Example #1
airport::Uriparser::_parse(const char*src, size_t src_len)
    const char * scheme;
    size_t scheme_len;
    const char * host;
    size_t host_len;
    const char *path_query;
    int path_query_len;
    const char *fragment;
    int fragment_len;
    int ret = nu_parse_uri(src, src_len, &scheme, &scheme_len, &host, &host_len, &port_, &path_query, &path_query_len, &fragment, &fragment_len);
    if (ret != 0) {
        path_query_.assign(src, src_len);
        path_query_ = canonical_path(path_query_);
        return false; // parse error
    uri_.assign(src, src_len);
    host_.assign(host, host_len);
    path_query_.assign(path_query, path_query_len);
    scheme_.assign(scheme, scheme_len);
    fragment_.assign(fragment, fragment_len);
    path_query_ = canonical_path(path_query_);
    return true;
Example #2
    // event from back end (draw event from remote or internal server)
    // returns module continuation status, 0 if module want to continue
    // non 0 if it wants to stop (to run another module)
    virtual BackEvent_t draw_event()
        TODO("use system constants for sizes");

        char path[1024];
        char basename[1024];
        char extension[128];
        strcpy(path, "/tmp/"); // default value, actual one should come from movie_path
        strcpy(basename, "replay"); // default value actual one should come from movie_path
        strcpy(extension, ".mwrm"); // extension is currently ignored
        char prefix[4096];
        canonical_path(this->movie, path, sizeof(path), basename, sizeof(basename), extension, sizeof(extension));
        sprintf(prefix, "%s%s", path, basename);

        InByMetaSequenceTransport in_trans(prefix, extension);
        timeval begin_capture; begin_capture.tv_sec = 0; begin_capture.tv_usec = 0;
        timeval end_capture; end_capture.tv_sec = 0; end_capture.tv_usec = 0;
        FileToGraphic reader(&in_trans, begin_capture, end_capture, true, 0);
        while (reader.next_order()){
        return BACK_EVENT_NONE;
Example #3
gfx_animated_object::gfx_animated_object(qtgl::batch const  batch_)
    : m_batch(batch_)
    , m_animation_names()
    , m_animation_index(0U)
    , m_animation_time(0.0f)
    , m_keyframes()


    ASSUMPTION(get_batch().get_available_resources().skeletal() != nullptr);
    boost::filesystem::path  anim_root_dir =
            / "animations"
            / "skeletal"
            / get_batch().get_available_resources().skeletal()->skeleton_name()
    for (boost::filesystem::directory_entry& entry : boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(anim_root_dir))
        if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(entry.path()))
    if (m_animation_names.empty())

    Read buf_next_line()
        if (Read::Eof == this->mwrm_reader.read_meta_line(this->meta_line)) {
            return Read::Eof;

        if (!file_exist(this->meta_line.filename)) {
            char original_path[1024] = {};
            char basename[1024] = {};
            char extension[256] = {};
            char filename[2048] = {};

            canonical_path( this->meta_line.filename
                          , original_path, sizeof(original_path)
                          , basename, sizeof(basename)
                          , extension, sizeof(extension));
            std::snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s%s%s", this->meta_path, basename, extension);

            if (file_exist(filename)) {
                strcpy(this->meta_line.filename, filename);

        return Read::Ok;
        CryptoContext & cctx,
        const char * filename,
        const char * extension,
        EncryptionMode encryption,
        Fstat & fstat)
    : cfb(cctx, encryption, fstat)
    , begin_time(0)
    , buf_meta(cctx, encryption, fstat)
    , mwrm_reader(this->buf_meta)
        char meta_filename[1024];
        // concat
            int res = std::snprintf(meta_filename, sizeof(meta_filename), "%s%s", filename, extension);
            if (res >= int(sizeof(meta_filename))) {
                throw Error(ERR_TRANSPORT);


        this->meta_line.start_time = 0;
        this->meta_line.stop_time = 0;

        this->meta_path[0] = 0;

        char basename[1024] = {};
        char extension2[256] = {};

        canonical_path( meta_filename
                      , this->meta_path, sizeof(this->meta_path)
                      , basename, sizeof(basename)
                      , extension2, sizeof(extension2));
Example #6
    ReplayMod( FrontAPI & front
             , const char * replay_path
             , const char * movie
             , uint16_t width
             , uint16_t height
             , std::string & auth_error_message
             , Font const & font
             , bool wait_for_escape
             , uint32_t debug_capture)
    : InternalMod(front, width, height, font)
    , auth_error_message(auth_error_message)
    , end_of_data(false)
    , wait_for_escape(wait_for_escape)
        char path_movie[1024];
        snprintf(path_movie,  sizeof(path_movie)-1, "%s%s", replay_path, movie);
        path_movie[sizeof(path_movie)-1] = 0;
        LOG(LOG_INFO, "Playing %s", path_movie);

        char path[1024];
        char basename[1024];
        char extension[128];
        strcpy(path, RECORD_PATH); // default value, actual one should come from movie_path
        strcpy(basename, "replay"); // default value actual one should come from movie_path
        strcpy(extension, ".mwrm"); // extension is currently ignored
        char prefix[4096];
        const bool res = canonical_path( path_movie
                                       , path, sizeof(path)
                                       , basename, sizeof(basename)
                                       , extension, sizeof(extension)
        if (!res) {
            LOG(LOG_ERR, "Buffer Overflowed: Path too long");
            throw Error(ERR_RECORDER_FAILED_TO_FOUND_PATH);
        snprintf(prefix,  sizeof(prefix), "%s%s", path, basename);

        this->reader.construct(prefix, extension, debug_capture);

        switch (this->front.server_resize( this->reader->info_width
                                         , this->reader->info_height
                                         , this->reader->info_bpp)) {
        case 0:
            // no resizing needed
        case 1:
            // resizing done
            this->front_width  = this->reader->info_width;
            this->front_height = this->reader->info_height;

            this->screen.rect.cx = this->reader->info_width;
            this->screen.rect.cy = this->reader->info_height;

        case -1:
            // resizing failed
            // thow an Error ?
            LOG(LOG_WARNING, "Older RDP client can't resize to server asked resolution, disconnecting");
            throw Error(ERR_VNC_OLDER_RDP_CLIENT_CANT_RESIZE);

        this->reader->add_consumer(&this->front, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
Example #7
    ReplayMod( FrontAPI & front
             , const char * replay_path
             , const char * movie
             , uint16_t width
             , uint16_t height
             , std::string & auth_error_message
             , Inifile & ini)
    : InternalMod(front, width, height, ini.font)
    , auth_error_message(auth_error_message)
    , end_of_data(false)
    , ini(ini)
        strncpy(this->movie, replay_path, sizeof(this->movie)-1);
        strncat(this->movie, movie, sizeof(this->movie)-1);
        LOG(LOG_INFO, "Playing %s", this->movie);

        char path[1024];
        char basename[1024];
        char extension[128];
        strcpy(path, RECORD_PATH); // default value, actual one should come from movie_path
        strcpy(basename, "replay"); // default value actual one should come from movie_path
        strcpy(extension, ".mwrm"); // extension is currently ignored
        char prefix[4096];
        const bool res = canonical_path( this->movie
                                       , path, sizeof(path)
                                       , basename, sizeof(basename)
                                       , extension, sizeof(extension)
        if (!res) {
            LOG(LOG_ERR, "Buffer Overflowed: Path too long");
            throw Error(ERR_RECORDER_FAILED_TO_FOUND_PATH);
        snprintf(prefix,  sizeof(prefix), "%s%s", path, basename);

        this->in_trans = new InMetaSequenceTransport(prefix, extension);
        timeval begin_capture; begin_capture.tv_sec = 0; begin_capture.tv_usec = 0;
        timeval end_capture; end_capture.tv_sec = 0; end_capture.tv_usec = 0;
        this->reader = new FileToGraphic( this->in_trans, begin_capture, end_capture, true
                                        , this->ini.debug.capture);

        switch (this->front.server_resize( this->reader->info_width
                                         , this->reader->info_height
                                         , this->reader->info_bpp)) {
        case 0:
            // no resizing needed
        case 1:
            // resizing done
            this->front_width  = this->reader->info_width;
            this->front_height = this->reader->info_height;

            this->screen.rect.cx = this->reader->info_width;
            this->screen.rect.cy = this->reader->info_height;

        case -1:
            // resizing failed
            // thow an Error ?
            LOG(LOG_WARNING, "Older RDP client can't resize to server asked resolution, disconnecting");
            throw Error(ERR_VNC_OLDER_RDP_CLIENT_CANT_RESIZE);

        this->reader->add_consumer(&this->front, nullptr);