Example #1
inline int potrf(CBLAS_ORDER const Order, CBLAS_UPLO const Uplo,
        int const N, double *A, int const lda
) {
	return clapack_dpotrf(Order, Uplo, N, A, lda);
Example #2
void arpack_dsaupd(double* matrix, int n, int nev, const char* which,
                   int mode, bool pos, double shift, double* eigenvalues,
                   double* eigenvectors, int& status)
    // check if nev is greater than n
    if (nev>n)
        SG_SERROR("Number of required eigenpairs is greater than order of the matrix");

    // check specified mode
    if (mode!=1 && mode!=3)
        SG_SERROR("Unknown mode specified");

    // init ARPACK's reverse communication parameter
    // (should be zero initially)
    int ido = 0;

    // specify that non-general eigenproblem will be solved
    // (Ax=lGx, where G=I)
    char bmat[2] = "I";

    // init tolerance (zero means machine precision)
    double tol = 0.0;

    // allocate array to hold residuals
    double* resid = new double[n];

    // set number of Lanczos basis vectors to be used
    // (with max(4*nev,n) sufficient for most tasks)
    int ncv = nev*4>n ? n : nev*4;

    // allocate array 'v' for dsaupd routine usage
    int ldv = n;
    double* v = new double[ldv*ncv];

    // init array for i/o params for routine
    int* iparam = new int[11];
    // specify method for selecting implicit shifts (1 - exact shifts)
    iparam[0] = 1;
    // specify max number of iterations
    iparam[2] = 2*2*n;
    // set the computation mode (1 for regular or 3 for shift-inverse)
    iparam[6] = mode;

    // init array indicating locations of vectors for routine callback
    int* ipntr = new int[11];

    // allocate workaround arrays
    double* workd = new double[3*n];
    int lworkl = ncv*(ncv+8);
    double* workl = new double[lworkl];

    // init info holding status (should be zero at first call)
    int info = 0;

    // which eigenpairs to find
    char* which_ = strdup(which);
    // All
    char* all_ = strdup("A");

    // shift-invert mode
    if (mode==3)
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
            matrix[i*n+i] -= shift;

        if (pos)
            int* ipiv = new int[n];
            delete[] ipiv;
    // main computation loop
        dsaupd_(&ido, bmat, &n, which_, &nev, &tol, resid,
                &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
                &lworkl, &info);

        if ((ido==1)||(ido==-1))
    } while ((ido==1)||(ido==-1));

    // check if DSAUPD failed
    if (info<0)
        if ((info<=-1)&&(info>=-6))
            SG_SWARNING("DSAUPD failed. Wrong parameter passed.");
        else if (info==-7)
            SG_SWARNING("DSAUPD failed. Workaround array size is not sufficient.");
            SG_SWARNING("DSAUPD failed. Error code: %d.", info);

        status = -1;
        if (info==1)
            SG_SWARNING("Maximum number of iterations reached.\n");

        // allocate select for dseupd
        int* select = new int[ncv];
        // allocate d to hold eigenvalues
        double* d = new double[2*ncv];
        // sigma for dseupd
        double sigma = shift;

        // init ierr indicating dseupd possible errors
        int ierr = 0;

        // specify that eigenvectors to be computed too
        int rvec = 1;

        dseupd_(&rvec, all_, select, d, v, &ldv, &sigma, bmat,
                &n, which_, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, v, &ldv,
                iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, &ierr);

        if (ierr!=0)
            SG_SWARNING("DSEUPD failed with status=%d", ierr);
            status = -1;

            for (int i=0; i<nev; i++)
                eigenvalues[i] = d[i];

                for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
                    eigenvectors[j*nev+i] = v[i*n+j];

        // cleanup
        delete[] select;
        delete[] d;

    // cleanup
    delete[] all_;
    delete[] which_;
    delete[] resid;
    delete[] v;
    delete[] iparam;
    delete[] ipntr;
    delete[] workd;
    delete[] workl;