Example #1
void World::render(){



    for (list<Bullet>::iterator it = _team1.proj.begin(); it != _team1.proj.end(); ++it){



Example #2
void loadScene( const std::string& file_name )
  // Maximum time in the simulation to run for. This has nothing to do with run time, cpu time, etc. This is time in the 'virtual world'.
  scalar max_time;
  // Maximum frequency, in wall clock time, to execute the simulation for. This serves as a cap for simulations that run too fast to see a solution.
  scalar steps_per_sec_cap = 100.0;
  // Contains the center and 'scale factor' of the view
  renderingutils::Viewport view;

  // Load the simulation and pieces of rendring and UI state
  assert( g_executable_simulation == NULL );
  TwoDSceneXMLParser xml_scene_parser;
  xml_scene_parser.loadExecutableSimulation( file_name, g_simulate_comparison, g_rendering_enabled, g_display_controller, &g_executable_simulation,
                                             view, g_dt, max_time, steps_per_sec_cap, g_bgcolor, g_description, g_scene_tag );
  assert( g_executable_simulation != NULL );

  g_scene = xml_scene_parser.getScene();

  // If the user did not request a custom viewport, try to compute a reasonable default.
  if( view.size <= 0.0 )
  // Otherwise set the viewport per the user's request.

  // To cap the framerate, compute the minimum time a single timestep should take
  g_sec_per_frame = 1.0/steps_per_sec_cap;
  // Integer number of timesteps to take
  g_num_steps = ceil(max_time/g_dt);
  // We begin at the 0th timestep
  g_current_step = 0;  
Example #3
void keyboard( unsigned char key, int x, int y )

  if( key == 27 || key == 'q' )
  else if( key == 's' || key =='S' )
  else if( key == ' ' )
  //  int x = fork();
  //  if(x==0) {
  //    system("play thermo.dat");
  //    exit(1);
  //  }
    g_paused = !g_paused;
  else if( key == 'c' || key == 'C' )
  else if( key == 'i' || key == 'I' )
    std::cout << outputmod::startpink << "FOSSSim message: " << outputmod::endpink << "Saving screenshot as 'output.svg'." << std::endl;

  assert( renderingutils::checkGLErrors() );
Example #4
Window::Window( const QString& scene_name, QWidget* parent )
: QMainWindow( parent )
, m_content_widget( nullptr )
  m_content_widget = new ContentWidget{ scene_name, this };

  QMenu* file{ menuBar()->addMenu( tr( "File" ) ) };

  QMenu* view{ menuBar()->addMenu( tr( "View" ) ) };
  QAction* separator{ new QAction{ this } };
  separator->setSeparator( true );

  // File menu actions

  // Load the input xml file
  QAction* open_scene{ new QAction{ tr( "Open..." ), this } };
  open_scene->setShortcut( tr( "Ctrl+o" ) );
  file->addAction( open_scene );
  connect( open_scene, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_content_widget, SLOT( openScene() ) );

  // Reload the current xml file
  QAction* reload_scene{ new QAction{ tr( "Reload" ), this } };
  reload_scene->setShortcut( tr( "Ctrl+r" ) );
  file->addAction( reload_scene );
  connect( reload_scene, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_content_widget, SLOT( reloadScene() ) );

  // Add a separator
  file->addAction( separator );

  // Export an image of the scene
  QAction* export_image{ new QAction{ tr( "Export Image..." ), this } };
  export_image->setShortcut( tr( "Ctrl+i" ) );
  file->addAction( export_image );
  connect( export_image, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_content_widget, SLOT( exportImage() ) );

  // Export a movie of the scene
  QAction* export_movie{ new QAction{ tr( "Export Movie..." ), this } };
  export_movie->setShortcut( tr( "Ctrl+m" ) );
  file->addAction( export_movie );
  connect( export_movie, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_content_widget, SLOT( exportMovie() ) );

  // Add a separator
  QAction* separator2{ new QAction{ this } };
  separator2->setSeparator( true );
  file->addAction( separator2 );
  // Export the current camera settings
  QAction* export_camera_settings{ new QAction{ tr( "Export Camera..." ), this } };
  file->addAction( export_camera_settings );
  connect( export_camera_settings, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_content_widget, SLOT( exportCameraSettings() ) );

  // View menu actions

  // Toggle the heads up display
  QAction* toggle_hud{ new QAction{ tr( "Togge HUD" ), this } };
  toggle_hud->setShortcut( tr( "h" ) );
  view->addAction( toggle_hud );
  connect( toggle_hud, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_content_widget, SLOT( toggleHUD() ) );

  // Add a separator
  view->addAction( separator );

  // Center the camera
  QAction* center_camera{ new QAction( tr( "Center Camera" ), this ) };
  center_camera->setShortcut( tr( "c" ) );
  view->addAction( center_camera );
  connect( center_camera, SIGNAL( triggered() ), m_content_widget, SLOT( centerCamera() ) );

  setCentralWidget( m_content_widget );  