void test_null() { xlnt::workbook wb; const auto datatypes = { xlnt::cell::type::empty, xlnt::cell::type::boolean, xlnt::cell::type::error, xlnt::cell::type::formula_string, xlnt::cell::type::number, xlnt::cell::type::shared_string }; for (const auto &datatype : datatypes) { auto ws = wb.active_sheet(); auto cell = ws.cell(xlnt::cell_reference(1, 1)); cell.data_type(datatype); xlnt_assert(cell.data_type() == datatype); cell.clear_value(); xlnt_assert(cell.data_type() == xlnt::cell::type::empty); } }
amf_object::amf_object() { ref = 1; bytearrayLen = 0; bytearrayValue = 0; clear_value(); }
void clear_value(Value* value, int all) { if (all == 1) { if (value->next != NULL) clear_value(value->next, 1); } memset(value, 0, sizeof(Value)); free(value); return; }
void clear_attribute(Attribute* attribute, int all) { if (all == 1) { if (attribute->next != NULL) clear_attribute(attribute->next, 1); } if (attribute->value != NULL) clear_value(attribute->value, 1); memset(attribute, 0, sizeof(Attribute)); free(attribute); return; }
void test_cell_formatted_as_date1() { xlnt::workbook wb; auto ws = wb.active_sheet(); auto cell = ws.cell(xlnt::cell_reference(1, 1)); cell.value(xlnt::datetime::today()); cell.clear_value(); xlnt_assert(!cell.is_date()); // disagree with openpyxl xlnt_assert(!cell.has_value()); }
gpg_error_t _ksba_der_store_null (AsnNode node) { if (node->type == TYPE_ANY) node->type = TYPE_NULL; if (node->type == TYPE_NULL) { clear_value (node); return 0; } else return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE); }
//バリュを一つ消去 //input は"category=value"の形式で受け取る void value_del(attribute_list* att_list, char* input) { Attribute *att_ptr; Value *value_ptr; Value *temp; char *category; char *value; char *tp; tp = strtok(input, " \"="); category = malloc(sizeof(tp)); strcpy(category, tp); tp = strtok(NULL, " \"="); value = malloc(sizeof(tp)); strcpy(value, tp); att_ptr = att_list->attribute; while (att_ptr != NULL) { if (strcmp(att_ptr->data, category)) { att_ptr = att_ptr->next; continue; } value_ptr = att_ptr->value; temp = NULL; while (value_ptr != NULL) { if (strcmp(value_ptr->data, value)) { temp = value_ptr; value_ptr = value_ptr->next; continue; } if (temp == NULL) att_ptr->value = value_ptr->next; else temp->next = value_ptr->next; clear_value(value_ptr, 0); att_ptr->vnum--; free(category); free(value); return; } att_ptr = att_ptr->next; } printf("input category or value not exit error\n"); free(category); free(value); return; }
/* Copy all values from the tree SRC (with values store in SRCIMAGE) to the tree DST */ gpg_error_t _ksba_der_copy_tree (AsnNode dst_root, AsnNode src_root, const unsigned char *src_image) { AsnNode s, d; s = src_root; d = dst_root; /* note: we use the is_any flags becuase an inserted copy may have already changed the any tag to the actual type */ while (s && d && (s->type == d->type || d->flags.is_any)) { if (d->flags.is_any) d->type = s->type; if (s->flags.in_array && s->right) { if (!_ksba_asn_insert_copy (d)) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENOMEM); } if ( !_ksba_asn_is_primitive (s->type) ) ; else if (s->off == -1) clear_value (d); else store_value (d, src_image + s->off + s->nhdr, s->len); s = _ksba_asn_walk_tree (src_root, s); d = _ksba_asn_walk_tree (dst_root, d); } if (s || d) { /* fputs ("ksba_der_copy_tree: trees don't match\nSOURCE TREE:\n", stderr); */ /* _ksba_asn_node_dump_all (src_root, stderr); */ /* fputs ("DESTINATION TREE:\n", stderr); */ /* _ksba_asn_node_dump_all (dst_root, stderr); */ return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ENCODING_PROBLEM); } return 0; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CalculateRules2(float hue, float saturation, float value, int color) { float ret_val,lower_sum=0; int RulesCounter=0; while (fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].hue>=0) { /* if (do_grey_scale || (strcmp(fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].color,"white") && strcmp(fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].color,"light_grey") && strcmp(fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].color,"dark_grey") && strcmp(fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].color,"black"))) { */ if (fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].color==color) /* calculate only rules of the same color */ { /* hue functions */ ret_val=color_value(fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].hue,hue); if (ret_val==0) goto loop; /* saturation function */ if (fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].saturation==SATURATION_GREY) ret_val=ret_val*grey_value(saturation); if (fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].saturation==SATURATION_ALMOST_GREY) ret_val=ret_val*almost_grey_value(saturation); if (fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].saturation==SATURATION_TEND_GREY) ret_val=ret_val*tend_grey_value(saturation); if (fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].saturation==SATURATION_MEDIUM_GREY) ret_val=ret_val*medium_grey_value(saturation); if (fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].saturation==SATURATION_TEND_CLEAR) ret_val=ret_val*tend_clear_value(saturation); if (fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].saturation==SATURATION_CLEAR) ret_val=ret_val*clear_value(saturation); if (ret_val==0) goto loop; /* value functions */ if (fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].value==VALUE_DARK) ret_val=ret_val*dark_value(value); if (fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].value==VALUE_ALMOST_DARK) ret_val=ret_val*almost_dark_value(value); if (fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].value==VALUE_TEND_DARK) ret_val=ret_val*tend_dark_value(value); if (fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].value==VALUE_TEND_LIGHT) ret_val=ret_val*tend_light_value(value); if (fuzzy_rules[RulesCounter].value==VALUE_LIGHT) ret_val=ret_val*light_value(value); /* add the rule values */ lower_sum=lower_sum+ret_val; } loop: RulesCounter++; } return(lower_sum); }
void Fl_Input_Browser::popup() { bool resize_only = false; if(!win || !win->visible()) { Fl_Group::current(0); if(!win) { win = new ComboWindow(0,0,0,0); win->set_override(); win->begin(); list = new ComboBrowser(0,0,0,0); list->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); list->callback(ComboBrowser::browser_cb, this); list->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED | FL_WHEN_RELEASE_ALWAYS | FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY_ALWAYS); list->end(); win->end(); win->box(FL_BORDER_BOX); win->combo = this; list->combo = this; } share_list.other = this; list->list(&share_list); list->indented((type()&INDENTED) != 0); win->color(list->color()); } else resize_only = true; list->layout(); int W = list->max_width() + list->scrollbar.w() + list->box()->dw(); int H = list->max_height() + box()->dh() + SIZE_GRIP; if(W > popup_maxw) W = popup_maxw; if(H > popup_maxh) H = popup_maxh; if(W < popup_minw) W = popup_minw; if(W < width()) W = width(); if(H < popup_minh) H = popup_minh; int X = x(); int Y = y()+h(); for (Fl_Widget *o = parent(); o; o = o->parent()) { X += o->x(); Y += o->y(); } int down = Fl::h() - Y; int up = Y-h(); if(H > down) { if(up > down) { Y = up-H; if (Y < 0) { Y = 0; H = up; } } else { H = down; } } if (X + W > Fl::w()) { X = Fl::w() - W; if (X < 0) { X = 0; W = Fl::w(); } } win->resize(X,Y,W,H); win->layout(); //int winW=W, winH=H; X=0,Y=0; win->box()->inset(X,Y,W,H); list->resize(X,Y,W,H-SIZE_GRIP); if(resize_only) return; set_value(); redraw(FL_DAMAGE_VALUE); win->exec(0, true); win->hide(); if(type()&NONEDITABLE) throw_focus(); else Fl::focus(input()); clear_value(); redraw(FL_DAMAGE_VALUE); }
bool Fl_Button::clear() { clear_changed(); if (value()) {clear_value(); redraw(); return true;} return false; }
amf_object::~amf_object(void) { clear_value(); }