Example #1
void afLib::loop(void) {
    if (isIdle() && (queueGet(&_request.messageType, &_request.requestId, &_request.attrId, &_request.valueLen,
                              &_request.p_value) == afSUCCESS)) {
        switch (_request.messageType) {
            case MSG_TYPE_GET:
                doGetAttribute(_request.requestId, _request.attrId);

            case MSG_TYPE_SET:
                doSetAttribute(_request.requestId, _request.attrId, _request.valueLen, _request.p_value);

            case MSG_TYPE_UPDATE:
                doUpdateAttribute(_request.requestId, _request.attrId, 0, _request.valueLen, _request.p_value);

                _theLog->println("loop: request type!");

    if (_request.p_value != NULL) {
        delete (_request.p_value);
        _request.p_value = NULL;
Example #2
bool readTouchInputs(){
    //read the touch state from the MPR121
    byte LSB = Wire.read();
    byte MSB = Wire.read();
    uint16_t touched = ((MSB << 8) | LSB); //16bits that make up the touch states

    for (int i=0; i < 12; i++){  // Check what electrodes were pressed
      if(touched & (1<<i)){
        if(touchStates[i] == 0)       
          return true;
        touchStates[i] = 1;      
        touchStates[i] = 0;
   return false;
Example #3
SEXP rph_gff_featureBits(SEXP gffListP, SEXP orP, SEXP returnGffP) {
  int numGff, i, j, or, returnGff;
  long numbit = 0;
  List *gfflist;
  GFF_Set *gff, *newgff=NULL;
  GFF_Feature *feat, *newfeat;
  SEXP rv;

  numGff = length(gffListP);
  gfflist = lst_new_ptr(numGff);
  //  Rf_PrintValue(gffListP);
  for (i = 0; i < numGff; i++) {
    gff = (GFF_Set*)EXTPTR_PTR(VECTOR_ELT(gffListP, i));
    lst_push_ptr(gfflist, gff);
  or = LOGICAL_VALUE(orP);
  returnGff = LOGICAL_VALUE(returnGffP);
  if (!or && numGff >= 2) {
    newgff = gff_overlap_gff(lst_get_ptr(gfflist, 0),
			     lst_get_ptr(gfflist, 1),
			     1, -1.0, FALSE, TRUE, NULL);
    numbit = gff_flatten_mergeAll(newgff);
    for (i=2; i < numGff; i++) {
      gff = gff_overlap_gff(newgff,
			    lst_get_ptr(gfflist, i),
			    1, -1.0, FALSE, TRUE, NULL);
      numbit = gff_flatten_mergeAll(gff);
      newgff = gff;
  } else {
    newgff = gff_new_set();
    for (i=0; i< numGff; i++) {
      gff = (GFF_Set*)lst_get_ptr(gfflist, i);
      for (j=0; j < lst_size(gff->features); j++) {
	checkInterruptN(j, 1000);
	feat = lst_get_ptr(gff->features, j);
	newfeat = gff_new_feature_copy(feat);
	lst_push_ptr(newgff->features, newfeat);
    numbit = gff_flatten_mergeAll(newgff);
  if (returnGff)
    return rph_gff_new_extptr(newgff);

  if (numbit > INT_MAX) {
    PROTECT(rv = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
    REAL(rv)[0] = numbit;
  } else {
    PROTECT(rv = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
    INTEGER(rv)[0] = numbit;
  return rv;
void ms_print(FILE *F, MS *ms) {
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < ms->nseqs; i++) {
    fprintf(F, "  Name    %s\n", ms->names[i]);
    fprintf(F, "  Offset  %d\n", ms->idx_offsets[i]);
    fprintf(F, "  Seq     %s\n", ms->seqs[i]);
    if(i != (ms->nseqs-1))
      fprintf(F, "\n");
void ms_print_fasta(FILE *F, MS *ms) {
  int i, j, k, seqLen;
  for (i = 0; i < ms->nseqs; i++) {
    fprintf(F, ">%s\n", ms->names[i]);
    seqLen = (int)strlen(ms->seqs[i]);
    for (j = 0; j < seqLen; j += OUTPUT_LINE_LEN) {
      checkInterruptN(j, 100);
      for (k = 0; k < OUTPUT_LINE_LEN && j + k < seqLen; k++) 
        fprintf(F, "%c", ms->seqs[i][j+k]);
      fprintf(F, "\n");
Example #6
/* Perform a GERP-like computation for each feature.  Computes expected
   number of subst. under neutrality (feat_nneut), expected number
   after rescaling by ML (feat_nobs), expected number of rejected
   substitutions (feat_nrejected), and number of species with data
   (feat_nspecies).  If any arrays are NULL, values will not be
   retained.  Gaps and missing data are handled by working with
   induced subtree.  */
void ff_gerp(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, GFF_Set *gff, mode_type mode,
             double *feat_nneut, double *feat_nobs, double *feat_nrejected,
             double *feat_nspec, FILE *logf) {
    int i, j, nspec = 0;
    double nneut, scale, lnl;
    int *has_data = smalloc(mod->tree->nnodes * sizeof(int));
    FeatFitData *d;

    /* init FeatFitData */
    d = ff_init_fit_data(mod, msa, ALL, NNEUT, FALSE);

    /* iterate through features  */
    for (i = 0; i < lst_size(gff->features); i++) {
        GFF_Feature *f = lst_get_ptr(gff->features, i);
        ff_find_missing_branches(mod, msa, f, has_data, &nspec);

        if (nspec < 3)
            nneut = scale = 0;
        else {
            vec_set(d->cdata->params, 0, d->cdata->init_scale);
            d->feat = f;

            opt_newton_1d(ff_likelihood_wrapper_1d, &d->cdata->params->data[0], d,
                          &lnl, SIGFIGS, d->cdata->lb->data[0], d->cdata->ub->data[0],
                          logf, NULL, NULL);
            /* turns out to be faster to use numerical rather than exact
               derivatives (judging by col case) */

            scale = d->cdata->params->data[0];
            for (j = 1, nneut = 0; j < mod->tree->nnodes; j++)  /* node 0 is root */
                if (has_data[j])
                    nneut += ((TreeNode*)lst_get_ptr(mod->tree->nodes, j))->dparent;

        if (feat_nspec != NULL) feat_nspec[i] = (double)nspec;
        if (feat_nneut != NULL) feat_nneut[i] = nneut;
        if (feat_nobs != NULL) feat_nobs[i] = scale * nneut;
        if (feat_nrejected != NULL) {
            feat_nrejected[i] = nneut * (1 - scale);
            if (mode == ACC) feat_nrejected[i] *= -1;
            else if (mode == NNEUT) feat_nrejected[i] = fabs(feat_nrejected[i]);
Example #7
void GroveMultiTouch::readTouchInputs(){
        //read the touch state from the MPR121
        byte LSB = Wire.read();
        byte MSB = Wire.read();
        uint16_t touched = ((MSB << 8) | LSB); //16bits that make up the touch states
        for (int i=0; i < 12; i++){  // Check what electrodes were pressed
            if(touched & (1<<i)){
                if(touchStates[i] == 0){
                    //pin i was just touched
                    Serial.print("pin ");
                    Serial.println(" was just touched");
                }else if(touchStates[i] == 1){
                    //pin i is still being touched
                _touchStates[i] = 1;      
                if(touchStates[i] == 1){
                    Serial.print("pin ");
                    Serial.println(" is no longer being touched");
                    //pin i is no longer being touched
                _touchStates[i] = 0;
Example #8
/* based on a local pairwise alignment object, estimate the coordinate
   in the target sequence corresponding to the specified coordinate in
   the query sequence.  Currently assumes alignment blocks, and
   gapless alignments within them, are in sorted order (wrt query
   sequence).  Also currently does linear search (should use binary
   search).  A value of -1 is returned if no reasonable estimate is
   possible.  This routine should only be used with relatively close,
   generally orthologous sequences, having good synteny. */
int la_get_target_coord(LocalPwAlignment *lpwa, int query_coord, 
                        adjust_dir adjust) {
  int i, j;
  int q1 = -1, t1 = -1, t2 = -1;
  //  int q2 = -2;  //set but not used
  AlignmentBlock *last_ab = NULL;
  GaplessAlignment *last_ga = NULL;
  /* find query coords q1 and q2 bracketing the position in question,
     and corresponding target coords t1 and t2 */
  for (i = 0; i < lst_size(lpwa->alignment_blocks); i++) {
    AlignmentBlock *ab = lst_get_ptr(lpwa->alignment_blocks, i);
    if (!(last_ab == NULL || last_ab->query_end < query_coord))
      die("ERROR la_get_target_coord: bad value for last_ab\n");
    if (ab->query_beg > query_coord) {
      /* coord falls between alignment blocks */
      if (last_ab == NULL) {    /* occurs at beginning */
        q1 = t1 = 0;
	//        q2 = ab->query_beg;
        t2 = ab->query_end;
      else {
        q1 = last_ab->query_end;  
	//        q2 = ab->query_beg;
        t1 = last_ab->target_end;
        t2 = ab->target_beg;
    else if (ab->query_end >= query_coord) {
                                /* coord falls within an alignment
                                   block; need to look at the gapless
                                   alignments  */

      for (j = 0; j < lst_size(ab->gapless_alns); j++) {
        GaplessAlignment *ga = lst_get_ptr(ab->gapless_alns, j);
        if (!(last_ga == NULL || last_ga->query_end < query_coord))
	  die("ERROR la_get_target_coord: bad value for last_ga\n");
        if (ga->query_beg > query_coord) {
          q1 = last_ga->query_end;  
	  //          q2 = ga->query_beg;
          t1 = last_ga->target_end;
          t2 = ga->target_beg;          
        else if (ga->query_end >= query_coord) 
          /* coord falls within gapless alignment -- this case is easy */
          return (query_coord - ga->query_beg + ga->target_beg);

        last_ga = ga;           /* keep looking */
      if (q1 == -1)
	die("ERROR la_get_target_coord: bad coords\n");
                                /* coords must be assigned above;
                                   otherwise the coords for the block
                                   must have been wrong */

    /* keep looking */
    last_ab = ab;

  if (q1 == -1) {               /* coord must occur *beyond* all
                                   alignment blocks */
    q1 = last_ab->query_end;
    //    q2 = lpwa->query_len-1;
    t1 = last_ab->target_end;
    t2 = lpwa->target_len-1;

  if (t2 < t1) return -1;

  return (adjust == ADJUSTRIGHT ? t2 : t1);
Example #9
/* if query_seq and target_seq are NULL, they will attempt to be read
   from the filenames contained in the LocalPwAlignment object (FASTA
   format is assumed) */
MSA* la_to_msa(LocalPwAlignment *lpwa, int force_global) {
  int i, j, k, len;
  char **names = (char**)smalloc(2 * sizeof(char*));
  char **seqs = (char**)smalloc(2 * sizeof(char*));
  String *query_seq = lpwa->query_seq, *target_seq = lpwa->target_seq;
  String *qseq = str_new(query_seq->length);
  String *tseq = str_new(target_seq->length);
  GaplessAlignment *lga = NULL;

  names[0] = copy_charstr(lpwa->query_name->chars);
  names[1] = copy_charstr(lpwa->target_name->chars);

  for (i = 0; i < lst_size(lpwa->alignment_blocks); i++) {
    AlignmentBlock* b = lst_get_ptr(lpwa->alignment_blocks, i);
    for (j = 0; j < lst_size(b->gapless_alns); j++) {
      GaplessAlignment *ga = lst_get_ptr(b->gapless_alns, j);

      if (lga == NULL) {
        for (k = 0; k < ga->query_beg-1; k++) {
          str_append_char(qseq, query_seq->chars[k]);
          str_append_char(tseq, GAP_CHAR);
        if (force_global) {
          for (k = 0; k < ga->target_beg-1; k++) {
            str_append_char(qseq, GAP_CHAR);
            str_append_char(tseq, target_seq->chars[k]);
      else {
        if (lga->query_end >= ga->query_beg ||
            (force_global && lga->target_end >= ga->target_beg)) {
          die("ERROR: overlapping alignment segments.\n");
        if (j > 0 && lga->query_end == ga->query_beg-1) {
                                /* gap in query seq */
          for (k = lga->target_end; k < ga->target_beg-1; k++) {
            str_append_char(qseq, GAP_CHAR);
            str_append_char(tseq, target_seq->chars[k]);
        else {                  /* gap in target seq */
          for (k = lga->query_end; k < ga->query_beg-1; k++) {
            str_append_char(qseq, query_seq->chars[k]);
            str_append_char(tseq, GAP_CHAR);
          if (force_global) {
            for (k = lga->target_end; k < ga->target_beg-1; k++) {
              str_append_char(qseq, GAP_CHAR);
              str_append_char(tseq, target_seq->chars[k]);

      for (k = 0; k < ga->query_end - ga->query_beg + 1; k++) {
        str_append_char(qseq, query_seq->chars[ga->query_beg + k - 1]);
        str_append_char(tseq, target_seq->chars[ga->target_beg + k - 1]);

      lga = ga;

  for (k = lga->query_end; k < query_seq->length; k++) {
    str_append_char(qseq, query_seq->chars[k]);
    str_append_char(tseq, GAP_CHAR);

  if (force_global) {
    for (k = lga->target_end; k < target_seq->length; k++) {
      str_append_char(qseq, GAP_CHAR);
      str_append_char(tseq, target_seq->chars[k]);

  seqs[0] = qseq->chars;
  seqs[1] = tseq->chars;
  qseq->chars = NULL; tseq->chars = NULL;
  len = qseq->length;
  str_free(qseq); str_free(tseq);
  return msa_new(seqs, names, 2, len, NULL);  
Example #10
/* Subtree version of score test */
void ff_score_tests_sub(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, GFF_Set *gff, mode_type mode,
                        double *feat_pvals, double *feat_null_scales,
                        double *feat_derivs, double *feat_sub_derivs,
                        double *feat_teststats, FILE *logf) {
    int i;
    FeatFitData *d, *d2;
    Vector *grad = vec_new(2);
    Matrix *fim = mat_new(2, 2);
    double lnl, teststat;
    FimGrid *grid;
    List *inside=NULL, *outside=NULL;
    TreeModel *modcpy = tm_create_copy(mod); /* need separate copy of tree model
                                              with different internal scaling
                                              data for supertree/subtree case */

    /* init FeatFitData -- one for null model, one for alt */
    d = ff_init_fit_data(modcpy, msa, ALL, NNEUT, FALSE);
    d2 = ff_init_fit_data(mod, msa, SUBTREE, NNEUT, FALSE);
    /* mod has the subtree info, modcpy
       does not */

    /* precompute Fisher information matrices for a grid of scale values */
    grid = col_fim_grid_sub(mod);

    /* prepare lists of leaves inside and outside root, for use in
       checking for informative substitutions */
    if (mod->subtree_root != NULL) {
        inside = lst_new_ptr(mod->tree->nnodes);
        outside = lst_new_ptr(mod->tree->nnodes);
        tr_partition_leaves(mod->tree, mod->subtree_root, inside, outside);

    /* iterate through features  */
    for (i = 0; i < lst_size(gff->features); i++) {
        d->feat = lst_get_ptr(gff->features, i);

        /* first check for informative substitution data in feature; if none,
           don't waste time computing likelihoods */
        if (!ff_has_data_sub(mod, msa, d->feat, inside, outside)) {
            teststat = 0;

        else {
            vec_set(d->cdata->params, 0, d->cdata->init_scale);
            opt_newton_1d(ff_likelihood_wrapper_1d, &d->cdata->params->data[0], d,
                          &lnl, SIGFIGS, d->cdata->lb->data[0], d->cdata->ub->data[0],
                          logf, NULL, NULL);
            /* turns out to be faster to use numerical rather than exact
               derivatives (judging by col case) */

            d2->feat = d->feat;
            d2->cdata->mod->scale = d->cdata->params->data[0];
            d2->cdata->mod->scale_sub = 1;
            ff_scale_derivs_subtree(d2, grad, NULL, d2->cdata->fels_scratch);

            fim = col_get_fim_sub(grid, d2->cdata->mod->scale);
            mat_scale(fim, d->feat->end - d->feat->start + 1);
            /* scale column-by-column FIM by length of feature (expected
               values are additive) */

            teststat = grad->data[1]*grad->data[1] /
                       (fim->data[1][1] - fim->data[0][1]*fim->data[1][0]/fim->data[0][0]);

            if (teststat < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: teststat < 0 (%f)\n", teststat);
                teststat = 0;

            if ((mode == ACC && grad->data[1] < 0) ||
                    (mode == CON && grad->data[1] > 0))
                teststat = 0;             /* derivative points toward boundary;
                                     truncate at 0 */


        if (feat_pvals != NULL) {
            if (mode == NNEUT || mode == CONACC)
                feat_pvals[i] = chisq_cdf(teststat, 1, FALSE);
                feat_pvals[i] = half_chisq_cdf(teststat, 1, FALSE);
            /* assumes 50:50 mix of chisq and point mass at zero */

            if (feat_pvals[i] < 1e-20)
                feat_pvals[i] = 1e-20;
            /* approx limit of eval of tail prob; pvals of 0 cause problems */

            if (mode == CONACC && grad->data[1] > 0)
                feat_pvals[i] *= -1; /* mark as acceleration */

        /* store scales and log likelihood ratios if necessary */
        if (feat_null_scales != NULL) feat_null_scales[i] = d->cdata->params->data[0];
        if (feat_derivs != NULL) feat_derivs[i] = grad->data[0];
        if (feat_sub_derivs != NULL) feat_sub_derivs[i] = grad->data[1];
        if (feat_teststats != NULL) feat_teststats[i] = teststat;

    modcpy->estimate_branchlens = TM_BRANCHLENS_ALL;
    /* have to revert for tm_free to work
       correctly */
    if (inside != NULL) lst_free(inside);
    if (outside != NULL) lst_free(outside);
Example #11
/* Score test */
void ff_score_tests(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, GFF_Set *gff, mode_type mode,
                    double *feat_pvals, double *feat_derivs,
                    double *feat_teststats) {
    int i;
    FeatFitData *d;
    double first_deriv, teststat, fim;

    /* init FeatFitData */
    d = ff_init_fit_data(mod, msa, ALL, NNEUT, FALSE);

    /* precompute FIM */
    fim = col_estimate_fim(mod);

    if (fim < 0)
        die("ERROR: negative fisher information in col_score_tests\n");

    /* iterate through features  */
    for (i = 0; i < lst_size(gff->features); i++) {
        d->feat = lst_get_ptr(gff->features, i);

        /* first check for actual substitution data in feature; if none,
           don't waste time computing likelihoods */
        if (!ff_has_data(mod, msa, d->feat)) {
            teststat = 0;
            first_deriv = 1;

        else {

            ff_scale_derivs(d, &first_deriv, NULL, d->cdata->fels_scratch);

            teststat = first_deriv*first_deriv /
                       ((d->feat->end - d->feat->start + 1) * fim);
            /* scale column-by-column FIM by length of feature (expected
               values are additive) */

            if ((mode == ACC && first_deriv < 0) ||
                    (mode == CON && first_deriv > 0))
                teststat = 0;             /* derivative points toward boundary;
                                     truncate at 0 */

        if (feat_pvals != NULL) {
            if (mode == NNEUT || mode == CONACC)
                feat_pvals[i] = chisq_cdf(teststat, 1, FALSE);
                feat_pvals[i] = half_chisq_cdf(teststat, 1, FALSE);
            /* assumes 50:50 mix of chisq and point mass at zero */

            if (feat_pvals[i] < 1e-20)
                feat_pvals[i] = 1e-20;
            /* approx limit of eval of tail prob; pvals of 0 cause problems */

            if (mode == CONACC && first_deriv > 0)
                feat_pvals[i] *= -1; /* mark as acceleration */

        /* store scales and log likelihood ratios if necessary */
        if (feat_derivs != NULL) feat_derivs[i] = first_deriv;
        if (feat_teststats != NULL) feat_teststats[i] = teststat;

Example #12
/* Subtree version of LRT */
void ff_lrts_sub(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, GFF_Set *gff, mode_type mode,
                 double *feat_pvals, double *feat_null_scales,
                 double *feat_scales, double *feat_sub_scales,
                 double *feat_llrs, FILE *logf) {
    int i;
    FeatFitData *d, *d2;
    double null_lnl, alt_lnl, delta_lnl;
    TreeModel *modcpy;
    List *inside=NULL, *outside=NULL;

    modcpy = tm_create_copy(mod);   /* need separate copy of tree model
                                     with different internal scaling
                                     data for supertree/subtree case */

    /* init ColFitData -- one for null model, one for alt */
    modcpy->estimate_branchlens = TM_BRANCHLENS_ALL;
    modcpy->subtree_root = NULL;
    d = ff_init_fit_data(modcpy, msa, ALL, NNEUT, FALSE);
    d2 = ff_init_fit_data(mod, msa, SUBTREE, mode, FALSE);
    /* mod has the subtree info, modcpy
       does not */

    /* prepare lists of leaves inside and outside root, for use in
       checking for informative substitutions */
    if (mod->subtree_root != NULL) {
        inside = lst_new_ptr(mod->tree->nnodes);
        outside = lst_new_ptr(mod->tree->nnodes);
        tr_partition_leaves(mod->tree, mod->subtree_root, inside, outside);

    /* iterate through features  */
    for (i = 0; i < lst_size(gff->features); i++) {
        GFF_Feature *f = lst_get_ptr(gff->features, i);

        /* first check for informative substitution data in feature; if none,
           don't waste time computing likelihoods */
        if (!ff_has_data_sub(mod, msa, f, inside, outside)) {
            delta_lnl = 0;
            d->cdata->params->data[0] = d2->cdata->params->data[0] =
                                            d2->cdata->params->data[1] = 1;

        else {
            /* compute log likelihoods under null and alt hypotheses */
            d->feat = f;
            vec_set(d->cdata->params, 0, d->cdata->init_scale);
            opt_newton_1d(ff_likelihood_wrapper_1d, &d->cdata->params->data[0], d,
                          &null_lnl, SIGFIGS, d->cdata->lb->data[0],
                          d->cdata->ub->data[0], logf, NULL, NULL);
            null_lnl *= -1;

            d2->feat = f;
            vec_set(d2->cdata->params, 0, d->cdata->params->data[0]);
            /* init to previous estimate to save time */
            vec_set(d2->cdata->params, 1, d2->cdata->init_scale_sub);
            //      vec_set(d2->cdata->params, 1, 0.01);
            if (opt_bfgs(ff_likelihood_wrapper, d2->cdata->params, d2, &alt_lnl,
                         d2->cdata->lb, d2->cdata->ub, logf, NULL,
                         OPT_HIGH_PREC, NULL, NULL) != 0)
                ;                         /* do nothing; nonzero exit typically
                                     occurs when max iterations is
                                     reached; a warning is printed to
                                     the log */
            alt_lnl *= -1;

            delta_lnl = alt_lnl - null_lnl;

            /* This is a hack, it would be better to figure out why the
            optimization sometimes fails here.
             If we get a significantly negative lnL, re-initialize params
             so that they are identical to null model params and re-start */
            if (delta_lnl <= -0.05) {
                d2->feat = f;
                vec_set(d2->cdata->params, 0, d->cdata->params->data[0]);
                vec_set(d2->cdata->params, 1, 1.0);
                if (opt_bfgs(ff_likelihood_wrapper, d2->cdata->params, d2, &alt_lnl,
                             d2->cdata->lb, d2->cdata->ub, logf, NULL,
                             OPT_HIGH_PREC, NULL, NULL) != 0)
                    if (delta_lnl <= -0.1)
                        die("ERROR ff_lrts_sub: delta_lnl (%f) <= -0.1\n", delta_lnl);
            if (delta_lnl < 0) delta_lnl = 0;

        /* compute p-vals via chi-sq */
        if (feat_pvals != NULL) {
            if (mode == NNEUT || mode == CONACC)
                feat_pvals[i] = chisq_cdf(2*delta_lnl, 1, FALSE);
                feat_pvals[i] = half_chisq_cdf(2*delta_lnl, 1, FALSE);
            /* assumes 50:50 mix of chisq and point mass at zero, due to
               bounding of param */

            if (feat_pvals[i] < 1e-20)
                feat_pvals[i] = 1e-20;
            /* approx limit of eval of tail prob; pvals of 0 cause problems */

            if (mode == CONACC && d2->cdata->params->data[1] > 1)
                feat_pvals[i] *= -1;    /* mark as acceleration */

        /* store scales and log likelihood ratios if necessary */
        if (feat_null_scales != NULL)
            feat_null_scales[i] = d->cdata->params->data[0];
        if (feat_scales != NULL)
            feat_scales[i] = d2->cdata->params->data[0];
        if (feat_sub_scales != NULL)
            feat_sub_scales[i] = d2->cdata->params->data[1];
        if (feat_llrs != NULL)
            feat_llrs[i] = delta_lnl;

    modcpy->estimate_branchlens = TM_BRANCHLENS_ALL;
    /* have to revert for tm_free to work
       correctly */
    if (inside != NULL) lst_free(inside);
    if (outside != NULL) lst_free(outside);
Example #13
/* Perform a likelihood ratio test for each feature in a GFF,
   comparing the given null model with an alternative model that has a
   free scaling parameter for all branches.  Assumes a 0th order
   model, leaf-to-sequence mapping already available, prob matrices
   computed, sufficient stats available.  Computes p-values based
   using the chi-sq distribution and stores them in feat_pvals.  Will
   optionally store the individual scale factors in feat_scales and
   raw log likelihood ratios in feat_llrs if these variables are
   non-NULL.  Must define mode as CON (for 0 <= scale <= 1), ACC (for
   1 <= scale), NNEUT (0 <= scale), or CONACC (0 <= scale) */
void ff_lrts(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, GFF_Set *gff, mode_type mode,
             double *feat_pvals, double *feat_scales, double *feat_llrs,
             FILE *logf) {
    int i;
    FeatFitData *d;
    double null_lnl, alt_lnl, delta_lnl, this_scale = 1;

    /* init FeatFitData */
    d = ff_init_fit_data(mod, msa, ALL, mode, FALSE);

    /* iterate through features  */
    for (i = 0; i < lst_size(gff->features); i++) {
        GFF_Feature *f = lst_get_ptr(gff->features, i);

        /* first check for actual substitution data in feature; if none,
           don't waste time computing likelihoods */
        if (!ff_has_data(mod, msa, f)) {
            delta_lnl = 0;
            this_scale = 1;

        else {
            mod->scale = 1;

            /* compute log likelihoods under null and alt hypotheses */
            null_lnl = ff_compute_log_likelihood(mod, msa, f,

            vec_set(d->cdata->params, 0, d->cdata->init_scale);
            d->feat = f;

            opt_newton_1d(ff_likelihood_wrapper_1d, &d->cdata->params->data[0], d,
                          &alt_lnl, SIGFIGS, d->cdata->lb->data[0],
                          d->cdata->ub->data[0], logf, NULL, NULL);
            /* turns out to be faster to use numerical rather than exact
               derivatives (judging by col case) */

            alt_lnl *= -1;
            this_scale = d->cdata->params->data[0];

            delta_lnl = alt_lnl - null_lnl;
            if (delta_lnl <= -0.01)
                die("ERROR ff_lrts: delta_lnl (%f) <= -0.01\n", delta_lnl);
            if (delta_lnl < 0) delta_lnl = 0;

        /* compute p-vals via chi-sq */
        if (feat_pvals != NULL) {
            if (mode == NNEUT || mode == CONACC)
                feat_pvals[i] = chisq_cdf(2*delta_lnl, 1, FALSE);
                feat_pvals[i] = half_chisq_cdf(2*delta_lnl, 1, FALSE);
            /* assumes 50:50 mix of chisq and point mass at zero, due to
               bounding of param */

            if (feat_pvals[i] < 1e-20)
                feat_pvals[i] = 1e-20;
            /* approx limit of eval of tail prob; pvals of 0 cause problems */

            if (mode == CONACC && this_scale > 1)
                feat_pvals[i] *= -1; /* mark as acceleration */

        /* store scales and log likelihood ratios if necessary */
        if (feat_scales != NULL) feat_scales[i] = this_scale;
        if (feat_llrs != NULL) feat_llrs[i] = delta_lnl;

    sfree(d);  //above function doesn't actually free object
	void check_user_interrupt_master() {
		if ( !is_aborted() && checkInterrupt() ) {
			//REprintf("detected User interruption...\n");
Example #15
SEXP rph_gff_dataframe(SEXP gffPtr) {
  GFF_Set *gff;
  GFF_Feature *feat;
  SEXP result, names, src, feature, start, end, score, strand, frame, attribute, header;
  int i, len, listlen, *intp;
  double *doublep;
  char strandStr[2];
  //first five columns are required; others may not be defined
  char gffCols[9][20] = {"seqname", "src", "feature", "start", "end", "score", "strand", "frame", "attribute"};
  int have[9] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  int scorePos = 5, strandPos = 6, framePos = 7, attributePos = 8;
  SEXP vec[9];

  gff = (GFF_Set*)EXTPTR_PTR(gffPtr);

  len = lst_size(gff->features);

  //first five columns are required: name, src, feature, start, end
  PROTECT(names = allocVector(STRSXP, len));
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    feat = (GFF_Feature*)lst_get_ptr(gff->features, i);
    SET_STRING_ELT(names, i, mkChar(feat->seqname->chars));
  vec[0] = names;

  PROTECT(src = allocVector(STRSXP, len));
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    feat = (GFF_Feature*)lst_get_ptr(gff->features, i);
    SET_STRING_ELT(src, i, mkChar(feat->source->chars));
  vec[1] = src;

  PROTECT(feature=allocVector(STRSXP, len));
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    feat = (GFF_Feature*)lst_get_ptr(gff->features, i);
    SET_STRING_ELT(feature, i, mkChar(feat->feature->chars));
  vec[2] = feature;

  intp = INTEGER_POINTER(start);
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    feat = (GFF_Feature*)lst_get_ptr(gff->features, i);
    intp[i] = feat->start;
  vec[3] = start;

  PROTECT(end = NEW_INTEGER(len));
  intp = INTEGER_POINTER(end);
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    feat = (GFF_Feature*)lst_get_ptr(gff->features, i);
    intp[i] = feat->end;
  vec[4] = end;

  PROTECT(score = NEW_NUMERIC(len));
  doublep = NUMERIC_POINTER(score);
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    feat = (GFF_Feature*)lst_get_ptr(gff->features, i);
    if (feat->score_is_null)
      doublep[i] = NA_REAL; //may have to include R_ext/Arith.h
    else {
      doublep[i] = feat->score;
      have[scorePos] = 1;
  vec[5] = score;

  PROTECT(strand = allocVector(STRSXP, len));
  strandStr[1] = '\0';
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    feat = (GFF_Feature*)lst_get_ptr(gff->features, i);
    strandStr[0] = feat->strand;
    SET_STRING_ELT(strand, i, mkChar(strandStr));
    if (feat->strand != '.')
      have[strandPos] = 1;
  vec[6] = strand;

  PROTECT(frame = NEW_INTEGER(len));
  intp = INTEGER_POINTER(frame);
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    feat = (GFF_Feature*)lst_get_ptr(gff->features, i);
    if (feat->frame == GFF_NULL_FRAME)
      intp[i] = NA_INTEGER;
    else {
      have[framePos] = 1;
      intp[i] = feat->frame;
      if (feat->frame == 0)
	intp[i] = 0;
      else if (feat->frame==1)
	intp[i] = 2;
      else if (feat->frame==2)
	intp[i] = 1;
      else die("invalid frame %i in GFF", feat->frame);
  vec[7] = frame;

  PROTECT(attribute = allocVector(STRSXP, len));
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    feat = (GFF_Feature*)lst_get_ptr(gff->features, i);
    //suspect mkChar is not dealing well with empty string?
    //    SET_STRING_ELT(attribute, i, mkChar(feat->attribute->chars));
    if (feat->attribute->length != 0) {
      have[attributePos] = 1;
      SET_STRING_ELT(attribute, i, mkChar(feat->attribute->chars));
    } else
      SET_STRING_ELT(attribute, i, mkChar("."));
  vec[8] = attribute;

  listlen = 0;
  for (i=0; i<9; i++) listlen += have[i];

  PROTECT(header = allocVector(STRSXP, listlen));
  PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, listlen));
  listlen = 0;
  for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
    if (have[i]) {
      SET_STRING_ELT(header, listlen, mkChar(gffCols[i]));
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, listlen++, vec[i]);
  SET_NAMES(result, header);

  return result;