Example #1
 *              EVENT_FocusIn
static void EVENT_FocusIn( HWND hwnd, XEvent *xev )
    XFocusChangeEvent *event = &xev->xfocus;
    XIC xic;

    if (!hwnd) return;

    TRACE( "win %p xwin %lx detail=%s\n", hwnd, event->window, focus_details[event->detail] );

    if (event->detail == NotifyPointer) return;

    if ((xic = X11DRV_get_ic( hwnd )))
        XSetICFocus( xic );
    if (use_take_focus) return;  /* ignore FocusIn if we are using take focus */

    if (!can_activate_window(hwnd))
        HWND hwnd = GetFocus();
        if (hwnd) hwnd = GetAncestor( hwnd, GA_ROOT );
        if (!hwnd) hwnd = GetActiveWindow();
        if (!hwnd) hwnd = x11drv_thread_data()->last_focus;
        if (hwnd && can_activate_window(hwnd)) set_focus( hwnd, CurrentTime );
    else SetForegroundWindow( hwnd );
Example #2
 *         WINPOS_ActivateOtherWindow
 *  Activates window other than pWnd.
WinPosActivateOtherWindow(HWND hwnd)
    HWND hwndTo, fg;

    if ((GetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, GWL_STYLE ) & WS_POPUP) && (hwndTo = GetWindow( hwnd, GW_OWNER )))
        hwndTo = GetAncestor( hwndTo, GA_ROOT );
        if (can_activate_window( hwndTo )) goto done;

    hwndTo = hwnd;
    for (;;)
        if (!(hwndTo = GetWindow( hwndTo, GW_HWNDNEXT ))) break;
        if (can_activate_window( hwndTo )) break;

    fg = GetForegroundWindow();
    TRACE("win = %p fg = %p\n", hwndTo, fg);
    if (!fg || (hwnd == fg))
        if (SetForegroundWindow( hwndTo )) return;
    if (!SetActiveWindow( hwndTo )) SetActiveWindow(0);
Example #3
 *              handle_wm_protocols
static void handle_wm_protocols( HWND hwnd, XClientMessageEvent *event )
    Atom protocol = (Atom)event->data.l[0];

    if (!protocol) return;

    if (protocol == x11drv_atom(WM_DELETE_WINDOW))
        /* Ignore the delete window request if the window has been disabled
         * and we are in managed mode. This is to disallow applications from
         * being closed by the window manager while in a modal state.
        if (IsWindowEnabled(hwnd))
            HMENU hSysMenu;

            if (GetClassLongW(hwnd, GCL_STYLE) & CS_NOCLOSE) return;
            hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(hwnd, FALSE);
            if (hSysMenu)
                UINT state = GetMenuState(hSysMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND);
                if (state == 0xFFFFFFFF || (state & (MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED)))
            PostMessageW( hwnd, WM_X11DRV_DELETE_WINDOW, 0, 0 );
    else if (protocol == x11drv_atom(WM_TAKE_FOCUS))
        Time event_time = (Time)event->data.l[1];
        HWND last_focus = x11drv_thread_data()->last_focus;

        TRACE( "got take focus msg for %p, enabled=%d, visible=%d (style %08lx), focus=%p, active=%p, fg=%p, last=%p\n",
               hwnd, IsWindowEnabled(hwnd), IsWindowVisible(hwnd), GetWindowLongW(hwnd, GWL_STYLE),
               GetFocus(), GetActiveWindow(), GetForegroundWindow(), last_focus );

        if (can_activate_window(hwnd))
            /* simulate a mouse click on the caption to find out
             * whether the window wants to be activated */
            LRESULT ma = SendMessageW( hwnd, WM_MOUSEACTIVATE,
                                       (WPARAM)GetAncestor( hwnd, GA_ROOT ),
                                       MAKELONG(HTCAPTION,WM_LBUTTONDOWN) );
            if (ma != MA_NOACTIVATEANDEAT && ma != MA_NOACTIVATE) set_focus( hwnd, event_time );
            else TRACE( "not setting focus to %p (%lx), ma=%ld\n", hwnd, event->window, ma );
            hwnd = GetFocus();
            if (hwnd) hwnd = GetAncestor( hwnd, GA_ROOT );
            if (!hwnd) hwnd = GetActiveWindow();
            if (!hwnd) hwnd = last_focus;
            if (hwnd && can_activate_window(hwnd)) set_focus( hwnd, event_time );
    else if (protocol == x11drv_atom(_NET_WM_PING))
      XClientMessageEvent xev;
      xev = *event;
      TRACE("NET_WM Ping\n");
      xev.window = DefaultRootWindow(xev.display);
      XSendEvent(xev.display, xev.window, False, SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, (XEvent*)&xev);
      /* this line is semi-stolen from gtk2 */
      TRACE("NET_WM Pong\n");