int Chewing::Enter() { int rt; uint16_t *oldSeq = chewing_get_phoneSeq(ctx); int seqLen = chewing_get_phoneSeqLen(ctx); rt = chewing_handle_Enter(ctx); if (chewing_commit_Check(ctx)) { memcpy(g_lastPhoneSeq, oldSeq, seqLen*sizeof(uint16_t)); g_lastPhoneSeq[seqLen] = 0; } chewing_free(oldSeq); return rt; }
void test_get_phoneSeq() { static const struct { char *token; unsigned short phone[5]; } DATA[] = { { "hk4g4", {10268, 8708, 0} }, { "hk4g4`31hk4g4", {10268, 8708, 10268, 8708, 0} }, { "`31`31", {0} }, }; ChewingContext *ctx; size_t i; int expected_len; int len; unsigned short *phone; ctx = chewing_new(); start_testcase(ctx, fd); chewing_set_maxChiSymbolLen(ctx, 16); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(DATA); ++i) { chewing_Reset(ctx); type_keystroke_by_string(ctx, DATA[i].token); expected_len = 0; while (DATA[i].phone[expected_len] != 0) ++expected_len; len = chewing_get_phoneSeqLen(ctx); ok(len == expected_len, "phoneSeqLen `%d' shall be `%d'", len, expected_len); phone = chewing_get_phoneSeq(ctx); ok(memcmp(phone, DATA[i].phone, sizeof(phone[0]) * expected_len) == 0, "phoneSeq shall be expected value"); chewing_free(phone); } chewing_delete(ctx); }
void test_null() { int ret; char *buf; const char *const_buf; int *key; unsigned short *phone; start_testcase(NULL, fd); chewing_Reset(NULL); // shall not crash ret = chewing_set_KBType(NULL, 0); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_set_KBType() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_get_KBType(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_get_KBType() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); buf = chewing_get_KBString(NULL); ok(strcmp(buf, "") == 0, "chewing_get_KBString() returns `%s' shall be `%s'", buf, ""); chewing_free(buf); chewing_delete(NULL); // shall not crash chewing_free(NULL); // shall not crash chewing_set_candPerPage(NULL, 0); // shall not crash ret = chewing_get_candPerPage(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_get_candPerPage() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); chewing_set_maxChiSymbolLen(NULL, 0); // shall not crash ret = chewing_get_maxChiSymbolLen(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_get_maxChiSymbolLen() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); chewing_set_selKey(NULL, NULL, 0); // shall not crash key = chewing_get_selKey(NULL); ok(key == NULL, "chewing_get_selKey() returns NULL"); chewing_free(key); chewing_set_addPhraseDirection(NULL, 0); // shall not crash ret = chewing_get_addPhraseDirection(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_get_addPhraseDirection() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); chewing_set_spaceAsSelection(NULL, 0); // shall not crash ret = chewing_get_spaceAsSelection(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_get_spaceAsSelection() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); chewing_set_escCleanAllBuf(NULL, 0); // shall not crash ret = chewing_get_escCleanAllBuf(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_get_escCleanAllBuf() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); chewing_set_autoShiftCur(NULL, 0); // shall not crash ret = chewing_get_autoShiftCur(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_get_autoShiftCur() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); chewing_set_easySymbolInput(NULL, 0); // shall not crash ret = chewing_get_easySymbolInput(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_get_easySymbolInput() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); chewing_set_phraseChoiceRearward(NULL, 0); ret = chewing_get_phraseChoiceRearward(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_get_phraseChoiceRearward() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); chewing_set_ChiEngMode(NULL, 0); // shall not crash ret = chewing_get_ChiEngMode(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_get_ChiEngMode() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); chewing_set_ShapeMode(NULL, 0); // shall not crash ret = chewing_handle_Space(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_Space() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_Esc(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_Esc() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_Enter(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_Enter() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_Del(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_Del() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_Backspace(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_Backspace() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_Up(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_Up() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_Down(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_Down() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_ShiftLeft(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_ShiftLeft() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_Left(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_Left() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_ShiftRight(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_ShiftRight() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_Right(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_Right() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_Tab(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_Tab() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_DblTab(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_DblTab() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_Capslock(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_Capslock() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_Home(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_Home() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_PageUp(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_PageUp() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_PageDown(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_PageDown() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_Default(NULL, 0); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_Default() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_CtrlNum(NULL, 0); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_CtrlNum() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_ShiftSpace(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_ShiftSpace() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_handle_Numlock(NULL, 0); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_handle_Numlock() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); phone = chewing_get_phoneSeq(NULL); ok(phone == NULL, "chewing_get_phoneSeq() returns NULL"); chewing_free(phone); ret = chewing_get_phoneSeqLen(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_get_phoneSeqLen() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); chewing_set_logger(NULL, NULL, NULL); ret = chewing_userphrase_enumerate(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_userphrase_enumerate() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_userphrase_has_next(NULL, NULL, NULL); ok(ret == 0, "chewing_userphrase_has_next() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, 0); ret = chewing_userphrase_get(NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_userphrase_get() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_userphrase_add(NULL, NULL, NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_userphrase_add() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_userphrase_remove(NULL, NULL, NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_userphrase_remove() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_userphrase_lookup(NULL, NULL, NULL); ok(ret == 0, "chewing_userphrase_lookup() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, 0); ret = chewing_cand_open(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_cand_open() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_cand_close(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_cand_open() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_cand_choose_by_index(NULL, 0); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_cand_choose_by_index() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_cand_list_first(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_cand_list_first() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_cand_list_last(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_cand_list_last() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_cand_list_has_next(NULL); ok(ret == 0, "chewing_cand_list_has_next() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, 0); ret = chewing_cand_list_has_prev(NULL); ok(ret == 0, "chewing_cand_list_has_prev() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, 0); ret = chewing_cand_list_next(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_cand_list_next() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_cand_list_prev(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_cand_list_prev() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_commit_preedit_buf(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_commit_preedit_buf() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_clean_preedit_buf(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_clean_preedit_buf() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_clean_bopomofo_buf(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_clean_bopomofo_buf() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_commit_Check(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_commit_Check() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); buf = chewing_commit_String(NULL); ok(strcmp(buf, "") == 0, "chewing_commit_String() returns `%s' shall be `%s'", buf, ""); chewing_free(buf); const_buf = chewing_commit_String_static(NULL); ok(strcmp(const_buf, "") == 0, "chewing_commit_String() returns `%s' shall be `%s'", const_buf, ""); ret = chewing_buffer_Check(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_buffer_Check() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_buffer_Len(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_buffer_Len() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); buf = chewing_buffer_String(NULL); ok(strcmp(buf, "") == 0, "chewing_buffer_String() returns `%s' shall be `%s'", buf, ""); chewing_free(buf); const_buf = chewing_buffer_String_static(NULL); ok(strcmp(const_buf, "") == 0, "chewing_buffer_String_static() returns `%s' shall be `%s'", const_buf, ""); const_buf = chewing_bopomofo_String_static(NULL); ok(strcmp(const_buf, "") == 0, "chewing_bopomofo_String_static() returns `%s' shall be `%s'", const_buf, ""); BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS buf = chewing_zuin_String(NULL, NULL); END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS ok(strcmp(buf, "") == 0, "chewing_zuin_String() returns `%s' shall be `%s'", buf, ""); chewing_free(buf); ret = chewing_bopomofo_Check(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_bopomofo_Check() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS chewing_zuin_Check(NULL); // shall not crash END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS ret = chewing_cursor_Current(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_cursor_Current() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_cand_CheckDone(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_cand_CheckDone() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_cand_TotalPage(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_cand_TotalPage() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_cand_ChoicePerPage(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_cand_ChoicePerPage() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_cand_TotalChoice(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_cand_TotalChoice() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_cand_CurrentPage(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_cand_CurrentPage() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); chewing_cand_Enumerate(NULL); // shall not crash ret = chewing_cand_hasNext(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_cand_hasNext() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); const_buf = chewing_cand_String_static(NULL); ok(strcmp(const_buf, "") == 0, "chewing_cand_String_static() returns `%s' shall be `%s'", const_buf, ""); buf = chewing_cand_String(NULL); ok(strcmp(buf, "") == 0, "chewing_cand_String() returns `%s' shall be `%s'", buf, ""); chewing_free(buf); chewing_interval_Enumerate(NULL); // shall not crash ret = chewing_interval_hasNext(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_interval_hasNext() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); chewing_interval_Get(NULL, NULL); // shall not crash ret = chewing_aux_Check(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_aux_Check() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_aux_Length(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_aux_Length() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); const_buf = chewing_aux_String_static(NULL); ok(strcmp(const_buf, "") == 0, "chewing_aux_String_static() returns `%s' shall be `%s'", const_buf, ""); buf = chewing_aux_String(NULL); ok(strcmp(buf, "") == 0, "chewing_aux_String() returns `%s' shall be `%s'", buf, ""); chewing_free(buf); ret = chewing_keystroke_CheckIgnore(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_keystroke_CheckIgnore() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); ret = chewing_keystroke_CheckAbsorb(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_keystroke_CheckAbsorb() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); chewing_kbtype_Enumerate(NULL); // shall not crash ret = chewing_kbtype_hasNext(NULL); ok(ret == -1, "chewing_kbtype_hasNext() returns `%d' shall be `%d'", ret, -1); const_buf = chewing_kbtype_String_static(NULL); ok(strcmp(const_buf, "") == 0, "chewing_kbtype_String_static() returns `%s' shall be `%s'", const_buf, ""); buf = chewing_kbtype_String(NULL); ok(strcmp(buf, "") == 0, "chewing_kbtype_String() returns `%s' shall be `%s'", buf, ""); chewing_free(buf); }