int TEST_catcierge_fsm_template_matcher(int argc, char **argv)
	int ret = 0;
	char *e = NULL;
	int obstruct;



	// Test without anything obstructing the frame after
	// the successful match.
	CATCIERGE_RUN_TEST((e = run_success_tests(0)),
		"Run success tests. Without obstruct",
		"Success match without obstruct", &ret);

	// Same as above, but add an extra frame obstructing at the end.
	CATCIERGE_RUN_TEST((e = run_success_tests(1)),
		"Run success tests. With obstruct",
		"Success match with obstruct", &ret);

	// Obstruct 1 means we obstruct, and then remove the obstruction.
	// Obstruct 2 keeps obstructing.
	for (obstruct = 0; obstruct <= 2; obstruct++)
		size_t i;
		catcierge_lockout_method_t locks[] = {

		for (i = 0; i < sizeof(locks) / sizeof(locks[0]); i++)
			CATCIERGE_RUN_TEST((e = run_failure_tests(obstruct, locks[i])),
				"Run failure tests.",
				"Failure tests passed", &ret);

	// This fails on the Raspberry pi, the camera fails to init for some reason...
	#ifndef RPI

	if (ret)
		catcierge_test_FAILURE("One of the tests failed!\n");

	return ret;
Example #2
void catcierge_show_usage(catcierge_args_t *args, const char *prog)
	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options]\n\n", prog);
	fprintf(stderr, " --config <path>        Path to config file. Default is ./catcierge.cfg\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        or /etc/catcierge.cfg\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        This is parsed as an INI file. The keys/values are\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        the same as these options.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "Lockout settings:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "-----------------\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --lockout_method <1|2|3>\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        Defines the method used to decide when to unlock:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        [1: Wait for clear frame or that the timer has timed out.]\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                         2: Wait for clear frame and then start unlock timer.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                         3: Only use the timer, don't care about clear frame.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --lockout <seconds>    The time in seconds a lockout takes. Default %d seconds.\n", DEFAULT_LOCKOUT_TIME);
	fprintf(stderr, " --lockout_error <n>    Number of lockouts in a row that's allowed before we\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        consider it an error and quit the program. \n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        Default is to never do this.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --lockout_error_delay <seconds>\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        The delay in seconds between lockouts that should be\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        counted as a consecutive lockout. Default %0.1f\n", DEFAULT_CONSECUTIVE_LOCKOUT_DELAY);
	fprintf(stderr, " --lockout_dummy        Do everything as normal, but don't actually\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        lock the door. This is useful for testing.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "Presentation settings:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "----------------------\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --show                 Show GUI of the camera feed (X11 only).\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --highlight            Highlight the best match on saved images.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --nocolor              Turn off all color output.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --noanim               Turn off any animation.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "Output settings:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "----------------\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --save                 Save match images (both ok and failed).\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --save_obstruct        Save the image that triggered the \"frame obstructed\" event.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --save_steps           Save each step of the matching algorithm.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        (--save must also be turned on)\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --template <path>      Path to one or more template files generated on specified events.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        (Not to be confused with the template matcher)\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --output_path <path>   Path to where the match images and generated templates should be saved.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        Note that this path can contain variables of the format %%var%%\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        when --new_execute is used. See --cmdhelp for available variables.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   --match_output_path <path>\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        Override --output_path for match images and save them here instead.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        If --new_execute is used, this can be relative to --output_path\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        by using %%output_path%% in the path.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   --steps_output_path <path>\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        If --save_steps is enabled, save step images to this path.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        Same as for --match_output_path, overrides --output_path.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   --obstruct_output_path <path>\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        Path for the obstruct images. Overrides --output_path.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   --template_output_path <path>\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        Output path for templates. Overrides --output_path.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --log <path>           Log matches and rfid readings (if enabled).\n");
	#ifdef WITH_ZMQ
	fprintf(stderr, " --zmq                  Publish generated output templates to a ZMQ socket.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        If a template contains the setting 'nozmq' it will not be published.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --zmq_port             The TCP port that the ZMQ publisher listens on. Default %d\n", DEFAULT_ZMQ_PORT);
	fprintf(stderr, " --zmq_iface            The interface the ZMQ publisher listens on. Default %s\n", DEFAULT_ZMQ_IFACE);
	#endif // WITH_ZMQ
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "Matcher settings:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "-----------------\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --ok_matches_needed <number>\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        The number of matches out of %d matches\n", MATCH_MAX_COUNT);
	fprintf(stderr, "                        that need to be OK for the match to be considered\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        an over all OK match.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --matchtime <seconds>  The time to wait after a match. Default %d seconds.\n", DEFAULT_MATCH_WAIT);
	fprintf(stderr, " --matcher <template|haar>\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        The type of matcher to use. Haar cascade is more\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        accurate if a well trained cascade exists for your cat.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        Template matcher is simpler, but doesn't require a trained cascade\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        this is useful while gathering enough data to train the cascade.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --no_final_decision    Normally after all matches in a match group has been made\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        the matcher algorithm gets to do a final decision based on\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        the entire group of matches which overrides the \"--ok_matches_needed\"\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        setting. This flag turns this behavior off.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "Haar cascade matcher:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "---------------------\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "Template matcher:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "-----------------\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\nThe snout image refers to the image of the cat snout that is matched against.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "This image should be based on a 320x240 resolution image taken by the rpi camera.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "If no path is specified \"snout.png\" in the current directory is used.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	#ifdef WITH_RFID
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "RFID settings:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "-----\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --rfid_in <path>       Path to inner RFID reader. Example: /dev/ttyUSB0\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --rfid_out <path>      Path to the outter RFID reader.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --rfid_lock            Lock if no RFID tag present or invalid RFID tag. Default OFF.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --rfid_time <seconds>  Number of seconds to wait after a valid match before the\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        RFID readers are checked.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        (This is so that there is enough time for the cat to be read by both readers)\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --rfid_allowed <list>  A comma separated list of allowed RFID tags. Example: %s\n", EXAMPLE_RFID_STR);
	#endif // WITH_RFID
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	#define EPRINT_CMD_HELP(fmt, ...) if (args->show_cmd_help) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);
	fprintf(stderr, "Commands (new):\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "---------------\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "This is enabled using --new_execute. %%0, %%1... are deprecated, instead variable names are used.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "For example: %%state%%, %%match_success%% and so on.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "See --cmdhelp for a list of variables. Otherwise this uses the same\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "command line arguments as the old commands section below.\n");
	if (args->show_cmd_help) catcierge_output_print_usage();
	if (args->show_cmd_help) catcierge_template_output_print_usage();
	if (args->show_cmd_help) catcierge_haar_output_print_usage();	
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "Commands (old):\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "---------------\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "(Note that %%0, %%1, ... will be replaced in the input, see --cmdhelp for details)\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("   General: %%cwd will output the current working directory for this program.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("            Any paths returned are relative to this.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("            %%%% Produces a literal %% sign.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --frame_obstructed_cmd <cmd>\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                        Command to run when the frame becomes obstructed\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                        and a new match is initiated. (--save_obstruct must be on).\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%0 = [path]  Path to the image that obstructed the frame.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --match_cmd <cmd>      Command to run after a match is made.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%0 = [float] Match result.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%1 = [0/1]   Success or failure.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%2 = [path]  Path to where image will be saved\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                                       (Not saved yet!)\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --save_img_cmd <cmd>   Command to run at the moment a match image is saved.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%0 = [float]  Match result, 0.0-1.0\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%1 = [0/1]    Match success.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%2 = [string] Image path (Image is saved to disk).\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --match_group_done_cmd <cmd>  Command that runs when all match images have been saved\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        to disk.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        (This is most likely what you want to use in most cases)\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%0 = [0/1]    Match success.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%1 = [string] Image path for first match.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%2 = [string] Image path for second match.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%3 = [string] Image path for third match.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%4 = [string] Image path for fourth match.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%5 = [float]  First image result.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%6 = [float]  Second image result.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%7 = [float]  Third image result.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%8 = [float]  Fourth image result.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --match_done_cmd <cmd> Command to run when a match is done.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%0 = [0/1]    Match success.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%1 = [int]    Successful match count.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%2 = [int]    Max matches.\n");
	#ifdef WITH_RFID
	fprintf(stderr, " --rfid_detect_cmd <cmd> Command to run when one of the RFID readers detects a tag.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%0 = [string] RFID reader name.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%1 = [string] RFID path.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%2 = [0/1]    Is allowed.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%3 = [0/1]    Is data incomplete.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%4 = [string] Tag data.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%5 = [0/1]    Other reader triggered.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%6 = [string] Direction (in, out or uknown).\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --rfid_match_cmd <cmd> Command that is run when a RFID match is made.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%0 = Match success.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%1 = RFID inner in use.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%2 = RFID outer in use.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%3 = RFID inner success.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%4 = RFID outer success.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%5 = RFID inner data.\n");
	EPRINT_CMD_HELP("                         %%6 = RFID outer data.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --do_lockout_cmd <cmd> Command to run when the lockout should be performed.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        This will override the normal lockout method.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --do_unlock_cmd <cmd>  Command that is run when we should unlock.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        This will override the normal unlock method.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --state_change_cmd <cmd>\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        Command to run when the state machine changes state.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                         %%0 = Previous state.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                         %%1 = New state.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	#endif // WITH_RFID
	fprintf(stderr, " --help                 Show this help.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " --cmdhelp              Show extra command help.\n");
	#ifdef RPI
	fprintf(stderr, " --camhelp              Show extra Raspberry pi camera settings help.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        Note that all these settings must be prepended\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "                        with \"rpi-\"\n");
	#ifndef _WIN32
	fprintf(stderr, "Signals:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "The program can receive signals that can be sent using the kill command.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " SIGUSR1 = Force the cat door to unlock\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " SIGUSR2 = Force the cat door to lock (for lock timeout)\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	#endif // _WIN32