Example #1
void cbBarDragPlugin::DoDrawHintRect( wxRect& rect, bool isInClientRect)
    wxRect scrRect;

    RectToScr( rect, scrRect );

    int prevLF = mpScrDc->GetLogicalFunction();

    mpScrDc->SetLogicalFunction( wxINVERT );

    if ( isInClientRect )
        // BUG BUG BUG (wx):: somehow stippled brush works only
        // when the bitmap created on stack, not
        // as a member of the class

        wxBitmap checker( (const char*)_gCheckerImg, 8,8 );

        wxBrush checkerBrush( checker );

        mpScrDc->SetPen( mpLayout->mNullPen );
        mpScrDc->SetBrush( checkerBrush );

        int half = mInClientHintBorder / 2;

        mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( scrRect.x - half, scrRect.y - half,
                                scrRect.width + 2*half, mInClientHintBorder );

        mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( scrRect.x - half, scrRect.y + scrRect.height - half,
                                scrRect.width + 2*half, mInClientHintBorder );

        mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( scrRect.x - half, scrRect.y + half - 1,
                                mInClientHintBorder, scrRect.height - 2*half + 2);

        mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( scrRect.x + scrRect.width - half,
                                scrRect.y + half - 1,
                                mInClientHintBorder, scrRect.height - 2*half + 2);

        mpScrDc->SetBrush( wxNullBrush );
        mpScrDc->SetPen( mpLayout->mBlackPen );

        mpScrDc->DrawLine( scrRect.x, scrRect.y,
                           scrRect.x + scrRect.width, scrRect.y );

        mpScrDc->DrawLine( scrRect.x, scrRect.y + 1,
                           scrRect.x, scrRect.y + scrRect.height );

        mpScrDc->DrawLine( scrRect.x+1, scrRect.y + scrRect.height,
                           scrRect.x + scrRect.width, scrRect.y + scrRect.height );

        mpScrDc->DrawLine( scrRect.x + scrRect.width , scrRect.y,
                           scrRect.x + scrRect.width, scrRect.y + scrRect.height + 1);

    mpScrDc->SetLogicalFunction( prevLF );
Example #2
void wxToolWindow::DrawHintRect( const wxRect& r )
    // BUG BUG BUG (wx):: somehow stippled brush works only
    //                    when the bitmap created on stack, not
    //                    as a member of the class

    int prevLF = mpScrDc->GetLogicalFunction();

    mpScrDc->SetLogicalFunction( wxXOR );

    wxBitmap checker( (const char*)_gCheckerImg, 8,8 );

    wxBrush checkerBrush( checker );

    mpScrDc->SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
    mpScrDc->SetBrush( checkerBrush );

    int half = mHintBorder / 2;

    mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( r.x - half, r.y - half,
                            r.width + 2*half, mHintBorder );

    mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( r.x - half, r.y + r.height - half,
                            r.width + 2*half, mHintBorder );

    mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( r.x - half, r.y + half - 1,
                            mHintBorder, r.height - 2*half + 2);

    mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( r.x + r.width - half,
                            r.y + half - 1,
                            mHintBorder, r.height - 2*half + 2);

    mpScrDc->SetBrush( wxNullBrush );

    mpScrDc->SetLogicalFunction( prevLF );
Example #3
void wxNewBitmapButton::RenderLabelImage( wxBitmap*& destBmp, wxBitmap* srcBmp,
                                          bool isEnabled, bool isPressed )
    if ( destBmp != 0 ) return;

    // render labels on-demand

    wxMemoryDC srcDc;
    srcDc.SelectObject( *srcBmp );

    bool hasText = ( mTextAlignment != NB_NO_TEXT ) &&
                   ( mLabelText.length() != 0 );

    bool hasImage = (mTextAlignment != NB_NO_IMAGE);

    wxSize destDim;
    wxPoint txtPos;
    wxPoint imgPos;

    if ( hasText )
        long txtWidth, txtHeight;

        srcDc.SetFont( wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) );
        srcDc.GetTextExtent( mLabelText, &txtWidth, &txtHeight );

        if ( mTextAlignment == NB_ALIGN_TEXT_RIGHT )
            destDim.x = srcBmp->GetWidth() + 2*mTextToLabelGap + txtWidth;

            destDim.y =
                wxMax( srcBmp->GetHeight(), txtHeight );

            txtPos.x = srcBmp->GetWidth() + mTextToLabelGap;
            txtPos.y = (destDim.y - txtHeight)/2;
            imgPos.x = 0;
            imgPos.y = (destDim.y - srcBmp->GetHeight())/2;
        if ( mTextAlignment == NB_ALIGN_TEXT_BOTTOM )
            destDim.x =
                wxMax( srcBmp->GetWidth(), txtWidth );

            destDim.y = srcBmp->GetHeight() + mTextToLabelGap + txtHeight;

            txtPos.x = (destDim.x - txtWidth)/2;
            txtPos.y = srcBmp->GetHeight() + mTextToLabelGap;
            imgPos.x = (destDim.x - srcBmp->GetWidth())/2;
            imgPos.y = 0;
            wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("Unsupported FL alignment type detected in wxNewBitmapButton::RenderLabelImage()"));
        imgPos.x = 0;
        imgPos.y = 0;
        destDim.x = srcBmp->GetWidth();
        destDim.y = srcBmp->GetHeight();

    destBmp = new wxBitmap( int(destDim.x), int(destDim.y) );

    wxMemoryDC destDc;
    destDc.SelectObject( *destBmp );

    wxBrush grayBrush( wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE), wxSOLID );

    destDc.SetBrush( grayBrush );
    destDc.SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
    destDc.DrawRectangle( 0,0, destDim.x+1, destDim.y+1 );

    if ( isPressed )
        ++imgPos.x; ++imgPos.y;
        ++txtPos.x; ++txtPos.y;

    if ( hasImage )

        destDc.Blit( imgPos.x, imgPos.y,
                 &srcDc, 0,0, wxCOPY,true );

    if ( hasText )
        wxWindow* pTopWnd = this;

            wxWindow* pParent = pTopWnd->GetParent();

            if ( pParent == 0 )

            pTopWnd = pParent;
        } while (1);

        destDc.SetFont( wxSystemSettings::GetFont( wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) );

        if ( isEnabled )
            destDc.SetTextForeground( wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNTEXT) );
            destDc.SetTextForeground( wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DSHADOW) );
        destDc.SetTextBackground( wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE) );

        destDc.DrawText( mLabelText, txtPos.x, txtPos.y );

    if ( !isEnabled ){

#ifdef __WXMSW__ // This is currently MSW specific
        gray_out_image_on_dc( destDc, destDim.x, destDim.y );
        wxBitmap bmp( (const char*)_gDisableImage,8,8);
        wxBrush checkerBrush(bmp);
        checkerBrush.SetColour( wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE ) );
        destDc.SetBrush( checkerBrush );
        destDc.DrawRectangle( imgPos.x, imgPos.y, srcBmp->GetWidth()+1, srcBmp->GetHeight()+1);
    // adjust button size to fit the new dimensions of the label
    if ( !mSizeIsSet && 0 )
        mSizeIsSet = true;
        SetSize( wxDefaultCoord, wxDefaultCoord,
                 destBmp->GetWidth()  + mMarginX*2,
                 destBmp->GetHeight() + mMarginY*2, 0
    destDc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );

#if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
    // Map to system colours
    (void) wxToolBar::MapBitmap(destBmp->GetHBITMAP(), destBmp->GetWidth(), destBmp->GetHeight());