Example #1
void TuioKinect::update()

	ofBackground(10, 10, 10);
	//Kinect + Feeds updating

	grayImage.setFromPixels(kinect.getDepthPixels(), kinect.width, kinect.height);
	grayImage.mirror(false, true);
	unsigned char * pix = grayImage.getPixels();
	int numPixels = grayImage.getWidth() * grayImage.getHeight()-1;
	depthImage.setFromPixels(pix, kinect.width, kinect.height);
	colorImage.setFromPixels(kinect.getPixels(), kinect.width, kinect.height);
	colorImage.mirror(false, true);
	colorImage.convertToGrayscalePlanarImage(redImage, 0);
	for(int i = numPixels; i > 0 ; i--){
		if( pix[i] > nearThreshold && pix[i] < farThreshold ){
			pix[i] = 255;
			pix[i] = 0;
	//update the cv image
	unsigned char * red = redImage.getPixels();
	numPixels = redImage.getWidth() * redImage.getHeight();
	contourFinder.findContours(grayImage, 900, (kinect.width*kinect.height)/8, 20, false);
	TuioTime frameTime = TuioTime::getSessionTime();
	int numBlobs = contourFinder.blobs.size() ;
	int count = 0 ; 
	if ( numBlobs == 0 ) 
		holdingLength = 0 ;
	//detect all blobs
	std::vector<ofxCvBlob>::iterator blob;
	for (blob=contourFinder.blobs.begin(); blob!= contourFinder.blobs.end(); blob++) 
		float xpos = (*blob).centroid.x;
		float ypos = (*blob).centroid.y;
		TuioPoint tp(xpos/kinect.width,ypos/kinect.height);
		TuioCursor *tcur = tuioServer->getClosestTuioCursor(tp.getX(),tp.getY());
		//Adjust here to change minumum distance for new points
		if ((tcur==NULL) || (tcur->getDistance(&tp)>0.1)) { 
			tcur = tuioServer->addTuioCursor(tp.getX(), tp.getY());
		} else {
			TuioPoint kp = updateKalman(tcur->getCursorID(),tp);
			tuioServer->updateTuioCursor(tcur, kp.getX(), kp.getY());
		xpos = tp.getX() * ofGetWidth() ; 
		ypos = tp.getY() * ofGetHeight() ; 
		if ( numBlobs < 3 )
			kCursors[count].x = xpos ; 
			kCursors[count].y = ypos ; 
		count++ ;
	float strength = 5.0f;
	float damping  = 0.5f;
	if ( numBlobs == 2 ) 
		if ( holdingLength < 40 ) 
			holdingLength++ ;

		float holdingRatio = 0.05f + (float)holdingLength/40.0f ;
		float minDis   = 100.0f;
		ofPoint c1 = kCursors[1] ; 
		ofPoint c0 = kCursors[0] ; 
		for(int i=0; i< customParticles.size() ; i++) 
			CustomParticle& p = customParticles[i] ; 
			if ( i % 2 == 0 ) 
				p.addAttractionPoint( c0.x, c0.y, (float)holdingLength*1.05 * strength, minDis);
				p.addAttractionPoint( c1.x, c1.y, (float)holdingLength*1.05 * strength, minDis);

			p.addDamping(damping, damping);

	//remove non moving cursors
	std::list<TuioCursor*> dead_cursor_list = tuioServer->getUntouchedCursors();
	std::list<TuioCursor*>::iterator dead_cursor;
	for (dead_cursor=dead_cursor_list.begin(); dead_cursor!= dead_cursor_list.end(); dead_cursor++) 

	box2d.update() ; 
Example #2
void testApp::update(){
	/************ UPDATE BALL ***********************/

	//Update ball position
	ballPositionX += ballVelocityX;
	ballPositionY += ballVelocityY;
	if(ballPositionX < 0 || ballPositionX > ofGetWidth()) {
		ballVelocityX *= -1;
	if (ballPositionY < 0 || ballPositionY > ofGetHeight()) {
		ballVelocityY *= -1;
	/************ UPDATE KINECT ***********************/

	// get color pixels
	colorImageRGB			= kinect.getPixels();
	// get depth pixels
	depthOrig = kinect.getDepthPixels();
	// save original depth, and do some preprocessing
	depthProcessed = depthOrig;
	if(invert) depthProcessed.invert();
	if(mirror) {
		depthOrig.mirror(false, true);
		depthProcessed.mirror(false, true);
		colorImageRGB.mirror(false, true);
	if(preBlur) cvSmooth(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), CV_BLUR , preBlur*2+1);
	if(topThreshold) cvThreshold(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), topThreshold * 255, 255, CV_THRESH_TRUNC);
	if(bottomThreshold) cvThreshold(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), bottomThreshold * 255, 255, CV_THRESH_TOZERO);
	if(dilateBeforeErode) {
		if(dilateAmount) cvDilate(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), 0, dilateAmount);
		if(erodeAmount) cvErode(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), 0, erodeAmount);
	} else {
		if(erodeAmount) cvErode(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), 0, erodeAmount);
		if(dilateAmount) cvDilate(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), 0, dilateAmount);
	// find contours
							   minBlobSize * minBlobSize * depthProcessed.getWidth() * depthProcessed.getHeight(),
							   maxBlobSize * maxBlobSize * depthProcessed.getWidth() * depthProcessed.getHeight(),
							   maxNumBlobs, findHoles, useApproximation);
	// Clear old attraction points
	// Find centroid point for each blob area and add an attraction force to it
	for (int i=0; i<depthContours.blobs.size(); i++) {
		attractPts.push_back(new ofPoint(depthContours.blobs[i].centroid));
		//printf("Blob %d: %f %f \n", i, depthContours.blobs[i].centroid.x, depthContours.blobs[i].centroid.y);
	// if one blob found, find nearest point in blob area
	static ofxVec3f newPoint;
	if(depthContours.blobs.size() == 1) {
		ofxCvBlob &blob = depthContours.blobs[0];
		double minValue, maxValue;
		CvPoint minLoc, maxLoc;
		cvMinMaxLoc(depthOrig.getCvImage(), &minValue, &maxValue, &minLoc, &maxLoc, NULL);
		newPoint.x = maxLoc.x + blob.boundingRect.x;
		newPoint.y = maxLoc.y + blob.boundingRect.y;
		//		newPoint.z = (maxValue + offset) * depthScale;	// read from depth map
		//printf("Min: %f %f Max: %f %f \n", minLoc.x, minLoc.y, maxLoc.x, maxLoc.y);
		// read directly from distance (in cm)
		// this doesn't seem to work, need to look into it
		newPoint.z = (kinect.getDistanceAt(newPoint) + depthOffset) * depthScale;
		// apply kalman filtering
		if(doKalman) {
			newPoint.x = updateKalman(0, newPoint.x);
			newPoint.y = updateKalman(1, newPoint.y);
			newPoint.z = updateKalman(2, newPoint.z);

	} else {
	pointHead = (pointHead + 1) % kNumPoints;
	curPoint += (newPoint - curPoint) * lerpSpeed;
	points[pointHead] = curPoint;