int NdbInfo::openTable(const char* table_name, const NdbInfo::Table** table_copy) { native_mutex_lock(&m_mutex); if (!check_tables()){ native_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex); return ERR_ClusterFailure; } Table* tab; if (!, &tab)) { // No such table existed native_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex); return ERR_NoSuchTable; } // Return a _copy_ of the table *table_copy = new Table(*tab); native_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex); return 0; }
int NdbInfo::openTable(Uint32 tableId, const NdbInfo::Table** table_copy) { native_mutex_lock(&m_mutex); if (!check_tables()){ native_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex); return ERR_ClusterFailure; } // Find the table with correct id const Table* table = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_tables.entries(); i++) { const Table* tmp = m_tables.value(i); if (tmp->m_table_id == tableId) { table = tmp; break; } } if (table == NULL) { // No such table existed native_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex); return ERR_NoSuchTable; } // Return a _copy_ of the table *table_copy = new Table(*table); native_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex); return 0; }
static void test_merc_option(pg::tempdb *db) { option_params[DEF_PARAMS] = "-m"; options_t options(DEF_PARAMS + 2, (char **) option_params); check_projection(options, "Spherical Mercator"); check_tables(db, options, "3857"); }
static void test_latlon_option(pg::tempdb *db) { option_params[DEF_PARAMS] = "-l"; options_t options(DEF_PARAMS + 2, (char **) option_params); check_projection(options, "Latlong"); check_tables(db, options, "4326"); }
int main() { init_state_descriptors(); set_descriptors(triples); print_descriptors(); build_tables(); print_tables(); check_tables(); return 0; }
static void test_e_option(pg::tempdb *db, const char *param, const char *expected_proj) { option_params[DEF_PARAMS] = "-E"; option_params[DEF_PARAMS + 1] = param; options_t options(DEF_PARAMS + 3, (char **) option_params); if (expected_proj) check_projection(options, expected_proj); check_tables(db, options, param); }
void process_request(Packet * pckt_req, Packet * pckt_ans) { int i; TableStatus nstatus[MAX_TABLES]; switch (pckt_req->opcode) { case CHECK_TABLE: check_table( pckt_req->, &(pckt_ans->data.ans_check_table.status) ); break; case CHECK_TABLES: check_tables(nstatus); for (i = 0; i < MAX_TABLES; i++) pckt_ans->data.ans_check_tables.status[i] = nstatus[i]; break; case OCCUPY_TABLE: occupy_table( pckt_req->, &(pckt_ans->data.ans_occupy_table.success) ); break; case FREE_TABLE: free_table( pckt_req->, &(pckt_ans->data.ans_free_table.success) ); break; case RESERVE_TABLE: reserve_table( pckt_req->, &(pckt_ans->data.ans_reserve_table.success) ); break; default: // TODO unknown operation code break; } }
int Ndb_move_data::move_data(Ndb* ndb) { int ret = 0; Op& op = m_op; Stat& stat = m_stat; stat.rows_moved = 0; // keep rows_total do { const NDB_TICKS now = NdbTick_getCurrentTicks(); ndb_srand((unsigned)now.getUint64()); reset_error(); CHK2(m_source != 0 && m_target != 0, (Error::InvalidState, "source / target not defined")); op.ndb = ndb; CHK1(m_error.code == 0); CHK1(check_tables() == 0); CHK1(start_scan() == 0); while (1) { CHK1(move_batch() == 0); stat.rows_moved += op.rows_in_batch; stat.rows_total += op.rows_in_batch; stat.truncated += op.truncated_in_batch; require(op.end_of_scan == (op.rows_in_batch == 0)); if (op.end_of_scan) break; } CHK1(ret == 0); } while (0); close_op(ndb, ret); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SEGYBinaryFileHeader reel; SEGYTraceHeader *header; char *dbin; char *outfile; FILE *fp; Pf *pf; Arr *channels; /* channel order list */ Arr *table_list; /* array of valid tables */ int nchan; char *stest; float **traces; char text_file_header[SEGY_TEXT_HEADER_SIZE]; Dbptr db, trdb, dbj; Dbptr trdbss; int nsamp0; double time0, endtime0, samprate0; long int nsamp; double samprate; int i,j; char stime[30],etime[30]; char s[128]; double tlength; double phi, theta; char *newchan_standard[3]={"X1","X2","X3"}; char *trsubset="chan=~/X./"; char *newchan[3]={"R","T","Z"}; Tbl *sortkeys=newtbl(0); char sta[10],chan[10]; double lat, lon, elev, dnorth, deast, edepth; char segtype; char refsta[10]; int total_traces=0; char *time_str; long int evid,shotid=1; int rotate=0; long int ntraces; int ichan; int map_to_cdp; /* logical switch to output data like cdp stacked data */ char *fmt="%Y %j %H %M %S %s"; char *pfname; int Verbose=0; /* New features added 2009 */ /* this is a boolean. If true (nonzero) it is assumed stdin will contain four numbers: time,lat, lon, elev. If false, only the time field is read and remainder of any input on each line is dropped.*/ int input_source_coordinates; /* scale factor for source coordinates. Needed because segy uses an int to store source coordinates. Sensible choices are 3600 for arc seconds and 10000 for a pseudodecimal. Note this parameter is ignored unless input_source_coordinates is true.*/ int coordScale; /* If true use passcal 32 bit extension num_samps as record length. SEGY standard uses a 16 bit entry that easily overflows with large shots at long offset. In this ase assume the 16 bit quantity is meaningless. */ int use_32bit_nsamp; /* This is switched on by argument switch. When set to a nonzero (default) the reel headers are written. When 0 ` the reel headers will not be written -- used by seismic unix and passcal*/ int write_reel_headers=1; /* SEG-Y version to output. Default is original 1975 spec (rev 0) */ int16_t segy_format = SEGY_FORMAT_REV_0; /* dbsubset query string */ char *substr=NULL; /* text_header_description is a buffer holding a user-supplied description * to be placed in the 3200-byte text header block. It is controlled by * the parameter file value text_header_description or by the -d command * line option, with the latter taking precedence */ char* text_header_description=NULL; if(argc < 3) usage(); dbin = argv[1]; outfile = argv[2]; pfname = NULL; for(i=3;i<argc;++i) { if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-pf")) { ++i; pfname = argv[i]; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-SU")) { write_reel_headers=0; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-v")) { Verbose=1; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-d")) { ++i; text_header_description = strdup(argv[i]); } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-ss")) { ++i; substr=argv[i]; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-V")) { ++i; if (!strcmp(argv[i],"0")) {segy_format = SEGY_FORMAT_REV_0;} else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"1")) {segy_format = SEGY_FORMAT_REV_1_0;} else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"SU")) { segy_format = SEGY_FORMAT_SU; write_reel_headers=0; } else { elog_complain(0, "SEG-Y Version must be either 1 or 0"); usage(); } } else { usage(); } } /* Command-line parameter sanity checking */ if (write_reel_headers==0 && segy_format != SEGY_FORMAT_SU){ complain(0, "The SU option cannot be used with the -V option"); usage(); } if(pfname == NULL) pfname = strdup("db2segy"); elog_init(argc, argv); if(pfread(pfname,&pf)) { elog_die(0,"pfread error for pf file\n",argv[0]); } /* Read the text_header_description if we weren't passed the -d option */ if (!text_header_description) { text_header_description=pfget_string(pf, "text_header_description"); } /* rotation parameters */ rotate=pfget_boolean(pf,"rotate"); if(rotate) { phi = pfget_double(pf,"phi"); theta = pfget_double(pf,"theta"); } /* This function creates the channel order list keyed by station channel names */ channels = build_stachan_list(pf,&nchan,Verbose); map_to_cdp = pfget_boolean(pf,"map_to_cdp"); if(map_to_cdp && Verbose) elog_notify(0,"Casting data as CDP stacked section\n"); if(dbopen(dbin,"r",&db) == dbINVALID) { elog_complain(1,"Cannot open db %s\n", dbin); usage(); } /* We grab the sample rate and trace length (in seconds) and use this to define global sample rates for the data. SEG-Y REV0 REQUIRES fixed length records and sample rates, so irregular sample rates will cause this program to die. One could add a decimate/interpolate function, but this is not currently implemented */ samprate0 = pfget_double(pf,"sample_rate"); tlength = pfget_double(pf,"trace_length"); nsamp0 = (int)(tlength*samprate0); use_32bit_nsamp=pfget_boolean(pf,"use_32bit_nsamp"); if (ntohs(segy_format) >= 0x0100 && use_32bit_nsamp) { elog_complain(0,"The 32-bit extension field is incompatible with SEG-Y REV 1. Ignoring 'use_32bit_nsamp' from the parameter file"); use_32bit_nsamp=0; } /* nsamp in segy is a 16 bit field. Handling depends on setting of use_32bit_nsamp boolean */ if(nsamp0 > SEGY_MAX_NSAMP) { if(use_32bit_nsamp) { elog_notify(0,"Warning: segy uses a 16 bit entity to store number of samples\nThat field is garbage. Using the 32 bit extension field."); } else { elog_complain(0, "Warning: segy uses a 16 bit entity to store number of samples. Requested %d samples per trace. Trucated to %d", nsamp0, SEGY_MAX_NSAMP); nsamp0 = SEGY_MAX_NSAMP; } } /* boolean. When nonzero set coordinates as geographic arc seconds values */ int use_geo_coordinates=pfget_boolean(pf,"use_geo_coordinates"); /* boolean. When nonzero, output decimal degrees instead of arcseconds if * the requested output format supports it (rev1 only) */ int prefer_decimal_degrees=pfget_boolean(pf, "prefer_decimal_degrees"); /* We now have enough information to decide the coordUnits for all traces */ int coordUnits = 0; if (!use_geo_coordinates) { coordUnits=SEGY_TRACE_COORDUNITS_LENGTH; } else if (ntohs(segy_format) >= 0x0100 && prefer_decimal_degrees) { coordUnits=SEGY_TRACE_COORDUNITS_DECIMAL_DEGREES; } else { coordUnits=SEGY_TRACE_COORDUNITS_ARCSECONDS; } /* We should have set our coordinate units now */ assert(coordUnits!=0); input_source_coordinates=pfget_boolean(pf,"input_source_coordinates"); if(input_source_coordinates) { coordScale=pfget_int(pf,"coordinate_scale_factor"); } else if (coordUnits==SEGY_TRACE_COORDUNITS_DECIMAL_DEGREES) { /* Use a sane scalar for decimal degrees. 10000 gives four decimal * places of accuracy, which matches the CSS3.0 spec for lat and lon */ coordScale=10000; } else { coordScale=1; } /* Print a diagnostic message if the user gave a sub-optimal value for the * coordScale */ if (coordUnits == SEGY_TRACE_COORDUNITS_DECIMAL_DEGREES && coordScale < 10000) { elog_alert(0, "The supplied parameter 'coordinate_scale_factor' value of %d is less than 10000, and will cause loss of precision for decimal degree coordinates.", coordScale); } else if (coordUnits == SEGY_TRACE_COORDUNITS_ARCSECONDS) { if (coordScale > 1000) { elog_alert(0, "The supplied parameter 'coordinate_scale_factor' value of %d is greater than 1000, and will cause loss of precision for arcsecond coordinates.", coordScale); } } /* trace_gain_type: signed int */ int16_t trace_gain_type = pfget_int(pf,"trace_gain_type"); if (trace_gain_type < 0) { die(0, "The trace_gain_type must be zero or greater"); } else { trace_gain_type=htons(trace_gain_type); } /* check list of tables defined in pf. Return array of logicals that define which tables are valid and join tables. */ table_list = check_tables(db,pf); check_for_required_tables(table_list); dbj = join_tables(db,pf,table_list); if(dbj.record == dbINVALID) elog_die(0,"dbjoin error\n"); if(substr!=NULL) dbj=dbsubset(dbj,substr,0); long int ndbrows; dbquery(dbj,dbRECORD_COUNT,&ndbrows); if(ndbrows<=0) { elog_complain(1,"Working database view is empty\n"); if(substr!=NULL) elog_complain(0,"Subset condtion =%s a likely problem\n", substr); usage(); } fp = fopen(outfile,"w"); if(fp == NULL) { elog_complain(0,"Cannot open output file %s\n",outfile); usage(); } /* These are needed for sort below */ pushtbl(sortkeys,"sta"); pushtbl(sortkeys,"chan"); /* Set up and write the Textual File Header */ initialize_text_header(text_file_header, segy_format, text_header_description); if(write_reel_headers){ if ( fwrite(text_file_header,1,SEGY_TEXT_HEADER_SIZE,fp) \ != SEGY_TEXT_HEADER_SIZE ) { elog_die(1,"An error occurred writing the textual file header"); } } /* memory allocation for trace data. This is a large matrix that is cleared for each event. This model works because of segy's fixed length format.*/ traces = calloc(nchan, sizeof(float*)); if(traces == NULL) elog_die(1,"out of memory"); for (int r = 0; r < nchan; r++) { traces[r] = calloc(nsamp0, sizeof(float)); if(traces[r] == NULL) elog_die(1,"out of memory"); } header = (SEGYTraceHeader *)calloc((size_t)nchan,sizeof(SEGYTraceHeader)); if(header == NULL) elog_die(0,"Cannot alloc memory for %d segy header workspace\n",nchan); if(write_reel_headers) { if (Verbose) { elog_debug(0,"Binary Headers - Using segy_format code 0x%04X\n", ntohs(segy_format)); } initialize_binary_file_header(&reel, segy_format); /* now fill in the binary reel header and write it */ reel.kjob = htonl(1); reel.kline = htonl(1); reel.kreel = htonl(1); reel.kntr = htons((int16_t)nchan); reel.knaux = htons(0); = htons((int16_t)(1000000.0/samprate0)); reel.kfldsr =; reel.knsamp = htons((int16_t)nsamp0); reel.kfsamp = htons((int16_t)nsamp0); reel.dsfc = htons(5); /* This is ieee floats*/ reel.kmfold = htons(0); if(map_to_cdp) reel.ksort = htons(2); else reel.ksort = htons(1); reel.kunits = htons(1); /* This sets units to always be meters */ if(fwrite((void *)(&reel),sizeof(SEGYBinaryFileHeader),1,fp) != 1) { elog_die(1,"Write error for binary reel header"); } } /* Now we enter a loop over stdin reading start times. Program will blindly ask for data from each start time to time+tlength. The trace buffer will be initialized to zeros at the top of the loop always. If nothing is found only zeros will be written to output. */ while((stest=fgets(s,80,stdin)) != NULL) { double slat,slon,selev; /* Used when reading source location*/ if(Verbose) elog_notify(0,"Processing: %s\n",s); for(i=0;i<nchan;++i) { initialize_trace_header(&(header[i]), segy_format); header[i].gainType = trace_gain_type; header[i].lineSeq = htonl(total_traces + i + 1); header[i].reelSeq = header[i].lineSeq; if(map_to_cdp) { header[i].cdpEns = htonl(i + 1); header[i].traceInEnsemble = htonl(1);/* 1 trace per cdp faked */ } else { header[i].channel_number = htonl(i + 1); } header[i].event_number = htonl(shotid); header[i].energySourcePt = htonl(shotid); for(j=0;j<nsamp0;++j) traces[i][j] = htonf((Trsample)0.0); } if(input_source_coordinates) { char stmp[40]; sscanf(s,"%s%ld%lf%lf%lf",stmp,&shotid,&slon,&slat,&selev); time0=str2epoch(stmp); if(coordUnits == SEGY_TRACE_COORDUNITS_ARCSECONDS) { slat*=3600.0; slon*=3600.0; } slat *= (double)coordScale; slon *= (double)coordScale; } else { time0 = str2epoch(s); } endtime0 = time0 + tlength; sprintf(stime,"%20.4f",time0); sprintf(etime,"%20.4f",endtime0); trdb.database = -1; if(trload_css(dbj,stime,etime,&trdb,0, 0) < 0) { if(Verbose) { elog_notify(0,"trload_css failed for shotid=%ld",shotid); elog_notify(0," No data in time range %s to %s\n", strtime(time0),strtime(endtime0) ); elog_notify(0,"No data written for this shotid block."); elog_notify(0," Handle this carefully in geometry definitions.\n"); } continue; } /* This does gap processing */ repair_gaps(trdb); trapply_calib(trdb); if(rotate) { if(rotate_to_standard(trdb,newchan_standard)) elog_notify(0,"Data loss in rotate_to_standard for event %s to %s\n", stime, etime); /* This is need to prevent collisions of channel names */ trdbss = dbsubset(trdb,trsubset,0); if(trrotate(trdbss,phi,theta,newchan)) elog_notify(0,"Data loss in trrotate for event %s to %s\n", stime, etime); } if(Verbose) elog_notify(0,"Station chan_name chan_number seq_number shotid evid\n"); trdb = dbsort(trdb,sortkeys,0,0); dbquery(trdb,dbRECORD_COUNT,&ntraces); if(Verbose) elog_debug(0,"Read %ld traces for event at time%s\n", ntraces,strtime(time0)); for(trdb.record=0;trdb.record<ntraces;++trdb.record) { Trsample *trdata; if(dbgetv(trdb,0, "evid",&evid, "sta",sta, "chan",chan, "nsamp", &nsamp, "samprate",&samprate, "data",&trdata, "lat", &lat, "lon", &lon, "elev",&elev, "refsta",refsta, "dnorth",&dnorth, "deast",&deast, "edepth",&edepth, "segtype",&segtype, NULL) == dbINVALID) { elog_complain(0," dbgetv error reading record %ld. Trace will be skipped for station %s and channel %s", trdb.record,sta,chan); continue; } /* Allow 1 percent samprate error before killing */ double fsrskew=fabs((samprate-samprate0)/samprate0); double frskewcut=0.01; if(fsrskew>frskewcut) { elog_complain(0,"%s:%s sample rate %f is significantly different from base sample rate of %f. Trace skipped -- segy requires fixed sample rates", sta,chan,samprate,samprate0); continue; } if(nsamp > nsamp0) { elog_complain(0,"%s:%s trace has extra samples=%ld. Truncated to length %d", sta, chan, nsamp, nsamp0); nsamp = nsamp0; } else if(nsamp < nsamp0) { elog_complain(0,"%s:%s trace is shorter than expected %d samples. Zero padded after sample %ld", sta, chan, nsamp0, nsamp); } ichan = get_channel_index(channels,sta,chan); if(ichan > nchan) { elog_die(0,"Channel index %d outside limit of %d. Cannot continue", ichan, nchan); } if(ichan >= 0) { if(Verbose) elog_debug(0,"%s:%s\t%-d\t%-d\t%-ld\t%-ld\n", sta,chan,ichan+1, ntohl(header[ichan].reelSeq), shotid, evid); header[ichan].traceID = get_trace_id_code_from_segtype(segtype); for(j=0;j<nsamp;++j) { traces[ichan][j] = htonf((float)trdata[j]); } /* header fields coming from trace table */ header[ichan].samp_rate = htonl( (int32_t) (1000000.0/samprate0)); /* according to the behavior specified in the man page: * if use_geo_coordinates is false: * - coordUnits is length (meters) * - therefore, we use deast for X and dnorth for Y * if use_geo_coordinates is true: * - we're using either arcseconds or decimal degrees * - and therefore, we use lon for X and lat for Y * * coordUnits is based on use_arcseconds and the requested * version of segY */ /* set the coordinate units in the trace header */ header[ichan].coordUnits = coordUnits; /* Pick the source db fields for our receiver X and Y */ double recLongOrX = 0; double recLatOrY = 0; if (coordUnits == SEGY_TRACE_COORDUNITS_LENGTH) { /* Use deast and dnorth * CSS3.0 Schema specifies deast and dnorth are in KM. * SEG-Y specifies easting and northing as meters, * hence the 1000.0 multiplier here. */ recLongOrX = deast * 1000.0; recLatOrY = dnorth * 1000.0; } else if (coordUnits == SEGY_TRACE_COORDUNITS_ARCSECONDS){ /* Use lat and lon, converted to arcseconds */ recLongOrX = lon * 3600.0; recLatOrY = lat * 3600.0; } else { /* Default case, which covers decimal degrees */ recLongOrX = lon; recLatOrY = lat; } /* Apply our coordScale - the user can specify negative numbers, * but they are treated as inverting the value, not as a divisor * as in the SEG-Y field usage. See below where we always treat * the scalar as a divisor in the SEG-Y field */ recLongOrX *= (double)coordScale; recLatOrY *= (double)coordScale; /* Set the coordScale in the header. * Note negative here. This is a oddity of segy that - means * divide by this to get actual. Always make this negative in * case user inputs a negative number. * Don't set it -1 for cosmetic reasons */ if (abs(coordScale) == 1) { header[ichan].coordScale = htons(1); } else { header[ichan].coordScale = htons(-abs(coordScale)); } /* Finally, write out the X and Y */ header[ichan].recLongOrX = htonl((int32_t)recLongOrX); header[ichan].recLatOrY = htonl((int32_t)recLatOrY); /* CSS3.0 specfies elev as being in km, SEG-Y wants it in m */ header[ichan].recElevation = htonl((int32_t)(elev*1000.0)); header[ichan].deltaSample = htons( (int16_t) (1000000.0/samprate0)); header[ichan].sampleLength = htons((int16_t)nsamp0); if (ntohs(segy_format)<0x0100) { header[ichan].num_samps = htonl((int32_t)nsamp0); } /* This cracks the time fields */ time_str = epoch2str(time0,fmt); int16_t hyear, hday, hhour, hminute, hsecond, hm_secs; hyear=hday=hhour=hminute=hsecond=hm_secs=0; sscanf(time_str,"%hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd", &hyear, &hday, &hhour, &hminute, &hsecond, &hm_secs); header[ichan].year = htons(hyear); header[ichan].day = htons(hday); header[ichan].hour = htons(hhour); header[ichan].minute = htons(hminute); header[ichan].second = htons(hsecond); header[ichan].m_secs = htons(hm_secs); if (ntohs(segy_format)<0x0100) { /* These are IRIS-PASSCAL extensions */ header[ichan].trigyear = header[ichan].year; header[ichan].trigday = header[ichan].day; header[ichan].trighour = header[ichan].hour; header[ichan].trigminute = header[ichan].minute; header[ichan].trigsecond = header[ichan].second; } free(time_str); if(input_source_coordinates) { /* Write out our pre-scaled and optionally * arcsecond-converted source lat/lon plus our elevation */ header[ichan].sourceLongOrX = htonl((int32_t)slon); header[ichan].sourceLatOrY = htonl((int32_t)slat); header[ichan].sourceSurfaceElevation = htonl((int32_t)selev); /* No easy way to specify both elev and depth*/ header[ichan].sourceDepth=htonl(0); } else if(map_to_cdp) { /* When faking CDP data we make this look like a zero offset, single fold data set */ header[ichan].sourceLongOrX = header[ichan].recLongOrX; header[ichan].sourceLatOrY = header[ichan].recLatOrY; header[ichan].sourceSurfaceElevation = header[ichan].recElevation; header[ichan].sourceDepth = htonl(0); header[ichan].sourceToRecDist = htonl(0); } else { /* This is the mechanism for adding other information with added tables. The one table currently supported is a "shot" table that holds shot coordinates. If other tables were added new functions could be added with a similar calling sequence. This procedure silently does nothing if a shot table is not present.*/ set_shot_variable(db,table_list, evid,&header[ichan]); } } else { if(Verbose) elog_notify(0,"Station %s and channel %s skipped\n", sta,chan); } } /* Now we write the data */ for(i=0;i<nchan;++i) { if(fwrite((void *)(&(header[i])),sizeof(SEGYTraceHeader),1,fp) != 1) elog_die(0,"Write error on header for trace %d\n",total_traces+i); if(fwrite((void *)traces[i],sizeof(float), (size_t)nsamp0,fp) != nsamp0) elog_die(0,"Write error while writing data for trace %d\n", total_traces+i); } total_traces += nchan; trdestroy(&trdb); if(!input_source_coordinates) ++shotid; } return 0 ; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SegyReel reel; SegyHead *header; char *dbin; char *outfile; FILE *fp; Pf *pf; Arr *channels; /* channel order list */ Arr *table_list; /* array of valid tables */ int nchan; char *stest; float **traces; char reel1[3200]; Dbptr db, trdb, dbj; Dbptr trdbss; int nsamp0; double time0, endtime0, samprate0; long int nsamp; double samprate; int i,j; char stime[30],etime[30]; char s[128]; double tlength; double phi, theta; char *newchan_standard[3]={"X1","X2","X3"}; char *trsubset="chan=~/X./"; char *newchan[3]={"R","T","Z"}; Tbl *sortkeys=newtbl(0); char sta[10],chan[10]; double lat, lon, elev, dnorth, deast, edepth; char refsta[10]; int total_traces=0; char *time_str; long int evid,shotid=1; int rotate=0; long int ntraces; int ichan; int map_to_cdp; /* logical switch to output data like cdp stacked data */ char *fmt="%Y %j %H %M %S %s"; char *pfname; int Verbose=0; /* New features added 2009 */ /* this is a boolean. If true (nonzero) it is assumed stdin will contain four numbers: time,lat, lon, elev. If false, only the time field is read and remainder of any input on each line is dropped.*/ int input_source_coordinates; /* scale factor for source coordinates. Needed because segy uses an int to store source coordinates. Sensible choices are 3600 for arc seconds and 10000 for a pseudodecimal. Note this parameter is ignored unless input_source_coordinates is true.*/ int coordScale; /* If true use passcal 32 bit extension num_samps as record length. SEGY standard uses a 16 bit entry that easily overflows with large shots at long offset. In this ase assume the 16 bit quantity is meaningless. */ int use_32bit_nsamp; /* This is switched on by argument switch. When set to a nonzero (default) the reel headers are written. When 0 ` the reel heades will not be written -- used by seismic unix r and passcal*/ int write_reel_headers=1; char *substr=NULL; if(argc < 3) usage(); dbin = argv[1]; outfile = argv[2]; pfname = NULL; for(i=3;i<argc;++i) { if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-pf")) { ++i; pfname = argv[i]; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-SU")) { write_reel_headers=0; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-v")) { Verbose=1; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-ss")) { ++i; substr=argv[i]; } else { usage(); } } if(pfname == NULL) pfname = strdup("db2segy"); elog_init(argc, argv); if(pfread(pfname,&pf)) elog_die(0,"pfread error for pf file\n",argv[0]); /* rotation parameters */ rotate=pfget_boolean(pf,"rotate"); if(rotate) { phi = pfget_double(pf,"phi"); theta = pfget_double(pf,"theta"); } /* This function creates the channel order list keyed by station channel names */ channels = build_stachan_list(pf,&nchan,Verbose); map_to_cdp = pfget_boolean(pf,"map_to_cdp"); if(map_to_cdp && Verbose) fprintf(stdout,"Casting data as CDP stacked section\n"); if(dbopen(dbin,"r",&db) == dbINVALID) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open db %s\n", dbin); usage(); } /* We grab the sample rate and trace length (in seconds) and use this to define global sample rates for the data. segy REQUIRES fixed length records and sample rates, so irregular sample rates will cause this program to die. One could add a decimate/interpolate function, but this is not currently implemented */ samprate0 = pfget_double(pf,"sample_rate"); tlength = pfget_double(pf,"trace_length"); nsamp0 = (int)(tlength*samprate0); use_32bit_nsamp=pfget_boolean(pf,"use_32bit_nsamp"); /* nsamp in segy is a 16 bit field. Handling depends on setting of use_32bit_nsamp boolean */ if(nsamp0 > 32767) { if(use_32bit_nsamp) { elog_notify(0,"Warning: segy ues a 16 bit entity to store number of samples\nThat field is garbage. Using the 32 bit extension field.\n"); } else { elog_complain(0, "Warning: segy uses a 16 bit entity to store number of samples\nRequested %d samples per trace. Trucated to 32767\n",nsamp0); nsamp0 = 32767; } } input_source_coordinates=pfget_boolean(pf,"input_source_coordinates"); if(input_source_coordinates) { coordScale=pfget_int(pf,"coordinate_scale_factor"); } else { coordScale=1; } /* boolean. When nonzero set coordinates as geographic arc seconds values */ int use_geo_coordinates=pfget_boolean(pf,"use_geo_coordinates"); /* check list of tables defined in pf. Return array of logicals that define which tables are valid and join tables. */ table_list = check_tables(db,pf); check_for_required_tables(table_list); dbj = join_tables(db,pf,table_list); if(dbj.record == dbINVALID) elog_die(0,"dbjoin error\n"); if(substr!=NULL) dbj=dbsubset(dbj,substr,0); long int ndbrows; dbquery(dbj,dbRECORD_COUNT,&ndbrows); if(ndbrows<=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Working database view is empty\n"); if(substr!=NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Subset condtion =%s a likely problem\n", substr); usage(); } fp = fopen(outfile,"w"); if(fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open output file %s\n",outfile); usage(); } /* These are needed for sort below */ pushtbl(sortkeys,"sta"); pushtbl(sortkeys,"chan"); /*The reel1 header in true blue segy is ebcdic. We are goingto just fill it with nulls and hope for the best */ for(i=0;i<3200;i++) reel1[i] = '\0'; /* Just blindly write this turkey. Bad form, but tough*/ if(write_reel_headers) fwrite(reel1,1,3200,fp); /* memory allocation for trace data. This is a large matrix that is cleared for each event. This model works because of segy's fixed length format. This routine is a descendent of numerical recipes routine found in libgenloc. This is not the most efficient way to do this, but it simplifies the algorithm a lot. */ traces = matrix(0,nchan,0,nsamp0); if(traces == NULL) elog_die(0,"Cannot alloc trace data matrix work space of size %d by %d\n", nchan, nsamp0); header = (SegyHead *)calloc((size_t)nchan,sizeof(SegyHead)); if(header == NULL) elog_die(0,"Cannot alloc memory for %d segy header workspace\n",nchan); if(write_reel_headers) { /* now fill in the binary reel header and write it */ reel.kjob = 1; reel.kline = 1; reel.kreel = 1; reel.kntr = (int16_t)nchan; reel.knaux = 0; = (int16_t)(1000000.0/samprate0); reel.kfldsr =; reel.knsamp = (int16_t)nsamp0; reel.kfsamp = (int16_t)nsamp0; reel.dsfc=5; /* This is ieee floats*/ reel.kmfold = 0; if(map_to_cdp) reel.ksort = 2; else reel.ksort = 1; reel.kunits = 1; /* This sets units to always be meters */ for(i=0;i<344;++i)reel.unused2[i]='\0'; if(fwrite((void *)(&reel),sizeof(SegyReel),1,fp) != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"Write error for binary reel header\n"); exit(-2); } } /* Now we enter a loop over stdin reading start times. Program will blindly ask for data from each start time to time+tlength. The trace buffer will be initialized to zeros at the top of the loop always. If nothing is found only zeros will be written to output. */ while((stest=fgets(s,80,stdin)) != NULL) { double slat,slon,selev; /* Used when reading source location*/ if(Verbose) fprintf(stdout,"Processing: %s\n",s); for(i=0;i<nchan;++i) { initialize_header(&(header[i])); header[i].lineSeq = total_traces + i + 1; header[i].reelSeq = header[i].lineSeq; if(map_to_cdp) { header[i].cdpEns = i + 1; header[i].traceInEnsemble = 1; /* 1 trace per cdp faked */ } else { header[i].channel_number = i + 1; } header[i].event_number = shotid; header[i].energySourcePt=shotid; for(j=0;j<nsamp0;++j) traces[i][j] = (Trsample)0.0; } if(input_source_coordinates) { char stmp[40]; sscanf(s,"%s%ld%lf%lf%lf",stmp,&shotid,&slon,&slat,&selev); time0=str2epoch(stmp); } else { time0 = str2epoch(s); } endtime0 = time0 + tlength; sprintf(stime,"%20.4f",time0); sprintf(etime,"%20.4f",endtime0); trdb.database = -1; if(trload_css(dbj,stime,etime,&trdb,0, 0) < 0) { if(Verbose) { fprintf(stdout,"trload_css failed for shotid=%ld",shotid); fprintf(stdout," No data in time range %s to %s\n", strtime(time0),strtime(endtime0) ); fprintf(stdout,"No data written for this shotid block."); fprintf(stdout," Handle this carefully in geometry definitions.\n"); } continue; } /* This does gap processing */ repair_gaps(trdb); trapply_calib(trdb); if(rotate) { if(rotate_to_standard(trdb,newchan_standard)) elog_notify(0,"Data loss in rotate_to_standard for event %s to %s\n", stime, etime); /* This is need to prevent collisions of channel names */ trdbss = dbsubset(trdb,trsubset,0); if(trrotate(trdbss,phi,theta,newchan)) elog_notify(0,"Data loss in trrotate for event %s to %s\n", stime, etime); } if(Verbose) fprintf(stdout,"Station chan_name chan_number seq_number shotid evid\n"); trdb = dbsort(trdb,sortkeys,0,0); dbquery(trdb,dbRECORD_COUNT,&ntraces); if(Verbose) fprintf(stdout,"Read %ld traces for event at time%s\n", ntraces,strtime(time0)); for(trdb.record=0;trdb.record<ntraces;++trdb.record) { Trsample *trdata; if(dbgetv(trdb,0, "evid",&evid, "sta",sta, "chan",chan, "nsamp", &nsamp, "samprate",&samprate, "data",&trdata, "lat", &lat, "lon", &lon, "elev",&elev, "refsta",refsta, "dnorth",&dnorth, "deast",&deast, "edepth",&edepth, NULL) == dbINVALID) { elog_complain(0," dbgetv error reading record %ld\nTrace will be skipped for station %s and channel %s\n", trdb.record,sta,chan); continue; } /* Allow 1 percent samprate error before killing */ double fsrskew=fabs((samprate-samprate0)/samprate0); double frskewcut=0.01; if(fsrskew>frskewcut) { elog_complain(0,"%s:%s sample rate %f is significantly different from base sample rate of %f\nTrace skipped -- segy requires fixed sample rates\n", sta,chan,samprate,samprate0); continue; } if(nsamp > nsamp0) { elog_complain(0,"%s:%s trace has extra samples=%ld\nTruncated to length %d\n", sta, chan, nsamp, nsamp0); nsamp = nsamp0; } else if(nsamp < nsamp0) { elog_complain(0,"%s:%s trace is shorter than expected %d samples\nZero padded after sample %ld\n", sta, chan, nsamp0, nsamp); } ichan = get_channel_index(channels,sta,chan); if(ichan > nchan) elog_die(0,"Channel index %d outside limit of %d\nCannot continue\n", ichan, nchan); if(ichan >= 0) { if(Verbose) fprintf(stdout,"%s:%s\t%-d\t%-d\t%-ld\t%-ld\n", sta,chan,ichan+1, header[ichan].reelSeq, shotid, evid); header[ichan].traceID = 1; for(j=0;j<nsamp;++j) traces[ichan][j] = (float)trdata[j]; /* header fields coming from trace table */ header[ichan].samp_rate = (int32_t) (1000000.0/samprate0); if(!use_geo_coordinates && ( coordScale==1)) { header[ichan].recLongOrX = (int32_t)(deast*1000.0); header[ichan].recLatOrY = (int32_t)(dnorth*1000.0); } else { /* Note negative here. This is a oddity of segy that - means divide by this to get actual. Always make this negative in case user inputs a negative number. */ header[ichan].coordScale=-abs(coordScale); /* Force 2 = geographic coordinates. Standard says when this is so units are arc seconds, hence we multiply deg by 3600*coordScale */ if(use_geo_coordinates) { header[ichan].coordUnits=2; header[ichan].recLongOrX =(int32_t)(lon*3600.0*(double)coordScale); header[ichan].recLatOrY =(int32_t)(lat*3600.0*(double)coordScale); } else { header[ichan].recLongOrX =(int32_t)(lon*(double)coordScale); header[ichan].recLatOrY =(int32_t)(lat*(double)coordScale); } } header[ichan].recElevation = (int32_t)(elev*1000.0); header[ichan].deltaSample = (int16_t) (1000000.0/samprate0); header[ichan].sampleLength = (int16_t)nsamp0; header[ichan].num_samps = (int32_t)nsamp0; /* This cracks the time fields */ time_str = epoch2str(time0,fmt); sscanf(time_str,"%hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd", &header[ichan].year, &header[ichan].day, &header[ichan].hour, &header[ichan].minute, &header[ichan].second, &header[ichan].m_secs); /* These are PASSCAL extensions, but we'll go ahead and set them anyway.*/ header[ichan].trigyear = header[ichan].year; header[ichan].trigday = header[ichan].day; header[ichan].trighour = header[ichan].hour; header[ichan].trigminute = header[ichan].minute; header[ichan].trigsecond = header[ichan].second; free(time_str); if(input_source_coordinates) { if(use_geo_coordinates) { slat*=3600.0; slon*=3600.0; } header[ichan].sourceLongOrX =(int32_t)(slon*(double)coordScale); header[ichan].sourceLatOrY =(int32_t)(slat*(double)coordScale); header[ichan].sourceSurfaceElevation =(int32_t)selev; /* No easy way to specify both elev and depth*/ header[ichan].sourceDepth=0; } else if(map_to_cdp) { /* When faking CDP data we make this look like a zero offset, single fold data set */ header[ichan].sourceLongOrX = header[ichan].recLongOrX; header[ichan].sourceLatOrY = header[ichan].recLatOrY; header[ichan].sourceSurfaceElevation = header[ichan].recElevation; header[ichan].sourceDepth = 0; header[ichan].sourceToRecDist = 0; } else { /* This is the mechanism for adding other information with added tables. The one table currently supported is a "shot" table that holds shot coordinates. If other tables were added new functions could be added with a similar calling sequence. This procedure silently does nothing if a shot table is not present.*/ set_shot_variable(db,table_list, evid,&header[ichan]); } } else { if(Verbose) fprintf(stdout,"Station %s and channel %s skipped\n", sta,chan); } } /* Now we write the data */ for(i=0;i<nchan;++i) { if(fwrite((void *)(&(header[i])),sizeof(SegyHead),1,fp) != 1) elog_die(0,"Write error on header for trace %d\n",total_traces+i); if(fwrite((void *)traces[i],sizeof(float), (size_t)nsamp0,fp) != nsamp0) elog_die(0,"Write error while writing data for trace %d\n", total_traces+i); } total_traces += nchan; trdestroy(&trdb); if(!input_source_coordinates) ++shotid; } return 0 ; }
void CoolProp::BicubicBackend::update(CoolProp::input_pairs input_pair, double val1, double val2) { // Clear cached values clear(); // Check the tables and build if necessary check_tables(); // To start, set quality to value that is for single-phase _Q = -1000; bool is_mixture = (this->AS->get_mole_fractions().size() >= 2); if (is_mixture){ // For mixtures, the construction of the coefficients is delayed until this // function so that the set_mole_fractions function can be called build_coeffs(single_phase_logph, coeffs_ph); build_coeffs(single_phase_logpT, coeffs_pT); } // Flush the cached indices (set to large number) cached_single_phase_i = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(); cached_single_phase_j = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(); cached_saturation_iL = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(); cached_saturation_iV = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(); switch(input_pair){ case HmolarP_INPUTS:{ _hmolar = val1; _p = val2; if (!single_phase_logph.native_inputs_are_in_range(_hmolar, _p)){ // Use the AbstractState instance using_single_phase_table = false; if (get_debug_level() > 5){ std::cout << "inputs are not in range"; } throw ValueError(format("inputs are not in range, hmolar=%Lg, p=%Lg", static_cast<CoolPropDbl>(_hmolar), _p)); } else{ using_single_phase_table = true; // Use the table ! std::size_t iL, iV, iclosest = 0; CoolPropDbl hL = 0, hV = 0; SimpleState closest_state; if ( (is_mixture && PhaseEnvelopeRoutines::is_inside(phase_envelope, iP, _p, iHmolar, _hmolar, iclosest, closest_state)) || (!is_mixture && pure_saturation.is_inside(iP, _p, iHmolar, _hmolar, iL, iV, hL, hV)) ) { using_single_phase_table = false; _Q = (static_cast<double>(_hmolar)-hL)/(hV-hL); if(!is_in_closed_range(0.0,1.0,static_cast<double>(_Q))){ throw ValueError("vapor quality is not in (0,1)"); } else{ cached_saturation_iL = iL; cached_saturation_iV = iV; } } else{ // Find and cache the indices i, j selected_table = SELECTED_PH_TABLE; single_phase_logph.find_native_nearest_good_cell(_hmolar, _p, cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); CellCoeffs &cell = coeffs_ph[cached_single_phase_i][cached_single_phase_j]; if (!cell.valid()){ if (cell.has_valid_neighbor()){ // Get new good neighbor cell.get_alternate(cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); } else{ if (!cell.valid()){throw ValueError(format("Cell is invalid and has no good neighbors for hmolar = %g, p= %g",val1,val2));} } } } } break; } case HmassP_INPUTS:{ update(HmolarP_INPUTS, val1 * AS->molar_mass(), val2); // H: [J/kg] * [kg/mol] -> [J/mol] return; } case PUmolar_INPUTS: case PSmolar_INPUTS: case DmolarP_INPUTS:{ CoolPropDbl otherval; parameters otherkey; switch(input_pair){ case PUmolar_INPUTS: _p = val1; _umolar = val2; otherval = val2; otherkey = iUmolar; break; case PSmolar_INPUTS: _p = val1; _smolar = val2; otherval = val2; otherkey = iSmolar; break; case DmolarP_INPUTS: _rhomolar = val1; _p = val2; otherval = val1; otherkey = iDmolar; break; default: throw ValueError("Bad (impossible) pair"); } using_single_phase_table = true; // Use the table (or first guess is that it is single-phase)! std::size_t iL, iV; CoolPropDbl zL = 0, zV = 0; if (pure_saturation.is_inside(iP, _p, otherkey, otherval, iL, iV, zL, zV)){ using_single_phase_table = false; if (otherkey == iDmolar){ _Q = (1/otherval - 1/zL)/(1/zV - 1/zL); } else{ _Q = (otherval - zL)/(zV - zL); } if(!is_in_closed_range(0.0, 1.0, static_cast<double>(_Q))){ throw ValueError("vapor quality is not in (0,1)"); } else{ cached_saturation_iL = iL; cached_saturation_iV = iV; } } else{ // Find and cache the indices i, j selected_table = SELECTED_PH_TABLE; single_phase_logph.find_nearest_neighbor(iP, _p, otherkey, otherval, cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); CellCoeffs &cell = coeffs_ph[cached_single_phase_i][cached_single_phase_j]; if (!cell.valid()){ if (cell.has_valid_neighbor()){ // Get new good neighbor cell.get_alternate(cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); } else{ if (!cell.valid()){throw ValueError(format("Cell is invalid and has no good neighbors for p = %g Pa, T= %g K",val1,val2));} } } // Now find hmolar given P, X for X in Hmolar, Smolar, Umolar invert_single_phase_x(single_phase_logph, coeffs_ph, otherkey, otherval, _p, cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); } break; } case DmassP_INPUTS:{ // Call again, but this time with molar units; D: [kg/m^3] / [kg/mol] -> [mol/m^3] update(DmassP_INPUTS, val1 / AS->molar_mass(), val2); return; } case PUmass_INPUTS:{ // Call again, but this time with molar units; U: [J/kg] * [kg/mol] -> [J/mol] update(PUmolar_INPUTS, val1, val2*AS->molar_mass()); return; } case PSmass_INPUTS:{ // Call again, but this time with molar units; S: [J/kg/K] * [kg/mol] -> [J/mol/K] update(PSmolar_INPUTS, val1, val2*AS->molar_mass()); return; } case PT_INPUTS:{ _p = val1; _T = val2; if (!single_phase_logpT.native_inputs_are_in_range(_T, _p)){ // Use the AbstractState instance using_single_phase_table = false; if (get_debug_level() > 5){ std::cout << "inputs are not in range"; } throw ValueError(format("inputs are not in range, p=%Lg, T=%Lg", _p, _T)); } else{ using_single_phase_table = true; // Use the table ! std::size_t iL = 0, iV = 0, iclosest = 0; CoolPropDbl TL = 0, TV = 0; SimpleState closest_state; if ( (is_mixture && PhaseEnvelopeRoutines::is_inside(phase_envelope, iP, _p, iT, _T, iclosest, closest_state)) || (!is_mixture && pure_saturation.is_inside(iP, _p, iT, _T, iL, iV, TL, TV)) ) { using_single_phase_table = false; throw ValueError(format("P,T with TTSE cannot be two-phase for now")); } else{ // Find and cache the indices i, j selected_table = SELECTED_PT_TABLE; single_phase_logpT.find_native_nearest_good_cell(_T, _p, cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); CellCoeffs &cell = coeffs_pT[cached_single_phase_i][cached_single_phase_j]; if (!cell.valid()){ if (cell.has_valid_neighbor()){ // Get new good neighbor cell.get_alternate(cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); } else{ if (!cell.valid()){throw ValueError(format("Cell is invalid and has no good neighbors for p = %g Pa, T= %g K",val1,val2));} } } // If p < pc, you might be getting a liquid solution when you want a vapor solution or vice versa // if you are very close to the saturation curve, so we figure out what the saturation temperature // is for the given pressure if (_p < this->AS->p_critical()) { double Ts = pure_saturation.evaluate(iT, _p, _Q, iL, iV); double TL = single_phase_logpT.T[cached_single_phase_i][cached_single_phase_j]; double TR = single_phase_logpT.T[cached_single_phase_i+1][cached_single_phase_j]; if (TL < Ts && Ts < TR){ if (_T < Ts){ if (cached_single_phase_i == 0){throw ValueError(format("P, T are near saturation, but cannot move the cell to the left")); } // It's liquid, move the cell to the left cached_single_phase_i--; }else{ if (cached_single_phase_i > single_phase_logpT.Nx-2){ throw ValueError(format("P,T are near saturation, but cannot move the cell to the right")); } // It's vapor, move to the right cached_single_phase_i++; } } } } } break; } case SmolarT_INPUTS: case DmolarT_INPUTS:{ CoolPropDbl otherval; parameters otherkey; switch(input_pair){ case SmolarT_INPUTS: _smolar = val1; _T = val2; otherval = val1; otherkey = iSmolar; break; case DmolarT_INPUTS: _rhomolar = val1; _T = val2; otherval = val1; otherkey = iDmolar; break; default: throw ValueError("Bad (impossible) pair"); } using_single_phase_table = true; // Use the table (or first guess is that it is single-phase)! std::size_t iL, iV; CoolPropDbl zL = 0, zV = 0; if (pure_saturation.is_inside(iT, _T, otherkey, otherval, iL, iV, zL, zV)){ using_single_phase_table = false; if (otherkey == iDmolar){ _Q = (1/otherval - 1/zL)/(1/zV - 1/zL); } else{ _Q = (otherval - zL)/(zV - zL); } if(!is_in_closed_range(0.0, 1.0, static_cast<double>(_Q))){ throw ValueError("vapor quality is not in (0,1)"); } else{ cached_saturation_iL = iL; cached_saturation_iV = iV; } _p = pure_saturation.evaluate(iP, _T, _Q, iL, iV); } else{ // Find and cache the indices i, j selected_table = SELECTED_PT_TABLE; single_phase_logpT.find_nearest_neighbor(iT, _T, otherkey, otherval, cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); CellCoeffs &cell = coeffs_pT[cached_single_phase_i][cached_single_phase_j]; if (!cell.valid()){ if (cell.has_valid_neighbor()){ // Get new good neighbor cell.get_alternate(cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); } else{ if (!cell.valid()){throw ValueError(format("Cell is invalid and has no good neighbors for p = %g Pa, T= %g K",val1,val2));} } } // Now find the y variable (Dmolar or Smolar in this case) invert_single_phase_y(single_phase_logpT, coeffs_pT, otherkey, otherval, _T, cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); } break; } case PQ_INPUTS:{ std::size_t iL = 0, iV = 0; CoolPropDbl hL = 0, hV = 0; _p = val1; _Q = val2; if (_p < pure_saturation.pL[0]){throw ValueError(format("p (%g) Pa below minimum pressure", static_cast<double>(_p)));} pure_saturation.is_inside(iP, _p, iQ, _Q, iL, iV, hL, hV); using_single_phase_table = false; if(!is_in_closed_range(0.0,1.0,static_cast<double>(_Q))){ throw ValueError("vapor quality is not in (0,1)"); } else{ cached_saturation_iL = iL; cached_saturation_iV = iV; } break; } case QT_INPUTS:{ std::size_t iL = 0, iV = 0; CoolPropDbl dummyL = 0, dummyV = 0; _Q = val1; _T = val2; pure_saturation.is_inside(iT, _T, iQ, _Q, iL, iV, dummyL, dummyV); using_single_phase_table = false; if(!is_in_closed_range(0.0, 1.0, static_cast<double>(_Q))){ throw ValueError("vapor quality is not in (0,1)"); } else{ _p = pure_saturation.evaluate(iP, _T, _Q, iL, iV); cached_saturation_iL = iL; cached_saturation_iV = iV; } break; } default: throw ValueError("Sorry, but this set of inputs is not supported for Bicubic backend"); } }
int ci_format_text( ci_request_t *req_data, const char *fmt, char *buffer, int len, struct ci_fmt_entry *user_table) { const char *s; char *b, *lb; struct ci_fmt_entry *fmte; int directive_len, val_len, remains, left_align, i; unsigned int width, space=0; char parameter[MAX_VARIABLE_SIZE]; s = fmt; b = buffer; remains = len; while (*s && remains > 0) { if (*s == '%') { fmte = check_tables(s, user_table, &directive_len, &width, &left_align, parameter); ci_debug_printf(7,"Width: %d, Parameter:%s\n", width, parameter); if (width != 0) space = width = (remains<width?remains:width); else space = remains; if(fmte != NULL) { if (width) { if (left_align) { val_len=fmte->format(req_data, b, space, parameter); if (val_len > space) val_len = space; b += val_len; for (i=0; i < width-val_len; i++) b[i]=' '; b += width-val_len; } else { lb = malloc((space+1)*sizeof(char)); val_len=fmte->format(req_data, lb, space, parameter); if (val_len > space) val_len = space; for (i=0; i < width-val_len; i++) b[i]=' '; b += width-val_len; for (i=0; i < val_len; i++) b[i]=lb[i]; b += val_len; free(lb); lb = NULL; } remains -= width; } else { val_len=fmte->format(req_data, b, space, parameter); if (val_len > space) val_len = space; b += val_len; remains -= val_len; } s += directive_len; } else *b++ = *s++, remains--; } else *b++ = *s++, remains--; } *b = '\0'; return len-remains; }
void CoolProp::TTSEBackend::update(CoolProp::input_pairs input_pair, double val1, double val2) { // Clear cached variables clear(); // Check the tables, build if neccessary check_tables(); // Flush the cached indices (set to large number) cached_single_phase_i = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(); cached_single_phase_j = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(); cached_saturation_iL = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(); cached_saturation_iV = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(); // To start, set quality to value that is impossible _Q = -1000; switch(input_pair){ case HmolarP_INPUTS:{ _hmolar = val1; _p = val2; if (!single_phase_logph.native_inputs_are_in_range(_hmolar, _p)){ // Use the AbstractState instance using_single_phase_table = false; if (get_debug_level() > 5){ std::cout << "inputs are not in range"; } throw ValueError(format("inputs are not in range, hmolar=%Lg, p=%Lg", static_cast<CoolPropDbl>(_hmolar), _p)); } else{ using_single_phase_table = true; // Use the table ! std::size_t iL, iV; CoolPropDbl hL = 0, hV = 0; if (pure_saturation.is_inside(iP, _p, iHmolar, _hmolar, iL, iV, hL, hV)){ using_single_phase_table = false; _Q = (static_cast<double>(_hmolar)-hL)/(hV-hL); if(!is_in_closed_range(0.0,1.0,static_cast<double>(_Q))){ throw ValueError("vapor quality is not in (0,1)"); } else{ cached_saturation_iL = iL; cached_saturation_iV = iV; } } else{ // Find and cache the indices i, j selected_table = SELECTED_PH_TABLE; single_phase_logph.find_native_nearest_good_neighbor(_hmolar, _p, cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); } } break; } case HmassP_INPUTS:{ update(HmolarP_INPUTS, val1 * AS->molar_mass(), val2); // H: [J/kg] * [kg/mol] -> [J/mol] return; } case PUmolar_INPUTS: case PSmolar_INPUTS: case DmolarP_INPUTS:{ CoolPropDbl otherval; parameters otherkey; switch(input_pair){ case PUmolar_INPUTS: _p = val1; _umolar = val2; otherval = val2; otherkey = iUmolar; break; case PSmolar_INPUTS: _p = val1; _smolar = val2; otherval = val2; otherkey = iSmolar; break; case DmolarP_INPUTS: _rhomolar = val1; _p = val2; otherval = val1; otherkey = iDmolar; break; default: throw ValueError("Bad (impossible) pair"); } using_single_phase_table = true; // Use the table (or first guess is that it is single-phase)! std::size_t iL, iV; CoolPropDbl zL = 0, zV = 0; if (pure_saturation.is_inside(iP, _p, otherkey, otherval, iL, iV, zL, zV)){ using_single_phase_table = false; if (otherkey == iDmolar){ _Q = (1/otherval - 1/zL)/(1/zV - 1/zL); } else{ _Q = (otherval - zL)/(zV - zL); } if(!is_in_closed_range(0.0, 1.0, static_cast<double>(_Q))){ throw ValueError("vapor quality is not in (0,1)"); } else{ cached_saturation_iL = iL; cached_saturation_iV = iV; } } else{ // Find and cache the indices i, j selected_table = SELECTED_PH_TABLE; single_phase_logph.find_nearest_neighbor(iP, _p, otherkey, otherval, cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); // Now find hmolar invert_single_phase_x(single_phase_logph, otherkey, otherval, _p, cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); } break; } case DmassP_INPUTS:{ // Call again, but this time with molar units; D: [kg/m^3] / [kg/mol] -> [mol/m^3] update(DmassP_INPUTS, val1 / AS->molar_mass(), val2); return; } case PUmass_INPUTS:{ // Call again, but this time with molar units; U: [J/kg] * [kg/mol] -> [J/mol] update(PUmolar_INPUTS, val1, val2*AS->molar_mass()); return; } case PSmass_INPUTS:{ // Call again, but this time with molar units; S: [J/kg/K] * [kg/mol] -> [J/mol/K] update(PSmolar_INPUTS, val1, val2*AS->molar_mass()); return; } case PT_INPUTS:{ _p = val1; _T = val2; if (!single_phase_logpT.native_inputs_are_in_range(_T, _p)){ // Use the AbstractState instance using_single_phase_table = false; if (get_debug_level() > 5){ std::cout << "inputs are not in range"; } throw ValueError(format("inputs are not in range, p=%Lg, T=%Lg", _p, _T)); } else{ using_single_phase_table = true; // Use the table ! std::size_t iL = 0, iV = 0; CoolPropDbl TL = 0, TV = 0; if (pure_saturation.is_inside(iP, _p, iT, _T, iL, iV, TL, TV)){ using_single_phase_table = false; throw ValueError(format("P,T with TTSE cannot be two-phase for now")); } else{ // Find and cache the indices i, j selected_table = SELECTED_PT_TABLE; single_phase_logpT.find_native_nearest_neighbor(_T, _p, cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); } } break; } case SmolarT_INPUTS: case DmolarT_INPUTS:{ CoolPropDbl otherval; parameters otherkey; switch(input_pair){ case SmolarT_INPUTS: _smolar = val1; _T = val2; otherval = val1; otherkey = iSmolar; break; case DmolarT_INPUTS: _rhomolar = val1; _T = val2; otherval = val1; otherkey = iDmolar; break; default: throw ValueError("Bad (impossible) pair"); } using_single_phase_table = true; // Use the table (or first guess is that it is single-phase)! std::size_t iL, iV; CoolPropDbl zL = 0, zV = 0; if (pure_saturation.is_inside(iT, _T, otherkey, otherval, iL, iV, zL, zV)){ using_single_phase_table = false; if (otherkey == iDmolar){ _Q = (1/otherval - 1/zL)/(1/zV - 1/zL); } else{ _Q = (otherval - zL)/(zV - zL); } if(!is_in_closed_range(0.0, 1.0, static_cast<double>(_Q))){ throw ValueError("vapor quality is not in (0,1)"); } else{ cached_saturation_iL = iL; cached_saturation_iV = iV; } } else{ // Find and cache the indices i, j selected_table = SELECTED_PT_TABLE; single_phase_logpT.find_nearest_neighbor(iT, _T, otherkey, otherval, cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); // Now find hmolar invert_single_phase_y(single_phase_logpT, otherkey, otherval, _T, cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j); } break; } case PQ_INPUTS:{ std::size_t iL = 0, iV = 0; CoolPropDbl dummyL = 0, dummyV = 0; _p = val1; _Q = val2; pure_saturation.is_inside(iP, _p, iQ, _Q, iL, iV, dummyL, dummyV); using_single_phase_table = false; if(!is_in_closed_range(0.0, 1.0, static_cast<double>(_Q))){ throw ValueError("vapor quality is not in (0,1)"); } else{ cached_saturation_iL = iL; cached_saturation_iV = iV; } break; } case QT_INPUTS:{ std::size_t iL = 0, iV = 0; CoolPropDbl dummyL = 0, dummyV = 0; _Q = val1; _T = val2; pure_saturation.is_inside(iT, _T, iQ, _Q, iL, iV, dummyL, dummyV); using_single_phase_table = false; if(!is_in_closed_range(0.0, 1.0, static_cast<double>(_Q))){ throw ValueError("vapor quality is not in (0,1)"); } else{ _p = pure_saturation.evaluate(iP, _T, _Q, iL, iV); cached_saturation_iL = iL; cached_saturation_iV = iV; } break; } default: throw ValueError("Sorry, but this set of inputs is not supported for TTSE backend"); } }