static int processing_state_destructor(struct mgcp_process_rtp_state *state) { switch (state->src_fmt) { case AF_GSM: if (state->src.gsm_handle) gsm_destroy(state->src.gsm_handle); break; #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 case AF_G729: if (state->src.g729_dec) closeBcg729DecoderChannel(state->src.g729_dec); break; #endif default: break; } switch (state->dst_fmt) { case AF_GSM: if (state->dst.gsm_handle) gsm_destroy(state->dst.gsm_handle); break; #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 case AF_G729: if (state->dst.g729_enc) closeBcg729EncoderChannel(state->dst.g729_enc); break; #endif default: break; } return 0; }
static void codec_drv_stop(ErlDrvData handle) { codec_data *d = (codec_data *) handle; closeBcg729EncoderChannel(d->estate); closeBcg729DecoderChannel(d->dstate); driver_free((char*)handle); }
static void generic_plc_unit(MSFilter *f) { generic_plc_struct *mgps = (generic_plc_struct*) f->data; ms_free(mgps->continuity_buffer); ms_concealer_context_destroy(mgps->concealer); #ifdef HAVE_G729B closeBcg729DecoderChannel(mgps->decoderChannelContext); #endif ms_free(mgps); }
static switch_status_t switch_bcg729_destroy(switch_codec_t *codec) { struct bcg729_context *context = codec->private_info; closeBcg729EncoderChannel(context->encoder_object); closeBcg729DecoderChannel(context->decoder_object); codec->private_info = NULL; return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[] ) { int i; /*** get calling argument ***/ char *filePrefix[MAX_CHANNEL_NBR]; getArgumentsMultiChannel(argc, argv, filePrefix); /* check argument and set filePrefix if needed */ /*** input and output file pointers ***/ FILE *fpInput[MAX_CHANNEL_NBR]; FILE *fpOutput[MAX_CHANNEL_NBR]; FILE *fpBinOutput[MAX_CHANNEL_NBR]; /*** input and output buffers ***/ uint16_t inputBuffer[NB_PARAMETERS+1]; /* input buffer: an array containing the 15 parameters and the frame erasure flag */ int16_t outputBuffer[L_FRAME]; /* output buffer: the reconstructed signal */ uint8_t bitStream[10]; /* binary input for the decoder */ bcg729DecoderChannelContextStruct *decoderChannelContext[MAX_CHANNEL_NBR]; /* context array, one per channel */ /*** inits ***/ for (i=0; i<argc-1; i++) { /* open the inputs file */ if ( (fpInput[i] = fopen(argv[i+1], "r")) == NULL) { printf("%s - Error: can't open file %s\n", argv[0], argv[i+1]); exit(-1); } /* create the outputs file(filename is the same than input file with the .out extension) */ char *outputFile = malloc((strlen(filePrefix[i])+15)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(outputFile, "%s.out.multi",filePrefix[i]); if ( (fpOutput[i] = fopen(outputFile, "w")) == NULL) { printf("%s - Error: can't create file %s\n", argv[i], outputFile); exit(-1); } sprintf(outputFile, "%s.multi.pcm",filePrefix[i]); if ( (fpBinOutput[i] = fopen(outputFile, "wb")) == NULL) { printf("%s - Error: can't create file %s\n", argv[0], outputFile); exit(-1); } /*** init of the tested bloc ***/ decoderChannelContext[i] = initBcg729DecoderChannel(); } /*** initialisation complete ***/ /* perf measurement */ clock_t start, end; double cpu_time_used=0.0; int framesNbr =0; /* increase LOOP_N to increase input length and perform a more accurate profiling or perf measurement */ #define LOOP_N 1 int j,k; for (j=0; j<LOOP_N; j++) { /* perf measurement */ /*** loop over inputs file ***/ int endedFilesNbr = 0; int endedFiles[MAX_CHANNEL_NBR]; for (k=0; k<argc-1; k++) { /* reset the array of boolean containing a flag for files already read */ endedFiles[k]=0; } while (endedFilesNbr<argc-1) { /* loop until the longest file is over */ for (k=0; k<argc-1; k++) { /* read one frame on each not ended file */ if (endedFiles[k]==0) { /* read only if the file is not over */ if (fscanf(fpInput[k], "%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd,%hd", &(inputBuffer[0]), &(inputBuffer[1]), &(inputBuffer[2]), &(inputBuffer[3]), &(inputBuffer[4]), &(inputBuffer[5]), &(inputBuffer[6]), &(inputBuffer[7]), &(inputBuffer[8]), &(inputBuffer[9]), &(inputBuffer[10]), &(inputBuffer[11]), &(inputBuffer[12]), &(inputBuffer[13]), &(inputBuffer[14]), &(inputBuffer[15]))==16) /* index 4 and 5 are inverted to get P0 in 4 and P1 in 5 in the array */ { /* input buffer contains the parameters and in [15] the frame erasure flag */ int i; framesNbr++; parametersArray2BitStream(inputBuffer, bitStream); start = clock(); bcg729Decoder(decoderChannelContext[k], bitStream, inputBuffer[15], outputBuffer); end = clock(); cpu_time_used += ((double) (end - start)); /* write the output to the output file */ if (j==0) { fprintf(fpOutput[k],"%d",outputBuffer[0]); for (i=1; i<L_FRAME; i++) { fprintf(fpOutput[k],",%d",outputBuffer[i]); } fprintf(fpOutput[k],"\n"); /* write the ouput to raw data file */ fwrite(outputBuffer, sizeof(int16_t), L_FRAME, fpBinOutput[k]); } } else { /* we've reach the end of the file */ endedFiles[k]=1; endedFilesNbr++; } } } } /* perf measurement */ for (k=0; k<argc-1; k++) { rewind(fpInput[k]); } } /* close decoder channels */ for (k=0; k<argc-1; k++) { closeBcg729DecoderChannel(decoderChannelContext[k]); } /* Perf measurement: uncomment next line to print cpu usage */ printf("Decode %d frames in %f seconds : %f us/frame\n", framesNbr, cpu_time_used/CLOCKS_PER_SEC, cpu_time_used*1000000/((double)framesNbr*CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); /* perf measurement */ exit (0); }