Example #1
 * Fills eeprom area with pattern, than read it back and compare
static void __block_api_write(uint8_t pattern, uint32_t len, uint8_t misaligment){
  uint32_t i = 0;
  uint32_t status = 0;
  uint32_t pos = 0;

  /* fill buffer with pattern */
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
    referencebuf[i] = pattern;

  /* move to begin of test area */
  chFileStreamSeek(&EfsTest, TestAreaStart + misaligment);
  pos = chFileStreamGetPosition(&EfsTest);
  if (pos != TestAreaStart + misaligment)
    chDbgPanic("file seek error");

  /* write */
  status = chFileStreamWrite(&EfsTest, referencebuf, len);
  if (status < len)
    chDbgPanic("write failed");

  /* check */
  pos = chFileStreamGetPosition(&EfsTest);
  if (pos != len + TestAreaStart + misaligment)
    chDbgPanic("file seek error");
  chFileStreamSeek(&EfsTest, pos - len);
  status = chFileStreamRead(&EfsTest, checkbuf, len);
  if (status < len)
    chDbgPanic("veryfication failed");
  if (memcmp(referencebuf, checkbuf, len) != 0)
    chDbgPanic("veryfication failed");
Example #2
 * Fills eeprom area with pattern, than read it back and compare
static void pattern_fill(EepromFileStream *EfsTest, uint8_t pattern){
  uint32_t i = 0;
  uint32_t status = 0;
  uint32_t pos = 0;
  uint32_t len = chFileStreamGetSize(EfsTest);

  /* fill buffer with pattern */
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
    referencebuf[i] = pattern;

  /* move to begin of test area */
  pos = 0;
  chFileStreamSeek(EfsTest, pos);
  if (pos != chFileStreamGetPosition(EfsTest))
    chDbgPanic("file seek error");

  /* write */
  status = chFileStreamWrite(EfsTest, referencebuf, len);
  if (status != len)
    chDbgPanic("write failed");

  /* check */
  pos = chFileStreamGetPosition(EfsTest);
  if (pos != len)
    chDbgPanic("writing error");

  pos = 0;
  chFileStreamSeek(EfsTest, pos);
  status = chFileStreamRead(EfsTest, checkbuf, len);
  if (status != len)
    chDbgPanic("reading back failed");
  if (memcmp(referencebuf, checkbuf, len) != 0)
    chDbgPanic("veryfication failed");
Example #3
void eeprom_testsuit(void){
  int8_t i = 0;
  int8_t j = 0;
  int32_t n = 0;

  /* backup data from test area */
  chFileStreamSeek(&EfsTest, TestAreaStart);
  if (chFileStreamRead(&EfsTest, backupbuf, TEST_AREA_SIZE) < TEST_AREA_SIZE)
    chDbgPanic("backuping failed");

  /* first check the whole test area */
  test_api_all(TEST_AREA_SIZE, 0);

  for (i = -2; i < 3; i++){
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++){
      /* large block tests */
      while (n < (TEST_AREA_SIZE - 3 * EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE)){
        test_api_all(n + i,  j);
        test_api_all(n + i,  EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE - 1 - j);
        n *= EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE;
      /* small block tests */
      for (n = 2; n < 7; n++){
        test_api_all(n + i,     j);
        test_api_all(n + i,     EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE - 1 - j);
        test_api_all(n*10 + i,  j);
        test_api_all(n*10 + i,  EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE - 1 - j);

  /* wrapper fucntions test */
  test_wrapper_write_all_patterns(TestAreaStart + 1);
  for (i = -4; i < 5; i++)
    test_wrapper_write_all_patterns(TestAreaStart + EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE + i);
  test_wrapper_write_all_patterns(TestAreaFinish - 5);

  /* personally check end of test area */
  test_wtapper_write_byte    (0x55, TestAreaFinish - 1);
  test_wtapper_write_halfword(0xAA, TestAreaFinish - 2);
  test_wtapper_write_word    (0xA5, TestAreaFinish - 4);

  /* roll back data from backup */
  chFileStreamSeek(&EfsTest, TestAreaStart);
  if (chFileStreamWrite(&EfsTest, backupbuf, TEST_AREA_SIZE) < TEST_AREA_SIZE)
    chDbgPanic("rolling back failed");
Example #4
void __burn(BaseSequentialStream *chp, uint8_t pattern){
  volatile uint32_t status = 0;
  uint32_t eeprom_cycle;

  eeprom_cycle = BKP->DR1;
  eeprom_cycle = eeprom_cycle << 16;
  eeprom_cycle += BKP->DR2;

  if (BKP->DR3 == 1){
    //chprintf(chp, "EEPROM exhausted at %u try\n", eeprom_cycle);

  /* fill memory buffer and write it to eeprom */
  memset(databuf, pattern, sizeof(databuf));
  chFileStreamSeek(&EepromFile, 0);
  status = chFileStreamWrite(&EepromFile, databuf, EEPROM_SIZE);
  if (status != sizeof(databuf))

  /* read eeprom to test buffer */
  chFileStreamSeek(&EepromFile, 0);
  chFileStreamRead(&EepromFile, testbuf, EEPROM_SIZE);
  if (status != sizeof(databuf))

  /* compare 2 buffers. Non zero value denotes bad sector in eeprom */
  status = memcmp(databuf, testbuf, EEPROM_SIZE);
  if (status != 0){
    BKP->DR3 = 1; /* bad sector(s) appeared */

  /* Print note to console and increment cycle counter */
  //chprintf(chp, "EEPROM burn %u \n", eeprom_cycle);
  BKP->DR2 = eeprom_cycle & 0xFFFF;
  BKP->DR1 = (eeprom_cycle >> 16) & 0xFFFF;

  palTogglePad(IOPORT3, GPIOC_LED);
Example #5
 * Create overlapped files like this:
 *       |<--------- outer file ------------>|
 *       |                                   |
 * ======b1==b2========================b3===b4======
 * |         |                          |          |
 * |         |<------ inner file ------>|          |
 * |<----------------- EEPROM -------------------->|
static void overflow_check(uint32_t b1, uint32_t b2, uint32_t b3, uint32_t b4,
                          uint32_t istart, uint32_t ilen,
                          uint8_t pattern, bool_t pat_autoinc,
                          BaseSequentialStream *sdp){
  uint32_t status, i, n;

  chDbgCheck(ilen < (b4-b1),"sequences more than length of outer file can not be verified");

  chprintf(sdp, "b1=%u, b2=%u, b3=%u, b4=%u, istart=%u, ilen=%u, ",
            b1, b2, b3, b4, istart, ilen);
  if (pat_autoinc)    cli_print("TRUE");
  else                cli_print("FALSE");

  /* open outer file and clear it */
  ocfg.barrier_low  = b1;
  ocfg.barrier_hi   = b4;
  EepromFileOpen(&ofile, &ocfg);
  pattern_fill(&ofile, 0x00);

  /* open inner file */
  icfg.barrier_low  = b2;
  icfg.barrier_hi   = b3;
  EepromFileOpen(&ifile, &icfg);

  /* reference buffer */
  memset(referencebuf, 0x00, b4-b1);
  n = b2 - b1 + istart;
  if ((ilen + istart) > (b3-b2))
    i = b3 - b2 - istart;
    i = ilen;
  while (i > 0){
    referencebuf[n] = pattern;
    if (pat_autoinc)

  /* check buffer */
  n = 0;
  while (n < ilen){
    checkbuf[n] = pattern;
    if (pat_autoinc)

  /* now write check buffer content into inner file */
  chFileStreamSeek(&ifile, istart);
  status = chFileStreamWrite(&ifile, checkbuf, ilen);

  if ((istart + ilen) > (b3 - b2)){ /* data must be clamped */
    if (status != (b3 - b2 - istart))
      chDbgPanic("not all data written or overflow ocrred");
  else{/* data fitted in file */
    if (status != ilen)
      chDbgPanic("not all data written or overflow ocrred");

  /* read outer file and compare content with reference buffer */
  memset(checkbuf, 0x00, b4-b1);
  chFileStreamSeek(&ofile, 0);
  status = chFileStreamRead(&ofile, checkbuf, b4-b1);
  if (status != (b4-b1))
    chDbgPanic("reading back failed");
  if (memcmp(referencebuf, checkbuf, b4-b1) != 0)
    chDbgPanic("veryfication failed");

Example #6
uint32_t EepromReadWord(EepromFileStream *EepromFile_p) {
    uint8_t buf[4];
    chFileStreamRead(EepromFile_p, buf, sizeof(buf));
    return (buf[0] << 24) | (buf[1] << 16) | (buf[2] << 8) | buf[3];
Example #7
uint16_t EepromReadHalfword(EepromFileStream *EepromFile_p) {
    uint8_t buf[2];
    chFileStreamRead(EepromFile_p, buf, sizeof(buf));
    return (buf[0] << 8) | buf[1];
Example #8
uint8_t EepromReadByte(EepromFileStream *EepromFile_p) {
    uint8_t buf[1];
    chFileStreamRead(EepromFile_p, buf, sizeof(buf));
    return buf[0];
Example #9
File: eeprom.c Project: mcu786/24aa
uint32_t EepromReadWord(EepromFileStream *EepromFile_p) {
    uint8_t buf[4];
    size_t status = chFileStreamRead(EepromFile_p, buf, sizeof(buf));
    chDbgAssert(status == sizeof(buf), "EepromReadByte(), #1", "read failed");
    return (buf[0] << 24) | (buf[1] << 16) | (buf[2] << 8) | buf[3];
Example #10
File: eeprom.c Project: mcu786/24aa
uint16_t EepromReadHalfword(EepromFileStream *EepromFile_p) {
    uint8_t buf[2];
    size_t status = chFileStreamRead(EepromFile_p, buf, sizeof(buf));
    chDbgAssert(status == sizeof(buf), "EepromReadByte(), #1", "read failed");
    return (buf[0] << 8) | buf[1];