int bridgeAngle(SliceLayerPart* part, SliceLayer* prevLayer) { //To detect if we have a bridge, first calculate the intersection of the current layer with the previous layer. // This gives us the islands that the layer rests on. Polygons islands; for(unsigned int n=0; n<prevLayer->parts.size(); n++) { if (!part->boundaryBox.hit(prevLayer->parts[n].boundaryBox)) continue; islands.add(part->outline.intersection(prevLayer->parts[n].outline)); } if (islands.size() > 5) return -1; //Next find the 2 largest islands that we rest on. double area1 = 0; double area2 = 0; int idx1 = -1; int idx2 = -1; for(unsigned int n=0; n<islands.size(); n++) { //Skip internal holes if (!ClipperLib::Orientation(islands[n])) continue; double area = fabs(ClipperLib::Area(islands[n])); if (area > area1) { if (area1 > area2) { area2 = area1; idx2 = idx1; } area1 = area; idx1 = n; }else if (area > area2) { area2 = area; idx2 = n; } } if (idx1 < 0 || idx2 < 0) return -1; Point center1 = centerOfMass(islands[idx1]); Point center2 = centerOfMass(islands[idx2]); double angle = atan2(center2.X - center1.X, center2.Y - center1.Y) / M_PI * 180; if (angle < 0) angle += 360; return angle; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ //check argc if(argc!=4){ printf("Please enter the name of the input data file, the total time, and delta t in s\n"); } double totalTime = atof(argv[2]); double deltaT = atof(argv[3]); body gravity[MAX_ENTRIES]; int i=0, count=0, k=0; double cmx=0., cmy=0., cmz=0., j=0; FILE *outp; outp = fopen("location.dat", "w"); count=readData(argv[1], gravity); centerOfMass(gravity, count, &cmx, &cmy, &cmz); printf("The center of mass of all of the objects is: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n", cmx, cmy, cmz); gravForce(gravity, count); for(i=0; i<count; i++){ printf("Body %3d Force = (%8.2lg, %8.2lg, %8.2lg)\n", i+1, gravity[i].f_vec[0], gravity[i].f_vec[1], gravity[i].f_vec[2]); } for(j=0; j<totalTime; j+=deltaT){ gravForce(gravity, count); evolve(gravity, count, deltaT); for(k=0; k<count; k++){ fprintf(outp, "%lg %lg %lg\n", gravity[k].s_vec[0], gravity[k].s_vec[1], gravity[k].s_vec[2]); } fprintf(outp, "\n\n"); } fclose(outp); return 0; }
void SingleSupportModel::computeZMP() { if(m_coeff == 0) { ROS_ERROR("SingleSupportModel: computeZMP() was called with zero support coefficient"); return; } Math::SpatialVector spatialFootForce = -X_base[1].applyTranspose(f[1]); double mass = link()->inertial->mass; Eigen::Vector3d centerOfMass( link()->inertial->origin.position.x, link()->inertial->origin.position.y, link()->inertial->origin.position.z ); double F = -mass * 9.81; double total_Fz = spatialFootForce[5] + F; double total_Mx = spatialFootForce[0] + F * centerOfMass.y() - spatialFootForce[4] * nimbro_op_model::ANKLE_Z_HEIGHT; double total_My = spatialFootForce[1] - F * centerOfMass.x() + spatialFootForce[3] * nimbro_op_model::ANKLE_Z_HEIGHT; m_footForce = Eigen::Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, total_Fz); m_zmp = Eigen::Vector3d(-total_My / total_Fz, total_Mx / total_Fz, 0); // ZMP estimation based on the measured ankle roll torque // TODO: Do this in a more general way? Joint::Ptr ankle_roll = m_joints[0]; double total_Mx_torque = ankle_roll->feedback.torque + F * centerOfMass.y() - spatialFootForce[4] * nimbro_op_model::ANKLE_Z_HEIGHT; m_zmp_torque = Eigen::Vector3d(-total_My / total_Fz, total_Mx_torque / total_Fz, 0); }
Ogre::Vector3 OctreeSDF::getCenterOfMass(float& totalMass) { Ogre::Vector3 centerOfMass(0, 0, 0); totalMass = 0; m_RootNode->sumPositionsAndMass(m_RootArea, centerOfMass, totalMass); if (totalMass > 0) centerOfMass /= totalMass; return centerOfMass; }
void Mesh::translateCenter(const Vec3& c) { for(int i = 0; i < numVtx(); ++i) { Vertex_handle v = find_vertex(i); v->point() -= c; } compute_bounding_box(); centerOfMass(); }
static SE3::Vector3 com_0_proxy(const ModelHandler& model, DataHandler & data, const VectorXd_fx & q, const bool updateKinematics = true) { return centerOfMass(*model,*data,q, true, updateKinematics); }
void Mesh::transformVertices(const TrMatrix& tr) { for(Vertex_iterator it = vertices_begin(); it != vertices_end(); ++it) { Vec3& p = it->m_p; p = tr.multVec(Vec4(p)).toVec(); } // do some of the things done in finalize since all points were changed. compute_normals_per_facet(); compute_normals_per_vertex(); compute_bounding_box(); compute_triangle_surfaces(); centerOfMass(); }
void Mesh::rescaleAndCenter(float destdialen) { Vec3 dia = m_max - m_min; Vec3 center = (m_max + m_min) / 2.0; float dialen = qMax(dia.x, dia.y); float scale = destdialen/dialen; for(int i = 0; i < numVtx(); ++i) { Vertex_handle v = find_vertex(i); Vec3 &p = v->point(); p -= center; p *= scale; } compute_bounding_box(); centerOfMass(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ //check argc if(argc!=2){ printf("Please enter the name of the input data file\n"); } body gravity[MAX_ENTRIES]; int i=0, count=0; double cmx=0., cmy=0., cmz=0.; count=readData(argv[1], gravity); centerOfMass(gravity, count, &cmx, &cmy, &cmz); printf("The center of mass of all of the objects is: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n", cmx, cmy, cmz); gravForce(gravity, count); for(i=0; i<count; i++){ printf("Body %3d Force = (%8.2lg, %8.2lg, %8.2lg)\n", i+1, gravity[i].f_vec[0], gravity[i].f_vec[1], gravity[i].f_vec[2]); } return 0; }
void Mesh::finalize(bool needEdges) { buildVerticesInFaces(); if (!m_externalVtxNormals && !m_externalFaceNormals) { compute_normals_per_facet(); compute_normals_per_vertex(); } else if (!m_externalFaceNormals) { average_normals_per_facet(); } compute_bounding_box(); //mesh->estimateCurvature(); compute_triangle_surfaces(); centerOfMass(); //m_mesh->compute_volume(); if (needEdges) buildEdges(); }
Vec3 Mesh::centerOfMass() { // compute for every face for(int i = 0; i < numFaces(); ++i) { Face &f = m_face[i]; f.m_center.clear(); for(int i = 0; i < f.size(); ++i) f.m_center += f.vertex(i)->point(); f.m_center /= f.size(); } // now for all of the mess seperatly. Vec3 centerOfMass(0,0,0); for (Mesh::Vertex_iterator v = this->vertices_begin(); v != this->vertices_end(); v++) { centerOfMass = centerOfMass + (v->point()); // - CGAL::ORIGIN); } unsigned int size = this->size_of_vertices(); m_computedCenterOfMass = Vec3(centerOfMass.x/size, centerOfMass.y/size, centerOfMass.z/size); return m_computedCenterOfMass; }
const arma::mat& CylindricalBirefringentMaterial::inertiaTensor() { centerOfMass(); inertia.set_size(3,3); inertia.fill(0.0); for ( unsigned int z=0;z<Nz();z++ ) for ( unsigned int y=0;y<Ny();y++ ) for ( unsigned int x=0;x<Nx();x++ ) { double xcrd = static_cast<int>(x)-com(0); double ycrd = static_cast<int>(y)-com(1); double zcrd = static_cast<int>(z)-com(2); inertia(0,0) += (ycrd*ycrd + zcrd*zcrd)*get(x,y,z); inertia(0,1) -= xcrd*ycrd*get(x,y,z); inertia(0,2) -= xcrd*zcrd*get(x,y,z); inertia(1,1) += (xcrd*xcrd+zcrd*zcrd)*get(x,y,z); inertia(1,2) -= ycrd*zcrd*get(x,y,z); inertia(2,2) += (xcrd*xcrd+ycrd*ycrd)*get(x,y,z); } inertia(1,0) = inertia(0,1); inertia(2,1) = inertia(1,2); inertia(2,0) = inertia(0,2); return inertia; }
void Molecule::moveToCOM() { Eigen::Vector3d com = centerOfMass(); this->translate(com); }
void calculate(const homography_calc::matchedPoints& msg) { ROS_INFO("Received matched points"); std::vector<cv::Point2d> matched_kps_keyframe; for (int i = 0; i < msg.keyframe_pts.size(); i++){ cv::Point2d pt(msg.keyframe_pts[i].x, msg.keyframe_pts[i].y); matched_kps_keyframe.push_back(pt); } std::vector<cv::Point2d> matched_kps_moving; for (int i = 0; i < msg.motion_pts.size(); i++){ cv::Point2d pt(msg.motion_pts[i].x, msg.motion_pts[i].y); matched_kps_moving.push_back(pt); } cv::Mat moved_mat(matched_kps_moving); // TODO Look here (??) cv::Mat keyframe_mat(matched_kps_keyframe); if (matched_kps_moving.size() >= 4){ // Despite appearances, this isn't unnecessary. It's possible to remove points // via RANSAC and then not have enough to compute the homography (also >=4 points required) // std::cout << "here " << std::endl; double H_array[9]; findHomographyHomest( matched_kps_moving, matched_kps_keyframe, H_array ); cv::Mat H = cv::Mat(3,3,CV_64F, &H_array); // printf("H is %f %f %f ", H_array[0], H_array[1], H_array[2]); // std::cout << H << std::endl; /***************************** Calculate reprojection error and define new keyframe if necessary. *****************************/ std::vector<cv::Point2d> keyframe_reproj; cv::perspectiveTransform( matched_kps_moving, keyframe_reproj, H); // keyframe_reproj = H * matched_keypoints_moved; double err = 0; for (int i = 0; i < matched_kps_moving.size(); i++){ err += cv::norm(cv::Mat(matched_kps_keyframe[i] ), cv::Mat(keyframe_reproj[i] ) ); } err = err / matched_kps_moving.size(); std::cout << "Reprojection error is " << err << std::endl; double kfResetThresh; if (ros::param::has("keyframeResetThresh") ){ ros::param::get("keyframeResetThresh", kfResetThresh); }else{ kfResetThresh = 30; } if (err > kfResetThresh){ ROS_INFO("Resetting the keyframe NOW"); std_msgs::Bool resetMsg; = true; resetPub.publish(resetMsg); } //Publish the homography std_msgs::Float64MultiArray homography; for(int i = 0 ; i < 3; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){<float>(i, j) ); } } homogPub.publish(homography); Eigen::MatrixXd currentCenter(3,1); Eigen::MatrixXd targetCenter(3,1); currentCenter = centerOfMass(matched_kps_moving); targetCenter = centerOfMass(matched_kps_keyframe); homography_calc::controlLawInputs controlMsg; controlMsg.homography = homography; controlMsg.currentCenterOfMass.x = currentCenter(0,0); controlMsg.currentCenterOfMass.y = currentCenter(0,1); controlMsg.currentCenterOfMass.z = currentCenter(0,2); controlMsg.targetCenterOfMass.x = targetCenter(0,0); controlMsg.targetCenterOfMass.y = targetCenter(0,1); controlMsg.targetCenterOfMass.z = targetCenter(0,2); homogControlPub.publish(controlMsg); } }
void RobotModel::visualizeData(visualization_msgs::MarkerArray* markers) { ros::Time now = ros::Time::now(); tf::Vector3 com = centerOfMass(); visualization_msgs::Marker com_marker; com_marker.header.stamp = now; com_marker.header.frame_id = "/trunk_link"; com_marker.ns = "robotcontrol"; = 0; com_marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE; com_marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; com_marker.pose.position.x = com.x(); com_marker.pose.position.y = com.y(); com_marker.pose.position.z = com.z(); com_marker.pose.orientation.w = 1; com_marker.pose.orientation.x = 0; com_marker.pose.orientation.y = 0; com_marker.pose.orientation.z = 0; com_marker.scale.x = 0.05; com_marker.scale.y = 0.05; com_marker.scale.z = 0.05; com_marker.color.a = 1.0; com_marker.color.r = 1.0; com_marker.color.g = 0.0; com_marker.color.b = 0.0; markers->markers.push_back(com_marker); visualization_msgs::Marker magnetic_marker; magnetic_marker.header.stamp = now; magnetic_marker.header.frame_id = "/trunk_link"; magnetic_marker.ns = "robotcontrol"; = 1; magnetic_marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW; magnetic_marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; magnetic_marker.points.resize(2); tf::pointEigenToMsg(Eigen::Vector3d::Zero(), magnetic_marker.points[0]); tf::pointEigenToMsg(m_magneticFieldVector, magnetic_marker.points[1]); magnetic_marker.scale.x = 0.01; magnetic_marker.scale.y = 0.02; magnetic_marker.scale.z = 0.0; magnetic_marker.color.a = 1.0; magnetic_marker.color.r = 0.0; magnetic_marker.color.g = 1.0; magnetic_marker.color.b = 0.0; markers->markers.push_back(magnetic_marker); // Plot support coefficients plot_msgs::Plot plot; plot.header.stamp = now; plot.points.resize(m_models.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < m_models.size(); ++i) { plot.points[i].name = "Support/" + m_models[i]->link()->name; plot.points[i].value = m_models[i]->coefficient(); } m_pub_plot.publish(plot); m_pub_plot_lastTime = now; }
int SOP_PrimGroupCentroid::bindToCentroids(fpreal t, int mode, int method) { int behavior; exint int_value; const GA_PrimitiveGroup *group; GA_PrimitiveGroup *all_prims, *temp_group; GA_Range pr_range; GA_ROAttributeRef attr_gah, primattr_gah; GA_ROHandleI class_h; GA_ROHandleS str_h; const GU_Detail *input_geo; UT_Matrix4 mat; UT_String attr_name, pattern, str_value; UT_Vector3 pos; // Get the second input geometry as read only. GU_DetailHandleAutoReadLock gdl(inputGeoHandle(1)); input_geo = gdl.getGdp(); // Get the unmatched geometry behavior. behavior = BEHAVIOR(t); // Create a new attribute reference map. GA_AttributeRefMap hmap(*gdp, input_geo); // Get the attribute selection string. BIND(pattern, t); // If we have a pattern, try to build the ref map. if (pattern.length() > 0) buildRefMap(hmap, pattern, gdp, input_geo, mode, GA_ATTRIB_POINT); // The list of GA_Primitives in the input geometry. const GA_PrimitiveList &prim_list = gdp->getPrimitiveList(); // Create a temporary primitive group so we can keep track of all the // primitives we have modified. all_prims = createAdhocPrimGroup(*gdp, "allprims"); // Determine which attribute we need from the points, based on the mode. switch (mode) { case 0: attr_name = "group"; break; case 1: attr_name = "name"; break; case 2: attr_name = "class"; break; default: addError(SOP_MESSAGE, "Invalid mode setting"); return 1; } // Find the attribute. attr_gah = input_geo->findPointAttribute(attr_name); // If there is no attribute, add an error message and quit. if (attr_gah.isInvalid()) { addError(SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, attr_name); return 1; } // If not using groups, we need to check if the matching primitive // attribute exists on the geometry. if (mode != 0) { // Try to find the attribute. primattr_gah = gdp->findPrimitiveAttribute(attr_name); // If there is no attribute, add an error message and quit. if (primattr_gah.isInvalid()) { addError(SOP_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID, attr_name); return 1; } } // 'class' uses the int handle. if (mode == 2) class_h.bind(attr_gah.getAttribute()); // Groups and 'name' use the string handle. else str_h.bind(attr_gah.getAttribute()); for (GA_Iterator it(input_geo->getPointRange()); !it.atEnd(); ++it) { if (mode == 0) { // Get the unique string value. str_value = str_h.get(*it); // Find the group on the geometry to bind. group = gdp->findPrimitiveGroup(str_value); // Ignore non-existent groups. if (!group) continue; // Skip emptry groups. if (group->isEmpty()) continue; // The primtives in the group. pr_range = gdp->getPrimitiveRange(group); } else { if (mode == 1) { // Get the unique string value. str_value = str_h.get(*it); // Get the prims with that string value. pr_range = gdp->getRangeByValue(primattr_gah, str_value); } else { // Get the unique integer value. int_value = class_h.get(*it); // Get the prims with that integery value. pr_range = gdp->getRangeByValue(primattr_gah, int_value); } // Create an adhoc group. temp_group = createAdhocPrimGroup(*gdp); temp_group->addRange(pr_range); } // Add the primitives in the range to the groups. all_prims->addRange(pr_range); // Bounding Box if (method == 1) { // Calculate the bouding box center for this range. boundingBox(gdp, pr_range, prim_list, pos); } // Center of Mass else if (method == 2) { // Calculate the center of mass for this attribute value. centerOfMass(pr_range, prim_list, pos); } // Barycenter else { // Calculate the barycenter for this attribute value. baryCenter(gdp, pr_range, prim_list, pos); } // Build the transform from the point information. buildTransform(mat, input_geo, pos, *it); // Transform the geometry from the centroid. if (mode == 0) gdp->transform(mat, group); else gdp->transform(mat, temp_group); // Copy any necessary attributes from the incoming points to the // geometry. if (hmap.entries()) { for (GA_Iterator pr_it(pr_range); !pr_it.atEnd(); ++pr_it) { hmap.copyValue(GA_ATTRIB_PRIMITIVE, *pr_it, GA_ATTRIB_POINT, *it); } } } // We want to destroy prims that didn't have a matching name/group. if (behavior) { // Flip the membership of all the prims that we did see. all_prims->toggleEntries(); // Destroy the ones that we didn't. gdp->deletePrimitives(*all_prims, true); } return 0; }
int SOP_PrimGroupCentroid::buildCentroids(fpreal t, int mode, int method) { bool store; exint int_value; const GA_AIFStringTuple *ident_t; GA_Attribute *ident_attrib; GA_Offset ptOff; GA_RWAttributeRef ident_gah; GA_RWHandleI class_h; const GU_Detail *input_geo; UT_BoundingBox bbox; UT_String attr_name, pattern, str_value; UT_Vector3 pos; UT_Array<GA_Range> range_array; UT_Array<GA_Range>::const_iterator array_it; UT_StringArray string_values; UT_IntArray int_values; // Get the input geometry as read only. GU_DetailHandleAutoReadLock gdl(inputGeoHandle(0)); input_geo = gdl.getGdp(); // Check to see if we should store the source group/attribute name as an // attribute the generated points. store = STORE(t); // If we want to we need to create the attributes. if (store) { // A 'class' operation, so create a new integer attribute. if (mode == 2) { // Add the int tuple. ident_gah = gdp->addIntTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "class", 1); // Bind the handle. class_h.bind(ident_gah.getAttribute()); } // Using the 'name' attribute or groups, so create a new string // attribute. else { attr_name = (mode == 0) ? "group" : "name"; // Create a new string attribute. ident_gah = gdp->addStringTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, attr_name, 1); ident_attrib = ident_gah.getAttribute(); // Get the string tuple so we can set values. ident_t = ident_gah.getAIFStringTuple(); } } // Create a new attribute reference map. GA_AttributeRefMap hmap(*gdp, input_geo); // Get the attribute selection string. ATTRIBUTES(pattern, t); // If we have a pattern, try to build the ref map. if (pattern.length() > 0) buildRefMap(hmap, pattern, gdp, input_geo, mode, GA_ATTRIB_PRIMITIVE); // The list of GA_Primitives in the input geometry. const GA_PrimitiveList &prim_list = input_geo->getPrimitiveList(); // Creating by groups. if (mode == 0) { // Get the group pattern. GROUP(pattern, t); // If the group string is empty, get out of here. if (pattern.length() == 0) return 1; buildGroupData(pattern, input_geo, range_array, string_values); } // 'name' or 'class'. else { // Build the data. If something failed, return that we had an issue. if (buildAttribData(mode, input_geo, range_array, string_values, int_values)) return 1; } // Iterate over each of the primitive ranges we found. for (array_it=range_array.begin(); !array_it.atEnd(); ++array_it) { // Create a new point. ptOff = gdp->appendPointOffset(); // Bounding Box if (method == 1) { // Calculate the bouding box center for this range. boundingBox(input_geo, *array_it, prim_list, pos); // Set the point's position to the center of the box. gdp->setPos3(ptOff, pos); } // Center of Mass else if (method == 2) { // Calculate the center of mass for this range. centerOfMass(*array_it, prim_list, pos); // Set the point's position to the center of mass. gdp->setPos3(ptOff, pos); } // Barycenter else { // Calculate the barycenter for this range. baryCenter(input_geo, *array_it, prim_list, pos); // Set the point's position to the barycenter. gdp->setPos3(ptOff, pos); } // Store the source value if required. if (store) { // 'class', so get the integer value at this iterator index. if (mode == 2) { int_value = int_values(array_it.index()); class_h.set(ptOff, int_value); } // 'name' or by group, so get the string value at this iterator // index. else { str_value = string_values(array_it.index()); ident_t->setString(ident_attrib, ptOff, str_value, 0); } } // If there are no entries in the map then we don't need to copy // anything. if (hmap.entries() > 0) { GA_WeightedSum sum; // Start a weighted sum for the range. hmap.startSum(sum, GA_ATTRIB_POINT, ptOff); // Add the values for each primitive to the sum. for (GA_Iterator it(*array_it); !it.atEnd(); ++it) { hmap.addSumValue(sum, GA_ATTRIB_POINT, ptOff, GA_ATTRIB_PRIMITIVE, *it, 1); } // Finish the sum, normalizing the values. hmap.finishSum(sum, GA_ATTRIB_POINT, ptOff, 1.0/(*array_it).getEntries()); } } return 0; }
// Test the function of center of mass bool testCenterOfMass(){ bool result = true; // Make lists of masses and xy coordinates int N = 7; value_type xsorted[N] = {0.2, 0.25, 0.4, 0.48, 0.7, 0.72, 0.8}; value_type ysorted[N] = {0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7, 0.4, 0.4}; value_type masssorted[N] = {0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.89, 0.41, 0.1, 0.66}; // Initiate the children Node children[4]; // Initialize the children nodes Node child_0 = Node { 1, // level 0, // morton index -1, // child_id 0, // part_start 2, // part_end 1, // node mass 1, // x center of mass 1 // y center of mass }; Node child_1 = Node { 1, // level 0, // morton index -1, // child_id 3, // part_start 4, // part_end 1, // node mass 1, // x center of mass 1 // y center of mass }; Node child_2 = Node { 1, // level 0, // morton index -1, // child_id 5, // part_start 5, // part_end 1, // node mass 1, // x center of mass 1 // y center of mass }; Node child_3 = Node { 1, // level 0, // morton index -1, // child_id 6, // part_start 6, // part_end 1, // node mass 1, // x center of mass 1 // y center of mass }; // Put the children nodes into the array children[0] = child_0; children[1] = child_1; children[2] = child_2; children[3] = child_3; centerOfMass(children, xsorted, ysorted, masssorted); // Test the values against known true values value_type xcom_true[4] = {0.275, 0.5493846, 0.72, 0.8}; value_type ycom_true[4] = {0.24, 0.2892307, 0.4, 0.4}; value_type mass_true[4] = {1, 1.3, 0.1, 0.66}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (children[i].mass - mass_true[i] > 0.000001) { std::cout << "Mass of node " << i << " computed incorrectly." << std::endl; result = false; } if (children[i].xcom - xcom_true[i] > 0.000001) { std::cout << "xcom of node " << i << " computed incorrectly." << std::endl; result = false; } if (children[i].ycom - ycom_true[i] > 0.000001) { std::cout << "ycom of node " << i << " computed incorrectly." << std::endl; result = false; } } if (result) { std::cout << "Test succeeded." << std::endl; } return result; }
void sefield::TetMesh::axisOrderElements(uint opt_method, std::string const & opt_file_name) { // Now this method provides a choice between Stefan and Robert's method // and the new method by Iain. The original method is fast and suffices for // simple geometries, Iain's method is superior and important for complex // geometries, but slow. if (opt_file_name != "") { std::fstream opt_file;, std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary); opt_file.seekg(0); uint nelems = 0;*)&nelems, sizeof(uint)); if (pElements.size() != nelems) { std::ostringstream os; os << "optimal data mismatch with simulator parameters: sefield::Tetmesh::nelems, "; os << nelems << ":" << pElements.size(); throw steps::ArgErr(os.str()); }*)pVertexPerm, sizeof(uint) * nelems); VertexElementPVec elements_temp = pElements; for (uint vidx = 0; vidx < nelems; ++vidx) { VertexElementP vep = elements_temp[vidx]; // sanity check assert(vep->getIDX() == vidx); uint new_idx = pVertexPerm[vidx]; pElements[new_idx] = vep; } reindexElements(); reordered(); opt_file.close(); return; } if (opt_method == 2) { // / / / / / / / / / / / / / / NEW / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / // // LOOPING OVER ALL VERTICES, APPLYING THE WALK METHOD AND FINDING WHICH // STARTING VERTEX GIVES THE LOWEST MATRIX WIDTH. uint pNVerts = pElements.size(); // the best vertex(narrowest width) uint bestone = 0; uint bestwidth = pNVerts; std::vector<VertexElement*> orig_indices = pElements; stringstream ss; ss << "\nFinding optimal vertex indexing. This can take some time..."; cout << ss.str() << endl; for (uint vidx = 0; vidx < pNVerts; ++vidx) { set<VertexElement*> verteleset = set<VertexElement*>(); vector<VertexElement*> vertelevec = vector<VertexElement*>(); queue<VertexElement*> vertelqueue = queue<VertexElement*>(); verteleset.insert(orig_indices[vidx]); vertelevec.push_back(orig_indices[vidx]); uint ve0ncons = orig_indices[vidx]->getNCon(); VertexElement ** ve0neighbs = orig_indices[vidx]->getNeighbours(); fill_ve_vec(verteleset, vertelevec, vertelqueue, ve0ncons, ve0neighbs); pElements.clear(); vector<VertexElement*>::iterator vertele_end = vertelevec.end(); uint ielt = 0; for (vector<VertexElement*>::iterator vertele = vertelevec.begin(); vertele != vertele_end; ++vertele) { pElements.push_back(*vertele); pVertexPerm[(*vertele)->getIDX()]=ielt; ielt++; } // Note: this will reorder the vertex indices as we go- not a problem in this loop // but they must be reset for the final index setting to work reindexElements(); uint maxdi = 0; for (int iv = 0; iv < pNVerts; ++iv) { VertexElement* ve = getVertex(iv); int ind = ve->getIDX(); for (int i = 0; i < ve->getNCon(); ++i) { int inbr = ve->nbrIdx(i); int di = ind - inbr; if (di < 0) { di = -di; } if (di > maxdi) { maxdi = di; } } } if (maxdi < bestwidth) { bestone = vidx; bestwidth = maxdi; //cout << "\nOriginal vertex "<< vidx << " gives banded matrix half-width " << maxdi; } } // reset the vertex indices to their original value: important for (uint v = 0; v < pNVerts; ++v) { orig_indices[v]->setIDX(v); } set<VertexElement*> verteleset = set<VertexElement*>(); vector<VertexElement*> vertelevec = vector<VertexElement*>(); queue<VertexElement*> vertelqueue = queue<VertexElement*>(); verteleset.insert(orig_indices[bestone]); vertelevec.push_back(orig_indices[bestone]); uint ve0ncons = orig_indices[bestone]->getNCon(); VertexElement ** ve0neighbs = orig_indices[bestone]->getNeighbours(); fill_ve_vec(verteleset, vertelevec, vertelqueue, ve0ncons, ve0neighbs); pElements.clear(); vector<VertexElement*>::iterator vertele_end = vertelevec.end(); uint ielt = 0; for (vector<VertexElement*>::iterator vertele = vertelevec.begin(); vertele != vertele_end; ++vertele) { pElements.push_back(*vertele); pVertexPerm[(*vertele)->getIDX()]=ielt; ielt++; } } // / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / // else if (opt_method == 1) { /* THIS ORIGINAL CODE REPLACED WITH NEW 'WALKING' METHOD. A DRAMATIC REDUCTION IN BAND HALF-WIDTHS FOR COMPLEX 3D MESHES. This is not the end of the story: TODO investigate whether reordering a vertices neighbour's for the queue by distance will improve again. */ std::vector<double> com = centerOfMass(); double ** m = new double*[3]; for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m[i] = new double[3]; m[i][0] = 0.0; m[i][1] = 0.0; m[i][2] = 0.0; } for (uint ivert = 0; ivert < countVertices(); ivert++) { VertexElement* ve = getVertex(ivert); double x = ve->getX() - com[0]; double y = ve->getY() - com[1]; double z = ve->getZ() - com[2]; m[0][0] += x * x; m[0][1] += x * y; m[0][2] += x * z; m[1][0] += y * x; m[1][1] += y * y; m[1][2] += y * z; m[2][0] += z * x; m[2][1] += z * y; m[2][2] += z * z; } uint iret; double gamma; double evec[3]; mainEvec(3, m, &iret, &gamma, evec); if (iret != 1) { cout << "\nWarning - eigenvalue faliure " << endl; } for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) { delete[] m[i]; } delete[] m; double vx = evec[0]; double vy = evec[1]; double vz = evec[2]; vx += 1.e-8; vy += 1.e-9; vz += 1.e-10; stringstream ss; ss << "aligning to axis " << vx << " " << vy << " " << vz << endl; //cout << ss.str(); map<double, VertexElement*> hm; //vector<double> da; for (uint ielt = 0; ielt < countVertices(); ielt++) { VertexElement * ve = getVertex(ielt); double d = vx * ve->getX() + vy * ve->getY() + vz * ve->getZ(); hm[d] = ve; //da.push_back(d); } //sort(da.begin(), da.end()); pElements.clear(); uint ielt = 0; map<double, VertexElement*>::const_iterator iter = hm.begin(); while (iter != hm.end()) { double d = iter->first; pElements.push_back(hm[d]); ++iter; // pVertexPerm[i] contains the new index in the elements array // for the vertex that was originally at index i pVertexPerm[hm[d]->getIDX()] = ielt; ielt++; } } else { std::ostringstream os; os << "Unknown optimization method.\n"; throw steps::ArgErr(os.str()); } reindexElements(); reordered(); }
GeneralPolygon::operator list<TPPLPoly>() { auto isPolygonOutside = [&](const Contour &referencePolygon, const Contour &poly) { for(unsigned int p=0; p < referencePolygon.size() ; ++p) if( !_evenOddRuleAlgorithm( referencePolygon[p], poly) ) return true; return false; }; list<TPPLPoly> polys; for(unsigned int c=0; c < _contours.size() ; ++c) { const Contour &contour = _contours[c]; TPPLPoly poly; poly.Init(contour.size()); for(unsigned int v=0; v < contour.size() ; ++v) { TPPLPoint point; point.x = contour[v].x; point.y = contour[v].y; poly[v] = point; } // BE CAREFULL!!! not really correct because the polygon could be concave then // the center of mass could not be inside the polygon sf::Vector2f centerOfMass(0.0f, 0.0f); for(unsigned int i=0; i < contour.size() ; ++i) centerOfMass += contour[i]; centerOfMass *= (1.0f/contour.size()); std::vector<Contour> outsideContours; for(unsigned int i=0; i < _contours.size() ; ++i) { if( i == c ) { outsideContours.push_back(_contours[i]); continue; } if( isPolygonOutside(_contours[i], contour) ) outsideContours.push_back(_contours[i]); } // first test if is a hole or not if( !_evenOddRuleAlgorithm( centerOfMass, outsideContours ) ) poly.SetHole(true); else poly.SetHole(false); // if it is a hole then it must be in CW order to the algorithm to recognize // else must be in CCW if( poly.IsHole() ) poly.SetOrientation(TPPL_CW);// Hole orientation (needed in the algorithm) else poly.SetOrientation(TPPL_CCW);// Not a hole orientation (needed in the algorithm) polys.push_back(poly); } return polys; }
/* * A function that splits the parent node and creates 4 new children nodes in the array of nodes named "tree". */ void split(Node* parent, Node* tree, int depth, unsigned int* index, value_type* xsorted, value_type* ysorted, value_type* mass_sorted, int k, int* newNodeIndex){ // Capture and update the newNodeIndex atomically to avoid race condition /* In case of omp tasking make this atomic to avoid race conditions * #pragma omp atomic capture {} */ parent->child_id = *newNodeIndex; *newNodeIndex += 4; // Compute the level of the children unsigned int children_level = parent->level +1; // Compute the indexvalue of this level so we can easily compute the morton-id's of the children int indexValue_level = pow(2,2*(depth - children_level)); // Allocate pointers for the expansions arrays value_type * rxps0; value_type * ixps0; value_type * rxps1; value_type * ixps1; value_type * rxps2; value_type * ixps2; value_type * rxps3; value_type * ixps3; // Initialize the children nodes Node child_0 = Node {children_level, // level parent->morton_id, // morton index -1, // child_id -1, // part_start -1, // part_end 1, // node mass 1, // x center of mass 1, // y center of mass NAN, // radius of node rxps0, // real part of multipole expansion ixps0 // imaginary part of multipole expansion }; Node child_1 = Node {children_level, // level parent->morton_id + indexValue_level, // morton index -1, // child_id -1, // part_start -1, // part_end 1, // node mass 1, // x center of mass 1, // y center of mass NAN, // radius of node rxps1, // real part of multipole expansion ixps1 // imaginary part of multipole expansion }; Node child_2 = Node {children_level, // level parent->morton_id + 2*indexValue_level, // morton index -1, // child_id -1, // part_start -1, // part_end 1, // node mass 1, // x center of mass 1, // y center of mass NAN, // radius of node rxps2, // real part of multipole expansion ixps2 // imaginary part of multipole expansion }; Node child_3 = Node {children_level, // level parent->morton_id + 3*indexValue_level, // morton index -1, // child_id -1, // part_start -1, // part_end 1, // node mass 1, // x center of mass 1, // y center of mass NAN, // radius of node rxps3, // real part of multipole expansion ixps3 // imaginary part of multipole expansion }; if(parent->level == 0){ // Print the maximum index unsigned int max = index[0]; int min = 0; for (int l = 0; l < parent->part_end - parent->part_start; ++l) { if(index[l]>max){ max = index[l]; } if(index[l] < min){ min = index[l]; } } // std::cout << "Biggest Morton Index = " << max << std::endl; // std::cout << "Smallest Morton Index = " << min << std::endl; // std::cout << "Morton limit tree = " << child_3.morton_id - 1 + indexValue_level << std::endl; // std::cout << "IndexValue at level = " << children_level << " is " << indexValue_level << std::endl; } // Set a pointer to the first child node Node* children = tree + parent->child_id; // Put the children nodes into the array at indices [ children[0], ... , children[3] ]. children[0] = child_0; children[1] = child_1; children[2] = child_2; children[3] = child_3; // Assign the particles to the children assignParticles(parent, children, depth, index); // Assign the total and center of mass to the children, as well as their radius r centerOfMass(children, xsorted, ysorted, mass_sorted); radius(children, xsorted, ysorted); // Compute the multipole expansions for the children nodes, only if the level is 2 or deeper and if the node is not empty if(children_level >= 2){ int nParticlesChild = 0; for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c) { // Check if this child node is empty or contains only 1 particle. if(children[c].part_start == children[c].part_end){ // Do nothing } else { // Compute the number of particles in this child node nParticlesChild = children[c].part_end - children[c].part_start + 1; // Align expansion arrays posix_memalign((void **) &children[c].rxps, 32, sizeof(value_type) * exp_order); posix_memalign((void **) &children[c].ixps, 32, sizeof(value_type) * exp_order); // Compute and set the expansion in this child node p2e(xsorted + children[c].part_start, // x values of child's particles ysorted + children[c].part_start, // y values of child's particles mass_sorted + children[c].part_start, // mass values of child's particles nParticlesChild, // number of particles in child exp_order, // order of expansion children[c].xcom, // x value center of mass children[c].ycom, // y value center of mass children[c].rxps, // real parts of expansion children[c].ixps); // imaginary parts of expansion /* Print info about the computed expansion std::cout << "Child node " << c << " has expansion:" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < exp_order; ++i) { std::cout << "rxps [" << i << "] = " << children[c].rxps[i] << std::endl; std::cout << "ixps [" << i << "] = " << children[c].ixps[i] << "\n" << std::endl; } */ } } } // Check number of particles in the children nodes for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (children[i].part_end - children[i].part_start + 1 > k && children[i].level < depth) { // There are more than k particles in the node and we haven't reached the maximum depth so split it in four split(children + i, tree, depth, index, xsorted, ysorted, mass_sorted, k, newNodeIndex); } else { // There are less than or equal to k particles in the node // or we reached the maximum depth => the node is a leaf } } }