Example #1
void Canvas::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
    /*if (left_canvas_)
        std::cout << "Entering left Canvas::paintEvent" << clock() << std::endl;
        //std::cout << "Entering right Canvas::paintEvent" << std::endl;
    //clock_t t_0 = clock();

    QImage canvas_image(size_in_pixels_, size_in_pixels_, QImage::Format_RGB32);
    canvas_delegate_->canvas_image_width_ = canvas_image.width();
    canvas_delegate_->canvas_image_data_ = (QRgb*) canvas_image.bits();

    QPainter painter(&canvas_image);
    painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
    canvas_delegate_->painter_ = &painter;

    painter.eraseRect(0, 0, size_in_pixels_, size_in_pixels_);

    QPainter canvas_painter(this);
    canvas_painter.drawImage(0, 0, canvas_image);

    /*clock_t t_1 = clock();
    if (left_canvas_)
        //std::cout << "Left paintEvent in " << (t_1- t_0)*100.0/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "cs" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Right paintEvent in " << (t_1- t_0)*100.0/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "cs" << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "Leaving Canvas::paintEvent" << std::endl;
Example #2
void BlockAnalyzer::analyze(QPainter& p, const Analyzer::Scope& s,
                            bool new_frame) {
  // y = 2 3 2 1 0 2
  //     . . . . # .
  //     . . . # # .
  //     # . # # # #
  //     # # # # # #
  // visual aid for how this analyzer works.
  // y represents the number of blanks
  // y starts from the top and increases in units of blocks

  // m_yscale looks similar to: { 0.7, 0.5, 0.25, 0.15, 0.1, 0 }
  // if it contains 6 elements there are 5 rows in the analyzer

  if (!new_frame) {
    p.drawPixmap(0, 0, canvas_);

  QPainter canvas_painter(&canvas_);

  Analyzer::interpolate(s, m_scope);

  // Paint the background
  canvas_painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_background);

  for (uint y, x = 0; x < m_scope.size(); ++x) {
    // determine y
    for (y = 0; m_scope[x] < m_yscale[y]; ++y)

    // this is opposite to what you'd think, higher than y
    // means the bar is lower than y (physically)
    if ((float)y > m_store[x])
      y = int(m_store[x] += m_step);
      m_store[x] = y;

    // if y is lower than m_fade_pos, then the bar has exceeded the height of
    // the fadeout
    // if the fadeout is quite faded now, then display the new one
    if (y <= m_fade_pos[x] /*|| m_fade_intensity[x] < FADE_SIZE / 3*/) {
      m_fade_pos[x] = y;
      m_fade_intensity[x] = FADE_SIZE;

    if (m_fade_intensity[x] > 0) {
      const uint offset = --m_fade_intensity[x];
      const uint y = m_y + (m_fade_pos[x] * (HEIGHT + 1));
      canvas_painter.drawPixmap(x * (WIDTH + 1), y, m_fade_bars[offset], 0, 0,
                                WIDTH, height() - y);

    if (m_fade_intensity[x] == 0) m_fade_pos[x] = m_rows;

    // REMEMBER: y is a number from 0 to m_rows, 0 means all blocks are glowing,
    // m_rows means none are
    canvas_painter.drawPixmap(x * (WIDTH + 1), y * (HEIGHT + 1) + m_y, *bar(),
                              0, y * (HEIGHT + 1), bar()->width(),

  for (uint x = 0; x < m_store.size(); ++x)
        x * (WIDTH + 1), int(m_store[x]) * (HEIGHT + 1) + m_y, m_topBarPixmap);

  p.drawPixmap(0, 0, canvas_);
Example #3
void BarAnalyzer::analyze(QPainter& p, const Scope& s, bool new_frame) {
  if (!new_frame) {
    p.drawPixmap(0, 0, canvas_);
  // Analyzer::interpolate( s, m_bands );

  Scope& v = m_scope;
  Analyzer::interpolate(s, v);
  QPainter canvas_painter(&canvas_);


  for (uint i = 0, x = 0, y2; i < v.size(); ++i, x += COLUMN_WIDTH + 1) {
    // assign pre[log10]'d value
    y2 = uint(v[i] *
              256);  // 256 will be optimised to a bitshift //no, it's a float
    y2 = m_lvlMapper[(y2 > 255) ? 255 : y2];  // lvlMapper is array of ints with
                                              // values 0 to height()

    int change = y2 - barVector[i];

    // using the best of Markey's, piggz and Max's ideas on the way to shift the
    // bars
    // we have the following:
    // 1. don't adjust shift when doing small up movements
    // 2. shift large upwards with a bias towards last value
    // 3. fall downwards at a constant pace

    /*if ( change > MAX_UP ) //anything too much greater than 2 gives "jitter"
           //add some dynamics - makes the value slightly closer to what it was last time
           y2 = ( barVector[i] + MAX_UP );
           //y2 = ( barVector[i] * 2 + y2 ) / 3;
        else*/ if (change <
      y2 = barVector[i] + MAX_DOWN;

    if ((int)y2 > roofVector[i]) {
      roofVector[i] = (int)y2;
      roofVelocityVector[i] = 1;

    // remember where we are
    barVector[i] = y2;

    if (m_roofMem[i].size() > NUM_ROOFS)

    // blt last n roofs, a.k.a motion blur
    for (uint c = 0; c < m_roofMem[i].size(); ++c)
      // bitBlt( m_pComposePixmap, x, m_roofMem[i]->at( c ), m_roofPixmaps[ c ]
      // );
      // bitBlt( canvas(), x, m_roofMem[i][c], &m_pixRoof[ NUM_ROOFS - 1 - c ]
      // );
      canvas_painter.drawPixmap(x, m_roofMem[i][c],
                                m_pixRoof[NUM_ROOFS - 1 - c]);

    // blt the bar
    canvas_painter.drawPixmap(x, height() - y2, *gradient(), y2 * COLUMN_WIDTH,
                              height() - y2, COLUMN_WIDTH, y2);
    /*bitBlt( canvas(), x, height() - y2,
            gradient(), y2 * COLUMN_WIDTH, height() - y2, COLUMN_WIDTH, y2,
       Qt::CopyROP );*/

    m_roofMem[i].push_back(height() - roofVector[i] - 2);

    // set roof parameters for the NEXT draw
    if (roofVelocityVector[i] != 0) {
      if (roofVelocityVector[i] > 32)  // no reason to do == 32
        roofVector[i] -=
            (roofVelocityVector[i] - 32) / 20;  // trivial calculation

      if (roofVector[i] < 0) {
        roofVector[i] = 0;  // not strictly necessary
        roofVelocityVector[i] = 0;
      } else

  p.drawPixmap(0, 0, canvas_);