Example #1
void chess_generate_init(void)
    static int initialized = 0;
    ChessSquare sq;
    int dirs, d;
    int slide, jump;
    int file, rank;
    int to_file, to_rank;

    if (initialized)
    initialized = 1;

    for (sq = CHESS_SQUARE_A1; sq <= CHESS_SQUARE_H8; sq++)
        dirs = 0;
        file = chess_square_file(sq);
        rank = chess_square_rank(sq);
        for (d = 0; d < 8; d++)
            slide = slides_array[d];
            to_file = file + chess_square_file(slide + 36) - 4;
            to_rank = rank + chess_square_rank(slide + 36) - 4;
            if (to_file >= CHESS_FILE_A && to_file <= CHESS_FILE_H
            &&  to_rank >= CHESS_RANK_1 && to_rank <= CHESS_RANK_8)
                dirs |= dirs_array[d];

        slide_dirs[sq] = dirs;

    for (sq = CHESS_SQUARE_A1; sq <= CHESS_SQUARE_H8; sq++)
        dirs = 0;
        file = chess_square_file(sq);
        rank = chess_square_rank(sq);
        for (d = 0; d < 8; d++)
            jump = jumps_array[d];
            to_file = file + chess_square_file(jump + 36) - 4;
            to_rank = rank + chess_square_rank(jump + 36) - 4;
            if (to_file >= CHESS_FILE_A && to_file <= CHESS_FILE_H
            &&  to_rank >= CHESS_RANK_1 && to_rank <= CHESS_RANK_8)
                dirs |= dirs_array[d];

        jump_dirs[sq] = dirs;
Example #2
ChessBoolean chess_position_validate(ChessPosition* position)
    ChessSquare sq, other_king;
    ChessRank rank;
    ChessPiece pc;
    ChessPosition temp_position;

    chess_position_copy(position, &temp_position);
    temp_position.wking = CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID;
    temp_position.bking = CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID;

    for (sq = CHESS_SQUARE_A1; sq <= CHESS_SQUARE_H8; ++sq)
        pc = position->piece[sq];
        if (pc == CHESS_PIECE_WHITE_KING)
            if (temp_position.wking != CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID)
                return CHESS_FALSE; /* Too many white kings */

            temp_position.wking = sq;
        else if (pc == CHESS_PIECE_BLACK_KING)
            if (temp_position.bking != CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID)
                return CHESS_FALSE; /* Too many black kings */

            temp_position.bking = sq;
        else if (pc == CHESS_PIECE_WHITE_PAWN || pc == CHESS_PIECE_BLACK_PAWN)
            rank = chess_square_rank(sq);
            if (rank == CHESS_RANK_1 || rank == CHESS_RANK_8)
                /* Pawn on first or last rank */
                return CHESS_FALSE;

    if (temp_position.wking == CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID
        || temp_position.bking == CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID)
        /* No white king or black king */
        return CHESS_FALSE;

    /* Clear any impossible castling states */
    if (temp_position.piece[CHESS_SQUARE_E1] != CHESS_PIECE_WHITE_KING)
        temp_position.castle &= ~CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_WKQ;
    if (temp_position.piece[CHESS_SQUARE_H1] != CHESS_PIECE_WHITE_ROOK)
        temp_position.castle &= ~CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_WK;
    if (temp_position.piece[CHESS_SQUARE_A1] != CHESS_PIECE_WHITE_ROOK)
        temp_position.castle &= ~CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_WQ;
    if (temp_position.piece[CHESS_SQUARE_E8] != CHESS_PIECE_BLACK_KING)
        temp_position.castle &= ~CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_BKQ;
    if (temp_position.piece[CHESS_SQUARE_H8] != CHESS_PIECE_BLACK_ROOK)
        temp_position.castle &= ~CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_BK;
    if (temp_position.piece[CHESS_SQUARE_A8] != CHESS_PIECE_BLACK_ROOK)
        temp_position.castle &= ~CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_BQ;

    /* Clear en passant state if it's not valid */
    if (temp_position.ep != CHESS_FILE_INVALID)
        /* Valid would mean that a pawn (possibly) just moved to its 4th rank */
        if ((temp_position.to_move == CHESS_COLOR_WHITE &&
            temp_position.piece[chess_square_from_fr(temp_position.ep, CHESS_RANK_5)] != CHESS_PIECE_BLACK_PAWN) ||
            (temp_position.to_move == CHESS_COLOR_BLACK &&
            temp_position.piece[chess_square_from_fr(temp_position.ep, CHESS_RANK_4)] != CHESS_PIECE_WHITE_PAWN))
            temp_position.ep = CHESS_FILE_INVALID;

    other_king = (temp_position.to_move == CHESS_COLOR_WHITE)
        ? temp_position.bking : temp_position.wking;
    if (chess_generate_is_square_attacked(&temp_position, other_king, temp_position.to_move))
        /* Opponent's king is en prise */
        return CHESS_FALSE;

    /* All checks passed! */
    chess_position_copy(&temp_position, position);
    return CHESS_TRUE;
Example #3
static ChessMove gen_next(ChessMoveGenerator* gen)
    const ChessPosition* position = gen->position;
    ChessPiece piece;
    ChessColor color = chess_position_to_move(position);
    ChessPiece target;
    int dirs, dir;
    int piece_dirs;

    ChessRank start_rank, end_rank;
    int slide;
    int capture_dirs;
    ChessFile ep_file;
    ChessSquare ep;
    ChessMove move;

    if (gen->promote != CHESS_MOVE_PROMOTE_NONE)
        if (++gen->promote <= CHESS_MOVE_PROMOTE_QUEEN)
            return chess_move_make_promote(gen->sq, gen->to, gen->promote);
        gen->promote = CHESS_MOVE_PROMOTE_NONE;

    for (; gen->sq <= CHESS_SQUARE_H8; gen->sq++)
        piece = chess_position_piece(position, gen->sq);
        if (piece == CHESS_PIECE_NONE)

        if (color != chess_piece_color(piece))

        switch (piece)
            case CHESS_PIECE_WHITE_PAWN:
            case CHESS_PIECE_BLACK_PAWN:
                start_rank = (color == CHESS_COLOR_WHITE) ? CHESS_RANK_2 : CHESS_RANK_7;
                end_rank = (color == CHESS_COLOR_WHITE) ? CHESS_RANK_8 : CHESS_RANK_1;
                slide = (color == CHESS_COLOR_WHITE) ? SLIDE_N : SLIDE_S;
                capture_dirs = (color == CHESS_COLOR_WHITE) ? DIR_NE | DIR_NW : DIR_SE | DIR_SW;
                dirs = capture_dirs & slide_dirs[gen->sq];
                ep_file = chess_position_ep(position);
                ep = (ep_file == CHESS_FILE_INVALID) ? CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID :
                     chess_square_from_fr(ep_file, (color == CHESS_COLOR_WHITE) ? CHESS_RANK_6 : CHESS_RANK_3);

                if (gen->d == 0)
                    if (gen->to == CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID)
                        gen->to = gen->sq + slide;

                        if (chess_position_piece(position, gen->to) == CHESS_PIECE_NONE)
                            if (chess_square_rank(gen->to) == end_rank)
                                goto gen_pawn_promotes;
                                return chess_move_make(gen->sq, gen->to);
                    else if (chess_square_rank(gen->sq) == start_rank && gen->to == gen->sq + slide)
                        gen->to += slide;
                        if (chess_position_piece(position, gen->to) == CHESS_PIECE_NONE)
                            return chess_move_make(gen->sq, gen->to);
                    gen->to = CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID;
                    gen->d = 1;

                while (gen->d < 8)
                    if (dirs_array[gen->d] & dirs)
                        gen->to = gen->sq + slides_array[gen->d];
                        piece = chess_position_piece(position, gen->to);
                        gen->d += 2;
                        if (piece != CHESS_PIECE_NONE && chess_piece_color(piece) != color)
                            if (chess_square_rank(gen->to) == end_rank)
                                goto gen_pawn_promotes;
                                return chess_move_make(gen->sq, gen->to);
                        else if (gen->to == ep)
                            return chess_move_make(gen->sq, gen->to);
                        gen->d += 2;
                gen->to = CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID;
                gen->d = 0;
            case CHESS_PIECE_WHITE_KNIGHT:
            case CHESS_PIECE_BLACK_KNIGHT:
                dirs = jump_dirs[gen->sq];
                for (; gen->d < 8; gen->d++)
                    dir = dirs_array[gen->d];
                    if ((dir & dirs) == 0)

                    gen->to = gen->sq + jumps_array[gen->d];
                    target = chess_position_piece(position, gen->to);
                    if (target == CHESS_PIECE_NONE || chess_piece_color(target) != color)
                        return chess_move_make(gen->sq, gen->to);
                gen->to = CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID;
                gen->d = 0;
            case CHESS_PIECE_WHITE_BISHOP:
            case CHESS_PIECE_BLACK_BISHOP:
                piece_dirs = bishop_dirs;
                goto gen_slide_moves;
            case CHESS_PIECE_WHITE_ROOK:
            case CHESS_PIECE_BLACK_ROOK:
                piece_dirs = rook_dirs;
                goto gen_slide_moves;
            case CHESS_PIECE_WHITE_QUEEN:
            case CHESS_PIECE_BLACK_QUEEN:
                piece_dirs = queen_dirs;
                while (gen->d < 8)
                    dir = dirs_array[gen->d] & piece_dirs;

                    if (gen->to == CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID)
                        gen->to = gen->sq;

                        dirs = slide_dirs[gen->to];
                        if ((dir & dirs) == 0)

                        gen->to += slides_array[gen->d];
                        target = chess_position_piece(position, gen->to);
                        if (target == CHESS_PIECE_NONE)
                            return chess_move_make(gen->sq, gen->to);
                        else if (chess_piece_color(target) != color)
                            move = chess_move_make(gen->sq, gen->to);
                            gen->to = CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID;
                            return move;
                    } while (target == CHESS_PIECE_NONE);

                    gen->to = CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID;
                gen->to = CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID;
                gen->d = 0;
            case CHESS_PIECE_WHITE_KING:
            case CHESS_PIECE_BLACK_KING:
                dirs = slide_dirs[gen->sq];
                for (; gen->d < 8; gen->d++)
                    dir = dirs_array[gen->d];
                    if ((dir & dirs) == 0)

                    gen->to = gen->sq + slides_array[gen->d];
                    target = chess_position_piece(position, gen->to);
                    if (target == CHESS_PIECE_NONE || chess_piece_color(target) != color)
                        return chess_move_make(gen->sq, gen->to);
                gen->to = CHESS_SQUARE_INVALID;
                gen->d = 0;

    if (gen->castle == -1)
        if (!chess_position_is_check(position))
            gen->castle = chess_position_castle(position);
        else {
            gen->castle = CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_NONE;

    if (color == CHESS_COLOR_WHITE)
        if ((gen->castle & CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_WK)
            && chess_position_piece(position, CHESS_SQUARE_F1) == CHESS_PIECE_NONE
            && chess_position_piece(position, CHESS_SQUARE_G1) == CHESS_PIECE_NONE
            && !chess_generate_is_square_attacked(position, CHESS_SQUARE_F1, CHESS_COLOR_BLACK)
            && !chess_generate_is_square_attacked(position, CHESS_SQUARE_G1, CHESS_COLOR_BLACK))
            gen->castle &= ~CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_WK;
            return chess_move_make(CHESS_SQUARE_E1, CHESS_SQUARE_G1);

        if ((gen->castle & CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_WQ)
            && chess_position_piece(position, CHESS_SQUARE_B1) == CHESS_PIECE_NONE
            && chess_position_piece(position, CHESS_SQUARE_C1) == CHESS_PIECE_NONE
            && chess_position_piece(position, CHESS_SQUARE_D1) == CHESS_PIECE_NONE
            && !chess_generate_is_square_attacked(position, CHESS_SQUARE_D1, CHESS_COLOR_BLACK)
            && !chess_generate_is_square_attacked(position, CHESS_SQUARE_C1, CHESS_COLOR_BLACK))
            gen->castle &= ~CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_WQ;
            return chess_move_make(CHESS_SQUARE_E1, CHESS_SQUARE_C1);
        if ((gen->castle & CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_BK)
            && chess_position_piece(position, CHESS_SQUARE_F8) == CHESS_PIECE_NONE
            && chess_position_piece(position, CHESS_SQUARE_G8) == CHESS_PIECE_NONE
            && !chess_generate_is_square_attacked(position, CHESS_SQUARE_F8, CHESS_COLOR_WHITE)
            && !chess_generate_is_square_attacked(position, CHESS_SQUARE_G8, CHESS_COLOR_WHITE))
            gen->castle &= ~CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_BK;
            return chess_move_make(CHESS_SQUARE_E8, CHESS_SQUARE_G8);

        if ((gen->castle & CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_BQ)
            && chess_position_piece(position, CHESS_SQUARE_B8) == CHESS_PIECE_NONE
            && chess_position_piece(position, CHESS_SQUARE_C8) == CHESS_PIECE_NONE
            && chess_position_piece(position, CHESS_SQUARE_D8) == CHESS_PIECE_NONE
            && !chess_generate_is_square_attacked(position, CHESS_SQUARE_D8, CHESS_COLOR_WHITE)
            && !chess_generate_is_square_attacked(position, CHESS_SQUARE_C8, CHESS_COLOR_WHITE))
            gen->castle &= ~CHESS_CASTLE_STATE_BQ;
            return chess_move_make(CHESS_SQUARE_E8, CHESS_SQUARE_C8);

    return 0;