//============================================================================== void FileChooserDialogBox::buttonClicked (Button* button) { if (button == content->okButton) { if (warnAboutOverwritingExistingFiles && content->chooserComponent->isSaveMode() && content->chooserComponent->getSelectedFile(0).exists()) { if (! AlertWindow::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::WarningIcon, TRANS("File already exists"), TRANS("There's already a file called:\n\n") + content->chooserComponent->getSelectedFile(0).getFullPathName() + T("\n\nAre you sure you want to overwrite it?"), TRANS("overwrite"), TRANS("cancel"))) { return; } } exitModalState (1); } else if (button == content->cancelButton) closeButtonPressed(); }
void TPanel::onCloseButtonPressed() { emit closeButtonPressed(); // Currently, Toonz panels that get closed indeed just remain hidden - // ready to reappair if they are needed again. However, the user expects // a new panel to be created - so we just reset the panel here. // reset(); //Moved to panel invocation in floatingpanelcommand.cpp // Also, remove widget from its dock layout control if (parentLayout()) parentLayout()->removeWidget(this); }
bool Window::perform(const InvocationInfo& info) { switch (info.commandID) { case CommandIDs::minimizeWindow: minimiseButtonPressed(); break; case CommandIDs::maximizeWindow: maximiseButtonPressed(); break; case CommandIDs::closeWindow: closeButtonPressed(); break; default: return false; } return true; }
TPanel::TPanel(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags, TDockWidget::Orientation orientation) : TDockWidget(parent, flags), m_panelType(""), m_isMaximizable(true), m_isMaximized(false), m_isActive(true), m_panelTitleBar(0), m_multipleInstancesAllowed(true) { //setFeatures(QDockWidget::DockWidgetMovable | QDockWidget::DockWidgetFloatable); //setFloating(false); m_panelTitleBar = new TPanelTitleBar(this, orientation); setTitleBarWidget(m_panelTitleBar); //connect(m_panelTitleBar,SIGNAL(doubleClick()),this,SLOT(onDoubleClick())); connect(m_panelTitleBar, SIGNAL(doubleClick(QMouseEvent *)), this, SIGNAL(doubleClick(QMouseEvent *))); connect(m_panelTitleBar, SIGNAL(closeButtonPressed()), this, SLOT(onCloseButtonPressed())); setOrientation(orientation); }
//============================================================================== void FileChooserDialogBox::buttonClicked (Button* button) { if (button == &(content->okButton)) { okButtonPressed(); } else if (button == &(content->cancelButton)) { closeButtonPressed(); } else if (button == &(content->newFolderButton)) { createNewFolder(); } }
SQLDialog::SQLDialog(StampDB &db, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), m_db(db), m_textEdit(nullptr), m_tableWidget(nullptr), m_statusBar(nullptr) { QSettings settings; QVBoxLayout *vBox = new QVBoxLayout(); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Close, Qt::Horizontal); // Sadly, new lines are removed when the string is restored.... very sad! QStringList sqlList = settings.value(Constants::Settings_LastSQLDialogString, "").toString().split("\n"); m_textEdit = new QPlainTextEdit(); for (int i=0; i<sqlList.size(); ++i) { if (i>0) { m_textEdit->appendPlainText(sqlList[i]); } else { m_textEdit->setPlainText(sqlList[i]); } } vBox->addWidget(m_textEdit); QPushButton* sqlExecuteButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Execute SQL")); buttonBox->addButton(sqlExecuteButton, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); connect(sqlExecuteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sqlButtonPressed())); //connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept())); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(closeButtonPressed())); vBox->addWidget(buttonBox); m_tableWidget = new QTableWidget(1, 1); vBox->addWidget(m_tableWidget); m_statusBar = new QStatusBar(); vBox->addWidget(m_statusBar); setLayout(vBox); restoreGeometry(settings.value(Constants::Settings_SQLDialogGeometry).toByteArray()); m_statusBar->showMessage(tr("Ready!")); }
void TPanelTitleBar::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { TDockWidget *dw = static_cast<TDockWidget *>(parentWidget()); QPoint pos = event->pos(); if (dw->isFloating()) { QRect rect = this->rect(); QRect closeButtonRect(rect.right() - 18, rect.top() + 1, 18, 18); if (closeButtonRect.contains(pos) && dw->isFloating()) { event->accept(); dw->hide(); m_closeButtonHighlighted = false; emit closeButtonPressed(); return; } } event->ignore(); }
bool MainWindow::perform (const InvocationInfo& info) { switch (info.commandID) { case CommandIDs::closeWindow: closeButtonPressed(); break; case CommandIDs::goToPreviousWindow: ProjucerApplication::getApp().mainWindowList.goToSiblingWindow (this, -1); break; case CommandIDs::goToNextWindow: ProjucerApplication::getApp().mainWindowList.goToSiblingWindow (this, 1); break; default: return false; } return true; }
void MagpieFileImportPopup::hideEvent(QHideEvent *) { //Devo svuotare il flibook emit closeButtonPressed(); }
AboutDialog::AboutDialog() : KviTalTabDialog(0) { setWindowTitle(__tr2qs_ctx("About KVIrc...","about")); setOkButton(__tr2qs_ctx("Close","about")); // About tab QString buffer; g_pApp->findImage(buffer,"kvi_release_art.png"); QPixmap pix(buffer); QWidget * w = new QWidget(this); QGridLayout * g = new QGridLayout(w); QLabel * l = new QLabel(w); l->setFrameStyle(QFrame::WinPanel | QFrame::Sunken); QPalette p = l->palette(); p.setColor(backgroundRole(), Qt::black); l->setPalette(p); l->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); l->setPixmap(pix); g->addWidget(l,0,0); QString aboutString= "<b>KVIrc " KVI_VERSION " '" KVI_RELEASE_NAME "'</b><br>"; aboutString += __tr2qs_ctx("Forged by the <b>KVIrc Development Team</b>","about"); l = new QLabel(aboutString,w); l->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); g->addWidget(l,1,0); addTab(w,__tr2qs_ctx("About","about")); // Info tab w = new QWidget(this); g = new QGridLayout(w); QTextEdit * v = new QTextEdit(w); v->setReadOnly(true); g->addWidget(v,0,0); // Get info QString infoString = "<b>KVIrc " KVI_VERSION " '" KVI_RELEASE_NAME "'</b><br><br>"; infoString += "<b>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("Runtime Info","about"); infoString += ":</b><br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("System name","about"); infoString += ": "; infoString += KviRuntimeInfo::name(); #ifndef COMPILE_ON_MAC infoString += " "; infoString += KviRuntimeInfo::release(); #endif infoString += "<br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("System version","about"); infoString += ": "; infoString += KviRuntimeInfo::version(); infoString += "<br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("Architecture","about"); infoString += ": "; infoString += KviRuntimeInfo::machine(); infoString += "<br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("Qt version","about"); infoString += ": "; infoString += KviRuntimeInfo::qtVersion(); infoString += "<br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("Qt theme","about"); infoString += ": "; infoString += KviRuntimeInfo::qtTheme(); infoString += "<br><br>"; infoString += "<b>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("Build Info","about"); infoString += ":</b><br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("Build date","about"); infoString += ": "; infoString += KviBuildInfo::buildDate(); infoString += "<br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("Sources date","about"); infoString += ": "; infoString += KviBuildInfo::buildSourcesDate(); infoString += "<br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("Revision number","about"); infoString += ": "; infoString += KviBuildInfo::buildRevision(); infoString += "<br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("System name","about"); infoString += ": "; infoString += KviBuildInfo::buildSystem(); infoString += "<br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("CPU name","about"); infoString += ": "; infoString += KviBuildInfo::buildCPU(); infoString += "<br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("Build command","about"); infoString += ": "; infoString += KviBuildInfo::buildCommand(); infoString += "<br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("Build flags","about"); infoString += ": <br> "; QString flags = KviBuildInfo::buildFlags(); infoString += flags.replace(QRegExp(";"),"<br> "); infoString += "<br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("Compiler name","about"); infoString += ": "; infoString += KviBuildInfo::buildCompiler(); infoString += "<br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("Compiler flags","about"); infoString += ": "; infoString += KviBuildInfo::buildCompilerFlags(); infoString += "<br>"; infoString += __tr2qs_ctx("Qt version","about"); infoString += ": "; infoString += KviBuildInfo::qtVersion(); v->setText(infoString); addTab(w,__tr2qs_ctx("Executable Information","about")); // Honor & Glory tab w = new QWidget(this); g = new QGridLayout(w); v = new QTextEdit(w); v->setReadOnly(true); g->addWidget(v,0,0); v->setText(g_szAboutText); addTab(w,__tr2qs_ctx("Honor && Glory","about")); // License tab w = new QWidget(this); g = new QGridLayout(w); v = new QTextEdit(w); v->setReadOnly(true); v->setWordWrapMode(QTextOption::NoWrap); g->addWidget(v,0,0); QString szLicense; QString szLicensePath; g_pApp->getGlobalKvircDirectory(szLicensePath,KviApplication::License,"COPYING"); if(!KviFileUtils::loadFile(szLicensePath,szLicense)) { szLicense = __tr2qs_ctx("Oops! Can't find the license file.\n" \ "It MUST be included in the distribution...\n" \ "Please report to <pragma at kvirc dot net>","about"); } v->setText(szLicense); addTab(w,__tr2qs_ctx("License","about")); connect(this,SIGNAL(applyButtonPressed()),this,SLOT(closeButtonPressed())); }
void MidiConfigurationWindow::buttonClicked(Button*) { closeButtonPressed(); }
ossimQtPluginsDialog::ossimQtPluginsDialog(QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent, "ossimQtPluginsDialog", Qt::WDestructiveClose), thePluginList(0), theDescription(0), theAddButton(0), theRemoveButton(0), theCloseButton(0) { setCaption("Plugin Dialog"); // Main box to hold everything. Parented to this dialog box... QVBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); // Row one: QGroupBox* row1GroupBox = new QGroupBox(); // Row one: 2 columns horizontal. QHBoxLayout* row1Layout = new QHBoxLayout(); // Row one, Column one, a list of plugins. QGroupBox* pluginListGroupBox = new QGroupBox(QString("Plugins")); QVBoxLayout* pluginListLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); // plugin list pointer stored by class. thePluginList = new QListWidget(); // Parent list to layout. pluginListLayout->addWidget(thePluginList); // Parent layout to group box. pluginListGroupBox->setLayout(pluginListLayout); // Parent group box to row one layout. row1Layout->addWidget(pluginListGroupBox); // Row one , column two, selected plugin description. QGroupBox* descriptionGroupBox = new QGroupBox(QString("Description")); QVBoxLayout* descriptionLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); // plugin description pointer stored by class. theDescription = new QTextEdit(); // Only we can mess with text. theDescription->setReadOnly(true); // Parent text edit to layout. descriptionLayout->addWidget(theDescription); // Parent layout to group box. descriptionGroupBox->setLayout(descriptionLayout); // Parent group box to row one layout. row1Layout->addWidget(descriptionGroupBox); // Parent the row1Layout to the row1GroupBox. row1GroupBox->setLayout(row1Layout); // Parent row one group box to main layout mainLayout->addWidget(row1GroupBox); //--- // End of row one. //--- //--- // Row two: //--- QGroupBox* row2GroupBox = new QGroupBox(); // Row two: horizontal buttonw. QHBoxLayout* row2Layout = new QHBoxLayout(); // Row two, column one, add button. theAddButton = new QPushButton("Add"); row2Layout->addWidget(theAddButton); // Row two, column two, remove button. theRemoveButton = new QPushButton("Remove"); row2Layout->addWidget(theRemoveButton); // Row two, column three, close button. theCloseButton = new QPushButton("Close"); row2Layout->addWidget(theCloseButton); // Parent the row2Layout to the row2GroupBox. row2GroupBox->setLayout(row2Layout); // Parent row two group box to main layout mainLayout->addWidget(row2GroupBox); //--- // End of row two. //--- //--- // Connect all the signals to slots... //--- connect( thePluginList, SIGNAL ( itemSelectionChanged () ), this, SLOT ( pluginSelectionChanged() ) ); connect( theAddButton, SIGNAL ( pressed() ), this, SLOT ( addButtonPressed() ) ); connect( theRemoveButton, SIGNAL ( pressed() ), this, SLOT ( removeButtonPressed() ) ); connect( theCloseButton, SIGNAL ( pressed() ), this, SLOT ( closeButtonPressed() ) ); //--- // Set up the plugin list and description. //--- updateDialog(); }
void DocumentWindow::userTriedToCloseWindow() { closeButtonPressed(); }