void mousefunc_client_resize(void *ctx, union arg *arg, enum xev xev) { struct client_ctx *cc = ctx; XEvent ev; Time ltime = 0; struct screen_ctx *sc = cc->sc; if (cc->flags & CLIENT_FREEZE) return; client_raise(cc); client_ptrsave(cc); xu_ptr_setpos(cc->win, cc->geom.w, cc->geom.h); if (XGrabPointer(X_Dpy, cc->win, False, MOUSEMASK, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, Conf.cursor[CF_RESIZE], CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) return; menu_windraw(sc, cc->win, "%4d x %-4d", cc->dim.w, cc->dim.h); for (;;) { XWindowEvent(X_Dpy, cc->win, MOUSEMASK, &ev); switch (ev.type) { case MotionNotify: /* not more than 60 times / second */ if ((ev.xmotion.time - ltime) <= (1000 / 60)) continue; ltime = ev.xmotion.time; cc->geom.w = ev.xmotion.x; cc->geom.h = ev.xmotion.y; client_applysizehints(cc); client_resize(cc, 1); menu_windraw(sc, cc->win, "%4d x %-4d", cc->dim.w, cc->dim.h); break; case ButtonRelease: client_resize(cc, 1); XUnmapWindow(X_Dpy, sc->menu.win); XReparentWindow(X_Dpy, sc->menu.win, sc->rootwin, 0, 0); XUngrabPointer(X_Dpy, CurrentTime); /* Make sure the pointer stays within the window. */ if (cc->ptr.x > cc->geom.w) cc->ptr.x = cc->geom.w - cc->bwidth; if (cc->ptr.y > cc->geom.h) cc->ptr.y = cc->geom.h - cc->bwidth; client_ptrwarp(cc); return; } } /* NOTREACHED */ }
void mousefunc_client_resize(struct client_ctx *cc, union arg *arg) { XEvent ev; Time ltime = 0; struct screen_ctx *sc = cc->sc; int x = cc->geom.x, y = cc->geom.y; if (cc->flags & CLIENT_FREEZE) return; client_raise(cc); client_ptrsave(cc); if (xu_ptr_grab(cc->win, MOUSEMASK, Conf.cursor[CF_RESIZE]) < 0) return; xu_ptr_setpos(cc->win, cc->geom.w, cc->geom.h); mousefunc_sweep_draw(cc); for (;;) { XMaskEvent(X_Dpy, MOUSEMASK, &ev); switch (ev.type) { case MotionNotify: mousefunc_sweep_calc(cc, x, y, ev.xmotion.x_root, ev.xmotion.y_root); /* don't resize more than 60 times / second */ if ((ev.xmotion.time - ltime) > (1000 / 60)) { ltime = ev.xmotion.time; client_resize(cc, 1); mousefunc_sweep_draw(cc); } break; case ButtonRelease: if (ltime) client_resize(cc, 1); XUnmapWindow(X_Dpy, sc->menuwin); XReparentWindow(X_Dpy, sc->menuwin, sc->rootwin, 0, 0); xu_ptr_ungrab(); /* Make sure the pointer stays within the window. */ if (cc->ptr.x > cc->geom.w) cc->ptr.x = cc->geom.w - cc->bwidth; if (cc->ptr.y > cc->geom.h) cc->ptr.y = cc->geom.h - cc->bwidth; client_ptrwarp(cc); return; } } /* NOTREACHED */ }
void mousefunc_menu_unhide(struct client_ctx *cc, union arg *arg) { struct screen_ctx *sc = cc->sc; struct client_ctx *old_cc; struct menu *mi; struct menu_q menuq; char *wname; old_cc = client_current(); TAILQ_INIT(&menuq); TAILQ_FOREACH(cc, &Clientq, entry) if (cc->flags & CLIENT_HIDDEN) { wname = (cc->label) ? cc->label : cc->name; if (wname == NULL) continue; menuq_add(&menuq, cc, "(%d) %s", cc->group->shortcut, wname); } if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&menuq)) return; if ((mi = menu_filter(sc, &menuq, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)) != NULL) { cc = (struct client_ctx *)mi->ctx; client_unhide(cc); if (old_cc != NULL) client_ptrsave(old_cc); client_ptrwarp(cc); } menuq_clear(&menuq); }