void telemetryInit(void) { initFrSkyTelemetry(telemetryConfig); initHoTTTelemetry(telemetryConfig); initMSPTelemetry(telemetryConfig); initSmartPortTelemetry(telemetryConfig); checkTelemetryState(); }
void mwDisarm(void) { if (ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { DISABLE_ARMING_FLAG(ARMED); #ifdef TELEMETRY if (feature(FEATURE_TELEMETRY)) { // the telemetry state must be checked immediately so that shared serial ports are released. checkTelemetryState(); mspAllocateSerialPorts(&masterConfig.serialConfig); } #endif #ifdef BLACKBOX if (feature(FEATURE_BLACKBOX)) { finishBlackbox(); } #endif } }
void initTelemetry(USART_TypeDef *USARTx) { // // Force telemetry to uart when softserial disabled // if (!feature(FEATURE_SOFTSERIAL)) // mcfg.telemetry_port = TELEMETRY_PORT_UART; // // isTelemetryConfigurationValid = canUseTelemetryWithCurrentConfiguration(); // // if (mcfg.telemetry_port == TELEMETRY_PORT_SOFTSERIAL_1) // core.telemport = &(softSerialPorts[0].port); // else if (mcfg.telemetry_port == TELEMETRY_PORT_SOFTSERIAL_2) // core.telemport = &(softSerialPorts[1].port); // else // core.telemport = core.mainport; // todo core.telemport = uartOpen(USARTx, NULL, mcfg.serial_baudrate, MODE_RXTX, SERIAL_NOT_INVERTED); checkTelemetryState(); }
void annexCode(void) { static uint32_t calibratedAccTime; int32_t tmp, tmp2; int32_t axis, prop1, prop2; static uint8_t buzzerFreq; // delay between buzzer ring // vbat shit static uint8_t vbatTimer = 0; static int32_t vbatRaw = 0; static int32_t amperageRaw = 0; static int64_t mAhdrawnRaw = 0; static int32_t vbatCycleTime = 0; // PITCH & ROLL only dynamic PID adjustemnt, depending on throttle value if (rcData[THROTTLE] < cfg.tpa_breakpoint) { prop2 = 100; } else { if (rcData[THROTTLE] < 2000) { prop2 = 100 - (uint16_t)cfg.dynThrPID * (rcData[THROTTLE] - cfg.tpa_breakpoint) / (2000 - cfg.tpa_breakpoint); } else { prop2 = 100 - cfg.dynThrPID; } } for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { tmp = min(abs(rcData[axis] - mcfg.midrc), 500); if (axis != 2) { // ROLL & PITCH if (cfg.deadband) { if (tmp > cfg.deadband) { tmp -= cfg.deadband; } else { tmp = 0; } } tmp2 = tmp / 100; rcCommand[axis] = lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2] + (tmp - tmp2 * 100) * (lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2 + 1] - lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2]) / 100; prop1 = 100 - (uint16_t)cfg.rollPitchRate * tmp / 500; prop1 = (uint16_t)prop1 * prop2 / 100; } else { // YAW if (cfg.yawdeadband) { if (tmp > cfg.yawdeadband) { tmp -= cfg.yawdeadband; } else { tmp = 0; } } rcCommand[axis] = tmp * -mcfg.yaw_control_direction; prop1 = 100 - (uint16_t)cfg.yawRate * abs(tmp) / 500; } dynP8[axis] = (uint16_t)cfg.P8[axis] * prop1 / 100; dynI8[axis] = (uint16_t)cfg.I8[axis] * prop1 / 100; dynD8[axis] = (uint16_t)cfg.D8[axis] * prop1 / 100; if (rcData[axis] < mcfg.midrc) rcCommand[axis] = -rcCommand[axis]; } tmp = constrain(rcData[THROTTLE], mcfg.mincheck, 2000); tmp = (uint32_t)(tmp - mcfg.mincheck) * 1000 / (2000 - mcfg.mincheck); // [MINCHECK;2000] -> [0;1000] tmp2 = tmp / 100; rcCommand[THROTTLE] = lookupThrottleRC[tmp2] + (tmp - tmp2 * 100) * (lookupThrottleRC[tmp2 + 1] - lookupThrottleRC[tmp2]) / 100; // [0;1000] -> expo -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE] if (f.HEADFREE_MODE) { float radDiff = (heading - headFreeModeHold) * M_PI / 180.0f; float cosDiff = cosf(radDiff); float sinDiff = sinf(radDiff); int16_t rcCommand_PITCH = rcCommand[PITCH] * cosDiff + rcCommand[ROLL] * sinDiff; rcCommand[ROLL] = rcCommand[ROLL] * cosDiff - rcCommand[PITCH] * sinDiff; rcCommand[PITCH] = rcCommand_PITCH; } if (feature(FEATURE_VBAT)) { vbatCycleTime += cycleTime; if (!(++vbatTimer % VBATFREQ)) { vbatRaw -= vbatRaw / 8; vbatRaw += adcGetChannel(ADC_BATTERY); vbat = batteryAdcToVoltage(vbatRaw / 8); if (mcfg.power_adc_channel > 0) { amperageRaw -= amperageRaw / 8; amperageRaw += adcGetChannel(ADC_EXTERNAL_CURRENT); amperage = currentSensorToCentiamps(amperageRaw / 8); mAhdrawnRaw += (amperage * vbatCycleTime) / 1000; mAhdrawn = mAhdrawnRaw / (3600 * 100); vbatCycleTime = 0; } } if ((vbat > batteryWarningVoltage) || (vbat < mcfg.vbatmincellvoltage)) { // VBAT ok, buzzer off buzzerFreq = 0; } else buzzerFreq = 4; // low battery } buzzer(buzzerFreq); // external buzzer routine that handles buzzer events globally now if ((calibratingA > 0 && sensors(SENSOR_ACC)) || (calibratingG > 0)) { // Calibration phasis LED0_TOGGLE; } else { if (f.ACC_CALIBRATED) LED0_OFF; if (f.ARMED) LED0_ON; #ifndef CJMCU checkTelemetryState(); #endif } #ifdef LEDRING if (feature(FEATURE_LED_RING)) { static uint32_t LEDTime; if ((int32_t)(currentTime - LEDTime) >= 0) { LEDTime = currentTime + 50000; ledringState(); } } #endif if ((int32_t)(currentTime - calibratedAccTime) >= 0) { if (!f.SMALL_ANGLE) { f.ACC_CALIBRATED = 0; // the multi uses ACC and is not calibrated or is too much inclinated LED0_TOGGLE; calibratedAccTime = currentTime + 500000; } else { f.ACC_CALIBRATED = 1; } } serialCom(); #ifndef CJMCU if (!cliMode && feature(FEATURE_TELEMETRY)) { handleTelemetry(); } #endif if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS)) { static uint32_t GPSLEDTime; if ((int32_t)(currentTime - GPSLEDTime) >= 0 && (GPS_numSat >= 5)) { GPSLEDTime = currentTime + 150000; LED1_TOGGLE; } } // Read out gyro temperature. can use it for something somewhere. maybe get MCU temperature instead? lots of fun possibilities. if (gyro.temperature) gyro.temperature(&telemTemperature1); else { // TODO MCU temp } }
void annexCode(void) { int32_t tmp, tmp2; int32_t axis, prop1, prop2; static uint8_t batteryWarningEnabled = false; static uint8_t vbatTimer = 0; static int32_t vbatCycleTime = 0; // PITCH & ROLL only dynamic PID adjustemnt, depending on throttle value if (rcData[THROTTLE] < currentProfile.tpa_breakpoint) { prop2 = 100; } else { if (rcData[THROTTLE] < 2000) { prop2 = 100 - (uint16_t)currentProfile.dynThrPID * (rcData[THROTTLE] - currentProfile.tpa_breakpoint) / (2000 - currentProfile.tpa_breakpoint); } else { prop2 = 100 - currentProfile.dynThrPID; } } for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { tmp = min(abs(rcData[axis] - masterConfig.rxConfig.midrc), 500); if (axis == ROLL || axis == PITCH) { if (currentProfile.deadband) { if (tmp > currentProfile.deadband) { tmp -= currentProfile.deadband; } else { tmp = 0; } } tmp2 = tmp / 100; rcCommand[axis] = lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2] + (tmp - tmp2 * 100) * (lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2 + 1] - lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2]) / 100; prop1 = 100 - (uint16_t)currentProfile.controlRateConfig.rollPitchRate * tmp / 500; prop1 = (uint16_t)prop1 * prop2 / 100; } if (axis == YAW) { if (currentProfile.yaw_deadband) { if (tmp > currentProfile.yaw_deadband) { tmp -= currentProfile.yaw_deadband; } else { tmp = 0; } } rcCommand[axis] = tmp * -masterConfig.yaw_control_direction; prop1 = 100 - (uint16_t)currentProfile.controlRateConfig.yawRate * abs(tmp) / 500; } // FIXME axis indexes into pids. use something like lookupPidIndex(rc_alias_e alias) to reduce coupling. dynP8[axis] = (uint16_t)currentProfile.pidProfile.P8[axis] * prop1 / 100; dynI8[axis] = (uint16_t)currentProfile.pidProfile.I8[axis] * prop1 / 100; dynD8[axis] = (uint16_t)currentProfile.pidProfile.D8[axis] * prop1 / 100; if (rcData[axis] < masterConfig.rxConfig.midrc) rcCommand[axis] = -rcCommand[axis]; } tmp = constrain(rcData[THROTTLE], masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck, PWM_RANGE_MAX); tmp = (uint32_t)(tmp - masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck) * PWM_RANGE_MIN / (PWM_RANGE_MAX - masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck); // [MINCHECK;2000] -> [0;1000] tmp2 = tmp / 100; rcCommand[THROTTLE] = lookupThrottleRC[tmp2] + (tmp - tmp2 * 100) * (lookupThrottleRC[tmp2 + 1] - lookupThrottleRC[tmp2]) / 100; // [0;1000] -> expo -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE] if (f.HEADFREE_MODE) { float radDiff = degreesToRadians(heading - headFreeModeHold); float cosDiff = cosf(radDiff); float sinDiff = sinf(radDiff); int16_t rcCommand_PITCH = rcCommand[PITCH] * cosDiff + rcCommand[ROLL] * sinDiff; rcCommand[ROLL] = rcCommand[ROLL] * cosDiff - rcCommand[PITCH] * sinDiff; rcCommand[PITCH] = rcCommand_PITCH; } if (feature(FEATURE_VBAT | FEATURE_CURRENT_METER)) { vbatCycleTime += cycleTime; if (!(++vbatTimer % VBATFREQ)) { if (feature(FEATURE_VBAT)) { updateBatteryVoltage(); batteryWarningEnabled = shouldSoundBatteryAlarm(); } if (feature(FEATURE_CURRENT_METER)) { updateCurrentMeter(vbatCycleTime); } vbatCycleTime = 0; } } beepcodeUpdateState(batteryWarningEnabled); if (f.ARMED) { LED0_ON; } else { if (isCalibrating()) { LED0_TOGGLE; f.OK_TO_ARM = 0; } f.OK_TO_ARM = 1; if (!f.SMALL_ANGLE) { f.OK_TO_ARM = 0; } if (rcOptions[BOXAUTOTUNE]) { f.OK_TO_ARM = 0; } if (f.OK_TO_ARM) { disableWarningLed(); } else { enableWarningLed(currentTime); } updateWarningLed(currentTime); } #ifdef TELEMETRY checkTelemetryState(); #endif handleSerial(); #ifdef GPS if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS)) { updateGpsIndicator(currentTime); } #endif // Read out gyro temperature. can use it for something somewhere. maybe get MCU temperature instead? lots of fun possibilities. if (gyro.temperature) gyro.temperature(&telemTemperature1); }