void F77_cherk(int *layout, char *uplow, char *transp, int *n, int *k, float *alpha, CBLAS_TEST_COMPLEX *a, int *lda, float *beta, CBLAS_TEST_COMPLEX *c, int *ldc ) { int i,j,LDA,LDC; CBLAS_TEST_COMPLEX *A, *C; CBLAS_UPLO uplo; CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans; get_uplo_type(uplow,&uplo); get_transpose_type(transp,&trans); if (*layout == TEST_ROW_MJR) { if (trans == CblasNoTrans) { LDA = *k+1; A=(CBLAS_TEST_COMPLEX* )malloc((*n)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_COMPLEX ) ); for( i=0; i<*n; i++ ) for( j=0; j<*k; j++ ) { A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real; A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag; } } else{ LDA = *n+1; A=(CBLAS_TEST_COMPLEX* )malloc((*k)*LDA*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_COMPLEX ) ); for( i=0; i<*k; i++ ) for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) { A[i*LDA+j].real=a[j*(*lda)+i].real; A[i*LDA+j].imag=a[j*(*lda)+i].imag; } } LDC = *n+1; C=(CBLAS_TEST_COMPLEX* )malloc((*n)*LDC*sizeof(CBLAS_TEST_COMPLEX ) ); for( i=0; i<*n; i++ ) for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) { C[i*LDC+j].real=c[j*(*ldc)+i].real; C[i*LDC+j].imag=c[j*(*ldc)+i].imag; } cblas_cherk(CblasRowMajor, uplo, trans, *n, *k, *alpha, A, LDA, *beta, C, LDC ); for( j=0; j<*n; j++ ) for( i=0; i<*n; i++ ) { c[j*(*ldc)+i].real=C[i*LDC+j].real; c[j*(*ldc)+i].imag=C[i*LDC+j].imag; } free(A); free(C); } else if (*layout == TEST_COL_MJR) cblas_cherk(CblasColMajor, uplo, trans, *n, *k, *alpha, a, *lda, *beta, c, *ldc ); else cblas_cherk(UNDEFINED, uplo, trans, *n, *k, *alpha, a, *lda, *beta, c, *ldc ); }
inline void herk( const Order order, const UpLo uplo, const Trans trans, const int n, const int k, const float alpha, const std::complex<float>* a, const int lda, const float beta, std::complex<float>* c, const int ldc ) { cblas_cherk( cblas_option< Order >::value, cblas_option< UpLo >::value, cblas_option< Trans >::value, n, k, alpha, a, lda, beta, c, ldc ); }
static int check_orthogonality(int M, int N, int LDQ, PLASMA_Complex32_t *Q, float eps) { float alpha, beta; float normQ; int info_ortho; int i; int minMN = min(M, N); float *work = (float *)malloc(minMN*sizeof(float)); alpha = 1.0; beta = -1.0; /* Build the idendity matrix USE DLASET?*/ PLASMA_Complex32_t *Id = (PLASMA_Complex32_t *) malloc(minMN*minMN*sizeof(PLASMA_Complex32_t)); memset((void*)Id, 0, minMN*minMN*sizeof(PLASMA_Complex32_t)); for (i = 0; i < minMN; i++) Id[i*minMN+i] = (PLASMA_Complex32_t)1.0; /* Perform Id - Q'Q */ if (M >= N) cblas_cherk(CblasColMajor, CblasUpper, CblasConjTrans, N, M, alpha, Q, LDQ, beta, Id, N); else cblas_cherk(CblasColMajor, CblasUpper, CblasNoTrans, M, N, alpha, Q, LDQ, beta, Id, M); BLAS_csy_norm( blas_colmajor, blas_inf_norm, blas_upper, minMN, Id, minMN, &normQ ); printf("============\n"); printf("Checking the orthogonality of Q \n"); printf("||Id-Q'*Q||_oo / (N*eps) = %e \n", normQ/(minMN*eps)); if ( isnan(normQ / (minMN * eps)) || isinf(normQ / (minMN * eps)) || (normQ / (minMN * eps) > 60.0) ) { printf("-- Orthogonality is suspicious ! \n"); info_ortho=1; } else { printf("-- Orthogonality is CORRECT ! \n"); info_ortho=0; } free(work); free(Id); return info_ortho; }
inline void herk (CBLAS_ORDER const Order, CBLAS_UPLO const Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE const Trans, int const N, int const K, float alpha, traits::complex_f const* A, int const lda, float beta, traits::complex_f* C, int const ldc) { cblas_cherk (Order, Uplo, Trans, N, K, alpha, static_cast<void const*> (A), lda, beta, static_cast<void*> (C), ldc); }
static int check_solution(PLASMA_enum uplo, PLASMA_enum trans, int N, int K, float alpha, PLASMA_Complex32_t *A, int LDA, float beta, PLASMA_Complex32_t *Cref, PLASMA_Complex32_t *Cplasma, int LDC) { int info_solution; float Anorm, Cinitnorm, Cplasmanorm, Clapacknorm, Rnorm; float eps; PLASMA_Complex32_t beta_const; float result; float *work = (float *)malloc(max(N, K)* sizeof(float)); beta_const = -1.0; Anorm = LAPACKE_clange_work(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, lapack_const(PlasmaInfNorm), (trans == PlasmaNoTrans) ? N : K, (trans == PlasmaNoTrans) ? K : N, A, LDA, work); Cinitnorm = LAPACKE_clange_work(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, lapack_const(PlasmaInfNorm), N, N, Cref, LDC, work); Cplasmanorm = LAPACKE_clange_work(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, lapack_const(PlasmaInfNorm), N, N, Cplasma, LDC, work); cblas_cherk(CblasColMajor, (CBLAS_UPLO)uplo, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)trans, N, K, (alpha), A, LDA, (beta), Cref, LDC); Clapacknorm = LAPACKE_clange_work(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, lapack_const(PlasmaInfNorm), N, N, Cref, LDC, work); cblas_caxpy(LDC*N, CBLAS_SADDR(beta_const), Cplasma, 1, Cref, 1); Rnorm = LAPACKE_clange_work(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, lapack_const(PlasmaInfNorm), N, N, Cref, LDC, work); eps = LAPACKE_slamch_work('e'); printf("Rnorm %e, Anorm %e, Cinitnorm %e, Cplasmanorm %e, Clapacknorm %e\n", Rnorm, Anorm, Cinitnorm, Cplasmanorm, Clapacknorm); result = Rnorm / ((Anorm + Cinitnorm) * N * eps); printf("============\n"); printf("Checking the norm of the difference against reference CHERK \n"); printf("-- ||Cplasma - Clapack||_oo/((||A||_oo+||C||_oo).N.eps) = %e \n", result); if ( isinf(Clapacknorm) || isinf(Cplasmanorm) || isnan(result) || isinf(result) || (result > 10.0) ) { printf("-- The solution is suspicious ! \n"); info_solution = 1; } else { printf("-- The solution is CORRECT ! \n"); info_solution= 0 ; } free(work); return info_solution; }
void wrapper_cblas_cherk(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE Trans, const int N, const int K, const float alpha, const void *A, const int lda, const float beta, void *C, const int ldc) { cblas_cherk(Order, Uplo, Trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); }
void test_herk (void) { const double flteps = 1e-4, dbleps = 1e-6; { int order = 101; int uplo = 121; int trans = 111; int N = 2; int K = 1; float alpha = 0.0f; float beta = 0.1f; float A[] = { -0.617f, 0.179f, -0.626f, 0.334f }; int lda = 1; float C[] = { 0.346f, -0.903f, 0.022f, -0.839f, -0.715f, 0.049f, -0.338f, 0.149f }; int ldc = 2; float C_expected[] = { 0.0346f, 0.0f, 0.0022f, -0.0839f, -0.715f, 0.049f, -0.0338f, 0.0f }; cblas_cherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], flteps, "cherk(case 1598) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], flteps, "cherk(case 1598) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 102; int uplo = 121; int trans = 111; int N = 2; int K = 1; float alpha = 0.0f; float beta = 0.1f; float A[] = { -0.356f, -0.308f, 0.493f, -0.351f }; int lda = 2; float C[] = { -0.898f, -0.905f, 0.002f, -0.219f, 0.881f, 0.879f, 0.275f, -0.351f }; int ldc = 2; float C_expected[] = { -0.0898f, 0.0f, 0.002f, -0.219f, 0.0881f, 0.0879f, 0.0275f, 0.0f }; cblas_cherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], flteps, "cherk(case 1599) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], flteps, "cherk(case 1599) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 101; int uplo = 121; int trans = 113; int N = 2; int K = 1; float alpha = 0.1f; float beta = 1.0f; float A[] = { -0.103f, -0.951f, -0.601f, -0.041f }; int lda = 2; float C[] = { -0.918f, -0.018f, 0.991f, -0.789f, -0.698f, -0.067f, 0.956f, -0.599f }; int ldc = 2; float C_expected[] = { -0.826499f, 0.0f, 1.00109f, -0.845733f, -0.698f, -0.067f, 0.992288f, 0.0f }; cblas_cherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], flteps, "cherk(case 1600) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], flteps, "cherk(case 1600) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 102; int uplo = 121; int trans = 113; int N = 2; int K = 1; float alpha = 0.1f; float beta = 1.0f; float A[] = { -0.237f, 0.925f, -0.904f, -0.091f }; int lda = 1; float C[] = { -0.572f, 0.915f, 0.398f, 0.222f, 0.016f, 0.288f, -0.078f, -0.507f }; int ldc = 2; float C_expected[] = { -0.480821f, 0.0f, 0.398f, 0.222f, 0.0290073f, 0.373777f, 0.0045497f, 0.0f }; cblas_cherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], flteps, "cherk(case 1601) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], flteps, "cherk(case 1601) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 101; int uplo = 122; int trans = 111; int N = 2; int K = 1; float alpha = -0.3f; float beta = 0.0f; float A[] = { 0.963f, -0.23f, -0.435f, 0.289f }; int lda = 1; float C[] = { 0.282f, -0.272f, -0.516f, -0.594f, -0.001f, 0.155f, -0.39f, -0.354f }; int ldc = 2; float C_expected[] = { -0.294081f, 0.0f, -0.516f, -0.594f, 0.145613f, -0.0534771f, -0.0818238f, 0.0f }; cblas_cherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], flteps, "cherk(case 1602) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], flteps, "cherk(case 1602) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 102; int uplo = 122; int trans = 111; int N = 2; int K = 1; float alpha = -0.3f; float beta = 0.0f; float A[] = { 0.674f, 0.1f, -0.098f, 0.552f }; int lda = 2; float C[] = { 0.089f, -0.523f, -0.551f, 0.618f, 0.67f, 0.247f, 0.975f, -0.714f }; int ldc = 2; float C_expected[] = { -0.139283f, 0.0f, 0.0032556f, -0.114554f, 0.67f, 0.247f, -0.0942924f, 0.0f }; cblas_cherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], flteps, "cherk(case 1603) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], flteps, "cherk(case 1603) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 101; int uplo = 122; int trans = 113; int N = 2; int K = 1; float alpha = 1.0f; float beta = 0.1f; float A[] = { 0.033f, -0.864f, 0.168f, 0.524f }; int lda = 2; float C[] = { 0.788f, 0.016f, -0.436f, 0.749f, -0.89f, -0.87f, 0.421f, -0.203f }; int ldc = 2; float C_expected[] = { 0.826385f, 0.0f, -0.436f, 0.749f, -0.536192f, -0.249444f, 0.3449f, 0.0f }; cblas_cherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], flteps, "cherk(case 1604) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], flteps, "cherk(case 1604) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 102; int uplo = 122; int trans = 113; int N = 2; int K = 1; float alpha = 1.0f; float beta = 0.1f; float A[] = { 0.957f, -0.079f, 0.935f, 0.232f }; int lda = 1; float C[] = { -0.744f, -0.061f, 0.195f, -0.574f, 0.551f, 0.478f, -0.337f, 0.1f }; int ldc = 2; float C_expected[] = { 0.84769f, 0.0f, 0.895967f, -0.353289f, 0.551f, 0.478f, 0.894349f, 0.0f }; cblas_cherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], flteps, "cherk(case 1605) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], flteps, "cherk(case 1605) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 101; int uplo = 121; int trans = 111; int N = 2; int K = 1; double alpha = 1; double beta = 1; double A[] = { 0.934, 0.664, 0.426, 0.263 }; int lda = 1; double C[] = { 0.251, -0.97, 0.76, -0.349, 0.152, -0.899, -0.17, 0.707 }; int ldc = 2; double C_expected[] = { 1.564252, 0.0, 1.332516, -0.311778, 0.152, -0.899, 0.080645, 0.0 }; cblas_zherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], dbleps, "zherk(case 1606) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], dbleps, "zherk(case 1606) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 102; int uplo = 121; int trans = 111; int N = 2; int K = 1; double alpha = 1; double beta = 1; double A[] = { 0.16, 0.464, -0.623, 0.776 }; int lda = 2; double C[] = { 0.771, -0.449, 0.776, 0.112, -0.134, 0.317, 0.547, -0.551 }; int ldc = 2; double C_expected[] = { 1.011896, 0.0, 0.776, 0.112, 0.126384, -0.096232, 1.537305, 0.0 }; cblas_zherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], dbleps, "zherk(case 1607) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], dbleps, "zherk(case 1607) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 101; int uplo = 121; int trans = 113; int N = 2; int K = 1; double alpha = 0.1; double beta = 1; double A[] = { 0.787, 0.057, -0.49, 0.47 }; int lda = 2; double C[] = { -0.758, 0.912, 0.992, -0.356, 0.584, 0.806, 0.965, 0.674 }; int ldc = 2; double C_expected[] = { -0.6957382, 0.0, 0.956116, -0.316218, 0.584, 0.806, 1.0111, 0.0 }; cblas_zherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], dbleps, "zherk(case 1608) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], dbleps, "zherk(case 1608) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 102; int uplo = 121; int trans = 113; int N = 2; int K = 1; double alpha = 0.1; double beta = 1; double A[] = { 0.961, -0.384, 0.165, 0.395 }; int lda = 1; double C[] = { -0.186, 0.404, -0.873, 0.09, -0.451, -0.972, -0.203, -0.304 }; int ldc = 2; double C_expected[] = { -0.0789023, 0.0, -0.873, 0.09, -0.4503115, -0.9277045, -0.184675, 0.0 }; cblas_zherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], dbleps, "zherk(case 1609) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], dbleps, "zherk(case 1609) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 101; int uplo = 122; int trans = 111; int N = 2; int K = 1; double alpha = 0; double beta = -0.3; double A[] = { 0.04, 0.608, 0.21, -0.44 }; int lda = 1; double C[] = { 0.285, -0.943, 0.581, -0.56, 0.112, 0.529, 0.16, -0.913 }; int ldc = 2; double C_expected[] = { -0.0855, 0.0, 0.581, -0.56, -0.0336, -0.1587, -0.048, 0.0 }; cblas_zherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], dbleps, "zherk(case 1610) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], dbleps, "zherk(case 1610) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 102; int uplo = 122; int trans = 111; int N = 2; int K = 1; double alpha = 0; double beta = -0.3; double A[] = { -0.984, -0.398, -0.379, 0.919 }; int lda = 2; double C[] = { -0.44, -0.087, 0.156, -0.945, -0.943, -0.355, 0.577, 0.053 }; int ldc = 2; double C_expected[] = { 0.132, 0.0, -0.0468, 0.2835, -0.943, -0.355, -0.1731, 0.0 }; cblas_zherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], dbleps, "zherk(case 1611) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], dbleps, "zherk(case 1611) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 101; int uplo = 122; int trans = 113; int N = 2; int K = 1; double alpha = 1; double beta = -1; double A[] = { 0.269, -0.428, -0.029, 0.964 }; int lda = 2; double C[] = { 0.473, -0.932, -0.689, -0.072, -0.952, -0.862, 0.001, 0.282 }; int ldc = 2; double C_expected[] = { -0.217455, 0.0, -0.689, -0.072, 0.531607, 0.615096, 0.929137, 0.0 }; cblas_zherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], dbleps, "zherk(case 1612) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], dbleps, "zherk(case 1612) imag"); }; }; }; { int order = 102; int uplo = 122; int trans = 113; int N = 2; int K = 1; double alpha = 1; double beta = -1; double A[] = { -0.303, -0.037, -0.411, -0.243 }; int lda = 1; double C[] = { 0.652, -0.227, -0.849, 0.87, -0.051, -0.535, 0.418, -0.681 }; int ldc = 2; double C_expected[] = { -0.558822, 0.0, 0.982524, -0.928422, -0.051, -0.535, -0.19003, 0.0 }; cblas_zherk(order, uplo, trans, N, K, alpha, A, lda, beta, C, ldc); { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_test_rel(C[2*i], C_expected[2*i], dbleps, "zherk(case 1613) real"); gsl_test_rel(C[2*i+1], C_expected[2*i+1], dbleps, "zherk(case 1613) imag"); }; }; }; }