// verify_circle - check if we have circled the point enough
bool Copter::ModeAuto::verify_circle(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd)
    // check if we've reached the edge
    if (mode() == Auto_CircleMoveToEdge) {
        if (wp_nav->reached_wp_destination()) {
            const Vector3f curr_pos = _copter.inertial_nav.get_position();
            Vector3f circle_center = _copter.pv_location_to_vector(cmd.content.location);

            // set target altitude if not provided
            if (is_zero(circle_center.z)) {
                circle_center.z = curr_pos.z;

            // set lat/lon position if not provided
            if (cmd.content.location.lat == 0 && cmd.content.location.lng == 0) {
                circle_center.x = curr_pos.x;
                circle_center.y = curr_pos.y;

            // start circling
        return false;

    // check if we have completed circling
    return fabsf(circle_nav->get_angle_total()/M_2PI) >= LOWBYTE(cmd.p1);
void DXF2BRD_CONVERTER::addCircle( const DRW_Circle& aData )
    DRAWSEGMENT* segm = ( m_useModuleItems ) ?
                        static_cast< DRAWSEGMENT* >( new EDGE_MODULE( NULL ) ) : new DRAWSEGMENT;

    segm->SetLayer( ToLAYER_ID( m_brdLayer ) );
    segm->SetShape( S_CIRCLE );
    wxPoint center( mapX( aData.basePoint.x ), mapY( aData.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetCenter( center );
    wxPoint circle_start( mapX( aData.basePoint.x + aData.radious ), mapY( aData.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetArcStart( circle_start );
    segm->SetWidth( mapDim( aData.thickness == 0 ? m_defaultThickness : aData.thickness ) );
    m_newItemsList.push_back( segm );
 * Import Circle entities.
void DXF2BRD_CONVERTER::addCircle( const DRW_Circle& data )
    DRAWSEGMENT* segm = new DRAWSEGMENT( m_brd );

    segm->SetLayer( m_brdLayer );
    segm->SetShape( S_CIRCLE );
    wxPoint center( mapX( data.basePoint.x ), mapY( data.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetCenter( center );
    wxPoint circle_start( mapX( data.basePoint.x + data.radious ),
                          mapY( data.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetArcStart( circle_start );
    segm->SetWidth( mapDim( data.thickness == 0 ? m_defaultThickness
                            : data.thickness ) );
    appendToBoard( segm );