipart_signed_new(); ct = camel_content_type_new("multipart", "signed"); camel_content_type_set_param(ct, "micalg", camel_cipher_hash_to_id(context, hash)); camel_content_type_set_param(ct, "protocol", context->sign_protocol); camel_data_wrapper_set_mime_type_field((CamelDataWrapper *)mps, ct); camel_content_type_unref(ct); camel_multipart_set_boundary((CamelMultipart *)mps, NULL); mps->signature = sigpart; mps->contentraw = istream; camel_stream_reset(istream); camel_object_ref(istream); camel_medium_set_content_object((CamelMedium *)opart, (CamelDataWrapper *)mps); } else { ct = camel_content_type_new("application", "x-pkcs7-mime"); camel_content_type_set_param(ct, "name", "smime.p7m"); camel_content_type_set_param(ct, "smime-type", "signed-data"); camel_data_wrapper_set_mime_type_field(dw, ct); camel_content_type_unref(ct); camel_medium_set_content_object((CamelMedium *)opart, dw); camel_mime_part_set_filename(opart, "smime.p7m"); camel_mime_part_set_description(opart, "S/MIME Signed Message"); camel_mime_part_set_disposition(opart, "attachment"); camel_mime_part_set_encoding(opart, CAMEL_TRANSFER_ENCODING_BASE64); } camel_object_unref(dw); fail: camel_object_unref(ostream); camel_object_unref(istream); return res; }
gint main (gint argc, gchar **argv) { CamelSession *session; CamelCipherContext *ctx; GError **error; CamelCipherValidity *valid; CamelMimePart *mime_part; CamelMultipartSigned *mps; CamelMultipartEncrypted *mpe; GPtrArray *recipients; gint ret; camel_test_init (argc, argv); /* clear out any camel-test data */ system ("/bin/rm -rf /tmp/camel-test"); system ("/bin/mkdir /tmp/camel-test"); setenv ("GNUPGHOME", "/tmp/camel-test/.gnupg", 1); /* import the gpg keys */ if ((ret = system ("gpg < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1")) == -1) return 77; else if (WEXITSTATUS (ret) == 127) return 77; system ("gpg --import ../data/ > /dev/null 2>&1"); system ("gpg --import ../data/camel-test.gpg.sec > /dev/null 2>&1"); session = camel_pgp_session_new ("/tmp/camel-test"); ex = camel_exception_new (); ctx = camel_gpg_context_new (session); camel_gpg_context_set_always_trust (CAMEL_GPG_CONTEXT (ctx), TRUE); camel_test_start ("Test of PGP/MIME functions"); mime_part = camel_mime_part_new (); camel_mime_part_set_content (mime_part, test_msg, strlen (test_msg), "text/plain"); camel_mime_part_set_description (mime_part, "Test of PGP/MIME multipart/signed stuff"); camel_test_push ("PGP/MIME signing"); mps = camel_multipart_signed_new (); camel_multipart_signed_sign (mps, ctx, mime_part, "*****@*****.**", CAMEL_CIPHER_HASH_SHA1, ex); check_msg (!camel_exception_is_set (ex), "%s", camel_exception_get_description (ex)); camel_test_pull (); g_object_unref (mime_part); camel_exception_clear (ex); camel_test_push ("PGP/MIME verify"); valid = camel_multipart_signed_verify (mps, ctx, ex); check_msg (!camel_exception_is_set (ex), "%s", camel_exception_get_description (ex)); check_msg (camel_cipher_validity_get_valid (valid), "%s", camel_cipher_validity_get_description (valid)); camel_cipher_validity_free (valid); camel_test_pull (); g_object_unref (mps); camel_exception_clear (ex); mime_part = camel_mime_part_new (); camel_mime_part_set_content (mime_part, test_msg, strlen (test_msg), "text/plain"); camel_mime_part_set_description (mime_part, "Test of PGP/MIME multipart/encrypted stuff"); camel_test_push ("PGP/MIME encrypt"); recipients = g_ptr_array_new (); g_ptr_array_add (recipients, "*****@*****.**"); mpe = camel_multipart_encrypted_new (); camel_multipart_encrypted_encrypt (mpe, mime_part, ctx, "*****@*****.**", recipients, ex); check_msg (!camel_exception_is_set (ex), "%s", camel_exception_get_description (ex)); g_ptr_array_free (recipients, TRUE); camel_test_pull (); camel_exception_clear (ex); g_object_unref (mime_part); camel_test_push ("PGP/MIME decrypt"); mime_part = camel_multipart_encrypted_decrypt (mpe, ctx, ex); check_msg (!camel_exception_is_set (ex), "%s", camel_exception_get_description (ex)); g_object_unref (mime_part); g_object_unref (mpe); camel_test_pull (); g_object_unref (ctx); g_object_unref (session); camel_test_end (); return 0; }
static void mail_attachment_handler_x_uid_list (EAttachmentView *view, GdkDragContext *drag_context, gint x, gint y, GtkSelectionData *selection_data, guint info, guint time, EAttachmentHandler *handler) { static GdkAtom atom = GDK_NONE; EMailAttachmentHandlerPrivate *priv; CamelDataWrapper *wrapper; CamelMimeMessage *message; CamelMultipart *multipart; CamelMimePart *mime_part; CamelFolder *folder = NULL; EAttachment *attachment; EAttachmentStore *store; EMailSession *session; GPtrArray *uids; const gchar *data; const gchar *cp, *end; gchar *description; gpointer parent; gint length; guint ii; GError *local_error = NULL; if (G_UNLIKELY (atom == GDK_NONE)) atom = gdk_atom_intern_static_string ("x-uid-list"); if (gtk_selection_data_get_target (selection_data) != atom) return; store = e_attachment_view_get_store (view); priv = E_MAIL_ATTACHMENT_HANDLER_GET_PRIVATE (handler); parent = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (view)); parent = gtk_widget_is_toplevel (parent) ? parent : NULL; uids = g_ptr_array_new (); data = (const gchar *) gtk_selection_data_get_data (selection_data); length = gtk_selection_data_get_length (selection_data); /* The UID list is delimited by NUL characters. * Brilliant. So we can't use g_strsplit(). */ cp = data; end = data + length; while (cp < end) { const gchar *start = cp; while (cp < end && *cp != '\0') cp++; /* Skip the first string. */ if (start > data) g_ptr_array_add (uids, g_strndup (start, cp - start)); cp++; } if (uids->len == 0) goto exit; session = e_mail_backend_get_session (priv->backend); /* The first string is the folder URI. */ /* FIXME Not passing a GCancellable here. */ folder = e_mail_session_uri_to_folder_sync ( session, data, 0, NULL, &local_error); if (folder == NULL) goto exit; /* Handle one message. */ if (uids->len == 1) { const gchar *message_uid; message_uid = g_ptr_array_index (uids, 0); /* FIXME Not passing a GCancellable here. */ message = camel_folder_get_message_sync ( folder, message_uid, NULL, &local_error); if (message == NULL) goto exit; attachment = e_attachment_new_for_message (message); e_attachment_store_add_attachment (store, attachment); e_attachment_load_async ( attachment, (GAsyncReadyCallback) call_attachment_load_handle_error, parent ? g_object_ref (parent) : NULL); g_object_unref (attachment); g_object_unref (message); goto exit; } /* Build a multipart/digest message out of the UIDs. */ multipart = camel_multipart_new (); wrapper = CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (multipart); camel_data_wrapper_set_mime_type (wrapper, "multipart/digest"); camel_multipart_set_boundary (multipart, NULL); for (ii = 0; ii < uids->len; ii++) { /* FIXME Not passing a GCancellable here. */ message = camel_folder_get_message_sync ( folder, uids->pdata[ii], NULL, &local_error); if (message == NULL) { g_object_unref (multipart); goto exit; } mime_part = camel_mime_part_new (); wrapper = CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (message); camel_mime_part_set_disposition (mime_part, "inline"); camel_medium_set_content ( CAMEL_MEDIUM (mime_part), wrapper); camel_mime_part_set_content_type (mime_part, "message/rfc822"); camel_multipart_add_part (multipart, mime_part); g_object_unref (mime_part); g_object_unref (message); } mime_part = camel_mime_part_new (); wrapper = CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (multipart); camel_medium_set_content (CAMEL_MEDIUM (mime_part), wrapper); description = g_strdup_printf ( ngettext ( "%d attached message", "%d attached messages", uids->len), uids->len); camel_mime_part_set_description (mime_part, description); g_free (description); attachment = e_attachment_new (); e_attachment_set_mime_part (attachment, mime_part); e_attachment_store_add_attachment (store, attachment); e_attachment_load_async ( attachment, (GAsyncReadyCallback) call_attachment_load_handle_error, parent ? g_object_ref (parent) : NULL); g_object_unref (attachment); g_object_unref (mime_part); g_object_unref (multipart); exit: if (local_error != NULL) { const gchar *folder_name = data; if (folder != NULL) folder_name = camel_folder_get_display_name (folder); e_alert_run_dialog_for_args ( parent, "mail-composer:attach-nomessages", folder_name, local_error->message, NULL); g_clear_error (&local_error); } if (folder != NULL) g_object_unref (folder); g_ptr_array_free (uids, TRUE); g_signal_stop_emission_by_name (view, "drag-data-received"); }
static CamelMimePart * multipart_signed_get_part (CamelMultipart *multipart, guint index) { CamelMultipartSigned *mps = (CamelMultipartSigned *) multipart; CamelDataWrapper *data_wrapper; CamelStream *stream; GByteArray *byte_array; data_wrapper = CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (multipart); byte_array = camel_data_wrapper_get_byte_array (data_wrapper); switch (index) { case CAMEL_MULTIPART_SIGNED_CONTENT: if (mps->content) return mps->content; if (mps->contentraw) { g_return_val_if_fail ( G_IS_SEEKABLE (mps->contentraw), NULL); stream = g_object_ref (mps->contentraw); } else if (mps->start1 == -1 && multipart_signed_parse_content (mps) == -1 && byte_array->len == 0) { g_warning ("Trying to get content on an invalid multipart/signed"); return NULL; } else if (byte_array->len == 0) { return NULL; } else if (mps->start1 == -1) { stream = camel_stream_mem_new (); camel_stream_mem_set_byte_array ( CAMEL_STREAM_MEM (stream), byte_array); } else { stream = multipart_signed_clip_stream ( mps, mps->start1, mps->end1); } g_seekable_seek ( G_SEEKABLE (stream), 0, G_SEEK_SET, NULL, NULL); mps->content = camel_mime_part_new (); camel_data_wrapper_construct_from_stream_sync ( CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (mps->content), stream, NULL, NULL); g_object_unref (stream); return mps->content; case CAMEL_MULTIPART_SIGNED_SIGNATURE: if (mps->signature) return mps->signature; if (mps->start1 == -1 && multipart_signed_parse_content (mps) == -1) { g_warning ("Trying to get signature on invalid multipart/signed"); return NULL; } else if (byte_array->len == 0) { return NULL; } stream = multipart_signed_clip_stream ( mps, mps->start2, mps->end2); g_seekable_seek ( G_SEEKABLE (stream), 0, G_SEEK_SET, NULL, NULL); mps->signature = camel_mime_part_new (); camel_data_wrapper_construct_from_stream_sync ( CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (mps->signature), stream, NULL, NULL); g_object_unref (stream); return mps->signature; default: g_warning ("trying to get object out of bounds for multipart"); } return NULL; }
void eab_send_as_attachment (EShell *shell, GSList *destinations) { EMsgComposer *composer; EComposerHeaderTable *table; CamelMimePart *attachment; GSList *contacts, *iter; gchar *data; g_return_if_fail (E_IS_SHELL (shell)); if (destinations == NULL) return; composer = e_msg_composer_new (shell); table = e_msg_composer_get_header_table (composer); attachment = camel_mime_part_new (); contacts = g_slist_copy (destinations); for (iter = contacts; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) iter->data = e_destination_get_contact (iter->data); data = eab_contact_list_to_string (contacts); g_slist_free (contacts); camel_mime_part_set_content ( attachment, data, strlen (data), "text/x-vcard"); if (destinations->next != NULL) camel_mime_part_set_description ( attachment, _("Multiple vCards")); else { EContact *contact; const gchar *file_as; gchar *description; contact = e_destination_get_contact (destinations->data); file_as = e_contact_get_const (contact, E_CONTACT_FILE_AS); description = g_strdup_printf (_("vCard for %s"), file_as); camel_mime_part_set_description (attachment, description); g_free (description); } camel_mime_part_set_disposition (attachment, "attachment"); e_msg_composer_attach (composer, attachment); g_object_unref (attachment); if (destinations->next != NULL) e_composer_header_table_set_subject ( table, _("Contact information")); else { EContact *contact; gchar *tempstr; const gchar *tempstr2; gchar *tempfree = NULL; contact = e_destination_get_contact (destinations->data); tempstr2 = e_contact_get_const (contact, E_CONTACT_FILE_AS); if (!tempstr2 || !*tempstr2) tempstr2 = e_contact_get_const (contact, E_CONTACT_FULL_NAME); if (!tempstr2 || !*tempstr2) tempstr2 = e_contact_get_const (contact, E_CONTACT_ORG); if (!tempstr2 || !*tempstr2) { g_free (tempfree); tempstr2 = get_email (contact, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_1, &tempfree); } if (!tempstr2 || !*tempstr2) { g_free (tempfree); tempstr2 = get_email (contact, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_2, &tempfree); } if (!tempstr2 || !*tempstr2) { g_free (tempfree); tempstr2 = get_email (contact, E_CONTACT_EMAIL_3, &tempfree); } if (!tempstr2 || !*tempstr2) tempstr = g_strdup_printf (_("Contact information")); else tempstr = g_strdup_printf (_("Contact information for %s"), tempstr2); e_composer_header_table_set_subject (table, tempstr); g_free (tempstr); g_free (tempfree); } gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (composer)); }
static gboolean empe_mp_encrypted_parse (EMailParserExtension *extension, EMailParser *parser, CamelMimePart *part, GString *part_id, GCancellable *cancellable, GQueue *out_mail_parts) { CamelCipherContext *context; const gchar *protocol; CamelMimePart *opart; CamelCipherValidity *valid; CamelMultipartEncrypted *mpe; GQueue work_queue = G_QUEUE_INIT; GList *head, *link; GError *local_error = NULL; gint len; mpe = (CamelMultipartEncrypted *) camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) part); if (!CAMEL_IS_MULTIPART_ENCRYPTED (mpe)) { e_mail_parser_error ( parser, out_mail_parts, _("Could not parse MIME message. " "Displaying as source.")); e_mail_parser_parse_part_as ( parser, part, part_id, "application/vnd.evolution/source", cancellable, out_mail_parts); return TRUE; } /* Currently we only handle RFC2015-style PGP encryption. */ protocol = camel_content_type_param ( ((CamelDataWrapper *) mpe)->mime_type, "protocol"); if (!protocol || g_ascii_strcasecmp (protocol, "application/pgp-encrypted") != 0) { e_mail_parser_error ( parser, out_mail_parts, _("Unsupported encryption type for multipart/encrypted")); e_mail_parser_parse_part_as ( parser, part, part_id, "multipart/mixed", cancellable, out_mail_parts); return TRUE; } context = camel_gpg_context_new (e_mail_parser_get_session (parser)); opart = camel_mime_part_new (); valid = camel_cipher_context_decrypt_sync ( context, part, opart, cancellable, &local_error); e_mail_part_preserve_charset_in_content_type (part, opart); if (local_error != NULL) { e_mail_parser_error ( parser, out_mail_parts, _("Could not parse PGP/MIME message: %s"), local_error->message); e_mail_parser_parse_part_as ( parser, part, part_id, "multipart/mixed", cancellable, out_mail_parts); g_object_unref (opart); g_object_unref (context); g_error_free (local_error); return TRUE; } len = part_id->len; g_string_append (part_id, ".encrypted"); g_warn_if_fail (e_mail_parser_parse_part ( parser, opart, part_id, cancellable, &work_queue)); g_string_truncate (part_id, len); head = g_queue_peek_head_link (&work_queue); /* Update validity of all encrypted sub-parts */ for (link = head; link != NULL; link = g_list_next (link)) { EMailPart *mail_part = link->data; e_mail_part_update_validity ( mail_part, valid, E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_ENCRYPTED | E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_PGP); } e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts); /* Add a widget with details about the encryption, but only when * the decrypted part isn't itself secured, in that case it has * created the button itself. */ if (!e_mail_part_is_secured (opart)) { EMailPart *mail_part; g_string_append (part_id, ".encrypted.button"); e_mail_parser_parse_part_as ( parser, part, part_id, "application/", cancellable, &work_queue); mail_part = g_queue_peek_head (&work_queue); if (mail_part != NULL) e_mail_part_update_validity ( mail_part, valid, E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_ENCRYPTED | E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_PGP); e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts); g_string_truncate (part_id, len); } camel_cipher_validity_free (valid); /* TODO: Make sure when we finalize this part, it is zero'd out */ g_object_unref (opart); g_object_unref (context); return TRUE; }
void camel_ews_utils_sync_created_items (CamelEwsFolder *ews_folder, EEwsConnection *cnc, GSList *items_created, CamelFolderChangeInfo *change_info, GCancellable *cancellable) { CamelFolder *folder; CamelFolderSummary *folder_summary; GSList *l; if (!items_created) return; folder = CAMEL_FOLDER (ews_folder); folder_summary = camel_folder_get_folder_summary (folder); for (l = items_created; l != NULL; l = g_slist_next (l)) { EEwsItem *item = (EEwsItem *) l->data; CamelMessageInfo *mi; const EwsId *id; const EwsMailbox *from; gchar *tmp; EEwsItemType item_type; const gchar *msg_headers; gboolean has_attachments, found_property, message_requests_read_receipt = FALSE; guint32 server_flags; if (!item) continue; if (e_ews_item_get_item_type (item) == E_EWS_ITEM_TYPE_ERROR) { g_object_unref (item); continue; } id = e_ews_item_get_id (item); if (!id) { g_warning ("%s: Missing ItemId for item type %d (subject:%s)", G_STRFUNC, e_ews_item_get_item_type (item), e_ews_item_get_subject (item) ? e_ews_item_get_subject (item) : "???"); g_object_unref (item); continue; } mi = camel_folder_summary_get (folder_summary, id->id); if (mi) { g_clear_object (&mi); g_object_unref (item); continue; } /* PidTagTransportMessageHeaders */ found_property = FALSE; msg_headers = e_ews_item_get_extended_property_as_string (item, NULL, 0x007D, &found_property); if (!found_property) msg_headers = NULL; if (msg_headers && *msg_headers) { CamelMimePart *part = camel_mime_part_new (); CamelStream *stream; CamelMimeParser *parser; stream = camel_stream_mem_new_with_buffer (msg_headers, strlen (msg_headers)); parser = camel_mime_parser_new (); camel_mime_parser_init_with_stream (parser, stream, NULL); camel_mime_parser_scan_from (parser, FALSE); g_object_unref (stream); if (camel_mime_part_construct_from_parser_sync (part, parser, NULL, NULL)) { mi = camel_folder_summary_info_new_from_headers (folder_summary, camel_medium_get_headers (CAMEL_MEDIUM (part))); if (camel_medium_get_header (CAMEL_MEDIUM (part), "Disposition-Notification-To")) message_requests_read_receipt = TRUE; } g_object_unref (parser); g_object_unref (part); } if (!mi) mi = camel_message_info_new (folder_summary); camel_message_info_set_abort_notifications (mi, TRUE); item_type = e_ews_item_get_item_type (item); if (item_type == E_EWS_ITEM_TYPE_EVENT || item_type == E_EWS_ITEM_TYPE_MEETING_MESSAGE || item_type == E_EWS_ITEM_TYPE_MEETING_REQUEST || item_type == E_EWS_ITEM_TYPE_MEETING_RESPONSE || item_type == E_EWS_ITEM_TYPE_MEETING_RESPONSE) camel_message_info_set_user_flag (mi, "$has_cal", TRUE); camel_message_info_set_uid (mi, id->id); camel_message_info_set_size (mi, e_ews_item_get_size (item)); camel_message_info_set_subject (mi, e_ews_item_get_subject (item)); camel_ews_message_info_set_item_type (CAMEL_EWS_MESSAGE_INFO (mi), item_type); camel_ews_message_info_set_change_key (CAMEL_EWS_MESSAGE_INFO (mi), id->change_key); camel_message_info_set_date_sent (mi, e_ews_item_get_date_sent (item)); camel_message_info_set_date_received (mi, e_ews_item_get_date_received (item)); from = e_ews_item_get_from (item); if (!from) from = e_ews_item_get_sender (item); tmp = form_email_string_from_mb (cnc, from, cancellable); camel_message_info_set_from (mi, tmp); g_free (tmp); tmp = form_recipient_list (cnc, e_ews_item_get_to_recipients (item), cancellable); camel_message_info_set_to (mi, tmp); g_free (tmp); tmp = form_recipient_list (cnc, e_ews_item_get_cc_recipients (item), cancellable); camel_message_info_set_cc (mi, tmp); g_free (tmp); e_ews_item_has_attachments (item, &has_attachments); if (has_attachments) camel_message_info_set_flags (mi, CAMEL_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENTS, CAMEL_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENTS); ews_set_threading_data (mi, item); server_flags = ews_utils_get_server_flags (item); ews_utils_merge_server_user_flags (item, mi); camel_message_info_set_flags (mi, server_flags, server_flags); camel_ews_message_info_set_server_flags (CAMEL_EWS_MESSAGE_INFO (mi), server_flags); camel_ews_utils_update_follow_up_flags (item, mi); camel_ews_utils_update_read_receipt_flags (item, mi, server_flags, message_requests_read_receipt); camel_message_info_set_abort_notifications (mi, FALSE); camel_folder_summary_add (folder_summary, mi, FALSE); /* camel_folder_summary_add() sets folder_flagged flag * on the message info, but this is a fresh item downloaded * from the server, thus unset it, to avoid resync up to the server * on folder leave/store */ camel_message_info_set_folder_flagged (mi, FALSE); camel_folder_change_info_add_uid (change_info, id->id); camel_folder_change_info_recent_uid (change_info, id->id); g_object_unref (mi); g_object_unref (item); } g_slist_free (items_created); }
static gboolean empe_inlinepgp_signed_parse (EMailParserExtension *extension, EMailParser *parser, CamelMimePart *part, GString *part_id, GCancellable *cancellable, GQueue *out_mail_parts) { CamelStream *filtered_stream; CamelMimeFilterPgp *pgp_filter; CamelContentType *content_type; CamelCipherContext *cipher; CamelCipherValidity *valid; CamelDataWrapper *dw; CamelMimePart *opart; CamelStream *ostream; GQueue work_queue = G_QUEUE_INIT; GList *head, *link; gchar *type; gint len; GError *local_error = NULL; GByteArray *ba; if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (cancellable) || /* avoid recursion */ (part_id->str && part_id->len > 17 && g_str_has_suffix (part_id->str, ".inlinepgp_signed"))) return FALSE; cipher = camel_gpg_context_new (e_mail_parser_get_session (parser)); /* Verify the signature of the message */ valid = camel_cipher_context_verify_sync ( cipher, part, cancellable, &local_error); if (local_error != NULL) { e_mail_parser_error ( parser, out_mail_parts, _("Error verifying signature: %s"), local_error->message); g_error_free (local_error); e_mail_parser_parse_part_as ( parser, part, part_id, "application/vnd.evolution.source", cancellable, out_mail_parts); g_object_unref (cipher); return TRUE; } /* Setup output stream */ ostream = camel_stream_mem_new (); filtered_stream = camel_stream_filter_new (ostream); /* Add PGP header / footer filter */ pgp_filter = (CamelMimeFilterPgp *) camel_mime_filter_pgp_new (); camel_stream_filter_add ( CAMEL_STREAM_FILTER (filtered_stream), CAMEL_MIME_FILTER (pgp_filter)); g_object_unref (pgp_filter); /* Pass through the filters that have been setup */ dw = camel_medium_get_content ((CamelMedium *) part); camel_data_wrapper_decode_to_stream_sync ( dw, (CamelStream *) filtered_stream, cancellable, NULL); camel_stream_flush ((CamelStream *) filtered_stream, cancellable, NULL); g_object_unref (filtered_stream); /* Create a new text/plain MIME part containing the signed * content preserving the original part's Content-Type params. */ content_type = camel_mime_part_get_content_type (part); type = camel_content_type_format (content_type); content_type = camel_content_type_decode (type); g_free (type); g_free (content_type->type); content_type->type = g_strdup ("text"); g_free (content_type->subtype); content_type->subtype = g_strdup ("plain"); type = camel_content_type_format (content_type); camel_content_type_unref (content_type); ba = camel_stream_mem_get_byte_array ((CamelStreamMem *) ostream); opart = camel_mime_part_new (); camel_mime_part_set_content (opart, (gchar *) ba->data, ba->len, type); g_free (type); len = part_id->len; g_string_append (part_id, ".inlinepgp_signed"); e_mail_parser_parse_part ( parser, opart, part_id, cancellable, &work_queue); head = g_queue_peek_head_link (&work_queue); for (link = head; link != NULL; link = g_list_next (link)) { EMailPart *mail_part = link->data; e_mail_part_update_validity ( mail_part, valid, E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_SIGNED | E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_PGP); } e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts); g_string_truncate (part_id, len); /* Add a widget with details about the encryption, but only when * the encrypted isn't itself secured, in that case it has created * the button itself */ if (!e_mail_part_is_secured (opart)) { EMailPart *mail_part; g_string_append (part_id, ".inlinepgp_signed.button"); e_mail_parser_parse_part_as ( parser, part, part_id, "application/", cancellable, &work_queue); mail_part = g_queue_peek_head (&work_queue); if (mail_part != NULL) e_mail_part_update_validity ( mail_part, valid, E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_SIGNED | E_MAIL_PART_VALIDITY_PGP); e_queue_transfer (&work_queue, out_mail_parts); g_string_truncate (part_id, len); } /* Clean Up */ camel_cipher_validity_free (valid); g_object_unref (opart); g_object_unref (ostream); g_object_unref (cipher); return TRUE; }
void org_gnome_format_tnef(void *ep, EMFormatHookTarget *t) { char *tmpdir = NULL, *name = NULL; CamelStream *out; struct dirent *d; DIR *dir; CamelMultipart *mp; CamelMimePart *mainpart; CamelDataWrapper *content; int len; TNEFStruct *tnef; tnef = (TNEFStruct *) g_malloc(sizeof(TNEFStruct)); tmpdir = e_mkdtemp("tnef-attachment-XXXXXX"); if (tmpdir == NULL) return; filepath = tmpdir; name = g_build_filename(tmpdir, ".evo-attachment.tnef", NULL); out = camel_stream_fs_new_with_name(name, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666); if (out == NULL) goto fail; content = camel_medium_get_content_object((CamelMedium *)t->part); if (content == NULL) goto fail; if (camel_data_wrapper_decode_to_stream(content, out) == -1 || camel_stream_close(out) == -1) { camel_object_unref(out); goto fail; } camel_object_unref(out); /* Extracting the winmail.dat */ TNEFInitialize(tnef); tnef->Debug = verbose; if (TNEFParseFile(name, tnef) == -1) { printf("ERROR processing file\n"); } processTnef(tnef); TNEFFree(tnef); /* Extraction done */ dir = opendir(tmpdir); if (dir == NULL) goto fail; mainpart = camel_mime_part_new(); mp = camel_multipart_new(); camel_data_wrapper_set_mime_type((CamelDataWrapper *)mp, "multipart/mixed"); camel_multipart_set_boundary(mp, NULL); camel_medium_set_content_object((CamelMedium *)mainpart, (CamelDataWrapper *)mp); while ((d = readdir(dir))) { CamelMimePart *part; CamelDataWrapper *content; CamelStream *stream; char *path; const char *type; if (!strcmp(d->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(d->d_name, "..") || !strcmp(d->d_name, ".evo-attachment.tnef")) continue; path = g_build_filename(tmpdir, d->d_name, NULL); stream = camel_stream_fs_new_with_name(path, O_RDONLY, 0); content = camel_data_wrapper_new(); camel_data_wrapper_construct_from_stream(content, stream); camel_object_unref(stream); part = camel_mime_part_new(); camel_mime_part_set_encoding(part, CAMEL_TRANSFER_ENCODING_BINARY); camel_medium_set_content_object((CamelMedium *)part, content); camel_object_unref(content); type = em_utils_snoop_type(part); if (type) camel_data_wrapper_set_mime_type((CamelDataWrapper *)part, type); camel_mime_part_set_filename(part, d->d_name); g_free(path); camel_multipart_add_part(mp, part); } closedir(dir); len = t->format->part_id->len; g_string_append_printf(t->format->part_id, ".tnef"); if (camel_multipart_get_number(mp) > 0) em_format_part_as(t->format, t->stream, mainpart, "multipart/mixed"); else if (t->item->handler.old) t->item->handler.old->handler(t->format, t->stream, t->part, t->item->handler.old); g_string_truncate(t->format->part_id, len); camel_object_unref(mainpart); goto ok; fail: if (t->item->handler.old) t->item->handler.old->handler(t->format, t->stream, t->part, t->item->handler.old); ok: g_free(name); g_free(tmpdir); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { CamelSession *session; CamelCipherContext *ctx; CamelException *ex; CamelCipherValidity *valid; CamelStream *stream1, *stream2; struct _CamelMimePart *sigpart, *conpart, *encpart, *outpart; CamelDataWrapper *dw; GPtrArray *recipients; GByteArray *buf; char *before, *after; int ret; if (getenv("CAMEL_TEST_GPG") == NULL) return 77; camel_test_init (argc, argv); /* clear out any camel-test data */ system ("/bin/rm -rf /tmp/camel-test"); system ("/bin/mkdir /tmp/camel-test"); setenv ("GNUPGHOME", "/tmp/camel-test/.gnupg", 1); /* import the gpg keys */ if ((ret = system ("gpg < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1")) == -1) return 77; else if (WEXITSTATUS (ret) == 127) return 77; g_message ("gpg --import " TEST_DATA_DIR "/ > /dev/null 2>&1"); system ("gpg --import " TEST_DATA_DIR "/ > /dev/null 2>&1"); g_message ("gpg --import " TEST_DATA_DIR "/camel-test.gpg.sec > /dev/null 2>&1"); system ("gpg --import " TEST_DATA_DIR "/camel-test.gpg.sec > /dev/null 2>&1"); session = camel_pgp_session_new ("/tmp/camel-test"); ex = camel_exception_new (); ctx = camel_gpg_context_new (session); camel_gpg_context_set_always_trust (CAMEL_GPG_CONTEXT (ctx), TRUE); camel_test_start ("Test of PGP functions"); stream1 = camel_stream_mem_new (); camel_stream_write (stream1, "Hello, I am a test stream.\n", 27); camel_stream_reset (stream1); conpart = camel_mime_part_new(); dw = camel_data_wrapper_new(); camel_data_wrapper_construct_from_stream(dw, stream1); camel_medium_set_content_object((CamelMedium *)conpart, dw); camel_object_unref(stream1); camel_object_unref(dw); sigpart = camel_mime_part_new(); camel_test_push ("PGP signing"); camel_cipher_sign (ctx, "*****@*****.**", CAMEL_CIPHER_HASH_SHA1, conpart, sigpart, ex); if (camel_exception_is_set(ex)) { printf("PGP signing failed assuming non-functional environment\n%s", camel_exception_get_description (ex)); camel_test_pull(); return 77; } camel_test_pull (); camel_exception_clear (ex); camel_test_push ("PGP verify"); valid = camel_cipher_verify (ctx, sigpart, ex); check_msg (!camel_exception_is_set (ex), "%s", camel_exception_get_description (ex)); check_msg (camel_cipher_validity_get_valid (valid), "%s", camel_cipher_validity_get_description (valid)); camel_cipher_validity_free (valid); camel_test_pull (); camel_object_unref(conpart); camel_object_unref(sigpart); stream1 = camel_stream_mem_new (); camel_stream_write (stream1, "Hello, I am a test of encryption/decryption.", 44); camel_stream_reset (stream1); conpart = camel_mime_part_new(); dw = camel_data_wrapper_new(); camel_stream_reset(stream1); camel_data_wrapper_construct_from_stream(dw, stream1); camel_medium_set_content_object((CamelMedium *)conpart, dw); camel_object_unref(stream1); camel_object_unref(dw); encpart = camel_mime_part_new(); camel_exception_clear (ex); camel_test_push ("PGP encrypt"); recipients = g_ptr_array_new (); g_ptr_array_add (recipients, "*****@*****.**"); camel_cipher_encrypt (ctx, "*****@*****.**", recipients, conpart, encpart, ex); check_msg (!camel_exception_is_set (ex), "%s", camel_exception_get_description (ex)); g_ptr_array_free (recipients, TRUE); camel_test_pull (); camel_exception_clear (ex); camel_test_push ("PGP decrypt"); outpart = camel_mime_part_new(); valid = camel_cipher_decrypt (ctx, encpart, outpart, ex); check_msg (!camel_exception_is_set (ex), "%s", camel_exception_get_description (ex)); check_msg (valid->encrypt.status == CAMEL_CIPHER_VALIDITY_ENCRYPT_ENCRYPTED, "%s", valid->encrypt.description); stream1 = camel_stream_mem_new(); stream2 = camel_stream_mem_new(); camel_data_wrapper_write_to_stream((CamelDataWrapper *)conpart, stream1); camel_data_wrapper_write_to_stream((CamelDataWrapper *)outpart, stream2); buf = CAMEL_STREAM_MEM (stream1)->buffer; before = g_strndup (buf->data, buf->len); buf = CAMEL_STREAM_MEM (stream2)->buffer; after = g_strndup (buf->data, buf->len); check_msg (string_equal (before, after), "before = '%s', after = '%s'", before, after); g_free (before); g_free (after); camel_object_unref(stream1); camel_object_unref(stream2); camel_object_unref(conpart); camel_object_unref(encpart); camel_object_unref(outpart); camel_test_pull (); camel_object_unref (CAMEL_OBJECT (ctx)); camel_object_unref (CAMEL_OBJECT (session)); camel_test_end (); return 0; }