Example #1
 * @brief Computes the total source (fission, scattering, fixed) in each FSR.
 * @details This method computes the total source in each FSR based on
 *          this iteration's current approximation to the scalar flux.
void VectorizedSolver::computeFSRSources() {

#pragma omp parallel default(none)
    int tid;
    Material* material;
    FP_PRECISION* sigma_t;
    FP_PRECISION* sigma_s;
    FP_PRECISION* fiss_mat;
    FP_PRECISION scatter_source, fission_source;

    int size = _num_groups * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);
    FP_PRECISION* fission_sources =
    FP_PRECISION* scatter_sources =

    /* For all FSRs, find the source */
#pragma omp for schedule(guided)
    for (int r=0; r < _num_FSRs; r++) {

      tid = omp_get_thread_num();
      material = _FSR_materials[r];
      sigma_t = material->getSigmaT();
      sigma_s = material->getSigmaS();
      fiss_mat = material->getFissionMatrix();

      /* Compute scatter + fission source for group G */
      for (int G=0; G < _num_groups; G++) {
        for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

#pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
          for (int g=v*VEC_LENGTH; g < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; g++) {
            scatter_sources[g] = sigma_s[G*_num_groups+g] * _scalar_flux(r,g);
            fission_sources[g] = fiss_mat[G*_num_groups+g] * _scalar_flux(r,g);

#ifdef SINGLE
        scatter_source=cblas_sasum(_num_groups, scatter_sources, 1);
        fission_source=cblas_sasum(_num_groups, fission_sources, 1);
        scatter_source=cblas_dasum(_num_groups, scatter_sources, 1);
        fission_source=cblas_dasum(_num_groups, fission_sources, 1);

        fission_source /= _k_eff;

        /* Compute total (scatter+fission+fixed) reduced source */
        _reduced_sources(r,G) = _fixed_sources(r,G);
        _reduced_sources(r,G) += scatter_source + fission_source;
        _reduced_sources(r,G) *= ONE_OVER_FOUR_PI / sigma_t[G];

Example #2
 * @brief Compute \f$ k_{eff} \f$ from successive fission sources.
void VectorizedSolver::computeKeff() {

  FP_PRECISION fission;

  int size = _num_FSRs * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);

  size = _num_threads * _num_groups * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);

#pragma omp parallel

    int tid = omp_get_thread_num() * _num_groups;
    Material* material;
    FP_PRECISION* sigma;
    FP_PRECISION volume;

    /* Compute the new nu-fission rates in each FSR */
#pragma omp for schedule(guided)
    for (int r=0; r < _num_FSRs; r++) {

      volume = _FSR_volumes[r];
      material = _FSR_materials[r];
      sigma = material->getNuSigmaF();

      /* Loop over each energy group vector length */
      for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

        /* Loop over energy groups within this vector */
#pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
        for (int e=v*VEC_LENGTH; e < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; e++)
          group_rates[tid+e] = sigma[e] * _scalar_flux(r,e);

#ifdef SINGLE
      FSR_rates[r] = cblas_sasum(_num_groups, &group_rates[tid], 1) * volume;
      FSR_rates[r] = cblas_dasum(_num_groups, &group_rates[tid], 1) * volume;

  /* Reduce new fission rates across FSRs */
#ifdef SINGLE
  fission = cblas_sasum(_num_FSRs, FSR_rates, 1);
  fission = cblas_dasum(_num_FSRs, FSR_rates, 1);

  _k_eff *= fission;

Example #3
 * @brief Normalizes all FSR scalar fluxes and Track boundary angular
 *        fluxes to the total fission source (times \f$ \nu \f$).
void VectorizedSolver::normalizeFluxes() {

  FP_PRECISION* nu_sigma_f;
  FP_PRECISION volume;
  FP_PRECISION tot_fission_source;
  FP_PRECISION norm_factor;

  /* Compute total fission source for each FSR, energy group */
  #pragma omp parallel for private(volume, nu_sigma_f)  \
    reduction(+:tot_fission_source) schedule(guided)
  for (int r=0; r < _num_FSRs; r++) {

    /* Get pointers to important data structures */
    nu_sigma_f = _FSR_materials[r]->getNuSigmaF();
    volume = _FSR_volumes[r];

    /* Loop over energy group vector lengths */
    for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

      /* Loop over each energy group within this vector */
      #pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
      for (int e=v*VEC_LENGTH; e < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; e++) {
        _fission_sources(r,e) = nu_sigma_f[e] * _scalar_flux(r,e);
        _fission_sources(r,e) *= volume;

  /* Compute the total fission source */
  int size = _num_FSRs * _num_groups;
  #ifdef SINGLE
  tot_fission_source = cblas_sasum(size, _fission_sources, 1);
  tot_fission_source = cblas_dasum(size, _fission_sources, 1);

  /* Compute the normalization factor */
  norm_factor = 1.0 / tot_fission_source;

  log_printf(DEBUG, "Tot. Fiss. Src. = %f, Normalization factor = %f",
             tot_fission_source, norm_factor);

  /* Normalize the FSR scalar fluxes */
  #ifdef SINGLE
  cblas_sscal(size, norm_factor, _scalar_flux, 1);
  cblas_dscal(size, norm_factor, _scalar_flux, 1);

  /* Normalize the Track angular boundary fluxes */
  size = 2 * _tot_num_tracks * _num_polar * _num_groups;

  #ifdef SINGLE
  cblas_sscal(size, norm_factor, _boundary_flux, 1);
  cblas_dscal(size, norm_factor, _boundary_flux, 1);

Example #4
// ||A||infty
float calcMacRowSum(float *mat, int n) {
    float maxSum = -1.0f;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        maxSum = max(maxSum, cblas_sasum(n, mat + n * i, 1));
    return maxSum;
Example #5
// ||A||1
float calcMaxColSum(float *mat, int n) {
    float maxSum = -1.0f;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        maxSum = max(maxSum, cblas_sasum(n, mat + i, n));
    return maxSum;
Example #6
 void Vector::processEnergy(const float* inputs, float* outputs)
     float energySum = 0.f, energyAbscissa = 0.f, energyOrdinate = 0.f;
     cblas_scopy(m_number_of_channels, inputs, 1, m_channels_float, 1);
     for(int i = 0; i < m_number_of_channels; i++)
         m_channels_float[i] *= m_channels_float[i];
     energySum = cblas_sasum(m_number_of_channels, m_channels_float, 1);
     energyAbscissa = cblas_sdot(m_number_of_channels, m_channels_float, 1, m_channels_abscissa_float, 1);
     energyOrdinate = cblas_sdot(m_number_of_channels, m_channels_float, 1, m_channels_ordinate_float, 1);
         outputs[0] = energyAbscissa / energySum;
         outputs[1] = energyOrdinate / energySum;
         outputs[0] = 0.;
         outputs[1] = 0.;
Example #7
float caffe_cpu_asum<float>(const int n, const float* x) {
    return cblas_sasum(n, x, 1);
JNIEXPORT jfloat JNICALL Java_uncomplicate_neanderthal_CBLAS_sasum
(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint N, jobject X, jint offsetX, jint incX) {

    float *cX = (float *) (*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, X);
    return cblas_sasum(N, cX + offsetX, incX);
Example #9
test_asum (void) {
const double flteps = 1e-4, dbleps = 1e-6;
   int N = 1;
   float X[] = { 0.239f };
   int incX = -1;
   float expected = 0.0f;
   float f;
   f = cblas_sasum(N, X, incX);
   gsl_test_rel(f, expected, flteps, "sasum(case 40)");

   int N = 1;
   double X[] = { -0.413 };
   int incX = -1;
   double expected = 0;
   double f;
   f = cblas_dasum(N, X, incX);
   gsl_test_rel(f, expected, dbleps, "dasum(case 41)");

   int N = 1;
   float X[] = { 0.1f, 0.017f };
   int incX = -1;
   float expected = 0.0f;
   float f;
   f = cblas_scasum(N, X, incX);
   gsl_test_rel(f, expected, flteps, "scasum(case 42)");

   int N = 1;
   double X[] = { -0.651, 0.079 };
   int incX = -1;
   double expected = 0;
   double f;
   f = cblas_dzasum(N, X, incX);
   gsl_test_rel(f, expected, dbleps, "dzasum(case 43)");

   int N = 2;
   float X[] = { 0.899f, -0.72f };
   int incX = 1;
   float expected = 1.619f;
   float f;
   f = cblas_sasum(N, X, incX);
   gsl_test_rel(f, expected, flteps, "sasum(case 44)");

   int N = 2;
   double X[] = { 0.271, -0.012 };
   int incX = 1;
   double expected = 0.283;
   double f;
   f = cblas_dasum(N, X, incX);
   gsl_test_rel(f, expected, dbleps, "dasum(case 45)");

   int N = 2;
   float X[] = { -0.567f, -0.645f, 0.098f, 0.256f };
   int incX = 1;
   float expected = 1.566f;
   float f;
   f = cblas_scasum(N, X, incX);
   gsl_test_rel(f, expected, flteps, "scasum(case 46)");

   int N = 2;
   double X[] = { -0.046, -0.671, -0.323, 0.785 };
   int incX = 1;
   double expected = 1.825;
   double f;
   f = cblas_dzasum(N, X, incX);
   gsl_test_rel(f, expected, dbleps, "dzasum(case 47)");

   int N = 2;
   float X[] = { 0.169f, 0.833f };
   int incX = -1;
   float expected = 0.0f;
   float f;
   f = cblas_sasum(N, X, incX);
   gsl_test_rel(f, expected, flteps, "sasum(case 48)");

   int N = 2;
   double X[] = { -0.586, -0.486 };
   int incX = -1;
   double expected = 0;
   double f;
   f = cblas_dasum(N, X, incX);
   gsl_test_rel(f, expected, dbleps, "dasum(case 49)");

   int N = 2;
   float X[] = { -0.314f, -0.318f, -0.835f, -0.807f };
   int incX = -1;
   float expected = 0.0f;
   float f;
   f = cblas_scasum(N, X, incX);
   gsl_test_rel(f, expected, flteps, "scasum(case 50)");

   int N = 2;
   double X[] = { -0.927, 0.152, -0.554, -0.844 };
   int incX = -1;
   double expected = 0;
   double f;
   f = cblas_dzasum(N, X, incX);
   gsl_test_rel(f, expected, dbleps, "dzasum(case 51)");

Example #10
float sasum_(int *N, float *SX, int *INCX) {
    return cblas_sasum(*N, SX, *INCX);
Example #11
 * @brief Compute \f$ k_{eff} \f$ from the total fission and absorption rates.
 * @details This method computes the current approximation to the
 *          multiplication factor on this iteration as follows:
 *          \f$ k_{eff} = \frac{\displaystyle\sum \displaystyle\sum \nu
 *                        \Sigma_f \Phi V}{\displaystyle\sum
 *                        \displaystyle\sum \Sigma_a \Phi V} \f$
void VectorizedSolver::computeKeff() {

  int tid;
  Material* material;
  FP_PRECISION* sigma_a;
  FP_PRECISION* nu_sigma_f;
  FP_PRECISION volume;

  FP_PRECISION tot_abs = 0.0;
  FP_PRECISION tot_fission = 0.0;

  int size = _num_FSRs * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);

  size = _num_threads * _num_groups * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);

  /* Loop over all FSRs and compute the volume-weighted absorption rates */
  #pragma omp parallel for private(tid, volume, \
    material, sigma_a) schedule(guided)
  for (int r=0; r < _num_FSRs; r++) {

    tid = omp_get_thread_num() * _num_groups;
    volume = _FSR_volumes[r];
    material = _FSR_materials[r];
    sigma_a = material->getSigmaA();

    /* Loop over each energy group vector length */
    for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

      /* Loop over energy groups within this vector */
      #pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
      for (int e=v*VEC_LENGTH; e < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; e++)
        group_rates[tid+e] = sigma_a[e] * _scalar_flux(r,e);

    #ifdef SINGLE
    FSR_rates[r] = cblas_sasum(_num_groups, &group_rates[tid], 1) * volume;
    FSR_rates[r] = cblas_dasum(_num_groups, &group_rates[tid], 1) * volume;

  /* Reduce absorption and fission rates across FSRs, energy groups */
  #ifdef SINGLE
  tot_abs = cblas_sasum(_num_FSRs, FSR_rates, 1);
  tot_abs = cblas_dasum(_num_FSRs, FSR_rates, 1);

  /* Loop over all FSRs and compute the volume-weighted fission rates */
  #pragma omp parallel for private(tid, volume, \
    material, nu_sigma_f) schedule(guided)
  for (int r=0; r < _num_FSRs; r++) {

    tid = omp_get_thread_num() * _num_groups;
    volume = _FSR_volumes[r];
    material = _FSR_materials[r];
    nu_sigma_f = material->getNuSigmaF();

    /* Loop over each energy group vector length */
    for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

      /* Loop over energy groups within this vector */
      #pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
      for (int e=v*VEC_LENGTH; e < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; e++)
        group_rates[tid+e] = nu_sigma_f[e] * _scalar_flux(r,e);

    #ifdef SINGLE
    FSR_rates[r] = cblas_sasum(_num_groups, &group_rates[tid], 1) * volume;
    FSR_rates[r] = cblas_dasum(_num_groups, &group_rates[tid], 1) * volume;

  /* Reduce fission rates across FSRs */
  #ifdef SINGLE
  tot_fission = cblas_sasum(_num_FSRs, FSR_rates, 1);
  tot_fission = cblas_dasum(_num_FSRs, FSR_rates, 1);

  /** Reduce leakage array across tracks, energy groups, polar angles */
  size = 2 * _tot_num_tracks * _polar_times_groups;

  #ifdef SINGLE
  _leakage = cblas_sasum(size, _boundary_leakage, 1) * 0.5;
  _leakage = cblas_dasum(size, _boundary_leakage, 1) * 0.5;

  _k_eff = tot_fission / (tot_abs + _leakage);

  log_printf(DEBUG, "abs = %f, fission = %f, leakage = %f, k_eff = %f",
             tot_abs, tot_fission, _leakage, _k_eff);


Example #12
 * @brief Computes the total source (fission and scattering) in each FSR.
 * @details This method computes the total source in each FSR based on
 *          this iteration's current approximation to the scalar flux. A
 *          residual for the source with respect to the source compute on
 *          the previous iteration is computed and returned. The residual
 *          is determined as follows:
 *          /f$ res = \sqrt{\frac{\displaystyle\sum \displaystyle\sum
 *                    \left(\frac{Q^i - Q^{i-1}{Q^i}\right)^2}{# FSRs}}} \f$
 * @return the residual between this source and the previous source
FP_PRECISION VectorizedSolver::computeFSRSources() {

  int tid;
  FP_PRECISION scatter_source;
  FP_PRECISION fission_source;
  FP_PRECISION* nu_sigma_f;
  FP_PRECISION* sigma_s;
  FP_PRECISION* sigma_t;
  Material* material;

  FP_PRECISION source_residual = 0.0;

  FP_PRECISION inverse_k_eff = 1.0 / _k_eff;

  /* For all FSRs, find the source */
  #pragma omp parallel for private(material, nu_sigma_f, chi, \
    sigma_s, sigma_t, fission_source, scatter_source) schedule(guided)
  for (int r=0; r < _num_FSRs; r++) {

    tid = omp_get_thread_num();
    material = _FSR_materials[r];
    nu_sigma_f = material->getNuSigmaF();
    chi = material->getChi();
    sigma_s = material->getSigmaS();
    sigma_t = material->getSigmaT();

    /* Initialize the source residual to zero */
    _source_residuals[r] = 0.;

    /* Compute fission source for each group */
    if (material->isFissionable()) {
      for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

        /* Compute fission source for each group */
        #pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
        for (int e=v*VEC_LENGTH; e < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; e++)
          _fission_sources(r,e) = _scalar_flux(r,e) * nu_sigma_f[e];

      #ifdef SINGLE
      fission_source = cblas_sasum(_num_groups, &_fission_sources(r,0),1);
      fission_source = cblas_dasum(_num_groups, &_fission_sources(r,0),1);

      fission_source *= inverse_k_eff;

      fission_source = 0.0;

    /* Compute total scattering source for group G */
    for (int G=0; G < _num_groups; G++) {
      scatter_source = 0;

      for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

        #pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
        for (int g=v*VEC_LENGTH; g < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; g++)
          _scatter_sources(tid,g) = sigma_s[G*_num_groups+g] *

      #ifdef SINGLE

      /* Set the total source for FSR r in group G */
      _source(r,G) = (fission_source * chi[G] + scatter_source)
                        * ONE_OVER_FOUR_PI;

      _reduced_source(r,G) = _source(r,G) / sigma_t[G];

      /* Compute the norm of residual of the source in the FSR */
      if (fabs(_source(r,G)) > 1E-10)
        _source_residuals[r] += pow((_source(r,G) - _old_source(r,G))
                                / _source(r,G), 2);

      /* Update the old source */
      _old_source(r,G) = _source(r,G);

  /* Sum up the residuals from each group and in each FSR */
  #ifdef SINGLE
  source_residual = cblas_sasum(_num_FSRs,_source_residuals,1);
  source_residual = cblas_dasum(_num_FSRs,_source_residuals,1);

  source_residual = sqrt(source_residual / (_num_groups * _num_FSRs));

  return source_residual;
inline float STARPU_SASUM(int N, float *X, int incX)
	return cblas_sasum(N, X, incX);