CRtspParams::CRtspParams(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { ui.setupUi(this); m_lUserID = -1; connect(ui.btnSave, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clickSave())); connect(ui.btnRefresh, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clickRefresh())); }
Alarm::Alarm (MainPage *parent) { this->setFixedSize (500, 300); this->parent = parent; this->setParent (parent->contantPane); // SET CURRENT DIRECTORY QString dir = QDir::homePath () + FILE_APPDIR; QDir().mkpath (dir); QDir::setCurrent (dir); // INITIALIZE DATABASE CONNECTION this->db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase ("QSQLITE", "alarm.db"); this->db.setDatabaseName ("alarm.db"); if (this-> == false) EventLog (1, "Error Open Database"); // CREATE NEW TABLE this->query = new QSqlQuery (this->db); if (query->exec ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS alarm("\ "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"\ "hh TEXT NOT NULL,"\ "mm TEXT NOT NULL,"\ "zone TEXT NOT NULL,"\ "sun TEXT NOT NULL,"\ "mon TEXT NOT NULL,"\ "tue TEXT NOT NULL,"\ "wen TEXT NOT NULL,"\ "thr TEXT NOT NULL,"\ "fri TEXT NOT NULL,"\ "sat TEXT NOT NULL);") == false) { EventLog (1, "Error Creation table"); } // SET LABEL TO DISPLAY CURRENT TIME this->time = new QLabel (this); this->time->setText (QTime::currentTime().toString ()); this->time->setGeometry (this->width()/2-125, 10, 250, 80); this->time->setFixedSize (250, 80); this->time->setStyleSheet ("color:black; font-size: 60px"); this->time->setAlignment (Qt::AlignHCenter); // SET TITLE this->title = new QLabel (this); this->title->setText ("Create Alarm"); this->title->setStyleSheet ("color:black; font-size:20px"); this->title->setGeometry (this->width()/2-75, 105, 150, 30); // SET TIMER TO REFRESH TIME this->timer = new QTimer; connect (this->timer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), SLOT (refreshTimer ())); this->timer->start (1000); // SET REPEAT ALARM OPTION this->repeat = new QLabel (this); this->repeat->setText ("Repeat"); this->repeat->setGeometry (30, 140, 80, 25); this->repeat->setStyleSheet ("color:#404040; font-size:16px;"); // SET SUNDAY this->sun = new QToolButton (this); this->sun->setText ("Sunday"); this->sun->setGeometry (10, 170, 60, 20); this->sun->installEventFilter (this); this->sun->setCheckable (false); // SET MONDAY this->mon = new QToolButton (this); this->mon->setText ("Monday"); this->mon->setGeometry (80, 170, 60, 20); this->mon->installEventFilter (this); this->mon->setCheckable (false); // SET TUESDAY this->tue = new QToolButton (this); this->tue->setText ("Tuesday"); this->tue->setGeometry (150, 170, 60, 20); this->tue->installEventFilter (this); this->tue->setCheckable (false); // SET WEDNESDAY this->wen = new QToolButton (this); this->wen->setText ("Wednesday"); this->wen->setGeometry (220, 170, 60, 20); this->wen->installEventFilter (this); this->wen->setCheckable (false); // SET THURSDAY this->thr = new QToolButton (this); this->thr->setText ("Thursday"); this->thr->setGeometry (290, 170, 60, 20); this->thr->installEventFilter (this); this->thr->setCheckable (false); // SET FRIDAY this->fri = new QToolButton (this); this->fri->setText ("Friday"); this->fri->setGeometry (360, 170, 60, 20); this->fri->installEventFilter (this); this->fri->setCheckable (false); // SET SATURDAY this->sat = new QToolButton (this); this->sat->setText ("Saturday"); this->sat->setGeometry (430, 170, 60, 20); this->sat->installEventFilter (this); this->sat->setCheckable (false); // SET HOUR this->hh = new QLineEdit (this); this->hh->setGeometry (this->width()/2-63,200,40, 50); this->hh->setStyleSheet ("font-size:30px"); this->hh->setMaxLength(2); this->hh->setFrame (false); this->hh->setValidator( new QIntValidator (0, 12, this)); this->hh->setText ("00"); this->hh->installEventFilter (this); // SET COLON BETWEEN HH & MM this->colon = new QLabel (this); this->colon->setText (":"); this->colon->setStyleSheet ("font-size:30px;"); this->colon->setGeometry (this->width()/2-25, 200, 10,50); // SET MINUTE this->mm = new QLineEdit (this); this->mm->setGeometry (this->width()/2-15,200, 40, 50); this->mm->setStyleSheet ("font-size:30px"); this->mm->setMaxLength (2); this->mm->setValidator (new QIntValidator (0,59, this)); this->mm->setFrame (false); this->mm->installEventFilter (this); this->mm->setText ("00"); // SET AM/PM this->zone = new QComboBox (this); this->zone->addItem ("AM"); this->zone->addItem ("PM"); this->zone->setGeometry (this->width()/2+25, 205, 40,40); this->zone->setStyleSheet ("font-size:16px"); this->zone->setFrame (false); // SET SAVE BUTTON this->save = new QPushButton (this); this->save->setText ("Save"); this->save->setGeometry (150, 250, 100, 30); this->save->setStyleSheet ("font-size:20px"); connect (this->save, SIGNAL (clicked ()), SLOT (clickSave ())); // SET CANCEL BUTTON this->cancel = new QPushButton (this); this->cancel->setText ("Cancel"); this->cancel->setGeometry (this->width()-250, 250, 100,30); this->cancel->setStyleSheet ("font-size:20px"); connect (this->cancel, SIGNAL (clicked ()), SLOT (clickCancel ())); this->setStyleSheet ( "QToolButton {color: #000; background: #fff;}"\ "QToolButton:pressed {color: #fff; background: #000;}"\ "QToolButton:true {color:red;}"\ "background-color:white;"); this->show (); }