/// Write as much of the buffered messages as can be written.
// Executed by the thread.
void SipClientWriteBuffer::writeMore()
   // 'exit_loop' will be set to TRUE if an attempt to write does
   // not write any bytes, and we will then return.
   UtlBoolean exit_loop = FALSE;

   while (mWriteQueued && !exit_loop)
      if (mWritePointer >= mWriteString.length())
         // We have written all of the first message.
         // Pop it and set up to write the next message.
         delete mWriteBuffer.get();
         mWritePointer = 0;
         mWriteQueued = ! mWriteBuffer.isEmpty();
         if (mWriteQueued)
            // get the message on the head of the queue, and figure out which kind it is
            UtlContainable* nextMsg = mWriteBuffer.first();
            SipMessage* sipMsg;
            UtlString* keepAliveMsg;
            if ((sipMsg = dynamic_cast<SipMessage*>(nextMsg))) // a SIP message
               ssize_t length;
               sipMsg->getBytes(&mWriteString, &length);
            else if ((keepAliveMsg = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(nextMsg))) // a keepalive CRLF
               Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_CRIT,
                             "SipClientWriteBuffer[%s]::writeMore "
                             "unrecognized message type in queue",
               delete mWriteBuffer.get();
               mWriteQueued = mWriteBuffer.isEmpty();
         // Some portion of the first message remains to be written.

         // If the socket has failed, attempt to reconnect it.
         // :NOTE: OsConnectionSocket::reconnect isn't implemented.
         if (!mClientSocket->isOk())

         // Calculate the length to write.
         int length = mWriteString.length() - mWritePointer;

         // ret is the value returned from write attempt.
         // -1 means an error was seen.
         int ret;
         if (mClientSocket->isOk())
            // Write what we can.
            ret = mClientSocket->write(mWriteString.data() + mWritePointer, length);
            // Theoretically, ret > 0, since the socket is ready for writing,
            // but it appears that that ret can be 0.
            // Record the error.
            ret = -1;
            // Set a special errno value, which hopefully is not a real value.
            errno = 1000;

         if (ret > 0)
            // We successfully sent some data, perhaps all of the
            // remainder of the first message.
            // Update the last-activity time.
            // Update the state variables.
            mWritePointer += ret;
         else if (ret == 0)
            // No data sent, even though (in our caller) poll()
            // reported the socket was ready to write.
            exit_loop = TRUE;
            // Error while writing.
            Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_ERR,
                          "SipClientWriteBuffer[%s]::writeMore "
                          "OsSocket::write() returned %d, errno = %d",
                          getName().data(), ret, errno);
            // Return all buffered messages with a transport error indication.
            // Because TCP is a connection protocol, we know that we cannot
            // send successfully any more and so should shut down this client.
            // Exit the loop so handleMessage() can process the stop request.
            exit_loop = TRUE;
Example #2
// Thread execution code.
int SipClient::run(void* runArg)
   OsMsg*    pMsg = NULL;
   OsStatus  res;
   // Buffer to hold data read from the socket but not yet parsed
   // into incoming SIP messages.
   UtlString readBuffer;
   bool      waitingToReportErr  = FALSE;    // controls whether to read-select on socket
   bool      tcpOnErrWaitForSend = TRUE;
   int       repeatedEOFs = 0;

   Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                 "SipClient[%s]::run start  "
                 "tcpOnErrWaitForSend-%d waitingToReportErr-%d mbTcpOnErrWaitForSend-%d repeatedEOFs-%d",
                 mName.data(), tcpOnErrWaitForSend, waitingToReportErr,
                 mbTcpOnErrWaitForSend, repeatedEOFs);

   // Wait structure:
   struct pollfd fds[2];
   // Incoming message on the message queue (to be sent on the socket).
   fds[0].fd = mPipeReadingFd;
   // Socket ready to write (to continue sending message).
   // Socket ready to read (message to be received).

      assert(repeatedEOFs < 20);
      // The file descriptor for the socket may changemsg->getSendAddress(&fromIpAddress, &fromPort);, as OsSocket's
      // can be re-opened.
      fds[1].fd = mClientSocket->getSocketDescriptor();

      // Initialize the revents members.
      // This may not be necessary (the man page is not clear), but
      // Valgrind flags 'fds[*].revents' as undefined if they aren't
      // initialized.
      fds[0].revents = 0;
      fds[1].revents = 0;

      fds[0].events = POLLIN;   // only read-select on pipe

      // For non-blocking connect failures, don't read-select on socket if
      // the initial read showed an error but we have to wait to report it.
      if (!waitingToReportErr)
          // This is the normal path.
          // Read the socket only if the socket is not shared.
          // If it is shared, the ancestral SipClient will read it.
          // If multiple threads attempt to read the socket, poll() may
          // succeed but another may read the data, leaving us to block on
          // read.
          fds[1].events = mbSharedSocket ? 0 : POLLIN;

          // Set wait for writing the socket if there is queued messages to
          // send.
          if (mWriteQueued)
             // Wait for output on the socket to not block.
             fds[1].events |= POLLOUT;

          // just waiting to report error, ignore the socket
          fds[1].fd =-1;
          fds[1].events = 0;

      // If there is residual data in the read buffer,
      // pretend the socket is ready to read.
      if (!readBuffer.isNull())
         fds[1].revents = POLLIN;
         // Otherwise, call poll() to wait.
         int resPoll = poll(&fds[0], sizeof (fds) / sizeof (fds[0]),
         assert(resPoll >= 0 || (resPoll == -1 && errno == EINTR));
         if (resPoll != 0)
             Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                           "SipClient[%s]::run "
                           "resPoll= %d revents: fd[0]= %x fd[1]= %x",
                           resPoll, fds[0].revents, fds[1].revents );

      if ((fds[1].revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP)) != 0)
          Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                        "SipClient[%s]::run "
                        "SipMessage::poll error(%d) ",
                        mName.data(), errno);

          if (OsSocket::isFramed(mClientSocket->getIpProtocol()))
              Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_ERR,
                            "SipClient[%s]::run "
                            "SipMessage::poll error(%d) got POLLERR | POLLHUP on UDP socket",
                            mName.data(), errno);

          else	// eg. tcp socket
          // This client's socket is a connection-oriented protocol and the
          // connection has been terminated (probably by the remote end).
          // We must terminate the SipClient.
          // We drop the queued messages, but we do not report them to
          // SipUserAgent as failed sends.  This will cause SipUserAgent to
          // retry the send using the same transport (rather than continuing
          // to the next transport), which should cause a new connection to
          // be made to the remote end.
              // On non-blocking connect failures, we need to get the first send message
              // in order to successfully trigger the protocol fallback mechanism
              if (!tcpOnErrWaitForSend)
                 // Return all buffered messages with a transport error indication.
                 fds[1].revents &= ~(POLLERR | POLLHUP);  // clear error bit if waiting
                 waitingToReportErr = TRUE;

      // Check for message queue messages (fds[0]) before checking the socket(fds[1]),
      // to make sure that we process shutdown messages promptly, even
      // if we would be spinning trying to service the socket.
      else if ((fds[0].revents & POLLIN) != 0)
         // Poll finished because the pipe is ready to read.
         // (One byte in pipe means message available in queue.)
         // Only a SipClient with a derived SipClientWriteBuffer
         // uses the pipe in the Sip message send process

         // Check to see how many messages are in the queue.
         int numberMsgs = (getMessageQueue())->numMsgs();
         Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                       "SipClient[%s]::run got pipe-select  "
                       "Number of Messages waiting: %d",
         int i;
         char buffer[1];
         for (i = 0; i < numberMsgs; i++)
            // Receive the messages.
            res = receiveMessage((OsMsg*&) pMsg, OsTime::NO_WAIT);
            assert(res == OS_SUCCESS);

            // Normally, this is a SIP message for the write buffer.  Once we have gotten
            // here, we are able to report any initial non-blocking connect error.
            mbTcpOnErrWaitForSend = FALSE;
            tcpOnErrWaitForSend = FALSE;
            Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                          "SipClient[%s]::run got pipe-select  "
                          "mbTcpOnErrWaitForSend-%d waitingToReportErr-%d mbTcpOnErrWaitForSend-%d repeatedEOFs-%d",
                          mName.data(), mbTcpOnErrWaitForSend, waitingToReportErr,
                          mbTcpOnErrWaitForSend, repeatedEOFs);

            // Read 1 byte from the pipe to clear it for this message.  One byte is
            // inserted into the pipe for each message.
            assert(read(mPipeReadingFd, &buffer, 1) == 1);

            if (!handleMessage(*pMsg))            // process the message (from queue)

            if (!pMsg->getSentFromISR())
               pMsg->releaseMsg();                         // free the message

            // In order to report an unframed(eg TCP) socket error to SipUserAgent dispatcher,
            // the error must be carried in a sip message from the client's message queue.
            // The message holds all the identifying information.
            if (waitingToReportErr)
                // Return all buffered messages with a transport error indication.
      } // end reading msg-available-for-output-queue pipe

      else if ((fds[1].revents & POLLOUT) != 0)
         // Poll finished because socket is ready to write.

         // Call method to continue writing data.
      else if ((fds[1].revents & POLLIN) != 0)
         // Poll finished because socket is ready to read.

         // Read message.
         // Must allocate a new message because SipUserAgent::dispatch will
         // take ownership of it.

         SipMessage* msg = new SipMessage;
         int res = msg->read(mClientSocket,

         if (res >= 65536)
           // This is more than the allowable size of a SIP message.  Discard!
            UtlString remoteHostAddress;
            int remoteHostPort;
            msg->getSendAddress(&remoteHostAddress, &remoteHostPort);
            OS_LOG_WARNING(FAC_SIP, "Received a SIP Message ("
             << res << " bytes) beyond the maximum allowable size from host "
             << remoteHostAddress.data() << ":" << remoteHostPort);
            delete msg;

         // Use readBuffer to hold any unparsed data after the message
         // we read.
         // Note that if a message was successfully parsed, readBuffer
         // still contains as its prefix the characters of that message.
         // We save them for logging purposes below and will delete them later.

         UtlString remoteHostAddress;
         int remoteHostPort;
         msg->getSendAddress(&remoteHostAddress, &remoteHostPort);
         if (!mClientSocket->isSameHost(remoteHostAddress.data(), mLocalHostAddress.data()))
             if (!remoteHostAddress.isNull())
               boost::asio::ip::address remoteIp = boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(remoteHostAddress.data());

               if (rateLimit().isBannedAddress(remoteIp))
                  delete msg;

               rateLimit().logPacket(remoteIp, 0);
           catch(const std::exception& e)
             Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP_INCOMING, PRI_CRIT, 
               "SipClient[%s]::run rate limit exception: %s",  mName.data(), e.what());

         // Note that input was processed at this time.

         // Count the CR/LF to see if this is a keep-alive
         int crlfCount = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < res; i++)
           if (readBuffer(i) == '\r' || readBuffer(i) == '\n')
           } else

         if (res == crlfCount)
             repeatedEOFs = 0;
             // The 'message' was a keepalive (CR-LF or CR-LF-CR-LF).
             UtlString fromIpAddress;
             int fromPort;
             UtlString buffer;
             int bufferLen;

             // send one CRLF set in the reply
             bufferLen = buffer.length();

             // Get the send address for response.
             msg->getSendAddress(&fromIpAddress, &fromPort);
             if ( !portIsValid(fromPort))
                 fromPort = defaultPort();

            // Log the message at DEBUG level.
            // Only bother processing if the logs are enabled
            if (   mpSipUserAgent->isMessageLoggingEnabled()
                   || Os::Logger::instance().willLog(FAC_SIP_INCOMING, PRI_DEBUG)
               UtlString logMessage;
               logMessage.append("Read keepalive message:\n");
               logMessage.append("----Local Host:");
               logMessage.append("---- Port: ");
                  portIsValid(mLocalHostPort) ? mLocalHostPort : defaultPort());
               logMessage.append("----Remote Host:");
               logMessage.append("---- Port: ");
                  portIsValid(fromPort) ? fromPort : defaultPort());

               logMessage.append(readBuffer.data(), res);
               UtlString messageString;

               // Don't bother to send the message to the SipUserAgent for its internal log.

               // Write the message to the syslog.
               Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP_INCOMING, PRI_DEBUG, "%s", logMessage.data());

            // send the CR-LF response message
            switch (mSocketType)
            case OsSocket::TCP:
               Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                             "SipClient[%s]::run send TCP keep-alive CR-LF response, ",
               SipClientSendMsg sendMsg(OsMsg::OS_EVENT,
                handleMessage(sendMsg);     // add newly created keep-alive to write buffer
            case OsSocket::UDP:
                Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                              "SipClient[%s]::run send UDP keep-alive CR-LF response, ",
               (dynamic_cast <OsDatagramSocket*> (mClientSocket))->write(buffer.data(),

            // Delete the SipMessage allocated above, which is no longer needed.
            delete msg;

            // Now that logging is done, remove the parsed bytes and
            // remember any unparsed input for later use.
            readBuffer.remove(0, res);
         }  // end keep-alive msg

         else if (res > 0)      // got message, but not keep-alive
            // Message successfully read.
            repeatedEOFs = 0;

            // Do preliminary processing of message to log it,
            // clean up its data, and extract any needed source address.
            preprocessMessage(*msg, readBuffer, res);

            // Dispatch the message.
            // dispatch() takes ownership of *msg.

            // Now that logging is done, remove the parsed bytes and
            // remember any unparsed input for later use.
            readBuffer.remove(0, res);
         }  // end process read of >0 bytes
            // Something went wrong while reading the message.
            // (Possibly EOF on a connection-oriented socket.)

            // Delete the SipMessage allocated above, which is no longer needed.
            delete msg;
            Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                          "SipClient[%s]::run SipMessage::read returns %d (error(%d) or EOF), "
                          "readBuffer = '%.1000s'",
                          mName.data(), res, errno, readBuffer.data());

            Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                          "SipClient[%s]::run error wait status  "
                          "tcpOnErrWaitForSend-%d waitingToReportErr-%d "
                          "mbTcpOnErrWaitForSend-%d repeatedEOFs-%d "
                          "protocol %d framed %d",
                          tcpOnErrWaitForSend, waitingToReportErr,
                          mbTcpOnErrWaitForSend, repeatedEOFs,

            // If the socket is not framed (is connection-oriented),
            // we need to abort the connection and post a message
            // :TODO: This doesn't work right for framed connection-oriented
            // protocols (like SCTP), but OsSocket doesn't have an EOF-query
            // method -- we need to close all connection-oriented
            // sockets as well in case it was an EOF.
            // Define a virtual function that returns the correct bit.
            if (!OsSocket::isFramed(mClientSocket->getIpProtocol()))
                // On non-blocking connect failures, we need to get the first send message
                // in order to successfully trigger the protocol fallback mechanism
                if (!tcpOnErrWaitForSend)
                   // Return all buffered messages with a transport error indication.
                   fds[1].revents &= ~(POLLERR | POLLHUP);  // clear error bit if waiting
                   waitingToReportErr = TRUE;
            // Delete the data read so far, which will not have been
            // deleted by HttpMessage::read.
      } // end POLLIN reading socket
   while (isStarted());

   return 0;        // and then exit
/// Insert a message into the buffer.
void SipClientWriteBuffer::insertMessage(SipMessage* message)
   UtlBoolean wasEmpty = mWriteBuffer.isEmpty();

    // Let all outbound processors know about this message
    if (message && mpSipUserAgent && mClientSocket && mClientSocket->isOk())
      UtlString remoteHostAddress;
      int remotePort;
      mClientSocket->getRemoteHostIp(&remoteHostAddress, &remotePort);
      // We are about to post a message that will cause the
      // SIP message to be sent.  Notify the user agent so
      // that it can offer the message to all its registered
      // output processors.

      ssize_t msgLength = 0;
      UtlString msgText;
      message->getBytes(&msgText, &msgLength, true);
      if (msgLength)
             mLocalHostAddress.data(), portIsValid(mLocalHostPort) ? mLocalHostPort : defaultPort(),
             remoteHostAddress.data(), remotePort == PORT_NONE ? defaultPort() : remotePort,
             msgText.data(), msgLength);

        mpSipUserAgent->executeAllBufferedSipOutputProcessors(*message, remoteHostAddress.data(),
               remotePort == PORT_NONE ? defaultPort() : remotePort);

   // Add the message to the queue.

   // If the buffer was empty, we need to set mWriteString and
   // mWritePointer.
   if (wasEmpty)
      ssize_t length;
      message->getBytes(&mWriteString, &length);
      mWritePointer = 0;

   mWriteQueued = TRUE;

   // Check to see if our internal queue is getting too big, which means
   // that the socket has been blocked for writing for a long time.
   // We use the message queue length of this task as the limit, since
   // both queues are affected by the same traffic load factors.
   if (mWriteBuffer.entries() > (size_t) (getMessageQueue()->maxMsgs()))
      // If so, abort all unsent messages and terminate this client (so
      // as to clear any state of the socket).
      Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_ERR,
                    "SipClientWriteBuffer[%s]::insertMessage "
                    "mWriteBuffer has '%d' entries, exceeding the limit of maxMsgs '%d'",
                    getName().data(), (int) mWriteBuffer.entries(),