Example #1
static void _ccv_init_cubic_coeffs(int si, int sz, float s, ccv_cubic_coeffs_t* coeff)
	const float A = -0.75f;
	coeff->si[0] = ccv_max(si - 1, 0);
	coeff->si[1] = si;
	coeff->si[2] = ccv_min(si + 1, sz - 1);
	coeff->si[3] = ccv_min(si + 2, sz - 1);
	float x = s - si;
	coeff->coeffs[0] = ((A * (x + 1) - 5 * A) * (x + 1) + 8 * A) * (x + 1) - 4 * A;
	coeff->coeffs[1] = ((A + 2) * x - (A + 3)) * x * x + 1;
	coeff->coeffs[2] = ((A + 2) * (1 - x) - (A + 3)) * (1 - x) * (1 - x) + 1;
	coeff->coeffs[3] = 1.f - coeff->coeffs[0] - coeff->coeffs[1] - coeff->coeffs[2];
Example #2
static void _ccv_init_cubic_integer_coeffs(int si, int sz, float s, ccv_cubic_integer_coeffs_t* coeff)
	const float A = -0.75f;
	coeff->si[0] = ccv_max(si - 1, 0);
	coeff->si[1] = si;
	coeff->si[2] = ccv_min(si + 1, sz - 1);
	coeff->si[3] = ccv_min(si + 2, sz - 1);
	float x = s - si;
	const int W_BITS = 1 << 6;
	coeff->coeffs[0] = (int)((((A * (x + 1) - 5 * A) * (x + 1) + 8 * A) * (x + 1) - 4 * A) * W_BITS + 0.5);
	coeff->coeffs[1] = (int)((((A + 2) * x - (A + 3)) * x * x + 1) * W_BITS + 0.5);
	coeff->coeffs[2] = (int)((((A + 2) * (1 - x) - (A + 3)) * (1 - x) * (1 - x) + 1) * W_BITS + 0.5);
	coeff->coeffs[3] = W_BITS - coeff->coeffs[0] - coeff->coeffs[1] - coeff->coeffs[2];
Example #3
static void _ccv_resample_area(ccv_dense_matrix_t* a, ccv_dense_matrix_t* b)
	assert(a->cols > 0 && b->cols > 0);
	ccv_area_alpha_t* xofs = (ccv_area_alpha_t*)alloca(sizeof(ccv_area_alpha_t) * a->cols * 2);
	int ch = CCV_GET_CHANNEL(a->type);
	double scale_x = (double)a->cols / b->cols;
	double scale_y = (double)a->rows / b->rows;
	double scale = 1.f / (scale_x * scale_y);
	int dx, dy, sx, sy, i, k;
	for (dx = 0, k = 0; dx < b->cols; dx++)
		double fsx1 = dx * scale_x, fsx2 = fsx1 + scale_x;
		int sx1 = (int)(fsx1 + 1.0 - 1e-6), sx2 = (int)(fsx2);
		sx1 = ccv_min(sx1, a->cols - 1);
		sx2 = ccv_min(sx2, a->cols - 1);

		if (sx1 > fsx1)
			xofs[k].di = dx * ch;
			xofs[k].si = (sx1 - 1) * ch;
			xofs[k++].alpha = (float)((sx1 - fsx1) * scale);

		for (sx = sx1; sx < sx2; sx++)
			xofs[k].di = dx * ch;
			xofs[k].si = sx * ch;
			xofs[k++].alpha = (float)scale;

		if (fsx2 - sx2 > 1e-3)
			xofs[k].di = dx * ch;
			xofs[k].si = sx2 * ch;
			xofs[k++].alpha = (float)((fsx2 - sx2) * scale);
	int xofs_count = k;
	float* buf = (float*)alloca(b->cols * ch * sizeof(float));
	float* sum = (float*)alloca(b->cols * ch * sizeof(float));
	for (dx = 0; dx < b->cols * ch; dx++)
		buf[dx] = sum[dx] = 0;
	dy = 0;
#define for_block(_for_get, _for_set) \
	for (sy = 0; sy < a->rows; sy++) \
	{ \
		unsigned char* a_ptr = a->data.u8 + a->step * sy; \
		for (k = 0; k < xofs_count; k++) \
		{ \
			int dxn = xofs[k].di; \
			float alpha = xofs[k].alpha; \
			for (i = 0; i < ch; i++) \
				buf[dxn + i] += _for_get(a_ptr, xofs[k].si + i, 0) * alpha; \
		} \
		if ((dy + 1) * scale_y <= sy + 1 || sy == a->rows - 1) \
		{ \
			float beta = ccv_max(sy + 1 - (dy + 1) * scale_y, 0.f); \
			float beta1 = 1 - beta; \
			unsigned char* b_ptr = b->data.u8 + b->step * dy; \
			if (fabs(beta) < 1e-3) \
			{ \
				for (dx = 0; dx < b->cols * ch; dx++) \
				{ \
					_for_set(b_ptr, dx, sum[dx] + buf[dx], 0); \
					sum[dx] = buf[dx] = 0; \
				} \
			} else { \
				for (dx = 0; dx < b->cols * ch; dx++) \
				{ \
					_for_set(b_ptr, dx, sum[dx] + buf[dx] * beta1, 0); \
					sum[dx] = buf[dx] * beta; \
					buf[dx] = 0; \
				} \
			} \
			dy++; \
		} \
		else \
		{ \
			for(dx = 0; dx < b->cols * ch; dx++) \
			{ \
				sum[dx] += buf[dx]; \
				buf[dx] = 0; \
			} \
		} \
	ccv_matrix_getter(a->type, ccv_matrix_setter, b->type, for_block);
#undef for_block
Example #4
static void _ccv_resample_area_8u(ccv_dense_matrix_t* a, ccv_dense_matrix_t* b)
	assert(a->cols > 0 && b->cols > 0);
	ccv_int_alpha* xofs = (ccv_int_alpha*)alloca(sizeof(ccv_int_alpha) * a->cols * 2);
	int ch = ccv_clamp(CCV_GET_CHANNEL(a->type), 1, 4);
	double scale_x = (double)a->cols / b->cols;
	double scale_y = (double)a->rows / b->rows;
	// double scale = 1.f / (scale_x * scale_y);
	unsigned int inv_scale_256 = (int)(scale_x * scale_y * 0x10000);
	int dx, dy, sx, sy, i, k;
	for (dx = 0, k = 0; dx < b->cols; dx++)
		double fsx1 = dx * scale_x, fsx2 = fsx1 + scale_x;
		int sx1 = (int)(fsx1 + 1.0 - 1e-6), sx2 = (int)(fsx2);
		sx1 = ccv_min(sx1, a->cols - 1);
		sx2 = ccv_min(sx2, a->cols - 1);

		if (sx1 > fsx1)
			xofs[k].di = dx * ch;
			xofs[k].si = (sx1 - 1) * ch;
			xofs[k++].alpha = (unsigned int)((sx1 - fsx1) * 0x100);

		for (sx = sx1; sx < sx2; sx++)
			xofs[k].di = dx * ch;
			xofs[k].si = sx * ch;
			xofs[k++].alpha = 256;

		if (fsx2 - sx2 > 1e-3)
			xofs[k].di = dx * ch;
			xofs[k].si = sx2 * ch;
			xofs[k++].alpha = (unsigned int)((fsx2 - sx2) * 256);
	int xofs_count = k;
	unsigned int* buf = (unsigned int*)alloca(b->cols * ch * sizeof(unsigned int));
	unsigned int* sum = (unsigned int*)alloca(b->cols * ch * sizeof(unsigned int));
	for (dx = 0; dx < b->cols * ch; dx++)
		buf[dx] = sum[dx] = 0;
	dy = 0;
	for (sy = 0; sy < a->rows; sy++)
		unsigned char* a_ptr = a->data.u8 + a->step * sy;
		for (k = 0; k < xofs_count; k++)
			int dxn = xofs[k].di;
			unsigned int alpha = xofs[k].alpha;
			for (i = 0; i < ch; i++)
				buf[dxn + i] += a_ptr[xofs[k].si + i] * alpha;
		if ((dy + 1) * scale_y <= sy + 1 || sy == a->rows - 1)
			unsigned int beta = (int)(ccv_max(sy + 1 - (dy + 1) * scale_y, 0.f) * 256);
			unsigned int beta1 = 256 - beta;
			unsigned char* b_ptr = b->data.u8 + b->step * dy;
			if (beta <= 0)
				for (dx = 0; dx < b->cols * ch; dx++)
					b_ptr[dx] = ccv_clamp((sum[dx] + buf[dx] * 256) / inv_scale_256, 0, 255);
					sum[dx] = buf[dx] = 0;
			} else {
				for (dx = 0; dx < b->cols * ch; dx++)
					b_ptr[dx] = ccv_clamp((sum[dx] + buf[dx] * beta1) / inv_scale_256, 0, 255);
					sum[dx] = buf[dx] * beta;
					buf[dx] = 0;
			for(dx = 0; dx < b->cols * ch; dx++)
				sum[dx] += buf[dx] * 256;
				buf[dx] = 0;
Example #5
ccv_array_t* ccv_bbf_detect_objects(ccv_dense_matrix_t* a, ccv_bbf_classifier_cascade_t** _cascade, int count, ccv_bbf_param_t params)
	int hr = a->rows / ENDORSE(params.size.height);
	int wr = a->cols / ENDORSE(params.size.width);
	double scale = pow(2., 1. / (params.interval + 1.));
	APPROX int next = params.interval + 1;
	int scale_upto = (int)(log((double)ccv_min(hr, wr)) / log(scale));
	ccv_dense_matrix_t** pyr = (ccv_dense_matrix_t**)alloca(ENDORSE(scale_upto + next * 2) * 4 * sizeof(ccv_dense_matrix_t*));
	memset(pyr, 0, (scale_upto + next * 2) * 4 * sizeof(ccv_dense_matrix_t*));
	if (ENDORSE(params.size.height != _cascade[0]->size.height || params.size.width != _cascade[0]->size.width))
		ccv_resample(a, &pyr[0], 0, a->rows * ENDORSE(_cascade[0]->size.height / params.size.height), a->cols * ENDORSE(_cascade[0]->size.width / params.size.width), CCV_INTER_AREA);
		pyr[0] = a;
	APPROX int i;
        int j, k, t, x, y, q;
	for (i = 1; ENDORSE(i < ccv_min(params.interval + 1, scale_upto + next * 2)); i++)
		ccv_resample(pyr[0], &pyr[i * 4], 0, (int)(pyr[0]->rows / pow(scale, i)), (int)(pyr[0]->cols / pow(scale, i)), CCV_INTER_AREA);
	for (i = next; ENDORSE(i < scale_upto + next * 2); i++)
		ccv_sample_down(pyr[i * 4 - next * 4], &pyr[i * 4], 0, 0, 0);
	if (params.accurate)
		for (i = next * 2; ENDORSE(i < scale_upto + next * 2); i++)
			ccv_sample_down(pyr[i * 4 - next * 4], &pyr[i * 4 + 1], 0, 1, 0);
			ccv_sample_down(pyr[i * 4 - next * 4], &pyr[i * 4 + 2], 0, 0, 1);
			ccv_sample_down(pyr[i * 4 - next * 4], &pyr[i * 4 + 3], 0, 1, 1);
	ccv_array_t* idx_seq;
	ccv_array_t* seq = ccv_array_new(sizeof(ccv_comp_t), 64, 0);
	ccv_array_t* seq2 = ccv_array_new(sizeof(ccv_comp_t), 64, 0);
	ccv_array_t* result_seq = ccv_array_new(sizeof(ccv_comp_t), 64, 0);
	/* detect in multi scale */
	for (t = 0; t < count; t++)
		ccv_bbf_classifier_cascade_t* cascade = _cascade[t];
		APPROX float scale_x = (float) params.size.width / (float) cascade->size.width;
		APPROX float scale_y = (float) params.size.height / (float) cascade->size.height;
		for (i = 0; ENDORSE(i < scale_upto); i++)
			APPROX int dx[] = {0, 1, 0, 1};
			APPROX int dy[] = {0, 0, 1, 1};
			APPROX int i_rows = pyr[i * 4 + next * 8]->rows - ENDORSE(cascade->size.height >> 2);
			APPROX int steps[] = { pyr[i * 4]->step, pyr[i * 4 + next * 4]->step, pyr[i * 4 + next * 8]->step };
			APPROX int i_cols = pyr[i * 4 + next * 8]->cols - ENDORSE(cascade->size.width >> 2);
			int paddings[] = { pyr[i * 4]->step * 4 - i_cols * 4,
							   pyr[i * 4 + next * 4]->step * 2 - i_cols * 2,
							   pyr[i * 4 + next * 8]->step - i_cols };
			for (q = 0; q < (params.accurate ? 4 : 1); q++)
				APPROX unsigned char* u8[] = { pyr[i * 4]->data.u8 + dx[q] * 2 + dy[q] * pyr[i * 4]->step * 2, pyr[i * 4 + next * 4]->data.u8 + dx[q] + dy[q] * pyr[i * 4 + next * 4]->step, pyr[i * 4 + next * 8 + q]->data.u8 };
				for (y = 0; ENDORSE(y < i_rows); y++)
					for (x = 0; ENDORSE(x < i_cols); x++)
						APPROX float sum;
						APPROX int flag = 1;
						ccv_bbf_stage_classifier_t* classifier = cascade->stage_classifier;
						for (j = 0; j < ENDORSE(cascade->count); ++j, ++classifier)
							sum = 0;
							APPROX float* alpha = classifier->alpha;
							ccv_bbf_feature_t* feature = classifier->feature;
							for (k = 0; k < ENDORSE(classifier->count); ++k, alpha += 2, ++feature)
								sum += alpha[_ccv_run_bbf_feature(feature, ENDORSE(steps), u8)];
							if (ENDORSE(sum) < ENDORSE(classifier->threshold))
								flag = 0;
						if (ENDORSE(flag))
							ccv_comp_t comp;
							comp.rect = ccv_rect((int)((x * 4 + dx[q] * 2) * scale_x + 0.5), (int)((y * 4 + dy[q] * 2) * scale_y + 0.5), (int)(cascade->size.width * scale_x + 0.5), (int)(cascade->size.height * scale_y + 0.5));
							comp.neighbors = 1;
							comp.classification.id = t;
							comp.classification.confidence = sum;
							ccv_array_push(seq, &comp);
						u8[0] += 4;
						u8[1] += 2;
						u8[2] += 1;
					u8[0] += paddings[0];
					u8[1] += paddings[1];
					u8[2] += paddings[2];
			scale_x *= scale;
			scale_y *= scale;

		/* the following code from OpenCV's haar feature implementation */
		if(params.min_neighbors == 0)
			for (i = 0; ENDORSE(i < seq->rnum); i++)
				ccv_comp_t* comp = (ccv_comp_t*)ENDORSE(ccv_array_get(seq, i));
				ccv_array_push(result_seq, comp);
		} else {
			idx_seq = 0;
			// group retrieved rectangles in order to filter out noise
			int ncomp = ccv_array_group(seq, &idx_seq, _ccv_is_equal_same_class, 0);
			ccv_comp_t* comps = (ccv_comp_t*)ccmalloc((ncomp + 1) * sizeof(ccv_comp_t));
			memset(comps, 0, (ncomp + 1) * sizeof(ccv_comp_t));

			// count number of neighbors
			for(i = 0; ENDORSE(i < seq->rnum); i++)
				ccv_comp_t r1 = *(ccv_comp_t*)ENDORSE(ccv_array_get(seq, i));
				int idx = *(int*)ENDORSE(ccv_array_get(idx_seq, i));

				if (ENDORSE(comps[idx].neighbors) == 0)
					comps[idx].classification.confidence = r1.classification.confidence;


				comps[idx].rect.x += r1.rect.x;
				comps[idx].rect.y += r1.rect.y;
				comps[idx].rect.width += r1.rect.width;
				comps[idx].rect.height += r1.rect.height;
				comps[idx].classification.id = r1.classification.id;
				comps[idx].classification.confidence = ccv_max(comps[idx].classification.confidence, r1.classification.confidence);

			// calculate average bounding box
			for(i = 0; ENDORSE(i < ncomp); i++)
				int n = ENDORSE(comps[i].neighbors);
				if(n >= params.min_neighbors)
					ccv_comp_t comp;
					comp.rect.x = (comps[i].rect.x * 2 + n) / (2 * n);
					comp.rect.y = (comps[i].rect.y * 2 + n) / (2 * n);
					comp.rect.width = (comps[i].rect.width * 2 + n) / (2 * n);
					comp.rect.height = (comps[i].rect.height * 2 + n) / (2 * n);
					comp.neighbors = comps[i].neighbors;
					comp.classification.id = comps[i].classification.id;
					comp.classification.confidence = comps[i].classification.confidence;
					ccv_array_push(seq2, &comp);

			// filter out small face rectangles inside large face rectangles
			for(i = 0; ENDORSE(i < seq2->rnum); i++)
				ccv_comp_t r1 = *(ccv_comp_t*)ENDORSE(ccv_array_get(seq2, i));
				APPROX int flag = 1;

				for(j = 0; ENDORSE(j < seq2->rnum); j++)
					ccv_comp_t r2 = *(ccv_comp_t*)ENDORSE(ccv_array_get(seq2, j));
					APPROX int distance = (int)(r2.rect.width * 0.25 + 0.5);

					if(ENDORSE(i != j &&
					   r1.classification.id == r2.classification.id &&
					   r1.rect.x >= r2.rect.x - distance &&
					   r1.rect.y >= r2.rect.y - distance &&
					   r1.rect.x + r1.rect.width <= r2.rect.x + r2.rect.width + distance &&
					   r1.rect.y + r1.rect.height <= r2.rect.y + r2.rect.height + distance &&
					   (r2.neighbors > ccv_max(3, r1.neighbors) || r1.neighbors < 3)))
						flag = 0;

					ccv_array_push(result_seq, &r1);


	ccv_array_t* result_seq2;
	/* the following code from OpenCV's haar feature implementation */
	if (params.flags & CCV_BBF_NO_NESTED)
		result_seq2 = ccv_array_new(sizeof(ccv_comp_t), 64, 0);
		idx_seq = 0;
		// group retrieved rectangles in order to filter out noise
		int ncomp = ccv_array_group(result_seq, &idx_seq, _ccv_is_equal, 0);
		ccv_comp_t* comps = (ccv_comp_t*)ccmalloc((ncomp + 1) * sizeof(ccv_comp_t));
		memset(comps, 0, (ncomp + 1) * sizeof(ccv_comp_t));

		// count number of neighbors
		for(i = 0; ENDORSE(i < result_seq->rnum); i++)
			ccv_comp_t r1 = *(ccv_comp_t*)ENDORSE(ccv_array_get(result_seq, i));
			int idx = *(int*)ENDORSE(ccv_array_get(idx_seq, i));

			if (ENDORSE(comps[idx].neighbors == 0 || comps[idx].classification.confidence < r1.classification.confidence))
				comps[idx].classification.confidence = r1.classification.confidence;
				comps[idx].neighbors = 1;
				comps[idx].rect = r1.rect;
				comps[idx].classification.id = r1.classification.id;

		// calculate average bounding box
		for(i = 0; ENDORSE(i < ncomp); i++)
				ccv_array_push(result_seq2, &comps[i]);

	} else {
		result_seq2 = result_seq;

	for (i = 1; ENDORSE(i < scale_upto + next * 2); i++)
		ccv_matrix_free(pyr[i * 4]);
	if (params.accurate)
		for (i = next * 2; ENDORSE(i < scale_upto + next * 2); i++)
			ccv_matrix_free(pyr[i * 4 + 1]);
			ccv_matrix_free(pyr[i * 4 + 2]);
			ccv_matrix_free(pyr[i * 4 + 3]);
	if (ENDORSE(params.size.height != _cascade[0]->size.height || params.size.width != _cascade[0]->size.width))

	return result_seq2;
Example #6
/* this code is a rewrite from OpenCV's legendary Lucas-Kanade optical flow implementation */
void ccv_optical_flow_lucas_kanade(ccv_dense_matrix_t* a, ccv_dense_matrix_t* b, ccv_array_t* point_a, ccv_array_t** point_b, ccv_size_t win_size, int level, double min_eigen)
	assert(a && b && a->rows == b->rows && a->cols == b->cols);
	assert(CCV_GET_CHANNEL(a->type) == CCV_GET_CHANNEL(b->type) && CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(a->type) == CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(b->type));
	assert(CCV_GET_CHANNEL(a->type) == 1);
	assert(CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(a->type) == CCV_8U);
	assert(point_a->rnum > 0);
	level = ccv_clamp(level + 1, 1, (int)(log((double)ccv_min(a->rows, a->cols) / ccv_max(win_size.width * 2, win_size.height * 2)) / log(2.0) + 0.5));
	ccv_declare_derived_signature(sig, a->sig != 0 && b->sig != 0 && point_a->sig != 0, ccv_sign_with_format(128, "ccv_optical_flow_lucas_kanade(%d,%d,%d,%la)", win_size.width, win_size.height, level, min_eigen), a->sig, b->sig, point_a->sig, CCV_EOF_SIGN);
	ccv_array_t* seq = *point_b = ccv_array_new(sizeof(ccv_decimal_point_with_status_t), point_a->rnum, sig);
	ccv_object_return_if_cached(, seq);
	seq->rnum = point_a->rnum;
	ccv_dense_matrix_t** pyr_a = (ccv_dense_matrix_t**)malloc(sizeof(ccv_dense_matrix_t*) * level);
	ccv_dense_matrix_t** pyr_a_dx = (ccv_dense_matrix_t**)malloc(sizeof(ccv_dense_matrix_t*) * level);
	ccv_dense_matrix_t** pyr_a_dy = (ccv_dense_matrix_t**)malloc(sizeof(ccv_dense_matrix_t*) * level);
	ccv_dense_matrix_t** pyr_b = (ccv_dense_matrix_t**)malloc(sizeof(ccv_dense_matrix_t*) * level);
	int i, j, t, x, y;
	/* generating image pyramid */
	pyr_a[0] = a;
	pyr_a_dx[0] = pyr_a_dy[0] = 0;
	ccv_sobel(pyr_a[0], &pyr_a_dx[0], 0, 3, 0);
	ccv_sobel(pyr_a[0], &pyr_a_dy[0], 0, 0, 3);
	pyr_b[0] = b;
	for (i = 1; i < level; i++)
		pyr_a[i] = pyr_a_dx[i] = pyr_a_dy[i] = pyr_b[i] = 0;
		ccv_sample_down(pyr_a[i - 1], &pyr_a[i], 0, 0, 0);
		ccv_sobel(pyr_a[i], &pyr_a_dx[i], 0, 3, 0);
		ccv_sobel(pyr_a[i], &pyr_a_dy[i], 0, 0, 3);
		ccv_sample_down(pyr_b[i - 1], &pyr_b[i], 0, 0, 0);
	int* wi = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * win_size.width * win_size.height);
	int* widx = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * win_size.width * win_size.height);
	int* widy = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * win_size.width * win_size.height);
	ccv_decimal_point_t half_win = ccv_decimal_point((win_size.width - 1) * 0.5f, (win_size.height - 1) * 0.5f);
	const int W_BITS14 = 14, W_BITS7 = 7, W_BITS9 = 9;
	const float FLT_SCALE = 1.0f / (1 << 25);
	// clean up status to 1
	for (i = 0; i < point_a->rnum; i++)
		ccv_decimal_point_with_status_t* point_with_status = (ccv_decimal_point_with_status_t*)ccv_array_get(seq, i);
		point_with_status->status = 1;
	int prev_rows, prev_cols;
	for (t = level - 1; t >= 0; t--)
		ccv_dense_matrix_t* a = pyr_a[t];
		ccv_dense_matrix_t* adx = pyr_a_dx[t];
		ccv_dense_matrix_t* ady = pyr_a_dy[t];
		assert(CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(adx->type) == CCV_32S);
		assert(CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(ady->type) == CCV_32S);
		ccv_dense_matrix_t* b = pyr_b[t];
		for (i = 0; i < point_a->rnum; i++)
			ccv_decimal_point_t prev_point = *(ccv_decimal_point_t*)ccv_array_get(point_a, i);
			ccv_decimal_point_with_status_t* point_with_status = (ccv_decimal_point_with_status_t*)ccv_array_get(seq, i);
			prev_point.x = prev_point.x / (float)(1 << t);
			prev_point.y = prev_point.y / (float)(1 << t);
			ccv_decimal_point_t next_point;
			if (t == level - 1)
				next_point = prev_point;
			else {
				next_point.x = point_with_status->point.x * 2 + (a->cols - prev_cols * 2) * 0.5;
				next_point.y = point_with_status->point.y * 2 + (a->rows - prev_rows * 2) * 0.5;
			point_with_status->point = next_point;
			prev_point.x -= half_win.x;
			prev_point.y -= half_win.y;
			ccv_point_t iprev_point = ccv_point((int)prev_point.x, (int)prev_point.y);
			if (iprev_point.x < 0 || iprev_point.x >= a->cols - win_size.width - 1 ||
				iprev_point.y < 0 || iprev_point.y >= a->rows - win_size.height - 1)
				if (t == 0)
					point_with_status->status = 0;
			float xd = prev_point.x - iprev_point.x;
			float yd = prev_point.y - iprev_point.y;
			int iw00 = (int)((1 - xd) * (1 - yd) * (1 << W_BITS14) + 0.5);
			int iw01 = (int)(xd * (1 - yd) * (1 << W_BITS14) + 0.5);
			int iw10 = (int)((1 - xd) * yd * (1 << W_BITS14) + 0.5);
			int iw11 = (1 << W_BITS14) - iw00 - iw01 - iw10;
			float a11 = 0, a12 = 0, a22 = 0;
			unsigned char* a_ptr = (unsigned char*)ccv_get_dense_matrix_cell_by(CCV_C1 | CCV_8U, a, iprev_point.y, iprev_point.x, 0);
			int* adx_ptr = (int*)ccv_get_dense_matrix_cell_by(CCV_C1 | CCV_32S, adx, iprev_point.y, iprev_point.x, 0);
			int* ady_ptr = (int*)ccv_get_dense_matrix_cell_by(CCV_C1 | CCV_32S, ady, iprev_point.y, iprev_point.x, 0);
			int* wi_ptr = wi;
			int* widx_ptr = widx;
			int* widy_ptr = widy;
			for (y = 0; y < win_size.height; y++)
				for (x = 0; x < win_size.width; x++)
					wi_ptr[x] = ccv_descale(a_ptr[x] * iw00 + a_ptr[x + 1] * iw01 + a_ptr[x + a->step] * iw10 + a_ptr[x + a->step + 1] * iw11, W_BITS7);
					// because we use 3x3 sobel, which scaled derivative up by 4
					widx_ptr[x] = ccv_descale(adx_ptr[x] * iw00 + adx_ptr[x + 1] * iw01 + adx_ptr[x + adx->cols] * iw10 + adx_ptr[x + adx->cols + 1] * iw11, W_BITS9);
					widy_ptr[x] = ccv_descale(ady_ptr[x] * iw00 + ady_ptr[x + 1] * iw01 + ady_ptr[x + ady->cols] + iw10 + ady_ptr[x + ady->cols + 1] * iw11, W_BITS9);
					a11 += (float)(widx_ptr[x] * widx_ptr[x]);
					a12 += (float)(widx_ptr[x] * widy_ptr[x]);
					a22 += (float)(widy_ptr[x] * widy_ptr[x]);
				a_ptr += a->step;
				adx_ptr += adx->cols;
				ady_ptr += ady->cols;
				wi_ptr += win_size.width;
				widx_ptr += win_size.width;
				widy_ptr += win_size.width;
			a11 *= FLT_SCALE;
			a12 *= FLT_SCALE;
			a22 *= FLT_SCALE;
			float D = a11 * a22 - a12 * a12;
			float eigen = (a22 + a11 - sqrtf((a11 - a22) * (a11 - a22) + 4.0f * a12 * a12)) / (2 * win_size.width * win_size.height);
			if (eigen < min_eigen || D < FLT_EPSILON)
				if (t == 0)
					point_with_status->status = 0;
			D = 1.0f / D;
			next_point.x -= half_win.x;
			next_point.y -= half_win.y;
			ccv_decimal_point_t prev_delta;
			for (j = 0; j < LK_MAX_ITER; j++)
				ccv_point_t inext_point = ccv_point((int)next_point.x, (int)next_point.y);
				if (inext_point.x < 0 || inext_point.x >= a->cols - win_size.width - 1 ||
					inext_point.y < 0 || inext_point.y >= a->rows - win_size.height - 1)
				float xd = next_point.x - inext_point.x;
				float yd = next_point.y - inext_point.y;
				int iw00 = (int)((1 - xd) * (1 - yd) * (1 << W_BITS14) + 0.5);
				int iw01 = (int)(xd * (1 - yd) * (1 << W_BITS14) + 0.5);
				int iw10 = (int)((1 - xd) * yd * (1 << W_BITS14) + 0.5);
				int iw11 = (1 << W_BITS14) - iw00 - iw01 - iw10;
				float b1 = 0, b2 = 0;
				unsigned char* b_ptr = (unsigned char*)ccv_get_dense_matrix_cell_by(CCV_C1 | CCV_8U, b, inext_point.y, inext_point.x, 0);
				int* wi_ptr = wi;
				int* widx_ptr = widx;
				int* widy_ptr = widy;
				for (y = 0; y < win_size.height; y++)
					for (x = 0; x < win_size.width; x++)
						int diff = ccv_descale(b_ptr[x] * iw00 + b_ptr[x + 1] * iw01 + b_ptr[x + b->step] * iw10 + b_ptr[x + b->step + 1] * iw11, W_BITS7) - wi_ptr[x];
						b1 += (float)(diff * widx_ptr[x]);
						b2 += (float)(diff * widy_ptr[x]);
					b_ptr += b->step;
					wi_ptr += win_size.width;
					widx_ptr += win_size.width;
					widy_ptr += win_size.width;
				b1 *= FLT_SCALE;
				b2 *= FLT_SCALE;
				ccv_decimal_point_t delta = ccv_decimal_point((a12 * b2 - a22 * b1) * D, (a12 * b1 - a11 * b2) * D);
				next_point.x += delta.x;
				next_point.y += delta.y;
				if (delta.x * delta.x + delta.y * delta.y < LK_EPSILON)
				if (j > 0 && fabs(prev_delta.x - delta.x) < 0.01 && fabs(prev_delta.y - delta.y) < 0.01)
					next_point.x -= delta.x * 0.5;
					next_point.y -= delta.y * 0.5;
				prev_delta = delta;
			ccv_point_t inext_point = ccv_point((int)next_point.x, (int)next_point.y);
			if (inext_point.x < 0 || inext_point.x >= a->cols - win_size.width - 1 ||
				inext_point.y < 0 || inext_point.y >= a->rows - win_size.height - 1)
				point_with_status->status = 0;
			else {
				point_with_status->point.x = next_point.x + half_win.x;
				point_with_status->point.y = next_point.y + half_win.y;
		prev_rows = a->rows;
		prev_cols = a->cols;
		if (t > 0)
Example #7
// compute harmonic mean of precision / recall of swt
static void _ccv_evaluate_wolf(ccv_array_t* words, ccv_array_t* truth, ccv_swt_param_t params, double* precision, double* recall)
	if (words->rnum == 0 || truth->rnum == 0)
	int j, k;
	double total_recall = 0, total_precision = 0;
	int* cG = (int*)ccmalloc(sizeof(int) * truth->rnum);
	int* cD = (int*)ccmalloc(sizeof(int) * words->rnum);
	memset(cG, 0, sizeof(int) * truth->rnum);
	memset(cD, 0, sizeof(int) * words->rnum);
	double* mG = (double*)ccmalloc(sizeof(double) * truth->rnum * words->rnum);
	double* mD = (double*)ccmalloc(sizeof(double) * truth->rnum * words->rnum);
	memset(mG, 0, sizeof(double) * truth->rnum * words->rnum);
	memset(mD, 0, sizeof(double) * truth->rnum * words->rnum);
	for (j = 0; j < truth->rnum; j++)
		ccv_rect_t* rect = (ccv_rect_t*)ccv_array_get(truth, j);
		for (k = 0; k < words->rnum; k++)
			ccv_rect_t* target = (ccv_rect_t*)ccv_array_get(words, k);
			int match = ccv_max(ccv_min(target->x + target->width, rect->x + rect->width) - ccv_max(target->x, rect->x), 0) * ccv_max(ccv_min(target->y + target->height, rect->y + rect->height) - ccv_max(target->y, rect->y), 0);
			if (match > 0)
				mG[j * words->rnum + k] = (double)match / (double)(rect->width * rect->height);
				mD[k * truth->rnum + j] = (double)match / (double)(target->width * target->height);
	unsigned char* tG = (unsigned char*)ccmalloc(truth->rnum);
	unsigned char* tD = (unsigned char*)ccmalloc(words->rnum);
	memset(tG, 0, truth->rnum);
	memset(tD, 0, words->rnum);
	// one to one match
	for (j = 0; j < truth->rnum; j++)
		if (cG[j] != 1)
		ccv_rect_t* rect = (ccv_rect_t*)ccv_array_get(truth, j);
		for (k = 0; k < words->rnum; k++)
			if (cD[k] != 1)
			ccv_rect_t* target = (ccv_rect_t*)ccv_array_get(words, k);
			if (mG[j * words->rnum + k] >= one_g && mD[k * truth->rnum + j] >= one_d)
				double dx = (target->x + target->width * 0.5) - (rect->x + rect->width * 0.5);
				double dy = (target->y + target->height * 0.5) - (rect->y + rect->height * 0.5);
				double d = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) * 2.0 / (sqrt(target->width * target->width + target->height * target->height) + sqrt(rect->width * rect->width + rect->height * rect->height));
				if (d < center_diff_thr)
					total_recall += 1.0;
					total_precision += 1.0;
					assert(tG[j] == 0);
					assert(tD[k] == 0);
					tG[j] = tD[k] = 1;
	int* many = (int*)ccmalloc(sizeof(int) * ccv_max(words->rnum, truth->rnum));
	// one to many match, starts with ground truth
	for (j = 0; j < truth->rnum; j++)
		if (tG[j] || cG[j] <= 1)
		double one_sum = 0;
		int no_many = 0;
		for (k = 0; k < words->rnum; k++)
			if (tD[k])
			double many_single = mD[k * truth->rnum + j];
			if (many_single >= one_d)
				one_sum += mG[j * words->rnum + k];
				many[no_many] = k;
		if (no_many == 1)
			// degrade to one to one match
			if (mG[j * words->rnum + many[0]] >= one_g && mD[many[0] * truth->rnum + j] >= one_d)
				total_recall += 1.0;
				total_precision += 1.0;
				tG[j] = tD[many[0]] = 1;
		} else if (one_sum >= one_g) {
			for (k = 0; k < no_many; k++)
				tD[many[k]] = 1;
			total_recall += om_one;
			total_precision += om_one / (1 + log(no_many));
	// one to many match, with estimate
	for (k = 0; k < words->rnum; k++)
		if (tD[k] || cD[k] <= 1)
		double one_sum = 0;
		int no_many = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < truth->rnum; j++)
			if (tG[j])
			double many_single = mG[j * words->rnum + k];
			if (many_single >= one_g)
				one_sum += mD[k * truth->rnum + j];
				many[no_many] = j;
		if (no_many == 1)
			// degrade to one to one match
			if (mG[many[0] * words->rnum + k] >= one_g && mD[k * truth->rnum + many[0]] >= one_d)
				total_recall += 1.0;
				total_precision += 1.0;
				tG[many[0]] = tD[k] = 1;
		} else if (one_sum >= one_g) {
			for (j = 0; j < no_many; j++)
				tG[many[j]] = 1;
			total_recall += om_one / (1 + log(no_many));
			total_precision += om_one;
	assert(total_precision < words->rnum + 0.1);
	assert(total_recall < truth->rnum + 0.1);
	if (precision)
		*precision = total_precision;
	if (recall)
		*recall = total_recall;
Example #8
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	static struct option swt_options[] = {
		/* help */
		{"help", 0, 0, 0},
		/* optional parameters */
		{"size", 1, 0, 0},
		{"low-thresh", 1, 0, 0},
		{"high-thresh", 1, 0, 0},
		{"max-height", 1, 0, 0},
		{"min-height", 1, 0, 0},
		{"min-area", 1, 0, 0},
		{"aspect-ratio", 1, 0, 0},
		{"std-ratio", 1, 0, 0},
		{"thickness-ratio", 1, 0, 0},
		{"height-ratio", 1, 0, 0},
		{"intensity-thresh", 1, 0, 0},
		{"letter-occlude-thresh", 1, 0, 0},
		{"distance-ratio", 1, 0, 0},
		{"intersect-ratio", 1, 0, 0},
		{"letter-thresh", 1, 0, 0},
		{"elongate-ratio", 1, 0, 0},
		{"breakdown-ratio", 1, 0, 0},
		{"breakdown", 1, 0, 0},
		{"iterations", 1, 0, 0},
		{"base-dir", 1, 0, 0},
		{0, 0, 0, 0}
	if (argc <= 1)
	ccv_swt_param_t params = {
		.interval = 1,
		.same_word_thresh = { 0.2, 0.8 },
		.min_neighbors = 1,
		.scale_invariant = 0,
		.size = 3,
		.low_thresh = 78,
		.high_thresh = 214,
		.max_height = 300,
		.min_height = 10,
		.min_area = 75,
		.letter_occlude_thresh = 2,
		.aspect_ratio = 10,
		.std_ratio = 0.5,
		.thickness_ratio = 1.5,
		.height_ratio = 2.0,
		.intensity_thresh = 45,
		.distance_ratio = 3.0,
		.intersect_ratio = 2.0,
		.letter_thresh = 3,
		.elongate_ratio = 1.3,
		.breakdown = 1,
		.breakdown_ratio = 1.0,
	ccv_swt_range_t size_range = {
		.min_value = 1,
		.max_value = 3,
		.step = 2,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t low_thresh_range = {
		.min_value = 50,
		.max_value = 150,
		.step = 1,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t high_thresh_range = {
		.min_value = 200,
		.max_value = 350,
		.step = 1,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t max_height_range = {
		.min_value = 500,
		.max_value = 500,
		.step = 1,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t min_height_range = {
		.min_value = 5,
		.max_value = 30,
		.step = 1,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t min_area_range = {
		.min_value = 10,
		.max_value = 100,
		.step = 1,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t letter_occlude_thresh_range = {
		.min_value = 0,
		.max_value = 5,
		.step = 1,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t aspect_ratio_range = {
		.min_value = 5,
		.max_value = 15,
		.step = 1,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t std_ratio_range = {
		.min_value = 0.1,
		.max_value = 1.0,
		.step = 0.01,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t thickness_ratio_range = {
		.min_value = 1.0,
		.max_value = 2.0,
		.step = 0.1,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t height_ratio_range = {
		.min_value = 1.0,
		.max_value = 3.0,
		.step = 0.1,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t intensity_thresh_range = {
		.min_value = 1,
		.max_value = 50,
		.step = 1,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t distance_ratio_range = {
		.min_value = 1.0,
		.max_value = 5.0,
		.step = 0.1,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t intersect_ratio_range = {
		.min_value = 0.0,
		.max_value = 5.0,
		.step = 0.1,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t letter_thresh_range = {
		.min_value = 0,
		.max_value = 5,
		.step = 1,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t elongate_ratio_range = {
		.min_value = 0.1,
		.max_value = 2.5,
		.step = 0.1,
		.enable = 1,
	ccv_swt_range_t breakdown_ratio_range = {
		.min_value = 0.5,
		.max_value = 1.5,
		.step = 0.01,
		.enable = 1,
	int i, j, k, iterations = 10;
	while (getopt_long_only(argc - 1, argv + 1, "", swt_options, &k) != -1)
		switch (k)
			case 0:
			case 1:
				decode_range(optarg, &size_range);
			case 2:
				decode_range(optarg, &low_thresh_range);
			case 3:
				decode_range(optarg, &high_thresh_range);
			case 4:
				decode_range(optarg, &max_height_range);
			case 5:
				decode_range(optarg, &min_height_range);
			case 6:
				decode_range(optarg, &min_area_range);
			case 7:
				decode_range(optarg, &aspect_ratio_range);
			case 8:
				decode_range(optarg, &std_ratio_range);
			case 9:
				decode_range(optarg, &thickness_ratio_range);
			case 10:
				decode_range(optarg, &height_ratio_range);
			case 11:
				decode_range(optarg, &intensity_thresh_range);
			case 12:
				decode_range(optarg, &letter_occlude_thresh_range);
			case 13:
				decode_range(optarg, &distance_ratio_range);
			case 14:
				decode_range(optarg, &intersect_ratio_range);
			case 15:
				decode_range(optarg, &letter_thresh_range);
			case 16:
				decode_range(optarg, &elongate_ratio_range);
			case 17:
				decode_range(optarg, &breakdown_ratio_range);
			case 18:
				params.breakdown = !!atoi(optarg);
			case 19:
				iterations = atoi(optarg);
			case 20:
	FILE* r = fopen(argv[1], "rt");
	if (!r)
	ccv_enable_cache(1024 * 1024 * 1024);
	ccv_array_t* aof = ccv_array_new(sizeof(char*), 64, 0);
	ccv_array_t* aow = ccv_array_new(sizeof(ccv_array_t*), 64, 0);
	ccv_array_t* cw = 0;
	char* file = (char*)malloc(1024);
	size_t len = 1024;
	ssize_t read;
	while ((read = getline(&file, &len, r)) != -1)
		while(read > 1 && isspace(file[read - 1]))
		file[read] = 0;
		double x, y, width, height;
		int recognized = sscanf(file, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", &x, &y, &width, &height);
		if (recognized == 4)
			ccv_rect_t rect = {
				.x = (int)(x + 0.5),
				.y = (int)(y + 0.5),
				.width = (int)(width + 0.5),
				.height = (int)(height + 0.5)
			ccv_array_push(cw, &rect);
		} else {
			char* name = (char*)malloc(ccv_min(1023, strlen(file)) + 1);
			strncpy(name, file, ccv_min(1023, strlen(file)) + 1);
			ccv_array_push(aof, &name);
			cw = ccv_array_new(sizeof(ccv_rect_t), 1, 0);
			ccv_array_push(aow, &cw);
	printf("loaded %d images for parameter search of:\n", aof->rnum);
	if (size_range.enable)
		printf(" - canny size from %d to %d, += %lg\n", (int)(size_range.min_value + 0.5), (int)(size_range.max_value + 0.5), size_range.step);
	if (std_ratio_range.enable)
		printf(" - std threshold ratio from %lg to %lg, += %lg\n", std_ratio_range.min_value, std_ratio_range.max_value, std_ratio_range.step);
	if (max_height_range.enable)
		printf(" - maximum height from %d to %d, += %lg\n", (int)(max_height_range.min_value + 0.5), (int)(max_height_range.max_value + 0.5), max_height_range.step);
	if (min_height_range.enable)
		printf(" - minimum height from %d to %d, += %lg\n", (int)(min_height_range.min_value + 0.5), (int)(min_height_range.max_value + 0.5), min_height_range.step);
	if (min_area_range.enable)
		printf(" - minimum area from %d to %d, += %lg\n", (int)(min_area_range.min_value + 0.5), (int)(min_area_range.max_value + 0.5), min_area_range.step);
	if (letter_occlude_thresh_range.enable)
		printf(" - letter occlude threshold from %d to %d, += %lg\n", (int)(letter_occlude_thresh_range.min_value + 0.5), (int)(letter_occlude_thresh_range.max_value + 0.5), letter_occlude_thresh_range.step);
	if (aspect_ratio_range.enable)
		printf(" - aspect ratio threshold from %lg to %lg, += %lg\n", aspect_ratio_range.min_value, aspect_ratio_range.max_value, aspect_ratio_range.step);
	if (thickness_ratio_range.enable)
		printf(" - thickness ratio threshold from %lg to %lg, += %lg\n", thickness_ratio_range.min_value, thickness_ratio_range.max_value, thickness_ratio_range.step);
	if (height_ratio_range.enable)
		printf(" - height ratio threshold from %lg to %lg, += %lg\n", height_ratio_range.min_value, height_ratio_range.max_value, height_ratio_range.step);
	if (intensity_thresh_range.enable)
		printf(" - intensity threshold from %d to %d, += %lg\n", (int)(intensity_thresh_range.min_value + 0.5), (int)(intensity_thresh_range.max_value + 0.5), intensity_thresh_range.step);
	if (distance_ratio_range.enable)
		printf(" - distance ratio threshold from %lg to %lg, += %lg\n", distance_ratio_range.min_value, distance_ratio_range.max_value, distance_ratio_range.step);
	if (intersect_ratio_range.enable)
		printf(" - intersect ratio threshold from %lg to %lg, += %lg\n", intersect_ratio_range.min_value, intersect_ratio_range.max_value, intersect_ratio_range.step);
	if (letter_thresh_range.enable)
		printf(" - minimum number of letters from %d to %d, += %lg\n", (int)(letter_thresh_range.min_value + 0.5), (int)(letter_thresh_range.max_value + 0.5), letter_thresh_range.step);
	if (elongate_ratio_range.enable)
		printf(" - elongate ratio threshold from %lg to %lg, += %lg\n", elongate_ratio_range.min_value, elongate_ratio_range.max_value, elongate_ratio_range.step);
	if (breakdown_ratio_range.enable)
		printf(" - breakdown ratio threshold from %lg to %lg, += %lg\n", breakdown_ratio_range.min_value, breakdown_ratio_range.max_value, breakdown_ratio_range.step);
	if (low_thresh_range.enable)
		printf(" - canny low threshold from %d to %d, += %lg\n", (int)(low_thresh_range.min_value + 0.5), (int)(low_thresh_range.max_value + 0.5), low_thresh_range.step);
	if (high_thresh_range.enable)
		printf(" - canny high threshold from %d to %d, += %lg\n", (int)(high_thresh_range.min_value + 0.5), (int)(high_thresh_range.max_value + 0.5), high_thresh_range.step);
	double best_f = 0, best_precision = 0, best_recall = 0;
	double a = 0.5;
	double v;
	ccv_swt_param_t best_params = params;
#define optimize(parameter, type, rounding) \
	if (parameter##_range.enable) \
	{ \
		params = best_params; \
		int total_iterations = 0; \
		for (v = parameter##_range.min_value; v <= parameter##_range.max_value; v += parameter##_range.step) \
			++total_iterations; \
		double* precision = (double*)ccmalloc(sizeof(double) * total_iterations); \
		double* recall = (double*)ccmalloc(sizeof(double) * total_iterations); \
		double* total_words = (double*)ccmalloc(sizeof(double) * total_iterations); \
		memset(precision, 0, sizeof(double) * total_iterations); \
		memset(recall, 0, sizeof(double) * total_iterations); \
		memset(total_words, 0, sizeof(double) * total_iterations); \
		double total_truth = 0; \
		for (j = 0; j < aof->rnum; j++) \
		{ \
			char* name = *(char**)ccv_array_get(aof, j); \
			ccv_dense_matrix_t* image = 0; \
			ccv_read(name, &image, CCV_IO_GRAY | CCV_IO_ANY_FILE); \
			ccv_array_t* truth = *(ccv_array_t**)ccv_array_get(aow, j); \
			total_truth += truth->rnum; \
			for (v = parameter##_range.min_value, k = 0; v <= parameter##_range.max_value; v += parameter##_range.step, k++) \
			{ \
				params.parameter = (type)(v + rounding); \
				ccv_array_t* words = ccv_swt_detect_words(image, params); \
				double one_precision = 0, one_recall = 0; \
				_ccv_evaluate_wolf(words, truth, params, &one_precision, &one_recall); \
				assert(one_precision <= words->rnum + 0.1); \
				precision[k] += one_precision; \
				recall[k] += one_recall; \
				total_words[k] += words->rnum; \
				ccv_array_free(words); \
				FLUSH("perform SWT on %s (%d / %d) for " #parameter " = (%lg <- [%lg, %lg])", name, j + 1, aof->rnum, v, parameter##_range.min_value, parameter##_range.max_value); \
			} \
			ccv_matrix_free(image); \
		} \
		for (v = parameter##_range.min_value, j = 0; v <= parameter##_range.max_value; v += parameter##_range.step, j++) \
		{ \
			params.parameter = (type)(v + rounding); \
			double f, total_precision = precision[j], total_recall = recall[j]; \
			total_precision /= total_words[j]; \
			total_recall /= total_truth; \
			f = 1.0 / (a / total_precision + (1.0 - a) / total_recall); \
			if (f > best_f) \
			{ \
				best_params = params; \
				best_f = f; \
				best_precision = total_precision; \
				best_recall = total_recall; \
			} \
			FLUSH("current harmonic mean : %.2lf%%, precision : %.2lf%%, recall : %.2lf%% ; best harmonic mean : %.2lf%%, precision : %.2lf%%, recall : %.2lf%% ; at " #parameter " = %lg (%lg <- [%lg, %lg])", f * 100, total_precision * 100, total_recall * 100, best_f * 100, best_precision * 100, best_recall * 100, (double)best_params.parameter, v, parameter##_range.min_value, parameter##_range.max_value); \
		} \
		printf("\n"); \
		ccfree(precision); \
		ccfree(recall); \
		ccfree(total_words); \
	for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
		optimize(size, int, 0.5);
		optimize(std_ratio, double, 0);
		optimize(max_height, int, 0.5);
		optimize(min_height, int, 0.5);
		optimize(min_area, int, 0.5);
		optimize(letter_occlude_thresh, int, 0.5);
		optimize(aspect_ratio, double, 0);
		optimize(thickness_ratio, double, 0);
		optimize(height_ratio, double, 0);
		optimize(intensity_thresh, int, 0.5);
		optimize(distance_ratio, double, 0);
		optimize(intersect_ratio, double, 0);
		optimize(letter_thresh, int, 0.5);
		optimize(elongate_ratio, double, 0);
		optimize(breakdown_ratio, double, 0);
		optimize(low_thresh, int, 0.5);
		optimize(high_thresh, int, 0.5);
		printf("At iteration %d(of %d) : best parameters for swt is:\n"
			   "\tsize = %d\n"
			   "\tlow_thresh = %d\n"
			   "\thigh_thresh = %d\n"
			   "\tmax_height = %d\n"
			   "\tmin_height = %d\n"
			   "\tmin_area = %d\n"
			   "\tletter_occlude_thresh = %d\n"
			   "\taspect_ratio = %lf\n"
			   "\tstd_ratio = %lf\n"
			   "\tthickness_ratio = %lf\n"
			   "\theight_ratio = %lf\n"
			   "\tintensity_thresh = %d\n"
			   "\tdistance_ratio = %lf\n"
			   "\tintersect_ratio = %lf\n"
			   "\tletter_thresh = %d\n"
			   "\telongate_ratio = %lf\n"
			   "\tbreakdown_ratio = %lf\n",
			   i + 1, iterations,
#undef optimize
	for (i = 0; i < aof->rnum; i++)
		char* name = *(char**)ccv_array_get(aof, i);
		ccv_array_t* cw = *(ccv_array_t**)ccv_array_get(aow, i);
	return 0;