Example #1
void loop()


// update - updates velocities and positions using latest info from ahrs and barometer if new data is available;
void AP_InertialNav::update(float dt)
    // discard samples where dt is too large
    if( dt > 0.1f ) {

    // decrement ignore error count if required
    if (_flags.ignore_error > 0) {

    // check if new baro readings have arrived and use them to correct vertical accelerometer offsets.

    // check if new gps readings have arrived and use them to correct position estimates

    Vector3f accel_ef = _ahrs.get_accel_ef();

    // remove influence of gravity
    accel_ef.z += GRAVITY_MSS;
    accel_ef *= 100;

    // remove xy if not enabled
    if( !_xy_enabled ) {
        accel_ef.x = 0;
        accel_ef.y = 0;

    //Convert North-East-Down to North-East-Up
    accel_ef.z = -accel_ef.z;

    float tmp = _k3_xy * dt;
    accel_correction_ef.x += _position_error.x * tmp;
    accel_correction_ef.y += _position_error.y * tmp;
    accel_correction_ef.z += _position_error.z * _k3_z  * dt;

    tmp = _k2_xy * dt;
    _velocity.x += _position_error.x * tmp;
    _velocity.y += _position_error.y * tmp;
    _velocity.z += _position_error.z * _k2_z  * dt;

    tmp = _k1_xy * dt;
    _position_correction.x += _position_error.x * tmp;
    _position_correction.y += _position_error.y * tmp;
    _position_correction.z += _position_error.z * _k1_z  * dt;

    // calculate velocity increase adding new acceleration from accelerometers
    const Vector3f &velocity_increase = (accel_ef + accel_correction_ef) * dt;

    // calculate new estimate of position
    _position_base += (_velocity + velocity_increase*0.5) * dt;

    // update the corrected position estimate
    _position = _position_base + _position_correction;

    // calculate new velocity
    _velocity += velocity_increase;

    // store 3rd order estimate (i.e. estimated vertical position) for future use

    // store 3rd order estimate (i.e. horizontal position) for future use at 10hz
    if( _historic_xy_counter >= AP_INTERTIALNAV_SAVE_POS_AFTER_ITERATIONS ) {
        _historic_xy_counter = 0;