Example #1
float HTU21D::readHumidity(){

	// Wait for the sensor to measure
	delay(18); // 16ms measure time for 12bit measures

	Wire.requestFrom(HTDU21D_ADDRESS, 3);

	//Wait for data to become available
	int counter = 0;
		if(counter > 100) return HTU21D_I2C_TIMEOUT; //after 100ms consider I2C timeout

	uint16_t h = Wire.read();
	h <<= 8;
	h |= Wire.read();

	// CRC check
	uint8_t crc = Wire.read();
	if(checkCRC(h, crc) != 0) return(HTU21D_BAD_CRC);

	h &= 0xFFFC; // zero the status bits
	float hum = h;
	hum *= 125;
	hum /= 65536;
	hum -= 6;

	return hum;
Example #2
float HTU21D::readTemperature(){

	// Wait for the sensor to measure
	delay(55); // 50ms measure time for 14bit measures

	Wire.requestFrom(HTDU21D_ADDRESS, 3);

	//Wait for data to become available
	int counter = 0;
		if(counter > 100) return HTU21D_I2C_TIMEOUT; //after 100ms consider I2C timeout

	uint16_t t = Wire.read();
	t <<= 8;
	t |= Wire.read();

	// CRC check
	uint8_t crc = Wire.read();
	if( checkCRC(t, crc) != 0) return(HTU21D_BAD_CRC);

	t &= 0xFFFC; // zero the status bits
	float temp = t;
	temp *= 175.72;
	temp /= 65536;
	temp -= 46.85;

	return temp;
void decodeIt(void)
  if(received[0] == SlaveAddress){
      if(received[1] == 0x01){
      else if(received[1] == 0x02){
      else if(received[1] == 0x03){
      else if(received[1] == 0x04){
      else if(received[1] == 0x05){
      else if(received[1] == 0x06){
      else if(received[1] == 0x10){
      else if(received[1] == 0x0F){
        response[0] = 0; //error this does nothing though..
  modbusMessage = 0;
Example #4
uint8_t RF24BLE::recvPacket(uint8_t *input, uint8_t length,uint8_t channel ){
	unsigned long time = millis();
	while (_radio.available()<=0 && (millis()-time)<RECV_TIMEOUT){delay(1);}
	if (_radio.available()>0){
		_radio.read(input, length);
	else { return RF24BLE_TIMEOUT; }
	uint8_t i, dataLen = length - 3;
#if DEBUG == 1
	// Packet length includes crc of 3 bytes
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++){ Serial.print((char)input[i]); }
	//reversing the bits of the complete packet
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++){ input[i] = reverseBits(input[i]); }
	//de-whiten the packet using the same polynomial
	bleWhiten(input, length, bleWhitenStart(RF24BLE::chLe[channel]));
	//reversing bits of the crc 
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++, dataLen++){ input[dataLen] = reverseBits(input[dataLen]); }
#if DEBUG == 1
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++){ Serial.print((char)input[i]); }
	return checkCRC(input, length);	
bool decode(void)
    validMIRP_rx = 0;
            /*mirpRx.id_h = decodeByte();
            mirpRx.id_l = decodeByte();
            mirpRx.spell_id = decodeByte();
            mirpRx.str = decodeByte();
            mirpRx.uuid = decodeByte();
            mirpRx.crc = decodeByte();*/
            /*mirp[0] = decodeByte(); //id_h
            mirp[1] = decodeByte(); //id_l
            mirp[2] = decodeByte(); //spell
            mirp[3] = decodeByte(); //str
            mirp[4] = decodeByte(); //uuid
            mirp[5] = decodeByte(); //crc*/
            IDH = decodeByte();
            IDL = decodeByte();
            SPELL = decodeByte();
            STR = decodeByte();
            UID = decodeByte();
            CRC = decodeByte();
        validMIRP_rx = checkCRC();
    counter_rx = 0; //move this out here
    return validMIRP_rx;
//Given a command, reads a given 2-byte value with CRC from the HTU21D
uint16_t HTU21D::readValue(byte cmd)
  //Request a humidity reading
  _i2cPort->write(cmd); //Measure value (prefer no hold!)
  //Hang out while measurement is taken. datasheet says 50ms, practice may call for more
  bool validResult;
  byte counter;
  for (counter = 0, validResult = 0 ; counter < MAX_COUNTER && !validResult ; counter++)

    //Comes back in three bytes, data(MSB) / data(LSB) / Checksum
    validResult = (3 == _i2cPort->requestFrom(HTU21D_ADDRESS, 3));

  if (!validResult) return (ERROR_I2C_TIMEOUT); //Error out

  byte msb, lsb, checksum;
  msb = _i2cPort->read();
  lsb = _i2cPort->read();
  checksum = _i2cPort->read();

  uint16_t rawValue = ((uint16_t) msb << 8) | (uint16_t) lsb;

  if (checkCRC(rawValue, checksum) != 0) return (ERROR_BAD_CRC); //Error out

  return rawValue & 0xFFFC; // Zero out the status bits
bool ModBusUART_Impl::readRegisterPool(quint16 id, quint16 regNumber, quint16 regCount,QVector<quint16>& o_list)
    if (!m_port.isOpen())
        return false;

    quint16 regNumberBig = qToBigEndian<quint16>(regNumber);
    quint16 regCountBig = qToBigEndian<quint16>(regCount);

    QByteArray data = QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)& regNumberBig, sizeof(quint16));
    data += QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)& regCountBig, sizeof(quint16));
    QByteArray req = makeRTUFrame(id, 3, data);

    QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);

    if ( ! m_port.waitForBytesWritten(m_timeOut)) 
        return false;

    int responseLengthMust = 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 * regCount + 2;

    if ( m_port.waitForReadyRead(m_timeOut))
        QByteArray responseData = m_port.readAll();
        while (m_port.waitForReadyRead(50))
            responseData += m_port.readAll();

        if ( ! checkCRC(responseData))
            return false;

        if (responseData.size() != responseLengthMust || responseData[1] != char(3) || responseData[0] != char(id))
            return false;

        const uchar* d = (const uchar *)responseData.data() + 3;
        for (int i = 0; i < regCount; i++)
            quint16 v = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(d + i * 2);
        return false;

    return true;
bool ModBusUART_Impl::writeRegister(quint16 id, quint16 regNumber, quint16 value)
    if (!m_port.isOpen())
        return false;

    quint16 regNumberBig = qToBigEndian<quint16>(regNumber);
    quint16 valueBig = qToBigEndian<quint16>(value);
    QByteArray data = QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)& regNumberBig, sizeof(quint16));
    data.append(QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)&valueBig, sizeof(quint16)));
    data += QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)& value, sizeof(qint16));
    QByteArray req = makeRTUFrame(id, 6, data);

    QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);


    if (!m_port.waitForBytesWritten(m_timeOut))
        return false;

    if (m_port.waitForReadyRead(m_timeOut))
        QByteArray responseData = m_port.readAll();
        while (m_port.waitForReadyRead(50))
            responseData += m_port.readAll();

        if ( ! checkCRC(responseData))
            return false;

        if (responseData.size() == 8 && responseData[1] != char(6) || responseData[0] != char(id))
            return true;

    return false;
Example #9
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @brief	читаем значение Length далее читаем данные размером length
 *		AK -> OK(все данные получили ) | ERR (ошибка) 
static void recvVal(struct Param *p)
	const int error = -1;
	int exec = -1;
	int length = 0;
	unsigned char len[2] = {0};
	unsigned char crcTxt[2] = {0};
	exec = bo_recvAllData(p->sock, len, 2, 2);
	if(exec == -1) goto error;
	else {
		length = boCharToInt(len);
		if(length <= p->bufSize) {
			memset(p->buf, 0, p->bufSize);
			exec = bo_recvAllData(p->sock, (unsigned char *)p->buf, p->bufSize, length);
			if(exec == -1) goto error;
			exec = bo_recvAllData(p->sock, crcTxt, 2, 2);
			if(exec == -1) goto error;
			exec = checkCRC(crcTxt, p->buf, length);
			if(exec == -1) {
				bo_log("bo_net_get_route.c recvVal() incorrect CRC");
				goto error;
			} else p->length = length;
		} else {
			bo_log("bo_net_get_route.c recvVal() bad length[%d] bufSize=[%d]",
				length, p->bufSize);
			goto error;
	status = END;
	if(error == 1) {
		bo_log("bo_net_get_route.c recvVal() errno[%s]", strerror(errno));
		status = ERR;
bool ModBusUART_Impl::readDeviceInfo(quint16 id, QString& vendor, QString& product, QString& version)
    if (!m_port.isOpen())
        return false;

    const char reqBody[] = { char(0x0E), char(1), char(0) };
    QByteArray reqBodyArray(reqBody);
    QByteArray req = makeRTUFrame(id, 43, reqBodyArray);

    QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);

    for (int retryCount = 10; retryCount; retryCount--)

        if (!m_port.waitForBytesWritten(m_timeOut))
            return false;

        if (m_port.waitForReadyRead(m_timeOut))
            QByteArray responseData = m_port.readAll();
            while (m_port.waitForReadyRead(50))
                responseData += m_port.readAll();

            if (!checkCRC(responseData))

            if (responseData[1] != char(43) || responseData[0] != char(id) || responseData[2] != char(0x0e) || responseData[3] != char(1))
                return false;
                int numberOfObjects = responseData[7];
                if (numberOfObjects < 3)
                    return false;
                for (int i = 0, startIndex = 8; i < numberOfObjects; i++)
                    if (i != responseData[startIndex])
                        return false;
                    int len = responseData[startIndex + 1];
                    std::string a_string(responseData.data() + startIndex + 2, len);
                    QString* target;
                    switch (i)
                    case 0:
                        target = &vendor;
                    case 1:
                        target = &product;
                    case 2:
                        target = &version;
                    (*target) = QString::fromStdString(a_string);
                    startIndex += len + 2;
                return true;
            catch (...)

    return false;
// processData. processData assembles the frames and calls to transitionAction. 
void EZRoboNetDevice::processData() {
  int i;
  uint16_t numBytesToRead = CommPort->available(); // let's see what we 've got...
  do {
    if (remainingBytes==0) { // previous frame was fully read
        if (numBytesToRead>=6) { // nead at least 6 bytes to read frame header
                        // get the first 6 bytes (starter(1)+sender-receiverid(2)+frame type(1)+payload length (2))
                        // reading first 6 bytes into FrameHead
                        for (i=0; i<6; i++)
                          FrameHead[i] = CommPort->read();
                        // now cheking for framestarter character mismatch
                        if (FrameHead[0]!=framestarter) {
                            else {// reamaining bytes should be the payload length plus the terminator and two CRC bytes 
                              remainingBytes = FrameHead[4] + FrameHead[5] * 256 +3; 
     } else if (numBytesToRead >= remainingBytes) { // it's time to get the remaining frame(s)
            int totalBytes = remainingBytes + 6; // calculate total length
            byte buffer[totalBytes];
            byte remBuffer[remainingBytes];
            // now reading remaining bytes as estimated using the frame header
            // going altogether
            for (i=0; i<remainingBytes; i++)
              remBuffer[i] = CommPort->read();
            // tailoring bufhead and rembuffer into buffer
            for (i=0; i<totalBytes; i++)
                 if (i<6) buffer[i] = FrameHead[i];
                      else buffer[i] = remBuffer[i-6];
            // now handling the message...
            // checking terminator and CRC
            uint16_t CRC = buffer[totalBytes-2]+256*buffer[totalBytes-1];
            if ((buffer[totalBytes-3]==frameterminator)&&(checkCRC(buffer, totalBytes-2, CRC))) {
              Serial.println("Frame received!");
              EZFrame* frame = bytes2Frame(buffer);
              // assembled the frame
              if (frame->ReceiverID == NodeID) // frame was addressed to this node 
                transitionAction(frame); // change internal state and act
              else // frame was not addressed to this node and being disposed of
            } else {
                     Serial.print("Error. Frame CRC :");
                     Serial.println(CRC, DEC);
                     Serial.print("Frame terminator :");
                     Serial.println(buffer[totalBytes-3], DEC);
        // clearing remaining bytes
        remainingBytes = 0;
        numBytesToRead = CommPort->available();
  } while ((numBytesToRead >= remainingBytes)&&(remainingBytes>0));

void AbstractPidHandler::parse(const QByteArray &packet)
    // If the packet is empty return
    if (packet.isNull())

    // Build pointer to packet content
    const quint8 *data = (quint8 *)packet.constData(), *p = 0;

    // Return if the packet does not start with 0x47
    if (data[0] != 0x47) {
        qWarning() << "Not a TS packet!";

    // Check validity of continuity counter
    quint8 ccc = data[3] & 0x0F;
    if (d->ecc == INVALID_CC) { // Conintuity counter has not been yet initialized
        d->ecc = ccc; // Initialize continuity counter with currrent value
    } else {
        // Check if packet is duplicate and just ignore it if it the case
        if (d->ecc == ccc) {
            qWarning() << "Duplicate TS packet?!?!?!";

        // Compute next continuity counter
        d->ecc = ++d->ecc & 0x0F;

        // Check if discontinuity
        if (d->ecc != ccc) {
            qDebug() << "Discontinuity!\n";
            d->ecc = ccc;
            emit discontinuity();

    // Return if no payload in the TS packet
    if (!data[3] & 0x10)

    // Skip the adaptation field if present
    if (data[3] & 0x20) //  Check if "Adaptation field exists" bit is set
        p = data + 5 + data[4]; // Point after adaptation field
        p = data + 4; // Point to first byte after header

    // Compute Payload Start Unit Indicator
    quint8 pusi = data[1] & 0x40;

    // Skip new section begins if present
    if (pusi) // Check if "Payload unit start" bit is set
        p = p + *p + 1;

    // If no section yet started and the current packet contains the start of a new section then build a new one
    if (!d->section) {
        if (!pusi)

        d->section = new Section(this);

    // Compute availability of data
    quint8 available = 188 + data - p;

    while (available) {
        // Check if there is enough bytes in the current data buffer to complete the need of the section
        if (available >= d->section->need) {

            // Add the needed bytes to the data buffer of the section
            d->section->data += QByteArray((const char *)p, (int)d->section->need);
            p += d->section->need;
            available -= d->section->need;

            // Check if the section's header has been parsed so far
            if (!d->section->headerComplete) {
                // Apparently not! So let's do the job
                d->section->need = d->section->sectionLength = (((quint16)d->section->data[1] & 0x0F) << 8) | ((quint16)d->section->data[2] & 0xFF);

                // Done! Let's indicate it
                d->section->headerComplete = true;

                // We still need to check if the section isn't too long
                if (d->section->need > sectionMaxSize() - 3) {
                    qWarning() << "Section too long!";

                    // What about remaining bytes? What do we do if there is other sections in the packet?
                    // ...
            } else {
                // Apparently the header is parsed already. We can take care of the payload now and we
                // will start with checking the CRC if there is one
                if (hasCRC()) {
                    d->section->validCRC = checkCRC();

                d->section->tableID = d->section->data[0];
                d->section->sectionSyntaxIndicator = (d->section->data[1] & 0x80) >> 7;
                d->section->serviceID = (((quint16)d->section->data[3] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((quint16)d->section->data[4] & 0xFF);
                d->section->versionNumber = (d->section->data[5] & 0x3E) >> 1;
                d->section->currentNextIndicator = d->section->data[5] & 0x01;
                d->section->sectionNumber = d->section->data[6];
                d->section->lastSectionNumber = d->section->data[7];

                d->section->payload = (const quint8 *)&d->section->data.constData()[8];
                d->section->payloadSize = d->section->data.size() - 8;

                // We can now dispose of the current section

                // A TS packet may contain any number of sections, only the first
                // new one is flagged by the pointer_field. If the next payload
                // byte isn't 0xff then a new section starts.
                if (available && *p != 0xff) {
                    d->section = new Section(this);
                } else {
                    available = 0;
        } else {
bool ReadingData::checkCRC() {
	return checkCRC(this->crc);