Example #1
  cf2_blues_init( CF2_Blues  blues,
                  CF2_Font   font )
    /* pointer to parsed font object */
    CFF_Decoder*  decoder = font->decoder;

    CF2_Fixed  zoneHeight;
    CF2_Fixed  maxZoneHeight = 0;
    CF2_Fixed  csUnitsPerPixel;

    size_t  numBlueValues;
    size_t  numOtherBlues;
    size_t  numFamilyBlues;
    size_t  numFamilyOtherBlues;

    FT_Pos*  blueValues;
    FT_Pos*  otherBlues;
    FT_Pos*  familyBlues;
    FT_Pos*  familyOtherBlues;

    size_t     i;
    CF2_Fixed  emBoxBottom, emBoxTop;

    CF2_Int  unitsPerEm = font->unitsPerEm;

    if ( unitsPerEm == 0 )
      unitsPerEm = 1000;

    FT_ZERO( blues );
    blues->scale = font->innerTransform.d;

    cf2_getBlueMetrics( decoder,
                        &blues->blueFuzz );

    cf2_getBlueValues( decoder, &numBlueValues, &blueValues );
    cf2_getOtherBlues( decoder, &numOtherBlues, &otherBlues );
    cf2_getFamilyBlues( decoder, &numFamilyBlues, &familyBlues );
    cf2_getFamilyOtherBlues( decoder, &numFamilyOtherBlues, &familyOtherBlues );

     * synthetic em box hint heuristic
     * Apply this when ideographic dictionary (LanguageGroup 1) has no
     * real alignment zones.  Adobe tools generate dummy zones at -250 and
     * 1100 for a 1000 unit em.  Fonts with ICF-based alignment zones
     * should not enable the heuristic.  When the heuristic is enabled,
     * the font's blue zones are ignored.

    /* get em box from OS/2 typoAscender/Descender                      */
    /* TODO: FreeType does not parse these metrics.  Skip them for now. */
#if 0
    FCM_getHorizontalLineMetrics( &e,
                                  &linegap );
    if ( ascender - descender == unitsPerEm )
      emBoxBottom = cf2_intToFixed( descender );
      emBoxTop    = cf2_intToFixed( ascender );
      emBoxBottom = CF2_ICF_Bottom;
      emBoxTop    = CF2_ICF_Top;

    if ( cf2_getLanguageGroup( decoder ) == 1                   &&
         ( numBlueValues == 0                                 ||
           ( numBlueValues == 4                             &&
             cf2_blueToFixed( blueValues[0] ) < emBoxBottom &&
             cf2_blueToFixed( blueValues[1] ) < emBoxBottom &&
             cf2_blueToFixed( blueValues[2] ) > emBoxTop    &&
             cf2_blueToFixed( blueValues[3] ) > emBoxTop    ) ) )
       * Construct hint edges suitable for synthetic ghost hints at top
       * and bottom of em box.  +-CF2_MIN_COUNTER allows for unhinted
       * features above or below the last hinted edge.  This also gives a
       * net 1 pixel boost to the height of ideographic glyphs.
       * Note: Adjust synthetic hints outward by epsilon (0x.0001) to
       *       avoid interference.  E.g., some fonts have real hints at
       *       880 and -120.

      blues->emBoxBottomEdge.csCoord = emBoxBottom - CF2_FIXED_EPSILON;
      blues->emBoxBottomEdge.dsCoord = cf2_fixedRound(
                                           blues->scale ) ) -
      blues->emBoxBottomEdge.scale   = blues->scale;
      blues->emBoxBottomEdge.flags   = CF2_GhostBottom |
                                       CF2_Locked |

      blues->emBoxTopEdge.csCoord = emBoxTop + CF2_FIXED_EPSILON +
                                    2 * font->darkenY;
      blues->emBoxTopEdge.dsCoord = cf2_fixedRound(
                                        blues->scale ) ) +
      blues->emBoxTopEdge.scale   = blues->scale;
      blues->emBoxTopEdge.flags   = CF2_GhostTop |
                                    CF2_Locked |

      blues->doEmBoxHints = TRUE;    /* enable the heuristic */


    /* copy `BlueValues' and `OtherBlues' to a combined array of top and */
    /* bottom zones                                                      */
    for ( i = 0; i < numBlueValues; i += 2 )
      blues->zone[blues->count].csBottomEdge =
        cf2_blueToFixed( blueValues[i] );
      blues->zone[blues->count].csTopEdge =
        cf2_blueToFixed( blueValues[i + 1] );

      zoneHeight = blues->zone[blues->count].csTopEdge -

      if ( zoneHeight < 0 )
        FT_TRACE4(( "cf2_blues_init: ignoring negative zone height\n" ));
        continue;   /* reject this zone */

      if ( zoneHeight > maxZoneHeight )
        /* take maximum before darkening adjustment      */
        /* so overshoot suppression point doesn't change */
        maxZoneHeight = zoneHeight;

      /* adjust both edges of top zone upward by twice darkening amount */
      if ( i != 0 )
        blues->zone[blues->count].csTopEdge    += 2 * font->darkenY;
        blues->zone[blues->count].csBottomEdge += 2 * font->darkenY;

      /* first `BlueValue' is bottom zone; others are top */
      if ( i == 0 )
        blues->zone[blues->count].bottomZone =
        blues->zone[blues->count].csFlatEdge =
        blues->zone[blues->count].bottomZone =
        blues->zone[blues->count].csFlatEdge =

      blues->count += 1;

    for ( i = 0; i < numOtherBlues; i += 2 )
      blues->zone[blues->count].csBottomEdge =
        cf2_blueToFixed( otherBlues[i] );
      blues->zone[blues->count].csTopEdge =
        cf2_blueToFixed( otherBlues[i + 1] );

      zoneHeight = blues->zone[blues->count].csTopEdge -

      if ( zoneHeight < 0 )
        FT_TRACE4(( "cf2_blues_init: ignoring negative zone height\n" ));
        continue;   /* reject this zone */

      if ( zoneHeight > maxZoneHeight )
        /* take maximum before darkening adjustment      */
        /* so overshoot suppression point doesn't change */
        maxZoneHeight = zoneHeight;

      /* Note: bottom zones are not adjusted for darkening amount */

      /* all OtherBlues are bottom zone */
      blues->zone[blues->count].bottomZone =
      blues->zone[blues->count].csFlatEdge =

      blues->count += 1;

    /* Adjust for FamilyBlues */

    /* Search for the nearest flat edge in `FamilyBlues' or                */
    /* `FamilyOtherBlues'.  According to the Black Book, any matching edge */
    /* must be within one device pixel                                     */

    csUnitsPerPixel = FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( 1 ), blues->scale );

    /* loop on all zones in this font */
    for ( i = 0; i < blues->count; i++ )
      size_t     j;
      CF2_Fixed  minDiff;
      CF2_Fixed  flatFamilyEdge, diff;
      /* value for this font */
      CF2_Fixed  flatEdge = blues->zone[i].csFlatEdge;

      if ( blues->zone[i].bottomZone )
        /* In a bottom zone, the top edge is the flat edge.             */
        /* Search `FamilyOtherBlues' for bottom zones; look for closest */
        /* Family edge that is within the one pixel threshold.          */

        minDiff = CF2_FIXED_MAX;

        for ( j = 0; j < numFamilyOtherBlues; j += 2 )
          /* top edge */
          flatFamilyEdge = cf2_blueToFixed( familyOtherBlues[j + 1] );

          diff = cf2_fixedAbs( flatEdge - flatFamilyEdge );

          if ( diff < minDiff && diff < csUnitsPerPixel )
            blues->zone[i].csFlatEdge = flatFamilyEdge;
            minDiff                   = diff;

            if ( diff == 0 )

        /* check the first member of FamilyBlues, which is a bottom zone */
        if ( numFamilyBlues >= 2 )
          /* top edge */
          flatFamilyEdge = cf2_blueToFixed( familyBlues[1] );

          diff = cf2_fixedAbs( flatEdge - flatFamilyEdge );

          if ( diff < minDiff && diff < csUnitsPerPixel )
            blues->zone[i].csFlatEdge = flatFamilyEdge;
        /* In a top zone, the bottom edge is the flat edge.                */
        /* Search `FamilyBlues' for top zones; skip first zone, which is a */
        /* bottom zone; look for closest Family edge that is within the    */
        /* one pixel threshold                                             */

        minDiff = CF2_FIXED_MAX;

        for ( j = 2; j < numFamilyBlues; j += 2 )
          /* bottom edge */
          flatFamilyEdge = cf2_blueToFixed( familyBlues[j] );

          /* adjust edges of top zone upward by twice darkening amount */
          flatFamilyEdge += 2 * font->darkenY;      /* bottom edge */

          diff = cf2_fixedAbs( flatEdge - flatFamilyEdge );

          if ( diff < minDiff && diff < csUnitsPerPixel )
            blues->zone[i].csFlatEdge = flatFamilyEdge;
            minDiff                   = diff;

            if ( diff == 0 )

    /* TODO: enforce separation of zones, including BlueFuzz */

    /* Adjust BlueScale; similar to AdjustBlueScale() in coretype */
    /* `bcsetup.c'.                                               */

    if ( maxZoneHeight > 0 )
      if ( blues->blueScale > FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( 1 ),
                                         maxZoneHeight ) )
        /* clamp at maximum scale */
        blues->blueScale = FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( 1 ),
                                      maxZoneHeight );

       * TODO: Revisit the bug fix for 613448.  The minimum scale
       *       requirement catches a number of library fonts.  For
       *       example, with default BlueScale (.039625) and 0.4 minimum,
       *       the test below catches any font with maxZoneHeight < 10.1.
       *       There are library fonts ranging from 2 to 10 that get
       *       caught, including e.g., Eurostile LT Std Medium with
       *       maxZoneHeight of 6.
#if 0
      if ( blueScale < .4 / maxZoneHeight )
        tetraphilia_assert( 0 );
        /* clamp at minimum scale, per bug 0613448 fix */
        blueScale = .4 / maxZoneHeight;


     * Suppress overshoot and boost blue zones at small sizes.  Boost
     * amount varies linearly from 0.5 pixel near 0 to 0 pixel at
     * blueScale cutoff.
     * Note: This boost amount is different from the coretype heuristic.

    if ( blues->scale < blues->blueScale )
      blues->suppressOvershoot = TRUE;

      /* Change rounding threshold for `dsFlatEdge'.                    */
      /* Note: constant changed from 0.5 to 0.6 to avoid a problem with */
      /*       10ppem Arial                                             */

      blues->boost = FT_MulFix(
                       cf2_floatToFixed( .6 ),
                       ( cf2_intToFixed( 1 ) -
                         FT_DivFix( blues->scale,
                                    blues->blueScale ) ) );
      if ( blues->boost > 0x7FFF )
        /* boost must remain less than 0.5, or baseline could go negative */
        blues->boost = 0x7FFF;

    /* boost and darkening have similar effects; don't do both */
    if ( font->stemDarkened )
      blues->boost = 0;

    /* set device space alignment for each zone;    */
    /* apply boost amount before rounding flat edge */

    for ( i = 0; i < blues->count; i++ )
      if ( blues->zone[i].bottomZone )
        blues->zone[i].dsFlatEdge = cf2_fixedRound(
                                        blues->scale ) -
                                      blues->boost );
        blues->zone[i].dsFlatEdge = cf2_fixedRound(
                                        blues->scale ) +
                                      blues->boost );
Example #2
  static void
  cf2_doFlex( CF2_Stack       opStack,
              CF2_Fixed*      curX,
              CF2_Fixed*      curY,
              CF2_GlyphPath   glyphPath,
              const FT_Bool*  readFromStack,
              FT_Bool         doConditionalLastRead )
    CF2_Fixed  vals[14];
    CF2_UInt   index;
    FT_Bool    isHFlex;
    CF2_Int    top, i, j;

    vals[0] = *curX;
    vals[1] = *curY;
    index   = 0;
    isHFlex = readFromStack[9] == FALSE;
    top     = isHFlex ? 9 : 10;

    for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ )
      vals[i + 2] = vals[i];
      if ( readFromStack[i] )
        vals[i + 2] += cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index++ );

    if ( isHFlex )
      vals[9 + 2] = *curY;

    if ( doConditionalLastRead )
      FT_Bool    lastIsX = (FT_Bool)( cf2_fixedAbs( vals[10] - *curX ) >
                                        cf2_fixedAbs( vals[11] - *curY ) );
      CF2_Fixed  lastVal = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index );

      if ( lastIsX )
        vals[12] = vals[10] + lastVal;
        vals[13] = *curY;
        vals[12] = *curX;
        vals[13] = vals[11] + lastVal;
      if ( readFromStack[10] )
        vals[12] = vals[10] + cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index++ );
        vals[12] = *curX;

      if ( readFromStack[11] )
        vals[13] = vals[11] + cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, index );
        vals[13] = *curY;

    for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
      cf2_glyphpath_curveTo( glyphPath, vals[j * 6 + 2],
                                        vals[j * 6 + 3],
                                        vals[j * 6 + 4],
                                        vals[j * 6 + 5],
                                        vals[j * 6 + 6],
                                        vals[j * 6 + 7] );

    cf2_stack_clear( opStack );

    *curX = vals[12];
    *curY = vals[13];