Example #1
File: binding.c Project: dyne/MuSE
 * This sets all the bindings for the given objects.
void cleanCDKObjectBindings (EObjectType cdktype, void *object)
   * Since dereferencing a void pointer is a no-no, we have to cast
   * our pointer correctly.
   if (cdktype == vFSELECT)
      cleanCDKObjectBindings (vENTRY, ((CDKFSELECT *)object)->entryField);
      cleanCDKObjectBindings (vSCROLL, ((CDKFSELECT *)object)->scrollField);
   else if (cdktype == vALPHALIST)
      cleanCDKObjectBindings (vENTRY, ((CDKALPHALIST *)object)->entryField);
      cleanCDKObjectBindings (vSCROLL, ((CDKALPHALIST *)object)->scrollField);
      int x;
      CDKOBJS *obj = (CDKOBJS *)object;
      for (x=0; x < obj->bindingCount; x++)
	 (obj)->bindingList[x].bindFunction	= 0;
	 (obj)->bindingList[x].bindData		= 0;
Example #2
 * This destroys the widget.
static void _destroyCDKMarquee (CDKOBJS *object)
   if (object != 0)
      CDKMARQUEE *widget = (CDKMARQUEE *)object;

      /* Clean up the windows. */
      deleteCursesWindow (widget->shadowWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (widget->win);

      /* Clean the key bindings. */
      cleanCDKObjectBindings (vMARQUEE, widget);

      /* Unregister this object. */
      unregisterCDKObject (vMARQUEE, widget);
Example #3
 * This destroys the button object pointer.
static void _destroyCDKButton (CDKOBJS *object)
   if (object != 0)
      CDKBUTTON *button = (CDKBUTTON *)object;

      /* Free up the character pointers. */
      freeChtype (button->info);

      /* Free up the window pointers. */
      deleteCursesWindow (button->shadowWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (button->win);

      /* Clean the key bindings. */
      cleanCDKObjectBindings (vBUTTON, button);

      /* Unregister the object. */
      unregisterCDKObject (vBUTTON, button);
Example #4
 * This destroys the file selector.
static void _destroyCDKAlphalist (CDKOBJS *object)
   if (object != 0)
      CDKALPHALIST *alphalist = (CDKALPHALIST *)object;

      destroyInfo (alphalist);

      /* Clean the key bindings. */
      cleanCDKObjectBindings (vALPHALIST, alphalist);

      destroyCDKEntry (alphalist->entryField);
      destroyCDKScroll (alphalist->scrollField);

      /* Free up the window pointers. */
      deleteCursesWindow (alphalist->shadowWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (alphalist->win);

      /* Unregister the object. */
      unregisterCDKObject (vALPHALIST, alphalist);
Example #5
 * This function destroys the widget.
static void _destroyCDKUScale (CDKOBJS *object)
    if (object != 0)
        CDKUSCALE *widget = (CDKUSCALE *)object;

        cleanCdkTitle (object);
        freeChtype (widget->label);

        /* Clean up the windows. */
        deleteCursesWindow (widget->fieldWin);
        deleteCursesWindow (widget->labelWin);
        deleteCursesWindow (widget->shadowWin);
        deleteCursesWindow (widget->win);

        /* Clean the key bindings. */
        cleanCDKObjectBindings (vUSCALE, widget);

        /* Unregister this object. */
        unregisterCDKObject (vUSCALE, widget);
Example #6
 * This function destroys
static void _destroyCDKScroll (CDKOBJS *object)
   if (object != 0)
      CDKSCROLL *scrollp = (CDKSCROLL *)object;

      cleanCdkTitle (object);
      CDKfreeChtypes (scrollp->item);
      freeChecked (scrollp->itemPos);
      freeChecked (scrollp->itemLen);

      /* Clean up the windows. */
      deleteCursesWindow (scrollp->scrollbarWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (scrollp->shadowWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (scrollp->listWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (scrollp->win);

      /* Clean the key bindings. */
      cleanCDKObjectBindings (vSCROLL, scrollp);

      /* Unregister this object. */
      unregisterCDKObject (vSCROLL, scrollp);
Example #7
File: fscale.c Project: dyne/MuSE
 * This function creates a scale widget.
CDKFSCALE *newCDKFScale (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen, int xplace, int yplace, char *title, char *label, chtype fieldAttr, int fieldWidth, float start, float low, float high, float inc, float fastinc, int digits, boolean Box, boolean shadow)
   /* Declare local variables. */
   CDKFSCALE *scale	= newCDKObject(CDKFSCALE, &my_funcs);
   chtype *holder	= 0;
   int parentWidth	= getmaxx(cdkscreen->window) - 1;
   int parentHeight	= getmaxy(cdkscreen->window) - 1;
   int boxHeight	= 3;
   int boxWidth		= fieldWidth + 2;
   int maxWidth		= INT_MIN;
   int horizontalAdjust = 0;
   int xpos		= xplace;
   int ypos		= yplace;
   char **temp		= 0;
   int x, len, junk, junk2;

   /* Set some basic values of the scale field. */
   scale->label		= 0;
   scale->labelLen	= 0;
   scale->labelWin	= 0;
   scale->titleLines	= 0;

   * If the fieldWidth is a negative value, the fieldWidth will
   * be COLS-fieldWidth, otherwise, the fieldWidth will be the
   * given width.
   fieldWidth = setWidgetDimension (parentWidth, fieldWidth, 0);
   boxWidth = fieldWidth + 2;

   /* Translate the label char *pointer to a chtype pointer. */
   if (label != 0)
      scale->label	= char2Chtype (label, &scale->labelLen, &junk);
      boxWidth		= scale->labelLen + fieldWidth + 2;

   /* Translate the char * items to chtype * */
   if (title != 0)
      temp = CDKsplitString (title, '\n');
      scale->titleLines = CDKcountStrings (temp);

      /* We need to determine the widest title line. */
      for (x=0; x < scale->titleLines; x++)
	 holder = char2Chtype (temp[x], &len, &junk2);
	 maxWidth = MAXIMUM (maxWidth, len);
	 freeChtype (holder);

       * If one of the title lines is wider than the field and the label,
       * the box width will expand to accomodate.
       if (maxWidth > boxWidth)
	  horizontalAdjust = (int)((maxWidth - boxWidth) / 2) + 1;
	  boxWidth = maxWidth + 2;

      /* For each line in the title, convert from char * to chtype * */
      for (x=0; x < scale->titleLines; x++)
	 scale->title[x]	= char2Chtype (temp[x], &scale->titleLen[x], &scale->titlePos[x]);
	 scale->titlePos[x]	= justifyString (boxWidth, scale->titleLen[x], scale->titlePos[x]);
      /* No title? Set the required variables. */
      scale->titleLines = 0;
   boxHeight += scale->titleLines;

   * Make sure we didn't extend beyond the dimensions of the window.
   boxWidth = (boxWidth > parentWidth ? parentWidth : boxWidth);
   boxHeight = (boxHeight > parentHeight ? parentHeight : boxHeight);
   fieldWidth = (fieldWidth > (boxWidth - scale->labelLen - 2) ? (boxWidth - scale->labelLen - 2) : fieldWidth);

   /* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */
   alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight);

   /* Make the scale window. */
   scale->win = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos, xpos);

   /* Is the main window null??? */
   if (scale->win == 0)
      freeChtype (scale->label);
      free (scale);

      /* Return a null pointer. */
      return (0);

   /* Create the scale label window. */
   if (scale->label != 0)
      scale->labelWin = subwin (scale->win, 1,
				scale->labelLen + 2,
				ypos + scale->titleLines + 1,
				xpos + horizontalAdjust + 1);

   /* Create the scale field window. */
   scale->fieldWin = subwin (scale->win, 1, fieldWidth,
				ypos + scale->titleLines + 1,
				xpos + scale->labelLen + horizontalAdjust + 1);
   keypad (scale->fieldWin, TRUE);
   keypad (scale->win, TRUE);

   /* Create the scale field. */
   ScreenOf(scale)		= cdkscreen;
   ObjOf(scale)->box		= Box;
   scale->parent		= cdkscreen->window;
   scale->shadowWin		= 0;
   scale->boxWidth		= boxWidth;
   scale->boxHeight		= boxHeight;
   scale->fieldWidth		= fieldWidth;
   scale->fieldAttr		= (chtype)fieldAttr;
   scale->current		= low;
   scale->low			= low;
   scale->high			= high;
   scale->current		= start;
   scale->inc			= inc;
   scale->fastinc		= fastinc;
   scale->digits		= digits;
   scale->exitType		= vNEVER_ACTIVATED;
   scale->shadow		= shadow;
   scale->preProcessFunction	= 0;
   scale->preProcessData	= 0;
   scale->postProcessFunction	= 0;
   scale->postProcessData	= 0;
   scale->ULChar		= ACS_ULCORNER;
   scale->URChar		= ACS_URCORNER;
   scale->LLChar		= ACS_LLCORNER;
   scale->LRChar		= ACS_LRCORNER;
   scale->HChar			= ACS_HLINE;
   scale->VChar			= ACS_VLINE;
   scale->BoxAttrib		= A_NORMAL;

   /* Do we want a shadow??? */
   if (shadow)
      scale->shadowWin	= newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos + 1, xpos + 1);

   /* Clean the key bindings. */
   cleanCDKObjectBindings (vFSCALE, scale);

   /* Register this baby. */
   registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vFSCALE, scale);

   /* Return the pointer. */
   return (scale);
Example #8
File: dialog.c Project: dyne/MuSE
 * This function creates a dialog widget.
CDKDIALOG *newCDKDialog (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen, int xplace, int yplace, char **mesg, int rows, char **buttonLabel, int buttonCount, chtype highlight, boolean separator, boolean Box, boolean shadow)
   /* Declare local variables. */
   CDKDIALOG *dialog	= newCDKObject(CDKDIALOG, &my_funcs);
   int boxWidth		= MIN_DIALOG_WIDTH;
   int boxHeight	= rows + 3 + separator;
   int maxmessagewidth	= -1;
   int buttonwidth	= 0;
   int xpos		= xplace;
   int ypos		= yplace;
   int temp		= 0;
   int buttonadj	= 0;
   int x		= 0;

   /* Translate the char * message to a chtype * */
   for (x=0; x < rows; x++)
      dialog->info[x]	= char2Chtype (mesg[x], &dialog->infoLen[x], &dialog->infoPos[x]);
      maxmessagewidth	= MAXIMUM(maxmessagewidth, dialog->infoLen[x]);

   /* Translate the button label char * to a chtype * */
   for (x = 0; x < buttonCount; x++)
      dialog->buttonLabel[x]	= char2Chtype (buttonLabel[x], &dialog->buttonLen[x], &temp);
      buttonwidth		+= dialog->buttonLen[x] + 1;

   /* Determine the final dimensions of the box. */
   boxWidth	= MAXIMUM(boxWidth, maxmessagewidth);
   boxWidth	= MAXIMUM(boxWidth, buttonwidth);
   boxWidth	= boxWidth + 4;

   /* Now we have to readjust the x and y positions. */
   alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight);

   /* Set up the dialog box attributes. */
   ScreenOf(dialog)		= cdkscreen;
   dialog->parent		= cdkscreen->window;
   dialog->win			= newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos, xpos);
   dialog->shadowWin		= 0;
   dialog->buttonCount		= buttonCount;
   dialog->currentButton	= 0;
   dialog->messageRows		= rows;
   dialog->boxHeight		= boxHeight;
   dialog->boxWidth		= boxWidth;
   dialog->highlight		= highlight;
   dialog->separator		= separator;
   dialog->exitType		= vNEVER_ACTIVATED;
   ObjOf(dialog)->box		= Box;
   dialog->shadow		= shadow;
   dialog->ULChar		= ACS_ULCORNER;
   dialog->URChar		= ACS_URCORNER;
   dialog->LLChar		= ACS_LLCORNER;
   dialog->LRChar		= ACS_LRCORNER;
   dialog->HChar		= ACS_HLINE;
   dialog->VChar		= ACS_VLINE;
   dialog->BoxAttrib		= A_NORMAL;
   dialog->preProcessFunction	= 0;
   dialog->preProcessData	= 0;
   dialog->postProcessFunction	= 0;
   dialog->postProcessData	= 0;

   /* If we couldn't create the window, we should return a null value. */
   if (dialog->win == 0)
      /* Couldn't create the window. Clean up used memory. */
      for (x=0; x < dialog->messageRows ; x++)
	 freeChtype (dialog->info[x]);
      for (x=0; x < dialog->buttonCount; x++)
	 freeChtype (dialog->buttonLabel[x]);

      /* Remove the memory used by the dialog pointer. */
      free (dialog);

      /* Return a null dialog box. */
      return (0);
   keypad (dialog->win, TRUE);

   /* Find the button positions. */
   buttonadj = ((int)((boxWidth-buttonwidth)/2));
   for (x = 0; x < buttonCount; x++)
      dialog->buttonPos[x]	= buttonadj;
      buttonadj			= buttonadj + dialog->buttonLen[x] + 1;

   /* Create the string alignments. */
   for (x=0; x < rows; x++)
      dialog->infoPos[x] = justifyString (boxWidth, dialog->infoLen[x], dialog->infoPos[x]);

   /* Was there a shadow? */
   if (shadow)
      dialog->shadowWin = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos + 1, xpos + 1);

   /* Empty the key bindings. */
   cleanCDKObjectBindings (vDIALOG, dialog);

   /* Register this baby. */
   registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vDIALOG, dialog);

   /* Return the dialog box pointer. */
   return (dialog);