Example #1
static int generate(struct ccdrbg_state *drbg, size_t dataOutLength, void *dataOut,
                    size_t additionalLength, const void *additional)
    struct ccdrbg_nisthmac_state *state = (struct ccdrbg_nisthmac_state *)drbg;
    const struct ccdrbg_nisthmac_custom *custom = state->custom;
    const struct ccdigest_info *di = custom->di;
    int rc = validate_gen_params(state->reseed_counter, dataOutLength, additional==NULL?0:additionalLength);
    if(rc!=CCDRBG_STATUS_OK) return rc;
    // 2. If additional_input =ΜΈ Null, then (Key, V) = HMAC_DRBG_Update (additional_input, Key, V).
    if (additional && additionalLength)
        hmac_dbrg_update(drbg, additionalLength, additional, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
    // hmac_dbrg_generate_algorithm
    char *outPtr = (char *) dataOut;
    while (dataOutLength > 0) {
        if (!state->bytesLeft) {
            //  5. V=HMAC(K,V).
            cchmac(di, state->keysize, state->key, state->vsize, state->nextvptr, state->vptr);        // Won't be returned
            // FIPS 140-2 4.9.2 Conditional Tests
            // "Each subsequent generation of an n-bit block shall be compared with the previously generated block. The test shall fail if any two compared n-bit blocks are equal."
            if (0==cc_cmp_safe(state->vsize, state->vptr, state->nextvptr)) {
                //The world as we know it has come to an end
                //the DRBG data structure is zeroized. subsequent calls to
                //DRBG ends up in NULL dereferencing and/or unpredictable state.
                //catastrophic error in SP 800-90A
                goto errOut;
            CC_SWAP(state->nextvptr, state->vptr);
            state->bytesLeft = state->vsize;
            cc_print("generate blk: ", state->vsize, state->vptr);
        size_t outLength = dataOutLength > state->bytesLeft ? state->bytesLeft : dataOutLength;
        CC_MEMCPY(outPtr, state->vptr, outLength);
        state->bytesLeft -= outLength;
        outPtr += outLength;
        dataOutLength -= outLength;

    // 6. (Key, V) = HMAC_DRBG_Update (additional_input, Key, V).
    hmac_dbrg_update(drbg, additionalLength, additional, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
    // 7. reseed_counter = reseed_counter + 1.
    dumpState("generate end: ", state);
    cc_print("generate end nxt: ", state->vsize, state->nextvptr);
    return rc;
Example #2
void test02 ( )




    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    16 July 2014


    John Burkardt
  double *acc;
  int *ccc;
  int *icc;
  int m;
  int n;
  int ncc;
  char prefix[] = "simple";

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "TEST02\n" );
  printf ( "  Read a sparse matrix in CC format from 3 files.\n" );
  Read the header.
  cc_header_read ( prefix, &ncc, &n );
  Allocate space.
  acc = ( double * ) malloc ( ncc * sizeof ( double ) );
  ccc = ( int * ) malloc ( ( n + 1 ) * sizeof ( int ) );
  icc = ( int * ) malloc ( ncc * sizeof ( int ) );
  Read the matrix data.
  cc_data_read ( prefix, ncc, n, icc, ccc, acc );
  Print the CC matrix.
  m = n;
  cc_print ( m, n, ncc, icc, ccc, acc, "  The matrix in 0-based CC format:" );
  Free memory.
  free ( acc );
  free ( ccc );
  free ( icc );

Example #3
static int hmac_dbrg_error(int val, const char *msg) {
    if (msg) {
        char buffer[1024];
        snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, "Error: %s", msg);
        cc_print(buffer, 0, NULL);
    return val;
Example #4
static int tests_rng(const char *seed) {
    byteBuffer entropyBuffer;
    int status=-1; // Allocation error;

    if (seed==NULL || strlen(seed)<=0) {
        // If the seed is not in the argument, we generate one
        struct ccrng_system_state system_rng;
        size_t entropy_size=16; // Default size of the seed
        cc_require((status=ccrng_system_init(&system_rng))==0, errOut);
        cc_require((status=ccrng_generate((struct ccrng_state *)&system_rng, entropyBuffer->len, entropyBuffer->bytes))==0, errOut);
        cc_print("random seed value:",entropyBuffer->len,entropyBuffer->bytes);
    } else {
        // Otherwise, take the value from the arguments
        entropyBuffer = hexStringToBytes(seed);
        cc_print("input seed value:",entropyBuffer->len,entropyBuffer->bytes);
    cc_require((status=ccrng_test_init(&test_rng, entropyBuffer->len,entropyBuffer->bytes))==0, errOut);
    return status;
    printf("Error initializing test rng: %d\n",status);
    return -1;
Example #5
static void dumpState(const char *label, struct ccdrbg_nisthmac_state *state) {
    cc_print(label, state->vsize, state->v);
    cc_print(label, state->keysize, state->key);
Example #6
void test01 ( )


    TEST01 tests ST_TO_CC using a tiny matrix.


    This test uses a trivial matrix whose full representation is:

          2  3  0  0  0
          3  0  4  0  6
      A = 0 -1 -3  2  0
          0  0  1  0  0
          0  4  2  0  1

    A (1-based) ST representation, reading in order by rows is:

      I  J   A
     -- --  --
      1  1   2
      1  2   3

      2  1   3
      2  3   4
      2  5   6

      3  2  -1
      3  3  -3
      3  4   2

      4  3   1

      5  2   4
      5  3   2
      5  5   1

    The CC representation (which goes in order by columns) is

      #   I  JC   A
     --  --  --  --
      1   1   1   2
      2   2       3

      3   1   3   3
      4   3      -1
      5   5       4

      6   2   6   4
      7   3      -3
      8   4       1
      9   5       2

     10   3  10   2

     11   2  11   6
     12   5       1

     13   *  13


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    23 July 2014


    John Burkardt
# define NST 12

  double *acc;
  double ast[NST] = {
    2.0,  3.0, 
    3.0,  4.0,  6.0, 
   -1.0, -3.0,  2.0, 
    4.0,  2.0,  1.0 };
  int *ccc;
  int i_max;
  int i_min;
  int *icc;
  int ist[NST] = {
    1, 1, 
    2, 2, 2, 
    3, 3, 3, 
    5, 5, 5 };
  int j_max;
  int j_min;
  int jst[NST] = {
    1, 2, 
    1, 3, 5, 
    2, 3, 4, 
    2, 3, 5 };
  int m = 5;
  int n = 5;
  int ncc;
  int nst = NST;

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "TEST01\n" );
  printf ( "  Convert a sparse matrix from ST to CC format.\n" );
  printf ( "  ST: sparse triplet,    I, J,  A.\n" );
  printf ( "  CC: compressed column, I, CC, A.\n" );

  i_min = i4vec_min ( nst, ist );
  i_max = i4vec_max ( nst, ist );
  j_min = i4vec_min ( nst, jst );
  j_max = i4vec_max ( nst, jst );

  st_header_print ( i_min, i_max, j_min, j_max, m, n, nst );
  Decrement the 1-based data.
  i4vec_dec ( nst, ist );
  i4vec_dec ( nst, jst );
  Print the ST matrix.
  st_print ( m, n, nst, ist, jst, ast, "  The matrix in ST format:" );
  Get the CC size.
  ncc = st_to_cc_size ( nst, ist, jst );

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  Number of CC values = %d\n", ncc );
  Create the CC indices.
  icc = ( int * ) malloc ( ncc * sizeof ( int ) );
  ccc = ( int * ) malloc ( ( n + 1 ) * sizeof ( int ) );

  st_to_cc_index ( nst, ist, jst, ncc, n, icc, ccc );
  Create the CC values.
  acc = st_to_cc_values ( nst, ist, jst, ast, ncc, n, icc, ccc );
  Print the CC matrix.
  cc_print ( m, n, ncc, icc, ccc, acc, "  CC Matrix:" );
  Free memory.
  free ( acc );
  free ( ccc );
  free ( icc );

# undef NST
Example #7
void test02 ( )


    TEST02 tests ST_TO_CC on a matrix stored in a file.


    We assume no prior knowledge about the matrix except the filename.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    23 July 2014


    John Burkardt
  double *acc;
  double *ast;
  int *ccc;
  char filename_st[] = "west_st.txt";
  int i_max;
  int i_min;
  int *icc;
  int *ist;
  int j_max;
  int j_min;
  int *jst;
  int m;
  int n;
  int ncc;
  int nst;

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "TEST02\n" );
  printf ( "  Convert a sparse matrix from ST to CC format.\n" );
  printf ( "  ST: sparse triplet,    I, J,  A.\n" );
  printf ( "  CC: compressed column, I, CC, A.\n" );
  printf ( "  This matrix is read from the file '%s'\n", filename_st );
  Get the size of the ST matrix.
  st_header_read ( filename_st, &i_min, &i_max, &j_min, &j_max, &m, &n, &nst );

  st_header_print ( i_min, i_max, j_min, j_max, m, n, nst );
  Allocate space.
  ist = ( int * ) malloc ( nst * sizeof ( int ) );
  jst = ( int * ) malloc ( nst * sizeof ( int ) );
  ast = ( double * ) malloc ( nst * sizeof ( double ) );
  Read the ST matrix.
  st_data_read ( filename_st, m, n, nst, ist, jst, ast );
  Decrement the 1-based data.
  i4vec_dec ( nst, ist );
  i4vec_dec ( nst, jst );
  Print the ST matrix.
  st_print ( m, n, nst, ist, jst, ast, "  The matrix in ST format:" );
  Get the CC size.
  ncc = st_to_cc_size ( nst, ist, jst );

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  Number of CC values = %d\n", ncc );
  Create the CC indices.
  icc = ( int * ) malloc ( ncc * sizeof ( int ) );
  ccc = ( int * ) malloc ( ( n + 1 ) * sizeof ( int ) );

  st_to_cc_index ( nst, ist, jst, ncc, n, icc, ccc );
  Create the CC values.
  acc = st_to_cc_values ( nst, ist, jst, ast, ncc, n, icc, ccc );
  Print the CC matrix.
  cc_print ( m, n, ncc, icc, ccc, acc, "  CC Matrix:" );
  Free memory.
  free ( acc );
  free ( ast );
  free ( ccc );
  free ( icc );
  free ( ist );
  free ( jst );

ccecies_encrypt_gcm_composite(ccec_pub_ctx_t public_key,
                    const ccecies_gcm_t ecies,
                    uint8_t *exported_public_key, /* output - length from ccecies_pub_key_size */
                    uint8_t *ciphertext,          /* output - length same as plaintext_len */
                    uint8_t *mac_tag,             /* output - length ecies->mac_length */
                    size_t plaintext_len,   const uint8_t *plaintext,
                    size_t sharedinfo1_byte_len, const void *sharedinfo_1,
                    size_t sharedinfo2_byte_len, const void *sharedinfo_2
    int status=-1;

    // Contexts:
    ccec_full_ctx_decl_cp(ccec_ctx_cp(public_key), ephemeral_key);
    size_t   skey_size = ccec_cp_prime_size(ccec_ctx_cp(public_key));
    uint8_t  skey[skey_size];
    const struct ccmode_gcm *gcm_encrypt=ecies->gcm;
    size_t exported_public_key_size;

    // 1) Generate ephemeral EC key pair
    cc_require(ccecdh_generate_key(ccec_ctx_cp(public_key), ecies->rng, ephemeral_key)==0,errOut);

    ccec_print_full_key("Ephemeral key",ephemeral_key);

    // 2) ECDH with input public key
    cc_require(ccecdh_compute_shared_secret(ephemeral_key, public_key, &skey_size, skey,ecies->rng)==0,errOut);

    cc_print("Shared secret key",skey_size,skey);

    // 3) Export ephemeral public key
    cc_require( ccecies_export(0, ecies->options, exported_public_key, ephemeral_key)==0, errOut);

    // 4) Derive Enc / Mac key
    // Hash(skey|00000001|sharedinfo_1)
    {   // use ephemeral public key as shared info 1

    cc_print("Cipher key",ecies->key_length,skey);

    // 5) Encrypt
    ccgcm_init(gcm_encrypt, gcm_ctx,ecies->key_length,skey);
    if ((sharedinfo_2!=NULL) && (sharedinfo2_byte_len>0)) {

    cc_print("Encrypted message",plaintext_len,ciphertext);

    // 6) Mac (with SharedInfo 2)
    // sec1, p51: recommended: SharedInfo2 ended in a counter giving its length.
    cc_print("Mac Tag",ecies->mac_length,mac_tag);

    // Success

    // Clear key material info
    ccec_full_ctx_clear_cp(ccec_ctx_cp(public_key), ephemeral_key);
    return status;
Example #9
void test01 ( )


    TEST01 tests CC_WRITE using a tiny matrix.


    This test uses a trivial matrix whose full representation is:

          2  3  0  0  0
          3  0  4  0  6
      A = 0 -1 -3  2  0
          0  0  1  0  0
          0  4  2  0  1

    The 1-based CC representation is

      #  ICC  CCC  ACC
     --  ---  ---  ---
      1    1    1    2
      2    2         3

      3    1    3    3
      4    3        -1
      5    5         4

      6    2    6    4
      7    3        -3
      8    4         1
      9    5         2

     10    3   10    2

     11    2   11    6
     12    5         1

     13    *   13


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    16 July 2014


    John Burkardt
# define N 5
# define NCC 12

  double acc[NCC] = {
    2.0,  3.0,
    3.0, -1.0,  4.0,
    4.0, -3.0,  1.0, 2.0,
    6.0, 1.0 };
  int ccc[N+1] = {
    1, 3, 6, 10, 11, 13 };
  int icc[NCC] = {
    1, 2,
    1, 3, 5,
    2, 3, 4, 5,
    2, 5 };
  int m = N;
  int n = N;
  int ncc = NCC;
  char prefix[] = "simple";

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "TEST01\n" );
  printf ( "  Write a sparse matrix in CC format to 3 files.\n" );
  Full storage statistics
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  Full rows    M = %d\n", m );
  printf ( "  Full columns N = %d\n", n );
  printf ( "  Full storage   = %d\n", m * n );
  Decrement the 1-based data.
  i4vec_dec ( n + 1, ccc );
  i4vec_dec ( ncc, icc );
  Print the CC matrix.
  cc_print ( m, n, ncc, icc, ccc, acc, "  The matrix in 0-based CC format:" );
  Write the matrix to 3 files.
  cc_write ( prefix, ncc, n, icc, ccc, acc );

# undef NCC
Example #10
int main ( )


    MAIN is the main program for UMFPACK_WEST.


    This program uses UMFPACK to solve a linear system A*X=B for which the
    matrix is stored, in compressed column (CC) format, in three files.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. 


    16 July 2014


    John Burkardt


    Timothy Davis,
    UMFPACK User Guide,
    Version 5.6.2, 25 April 2013
  double *acc;
  double *b;
  int *ccc;
  int i;
  int *icc;
  int m;
  int n;
  int ncc;
  double *null = ( double * ) NULL;
  void *Numeric;
  char prefix[] = "west";
  double r;
  int seed;
  int status;
  void *Symbolic;
  double *x1;
  double *x2;

  timestamp ( );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "UMFPACK_WEST:\n" );
  printf ( "  C version\n" );
  printf ( "  Use UMFPACK to solve the sparse linear system A*x=b.\n" );
  printf ( "  The matrix A is stored, in CC format, in 3 files.\n" );
  Get the matrix size.
  cc_header_read ( prefix, &ncc, &n );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  Number of rows and columns = %d\n", n );
  printf ( "  Number of nonzeros NCC = %d\n", ncc );
  Allocate space.
  acc = ( double * ) malloc ( ncc * sizeof ( double ) );
  ccc = ( int * ) malloc ( ( n + 1 ) * sizeof ( int ) );
  icc = ( int * ) malloc ( ncc * sizeof ( int ) );
  Read the matrix data.
  cc_data_read ( prefix, ncc, n, icc, ccc, acc );
  Print the matrix.
  m = n;
  cc_print ( m, n, ncc, icc, ccc, acc, "  The CC matrix:" ); 
  Set up the solution.
  seed = 123456789;
  x1 = r8vec_uniform_01_new ( n, &seed );
  Set the right hand side.
  b = cc_mv ( m, n, ncc, icc, ccc, acc, x1 );
  From the matrix data, create the symbolic factorization information.
  status = umfpack_di_symbolic ( n, n, ccc, icc, acc, &Symbolic, null, null );
  From the symbolic factorization information, carry out the numeric factorization.
  status = umfpack_di_numeric ( ccc, icc, acc, Symbolic, &Numeric, null, null );
  Free the symbolic factorization memory.
  umfpack_di_free_symbolic ( &Symbolic );
  Using the numeric factorization, solve the linear system.
  x2 = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) );
  status = umfpack_di_solve ( UMFPACK_A, ccc, icc, acc, x2, b, Numeric, null, null );
  Free the numeric factorization.
  umfpack_di_free_numeric ( &Numeric );
  Compute the error:
  r = r8vec_diff_norm ( n, x1, x2 );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  Residual: ||A*x-b|| = %g\n", r );
  Free memory.
  free ( acc );
  free ( b );
  free ( ccc );
  free ( icc );
  free ( x1 );
  free ( x2 );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "UMFPACK_WEST:\n" );
  printf ( "  Normal end of execution.\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );
  timestamp ( );

  return 0;
Example #11
int main ( )


    D_SAMPLE_ST tests the SUPERLU solver with a 5x5 double precision real matrix.


    The general (GE) representation of the matrix is:

      [ 19  0 21 21  0
        12 21  0  0  0
         0 12 16  0  0 
         0  0  0  5 21
        12 12  0  0 18 ]

    The (0-based) compressed column (CC) representation of this matrix is:

      I  CC   A
     --  --  --
      0   0  19
      1      12
      4      12

      1   3  21
      2      12
      4      12

      0   6  21
      2      16

      0   8  21
      3       5

      3  10  21
      4      18

      *  12   *

    The right hand side B and solution X are

      #   B     X
     --  --  ----------
      0   1  -0.03125
      1   1   0.0654762
      2   1   0.0133929
      3   1   0.0625
      4   1   0.0327381 


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. 


    18 July 2014


    John Burkardt


    James Demmel, John Gilbert, Xiaoye Li,
    SuperLU Users's Guide.
  SuperMatrix A;
  double *acc;
  double *b;
  double *b2;
  SuperMatrix B;
  int *ccc;
  int i;
  int *icc;
  int info;
  int j;
  SuperMatrix L;
  int m;
  int n;
  int nrhs = 1;
  int ncc;
  superlu_options_t options;
  int *perm_c;
  int permc_spec;
  int *perm_r;
  SuperLUStat_t stat;
  SuperMatrix U;

  timestamp ( );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "D_SAMPLE_ST:\n" );
  printf ( "  C version\n" );
  printf ( "  SUPERLU solves a double precision real linear system.\n" );
  printf ( "  The matrix is read from a Sparse Triplet (ST) file.\n" );
  Read the matrix from a file associated with standard input,
  in sparse triplet (ST) format, into compressed column (CC) format.
  dreadtriple ( &m, &n, &ncc, &acc, &icc, &ccc );
  Print the matrix.
  cc_print ( m, n, ncc, icc, ccc, acc, "  CC Matrix:" );
  Convert the compressed column (CC) matrix into a SuperMatrix A. 
  dCreate_CompCol_Matrix ( &A, m, n, ncc, acc, icc, ccc, SLU_NC, SLU_D, SLU_GE );    
  Create the right-hand side matrix.
  b = ( double * ) malloc ( m * sizeof ( double ) );
  for ( i = 0; i < m; i++ )
    b[i] = 1.0;
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  Right hand side:\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );
  for ( i = 0; i < m; i++ )
    printf ( "%g\n", b[i] );
  Create Super Right Hand Side.
  dCreate_Dense_Matrix ( &B, m, nrhs, b, m, SLU_DN, SLU_D, SLU_GE );
  Set space for the permutations.
  perm_r = ( int * ) malloc ( m * sizeof ( int ) );
  perm_c = ( int * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( int ) );
  Set the input options. 
  set_default_options ( &options );
  options.ColPerm = NATURAL;
  Initialize the statistics variables. 
  StatInit ( &stat );
  Solve the linear system. 
  dgssv ( &options, &A, perm_c, perm_r, &L, &U, &B, &stat, &info );
  dPrint_CompCol_Matrix ( ( char * ) "A", &A );
  dPrint_CompCol_Matrix ( ( char * ) "U", &U );
  dPrint_SuperNode_Matrix ( ( char * ) "L", &L );
  print_int_vec ( ( char * ) "\nperm_r", m, perm_r );
  By some miracle involving addresses, 
  the solution has been put into the B vector.
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  Computed solution:\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );
  for ( i = 0; i < m; i++ )
    printf ( "%g\n", b[i] );
  Demonstrate that RHS is really the solution now.
  Multiply it by the matrix.
  b2 = cc_mv ( m, n, ncc, icc, ccc, acc, b );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  Product A*X:\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );
  for ( i = 0; i < m; i++ )
    printf ( "%g\n", b2[i] );
  Free memory.
  free ( b );
  free ( b2 );
  free ( perm_c );
  free ( perm_r );

  Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store ( &A );
  Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store ( &B );
  Destroy_SuperNode_Matrix ( &L );
  Destroy_CompCol_Matrix ( &U );
  StatFree ( &stat );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "D_SAMPLE_ST:\n" );
  printf ( "  Normal end of execution.\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );
  timestamp ( );

  return 0;
Example #12
void test01 ( )


    TEST01 tests CC_TO_ST using a 1-based matrix.


    This test uses a trivial matrix whose full representation is:

          2  3  0  0  0
          3  0  4  0  6
      A = 0 -1 -3  2  0
          0  0  1  0  0
          0  4  2  0  1

    The 1-based CC representation is

      #  ICC  CCC  ACC
     --  ---  ---  ---
      1    1    1    2
      2    2         3

      3    1    3    3
      4    3        -1
      5    5         4

      6    2    6    4
      7    3        -3
      8    4         1
      9    5         2

     10    3   10    2

     11    2   11    6
     12    5         1

     13    *   13


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    18 July 2014


    John Burkardt
# define N 5
# define NCC 12

    double acc[NCC] = {
        2.0,  3.0,
        3.0, -1.0,  4.0,
        4.0, -3.0,  1.0, 2.0,
        6.0, 1.0
    double *ast;
    int ccc[N+1] = {
        1, 3, 6, 10, 11, 13
    int i;
    int icc[NCC] = {
        1, 2,
        1, 3, 5,
        2, 3, 4, 5,
        2, 5
    int *ist;
    int *jst;
    int m = 5;
    int n = N;
    int ncc = NCC;
    int nst;

    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "TEST01\n" );
    printf ( "  Convert a 1-based CC matrix to ST format.\n" );
      Print the CC matrix.
    cc_print ( m, n, ncc, icc, ccc, acc, "  The CC matrix:" );
      Convert it.
    ist = ( int * ) malloc ( ncc * sizeof ( int ) );
    jst = ( int * ) malloc ( ncc * sizeof ( int ) );
    ast = ( double * ) malloc ( ncc * sizeof ( double ) );

    cc_to_st ( m, n, ncc, icc, ccc, acc, &nst, ist, jst, ast );
      Print the ST matrix.
    st_print ( m, n, nst, ist, jst, ast, "  The ST matrix:" );
      Free memory.
    free ( ast );
    free ( ist );
    free ( jst );

# undef N
# undef NCC
Example #13
void test02 ( )


    TEST02 tests CC_TO_ST using a 0-based matrix.


    This test uses a trivial matrix whose full representation is:

          2  3  0  0  0
          3  0  4  0  6
      A = 0 -1 -3  2  0
          0  0  1  0  0
          0  4  2  0  1

    The 0-based CC representation is

      #  ICC  CCC  ACC
     --  ---  ---  ---
      0    0    0    2
      1    1         3

      2    0    2    3
      3    2        -1
      4    4         4

      5    1    5    4
      6    2        -3
      7    3         1
      8    4         2

      9    2    9    2

     10    1   10    6
     11    4         1

     12    *   12


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


    23 July 2014


    John Burkardt
# define N 5
# define NCC 12

    double acc[NCC] = {
        2.0,  3.0,
        3.0, -1.0,  4.0,
        4.0, -3.0,  1.0, 2.0,
        6.0, 1.0
    double *ast;
    int ccc[N+1] = {
        0, 2, 5, 9, 10, 12
    int i;
    int icc[NCC] = {
        0, 1,
        0, 2, 4,
        1, 2, 3, 4,
        1, 4
    int *ist;
    int *jst;
    int m = 5;
    int n = N;
    int ncc = NCC;
    int nst;

    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "TEST02\n" );
    printf ( "  Convert a 0-based CC matrix to ST format.\n" );
      Print the CC matrix.
    cc_print ( m, n, ncc, icc, ccc, acc, "  The CC matrix:" );
      Convert it.
    ist = ( int * ) malloc ( ncc * sizeof ( int ) );
    jst = ( int * ) malloc ( ncc * sizeof ( int ) );
    ast = ( double * ) malloc ( ncc * sizeof ( double ) );

    cc_to_st ( m, n, ncc, icc, ccc, acc, &nst, ist, jst, ast );
      Print the ST matrix.
    st_print ( m, n, nst, ist, jst, ast, "  The ST matrix:" );
      Free memory.
    free ( ast );
    free ( ist );
    free ( jst );
