Example #1
void newsroom_continue_dialog_clicked(dialog *dlg, dialog_result result){
    scene *sc = dlg->userdata;
    if(result == DIALOG_RESULT_NO) {
        game_state_set_next(sc->gs, SCENE_MENU);
    } else if (result == DIALOG_RESULT_YES_OK) {
        // Resetting p2->sp_wins here allows the game to progress,
        // otherwise you get stuck with the same opponent
        game_player *p1 = game_state_get_player(sc->gs, 0);
        game_player *p2 = game_state_get_player(sc->gs, 1);
        p2->sp_wins = 0;
        chr_score_reset(game_player_get_score(p1), 1);
        game_state_set_next(sc->gs, SCENE_VS);
Example #2
int scoreboard_create(scene *scene) {
    // Init local data
    scoreboard_local *local = malloc(sizeof(scoreboard_local));
    local->page = settings_get()->gameplay.rounds;

    // Load scores
    if(scores_read(&local->data) == 1) {
        DEBUG("No score data found; using empty score array.");

    // Check for pending score
    local->has_pending_data = 0;
    if(found_pending_score(scene)) {
        game_player *player = game_state_get_player(scene->gs, 0);
        unsigned int score = player->score.score;
        if(score_fits_scoreboard(local, score)) {
            local->has_pending_data = 1;
            local->pending_data.score = score;
            local->pending_data.har_id = player->har_id;
            local->pending_data.pilot_id = player->pilot_id;
            local->pending_data.name[0] = 0;

        // Wipe old score data, whether it was written on scoreboard or not.
        chr_score_reset(game_player_get_score(player), 1);

    // Create a surface that has an appropriate alpha for darkening the screen a bit
    surface_create(&local->black_surface, SURFACE_TYPE_RGBA, 32, 32);
    surface_fill(&local->black_surface, color_create(0,0,0,200));

    // Set callbacks
    scene_set_userdata(scene, local);
    scene_set_event_cb(scene, scoreboard_event);
    scene_set_input_poll_cb(scene, scoreboard_input_tick);
    scene_set_render_overlay_cb(scene, scoreboard_render_overlay);
    scene_set_free_cb(scene, scoreboard_free);

    // All done
    return 0;