int main() { sdl::Window wnd("Gravity", sdl::Vector2i(100, 100), 640, 480); sdl::Renderer renderer(wnd, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC); sdl::Event event; Sprite quad("images/rect.png", renderer); Level lvl(renderer); sdl::Texture bg(renderer, "images/background.png"); sdl::Rect bg_rect(0, 0, wnd.width(), wnd.height()); Font font("font/arial.ttf", 12); font.setPosition(32, wnd.height() - 32); bool running = true; while (running && lvl.isValid()) { while (sdl::PollEvent(&event)) { if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) running = false; else if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if (!lvl.timer.isRunning()) lvl.timer.start(); switch (event.keyboard.key) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: running = false; break; case SDLK_LEFT: quad.setMovement(-MOVE, 0); break; case SDLK_RIGHT: quad.setMovement(MOVE, 0); break; case SDLK_UP: quad.setMovement(0, -MOVE); break; case SDLK_DOWN: quad.setMovement(0, MOVE); break; case SDLK_SPACE: quad.stopMovement(); break; } } } renderer.clear(&sdl::Color::White); renderer.copy(bg, &bg_rect); if (DeadFrames == 0) { if (check_tile(lvl, quad)) quad.drawOn(renderer); } else { DeadFrames--; renderer.setDrawColor(sdl::Color::Black); const sdl::Vector2i& movement = quad.getMovement(); for (sdl::Vector2i& vec : Fragments) { renderer.drawPoint(vec); const i16_t rx = Dist(Gen); const i16_t ry = Dist(Gen); vec.x += rx + movement.x; vec.y += ry + movement.y; } if (DeadFrames == 0) { quad.stopMovement(); } } lvl.render(); font.format(renderer, "%d s %d ms, Deaths: %d", lvl.timer.getTicks() / 1000, lvl.timer.getTicks() % 1000, Deaths); renderer.present(); } }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char out_filename[256]; if( argc != 4 ) { fprintf( stderr, "closeshp poly_shape arc_shape output_shape\n" ); return 1; } char *poly_file = argv[1]; char *arc_file = argv[2]; char *out_file = argv[3]; struct source poly, arc, simplified; memset( &poly, 0, sizeof(poly) ); memset( &arc, 0, sizeof(arc) ); memset( &simplified, 0, sizeof(simplified) ); poly.in_memory = arc.in_memory = 0; simplified.in_memory = 1; /* open shapefiles and dbf files */ if( SourceOpen( &poly, poly_file, SHPT_POLYGON ) ) return 1; if( SourceOpen( &arc, arc_file, SHPT_ARC ) ) return 1; sprintf( out_filename, "%s_p", out_file ); shp_out = SHPCreate( out_filename, SHPT_POLYGON ); if( !shp_out ) { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't create shapefile '%s': %s\n", out_file, strerror(errno)); return 1; } dbf_out = DBFCreate( out_filename ); if( !dbf_out ) { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't create DBF '%s': %s\n", out_file, strerror(errno)); return 1; } // DBFAddField( dbf_out, "way_id", FTInteger, 11, 0 ); // DBFAddField( dbf_out, "orientation", FTInteger, 1, 0 ); DBFAddField( dbf_out, "error", FTInteger, 1, 0 ); DBFAddField( dbf_out, "tile_x", FTInteger, 4, 0 ); DBFAddField( dbf_out, "tile_y", FTInteger, 4, 0 ); /* Initialise node arrays */ v_x = malloc( MAX_NODES * sizeof(double) ); v_y = malloc( MAX_NODES * sizeof(double) ); if( !v_x || !v_y ) { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't allocate memory for nodes\n" ); return 1; } /* Setup state */ struct state state; memset( &state, 0, sizeof(state) ); ResizeSubareas(&state, INIT_MAX_SUBAREAS); // Temporary file for simplified shapes { // Make the file and open it char filename[32]; sprintf( filename, "tmp_coastline_%d", getpid() ); simplified.shp = SHPCreate( filename, SHPT_ARC ); if( !simplified.shp ) { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't open temporary shapefile: %s\n", strerror(errno) ); return 1; } // And now unlink them so they're cleaned up when we die int len = strlen( filename ); strcpy( filename+len, ".shp" ); unlink(filename); strcpy( filename+len, ".shx" ); unlink(filename); // Setup the bitmap while creating the simplified polygons InitBitmap( &arc, &simplified ); InitBitmap( &poly, &simplified ); // And index the simplified polygons simplified.shx = SHPCreateTree( simplified.shp, 2, 10, NULL, NULL ); if( !simplified.shx ) { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't build temporary shapetree\n" ); return 1; } SHPGetInfo( simplified.shp, &simplified.shape_count, NULL, NULL, NULL ); simplified.shapes = calloc( simplified.shape_count, sizeof(SHPObject*) ); } /* Split coastlines into arcs no longer than MAX_NODES_PER_ARC long */ sprintf( out_filename, "%s_i", out_file ); SplitCoastlines( &poly, &arc, out_filename ); #if !TEST for( int i=0; i<DIVISIONS; i++ ) for( int j=0; j<DIVISIONS; j++ ) //Divide the world into mercator blocks approx 100km x 100km #else for( int i=204; i<=204; i++ ) for( int j=248; j<=248; j++ ) //Divide the world into mercator blocks approx 100km x 100km #endif { state.x = i; state.y = j; double left = -MERC_MAX + (i*MERC_BLOCK) - TILE_OVERLAP; double right = -MERC_MAX + ((i+1)*MERC_BLOCK) + TILE_OVERLAP; double bottom = -MERC_MAX + (j*MERC_BLOCK) - TILE_OVERLAP; double top = -MERC_MAX + ((j+1)*MERC_BLOCK) + TILE_OVERLAP; if( left < -MERC_MAX ) left = -MERC_MAX; if( right > +MERC_MAX ) right = +MERC_MAX;[0] = left;[1] = bottom; state.rt[0] = right; state.rt[1] = top; if(isatty(STDERR_FILENO)) // fprintf( stderr, "\rProcessing (%d,%d) (%.2f,%.2f)-(%.2f,%.2f) ", i, j, left, bottom, right, top ); fprintf( stderr, "\rProcessing (%d,%d) (%.2f,%.2f)-(%.2f,%.2f) ", i, j,[0],[1], state.rt[0], state.rt[1] ); state.seg_count = 0; state.subarea_count = 0; state.subarea_nodecount = 0; state.enclosed = 0; // Optimisation: if we have determined nothing enters the tile, we can used the simplified tiles // Basically, we only need to test for enclosure if( check_tile( state.x, state.y ) ) { Process( &state, &poly, 1 ); Process( &state, &arc, 0 ); } else Process( &state, &simplified, 0 ); OutputSegs( &state ); } free( state.sub_areas ); free( simplified.shapes ); SHPDestroyTree( poly.shx ); SHPDestroyTree( arc.shx ); SHPDestroyTree( simplified.shx ); DBFClose( poly.dbf ); DBFClose( arc.dbf ); DBFClose( dbf_out ); SHPClose( poly.shp ); SHPClose( arc.shp ); SHPClose( simplified.shp ); SHPClose( shp_out ); printf("\n"); return 0; }