SAMP_CHAN_T biquad_filter_chan( // Create filtered output sample for one channel
	SAMP_CHAN_T inp_chan_samp, // Unfiltered input sample at channel precision
	BIQUAD_CHAN_S * bq_chan_ps, // Pointer to structure containing current BiQuad data
	BIQUAD_COEF_S * bq_coef_ps // pointer to structure containing BiQuad coefficients for current channel
) // Return Filtered Output Sample
	FILT_T inp_full_samp; // reduced precision input sample
	S32_T inp_redu_samp; // reduced precision input sample
	FILT_T out_full_samp; // full precision filtered output sample
	FILT_T clip_full_samp; // full precision sample, clipped to reduced precision range, returned to channel
	S32_T tap_cnt; // filter-tap counter

	inp_full_samp = (FILT_T)inp_chan_samp + (FILT_T)bq_chan_ps->inp_err; // Add-in Input diffusion error
	inp_redu_samp = (inp_full_samp + (FILT_T)HALF_HEAD) >> HEAD_BITS; // Compute reduced precision input sample
	bq_chan_ps->inp_err = (COEF_T)(inp_full_samp - ((FILT_T)inp_redu_samp << HEAD_BITS)); // Update diffusion error

	// Compute Intermediate IIR filter value
	bq_chan_ps->iir[0] = fix_point_mult( &(bq_coef_ps->a[0]) ,(FILT_T)inp_redu_samp );

	for (tap_cnt=1; tap_cnt<NUM_FILT_TAPS; tap_cnt++)
		bq_chan_ps->iir[0] -= fix_point_mult( &(bq_coef_ps->a[tap_cnt]) ,bq_chan_ps->iir[tap_cnt] );
	} // for tap_cnt

	// Compute BiQuad filtered output value from intermediate IIR values
	bq_chan_ps->filt[0] = fix_point_mult( &(bq_coef_ps->b[0]) ,bq_chan_ps->iir[0] );

	for (tap_cnt=1; tap_cnt<NUM_FILT_TAPS; tap_cnt++)
		bq_chan_ps->filt[0] += fix_point_mult( &(bq_coef_ps->b[tap_cnt]) ,bq_chan_ps->iir[tap_cnt] );
	} // for tap_cnt

	// Update previous stored results
	for (tap_cnt=(NUM_FILT_TAPS - 1); tap_cnt>0; tap_cnt--)
		bq_chan_ps->iir[tap_cnt] =	bq_chan_ps->iir[tap_cnt-1]; 
		bq_chan_ps->filt[tap_cnt] =	bq_chan_ps->filt[tap_cnt-1]; 
	} // for tap_cnt

	out_full_samp = (bq_chan_ps->filt[0] << HEAD_BITS); // Compute full precision filtered output sample

	clip_full_samp = clip_sample( out_full_samp ); // Clip or full precision sample into channel range.

	return (SAMP_CHAN_T)clip_full_samp;
} // biquad_filter_chan
void adapt_to_good_samples(WERD_RES *word,
                           CHAR_SAMPLES_LIST *char_clusters,
                           CHAR_SAMPLE_LIST *chars_waiting) {
  PBLOB_LIST *blobs = word->outword->blob_list ();
  PBLOB_IT blob_it(blobs);
  inT16 i;
  CHAR_SAMPLE *sample;
  CHAR_SAMPLES_IT c_it = char_clusters;
  CHAR_SAMPLE_IT cw_it = chars_waiting;
  float score;
  float best_score;
  char best_char;
  CHAR_SAMPLES *best_cluster;
  PIXROW_LIST *pixrow_list;
  PIXROW_IT pixrow_it;
  IMAGELINE *imlines;            // lines of the image
  TBOX pix_box;                   // box of imlines
  // extent
  WERD copy_outword;             // copy to denorm
  TBOX b_box;
  PBLOB_IT copy_blob_it;
  PIXROW *pixrow = NULL;

  static inT32 word_number = 0;

  ScrollView* demo_win = NULL;

  inT32 resolution = page_image.get_res ();


  if (tessedit_test_cluster_input)

  if (word->word->bounding_box ().height () > resolution / 3)

  if (char_clusters->length () == 0) {
    #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
    if (tessedit_cluster_debug)
      tprintf ("No clusters to use for adaption\n");

  if (!cw_it.empty ()) {
    complete_clustering(char_clusters, chars_waiting);
    print_em_stats(char_clusters, chars_waiting);

  if ((!word_adaptable (word, tessedit_cluster_adaption_mode)
  && word->reject_map.reject_count () != 0) || tessedit_mm_use_rejmap) {
    if (tessedit_cluster_debug) {
      tprintf ("\nChecking: \"%s\"  MAP ",
        word->best_choice->string ().string ());
      word->reject_map.print (debug_fp);
      tprintf ("\n");

    copy_outword = *(word->outword);
    copy_outword.baseline_denormalise (&word->denorm);
    copy_blob_it.set_to_list (copy_outword.blob_list ());
    char_clip_word(&copy_outword, page_image, pixrow_list, imlines, pix_box);
    pixrow_it.set_to_list (pixrow_list);
    pixrow_it.move_to_first ();

                                 // For debugging only
    b_box = copy_outword.bounding_box ();
    pixrow = ();

    blob_it.move_to_first ();
    copy_blob_it.move_to_first ();
    for (i = 0;
      word->best_choice->string ()[i] != '\0';
      i++, pixrow_it.forward (), blob_it.forward (),
    copy_blob_it.forward ()) {
      if (word->reject_map[i].recoverable ()
      || (tessedit_mm_all_rejects && word->reject_map[i].rejected ())) {
        TBOX copy_box = ()->bounding_box ();

        if (tessedit_cluster_debug)
          tprintf ("Sample %c to check found in %s, index %d\n",
            word->best_choice->string ()[i],
            word->best_choice->string ().string (), i);

        if (tessedit_demo_adaption)
          tprintf ("Sample %c to check found in %s (%d), index %d\n",
            word->best_choice->string ()[i],
            word->best_choice->string ().string (),
            word_number, i);

        sample = clip_sample ( (),
          copy_outword.flag (W_INVERSE),
          word->best_choice->string ()[i]);

        if (sample == NULL) {    //Clip failed
          tprintf ("Unable to clip sample from %s, index %d\n",
            word->best_choice->string ().string (), i);
          #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
          if (tessedit_cluster_debug)
            tprintf ("Sample rejected (no sample)\n");
          word->reject_map[i].setrej_mm_reject ();


        best_score = MAX_INT32;
        best_char = '\0';
        best_cluster = NULL;

        for (c_it.mark_cycle_pt ();
        !c_it.cycled_list (); c_it.forward ()) {
          if ( ()->character () != '\0') {
            score = ()->match_score (sample);
            if (score < best_score) {
              best_cluster = ();
              best_score = score;
              best_char = ()->character ();

        if (best_score > tessedit_cluster_t1) {
          #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
          if (tessedit_cluster_debug)
            tprintf ("Sample rejected (score %f)\n", best_score);
          if (tessedit_demo_adaption)
            tprintf ("Sample rejected (score %f)\n", best_score);
          word->reject_map[i].setrej_mm_reject ();
        else {
          if (word->best_choice->string ()[i] == best_char) {
            #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
            if (tessedit_cluster_debug)
              tprintf ("Sample accepted (score %f)\n", best_score);
            if (tessedit_demo_adaption)
              tprintf ("Sample accepted (score %f)\n", best_score);
            if (tessedit_test_adaption)
              word->reject_map[i].setrej_minimal_rej_accept ();
              word->reject_map[i].setrej_mm_accept ();
          else {
            #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
            if (tessedit_cluster_debug)
              tprintf ("Sample rejected (char %c, score %f)\n",
                best_char, best_score);
            if (tessedit_demo_adaption)
              tprintf ("Sample rejected (char %c, score %f)\n",
                best_char, best_score);
            word->reject_map[i].setrej_mm_reject ();

        if (tessedit_demo_adaption) {
          if (strcmp (imagebasename.string (),
            tessedit_demo_file.string ()) != 0
            || word_number == tessedit_demo_word1
          || word_number == tessedit_demo_word2) {
            demo_win =
            demo_word = word_number;
            best_cluster->match_score (sample);
            demo_word = 0;
    delete[]imlines;             // Free array of imlines
    delete pixrow_list;

    if (tessedit_cluster_debug) {
      tprintf ("\nFinal: \"%s\"  MAP ",
        word->best_choice->string ().string ());
      word->reject_map.print (debug_fp);
      tprintf ("\n");
void collect_characters_for_adaption(WERD_RES *word,
                                     CHAR_SAMPLES_LIST *char_clusters,
                                     CHAR_SAMPLE_LIST *chars_waiting) {
  PBLOB_LIST *blobs = word->outword->blob_list ();
  PBLOB_IT blob_it(blobs);
  inT16 i;
  CHAR_SAMPLE *sample;
  PIXROW_LIST *pixrow_list;
  PIXROW_IT pixrow_it;
  IMAGELINE *imlines;            // lines of the image
  TBOX pix_box;                   // box of imlines
  // extent
  WERD copy_outword;             // copy to denorm
  inT32 resolution = page_image.get_res ();

  if (word->word->bounding_box ().height () > resolution / 3)

  if (tessedit_demo_adaption)
                                 // Make sure not set
    tessedit_display_mm.set_value (FALSE);

  if ((word_adaptable (word, tessedit_cluster_adaption_mode)
  && word->reject_map.reject_count () == 0) || tessedit_mm_use_rejmap) {
    if (tessedit_test_cluster_input && !tessedit_mm_use_rejmap)
      return;                    // Reject map set to acceptable
    /* Collect information about good matches */
    copy_outword = *(word->outword);
    copy_outword.baseline_denormalise (&word->denorm);
    char_clip_word(&copy_outword, page_image, pixrow_list, imlines, pix_box);
    pixrow_it.set_to_list (pixrow_list);
    pixrow_it.move_to_first ();

    blob_it.move_to_first ();
    for (i = 0;
      word->best_choice->string ()[i] != '\0';
    i++, pixrow_it.forward (), blob_it.forward ()) {

      if (!(tessedit_mm_use_non_adaption_set
        && STRING (tessedit_non_adaption_set).contains (word->
        string ()[i]))
      || (tessedit_mm_use_rejmap && word->reject_map[i].accepted ())) {
        #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
        if (tessedit_cluster_debug)
          tprintf ("Sample %c for adaption found in %s, index %d\n",
            word->best_choice->string ()[i],
            word->best_choice->string ().string (), i);
        sample = clip_sample ( (),
          copy_outword.flag (W_INVERSE),
          word->best_choice->string ()[i]);

        if (sample == NULL) {    //Clip failed
          #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
          tprintf ("Unable to clip sample from %s, index %d\n",
            word->best_choice->string ().string (), i);
        cluster_sample(sample, char_clusters, chars_waiting);
    delete[]imlines;             // Free array of imlines
    delete pixrow_list;
  else if (tessedit_test_cluster_input && !tessedit_mm_use_rejmap)
    // Set word to all rejects
    word->reject_map.rej_word_tess_failure ();

void collect_ems_for_adaption(WERD_RES *word,
                              CHAR_SAMPLES_LIST *char_clusters,
                              CHAR_SAMPLE_LIST *chars_waiting) {
  PBLOB_LIST *blobs = word->outword->blob_list ();
  PBLOB_IT blob_it(blobs);
  inT16 i;
  CHAR_SAMPLE *sample;
  PIXROW_LIST *pixrow_list;
  PIXROW_IT pixrow_it;
  IMAGELINE *imlines;            // lines of the image
  TBOX pix_box;                   // box of imlines
  // extent
  WERD copy_outword;             // copy to denorm
  PBLOB_IT copy_blob_it;
  OUTLINE_IT copy_outline_it;
  inT32 resolution = page_image.get_res ();

  if (tessedit_reject_ems || tessedit_reject_suspect_ems)
    return;                      // Do nothing

  if (word->word->bounding_box ().height () > resolution / 3)

  if (tessedit_demo_adaption)
                                 // Make sure not set
    tessedit_display_mm.set_value (FALSE);

  if (word_adaptable (word, tessedit_em_adaption_mode)
    && word->reject_map.reject_count () == 0
    && (strchr (word->best_choice->string ().string (), 'm') != NULL
    || (tessedit_process_rns
    && strstr (word->best_choice->string ().string (),
  "rn") != NULL))) {
    if (tessedit_process_rns
    && strstr (word->best_choice->string ().string (), "rn") != NULL) {
      copy_outword = *(word->outword);
      copy_blob_it.set_to_list (copy_outword.blob_list ());
      i = 0;
      while (word->best_choice->string ()[i] != '\0') {
        if (word->best_choice->string ()[i] == 'r'
        && word->best_choice->string ()[i + 1] == 'n') {
          copy_outline_it.set_to_list ( ()->
            out_list ());
          copy_outline_it.add_list_after (copy_blob_it.
            data_relative (1)->
            out_list ());
          copy_blob_it.forward ();
          delete (copy_blob_it.extract ());
        copy_blob_it.forward ();
      copy_outword = *(word->outword);

    copy_outword.baseline_denormalise (&word->denorm);
    char_clip_word(&copy_outword, page_image, pixrow_list, imlines, pix_box);
    pixrow_it.set_to_list (pixrow_list);
    pixrow_it.move_to_first ();

    blob_it.move_to_first ();
    for (i = 0;
      word->best_choice->string ()[i] != '\0';
    i++, pixrow_it.forward (), blob_it.forward ()) {

      if (word->best_choice->string ()[i] == 'm'
        || (word->best_choice->string ()[i] == 'r'
      && word->best_choice->string ()[i + 1] == 'n')) {
        #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
        if (tessedit_cluster_debug)
          tprintf ("Sample %c for adaption found in %s, index %d\n",
            word->best_choice->string ()[i],
            word->best_choice->string ().string (), i);
        if (tessedit_matrix_match) {
          sample = clip_sample ( (),
            copy_outword.flag (W_INVERSE),
            word->best_choice->string ()[i]);

          if (sample == NULL) {  //Clip failed
            #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
            tprintf ("Unable to clip sample from %s, index %d\n",
              word->best_choice->string ().string (), i);
            if (word->best_choice->string ()[i] == 'r')

          sample = new CHAR_SAMPLE ( (),
            word->best_choice->string ()[i]);

        cluster_sample(sample, char_clusters, chars_waiting);

        if (word->best_choice->string ()[i] == 'r')
          i++;                   // Skip next character
    delete[]imlines;             // Free array of imlines
    delete pixrow_list;