Example #1
main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    driver_return_code_t ret;
    driver_id_t driver_id = DRIVER_DEVICE;
    char *psz_drive = NULL;
    CdioDevice device;

    if (argc > 1)
        psz_drive = strdup(argv[1]);

    if (!psz_drive) {
        psz_drive = getDefaultDevice(driver_id);
        if (!psz_drive) {
            printf("Can't find a CD-ROM to perform eject operation\n");
    try {
        printf("CD in CD-ROM drive %s ejected.\n", psz_drive);
    catch ( DriverOpUninit e ) {
        printf("Can't Eject CD from CD-ROM drive: driver is not initialized.\n",
    catch ( DriverOpException e ) {
        printf("Ejecting CD from CD-ROM drive %s operation error:\n\t%s.\n",
               psz_drive, e.get_msg());

    try {
        printf("Closed CD-ROM %s tray.\n", psz_drive);
    catch ( DriverOpException e ) {
        printf("Closing CD-ROM %s tray operation error error:\n\t%s.\n",
               psz_drive, e.get_msg());

    return 0;
Example #2
  Close media tray in CD drive if there is a routine to do so. 
  @param psz_drive the name of CD-ROM to be closed. If omitted or 
  NULL, we'll scan for a suitable CD-ROM.
void closeTray (const char *psz_drive) 
  driver_id_t driver_id = DRIVER_UNKNOWN;
  closeTray(psz_drive, driver_id);
Example #3
void MountTray::programInit()
  DCheck = new DevCheck(); //initialize class for checking devices
  qDebug() << "pc-mounttray: starting up";
  MTINIT=true; //set the flag that the mount tray is initializing;
  //getInitialUsername(); //try to detect the non-root user who is running the program with root permissions
  trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon(this);
  trayIconMenu = new QMenu();
  //Generate the system menu options (these don't change)
  sysMenu = new QMenu( tr("More Options") );
    sysMenu->setIcon( QIcon(":icons/config.png") );
    //Add the additional options
    sysMenu->addAction( QIcon(":icons/folder.png"), tr("Open Media Directory"), this, SLOT(slotOpenMediaDir()) );
    sysMenu->addAction( QIcon(":icons/harddrive.png"), tr("View Disk Usage"),this,SLOT(slotOpenFSDialog()) );
    sysMenu->addAction( QIcon(":icons/refresh.png"),tr("Rescan Devices"), this, SLOT(slotRescan()) );
    //Add the setting dialog option seperately
    sysMenu->addAction( QIcon(":icons/dvd.png"), tr("Load ISO File"), this, SLOT(slotOpenISO()) );
    sysMenu->addAction( QIcon(":icons/config.png"), tr("Change Settings"), this, SLOT(slotOpenSettings()) );
    //Add the Close button seperately
    sysMenu->addAction( QIcon(":icons/application-exit.png"), tr("Close Tray"), this, SLOT(closeTray()) );
  // Tie the left-click signal to open the context menu
  connect(trayIcon, SIGNAL(activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)), this, SLOT(slotTrayActivated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)) );
  //Connect the message clicked slot
  connect(trayIcon,SIGNAL(messageClicked()),this,SLOT(slotPopupClicked()) );
  //Set the default Tray Icon (will change once tray menus are set)

  //Do an initial scan of the devices with dmesg
  qDebug() << "-Performing initial device scan";
  //Startup the devd watching process
  qDebug() << "-Starting up the DEVD watcher";
  devdTimer = new QTimer();
  //Start up the filesystem watcher
  diskWatcher = new FSWatcher();
    qDebug() << "-Starting up the disk space alert system";
  //Update the tray menu and icons

  qDebug() << "-Program now ready for use";
  QTimer::singleShot(500, this, SLOT(slotDoneWithInit()) ); //give it 1/2 a second to settle
Example #4
int main()
    trayOpen = 0;

//    raspi.printf("meridianScientific_ramanSpectrometer_controlBoard_V0\r\n");

    while (!device.initialize());    // keep calling until it works

    int deviceCount = device.getDeviceCount();
//    raspi.printf("Located %d sensors\n\r",deviceCount);

    z = 0;
    while(1) {
//        for (int i = 0; i < deviceCount; i++) {
//            readTemp(i);
//        }
        if (raspi.readable()) {                                                                         // check if serial port is reaadable
            switch (raspi.getc()) {                                                                     // retrieve a character from serial
                case packet_start:                                                                      // case for packet start flag
                    switch (raspi.getc()) {                                                             // set condition for listening to another character
                        case packet_flag:                                                               // case for packet flag
                            packetFlag = 1;                                                             // turn the flag on
                            while (packetFlag == 1) {                                                   // start a loop that runs while the flag is on
                                switch (raspi.getc()) {                                                 // set another condition for listening to another character
                                    case cmd_laser:                                                     // case for cmd_laser
                                        grnLED = 1;                                                     // turn the led on
                                        raspi.printf("%x", cmd_laser);                                  // return cmd_laser to the raspi
                                        switch (raspi.getc()) {                                         // set another condition for listening to another character
                                            case req_laser_temp:                                        // case for req_laser_temp
                                                raspi.printf("%x\r\n", req_laser_temp);                 // return req_laser_temp to the raspi
                                                readTemp(0);                                            // read the temperature for device 0 which is the laser temp sensor
                                                grnLED = 0;                                             // turn led off
                                                continue;                                               // continue through loop
                                            default:                                                    // default if nothing matches
                                                break;                                                  // break from loop
                                    case cmd_cuvette:                                                   // case for cmd_cuvette
                                        grnLED = 1;                                                     // turn led on
                                        raspi.printf("%x", cmd_cuvette);                                // return cmd_cuvette to raspi
                                        switch (raspi.getc()) {                                         // set condition for listening to another character
                                            case req_cuvette_temp:                                      // case for req_cuvette_temp
                                                raspi.printf("%x\r\n", req_cuvette_temp);               // return req_cuvette_temp to raspi
                                                readTemp(1);                                            // read the temperature for device 1 which is the cuvette temp sensor
                                                grnLED = 0;                                             // turn the led off
                                                continue;                                               // continue through the loop
                                            case tray_open:                                             // case for tray_open
                                                raspi.printf("%x\r\n", tray_open);                      // return tray_open to raspi
                                                if (trayOpen == 0) {                                    // check to see if the tray is closed
                                                    openTray();                                         // if not, open tray
                                                } else {                                                // otherwise
                                                    raspi.printf("%x\r\n", cuvette_err);                // send a cuvette error to the raspi
                                                grnLED = 0;                                             // turn led off
                                                continue;                                               // continue through the loop
                                            case tray_close:                                            // case for tray close
                                                raspi.printf("%x\r\n", tray_close);                     // return tray_close to raspi
                                                if (trayOpen == 1) {                                    // check to see if tray is open
                                                    closeTray();                                        // if not, close tray
                                                } else {                                                // otherwise
                                                    raspi.printf("%x\r\n", cuvette_err);                // send a cuvette error to the raspi
                                                grnLED = 0;                                             // turn led off
                                                continue;                                               // continue through loop
                                            default:                                                    // default if nothing matches
                                                break;                                                  // break from loop
                                    case cmd_filter_wheel:                                              // case for cmd_filter_wheel
                                        grnLED = 1;                                                     // turn led on
                                        raspi.printf("%x", cmd_filter_wheel);                           // return cmd_filter_wheel to raspi
                                        switch (raspi.getc()) {                                         // set condidition for listening to another character
                                            case filter_select:                                         // case for filter_select
                                                raspi.printf("%x\r\n", filter_select);                  // return filter_select to raspi
                                                filterForward();                                        // move filter wheel forward one filter
                                                filterBack();                                           // move filter wheel reverse one filter (this is just to test the commands)
                                                grnLED = 0;                                             // turn led off
                                                continue;                                               // continue through loop
                                            default:                                                    // default if nothing matches
                                                break;                                                  // break from loop
                                    case cmd_cuvette_peltier:
                                        grnLED = 1;                                                     // turn led on
                                        raspi.printf("%x", cmd_cuvette_peltier);                        // return cmd_ccd_peltier to raspi
                                        switch (raspi.getc()) {                                         // set condidition for listening to another character
                                            case cmd_cuvette_pelt_power:
                                                switch (raspi.getc()) {                                 // set condidition for listening to another character
                                                    case 0x00:                                          // case for cmd_ccd_peltier OFF
                                                        raspi.printf("%x\r\n", cmd_cuvette_pelt_power); // return filter_select to raspi
                                                        cuvettePeltA = 0;                               // set PWM A to zero
                                                        cuvettePeltB = 0;                               // set PWM B to zero
                                                        grnLED = 0;                                     // turn led off
                                                    case 0x01:                                          // case for cmd_cuvette_peltier COOL
                                                        raspi.printf("%x\r\n", cmd_cuvette_pelt_power); // return filter_select to raspi
                                                        cuvettePeltA = 0.5;                             // set PWM A to 0.5
                                                        cuvettePeltB = 0;                               // set PWM B to zero
                                                        grnLED = 0;                                     // turn led off
                                                    case 0x02:                                          // case for cmd_cuvette_peltier HEAT
                                                        raspi.printf("%x\r\n", cmd_cuvette_pelt_power); // return filter_select to raspi
                                                        cuvettePeltA = 0;                               // set PWM A to 0.5
                                                        cuvettePeltB = 0.5;                             // set PWM B to zero
                                                        grnLED = 0;                                     // turn led off
                                    case cmd_ccd_peltier:
                                        grnLED = 1;                                                     // turn led on
                                        raspi.printf("%x", cmd_ccd_peltier);                            // return cmd_ccd_peltier to raspi
                                        switch (raspi.getc()) {                                         // set condidition for listening to another character
                                            case cmd_ccd_pelt_power:
                                                switch (raspi.getc()) {                                 // set condidition for listening to another character
                                                    case 0x00:                                          // case for cmd_ccd_peltier OFF
                                                        raspi.printf("%x\r\n", cmd_ccd_pelt_power);        // return filter_select to raspi
                                                        ccdPeltA = 0;                                   // set PWM A to zero
                                                        ccdPeltB = 0;                                   // set PWM B to zero
                                                        grnLED = 0;                                     // turn led off
                                                    case 0x01:                                          // case for cmd_ccd_peltier COOL
                                                        raspi.printf("%x\r\n", cmd_ccd_pelt_power);        // return filter_select to raspi
                                                        ccdPeltA = 0.5;                                 // set PWM A to 0.5
                                                        ccdPeltB = 0;                                   // set PWM B to zero
                                                        grnLED = 0;                                     // turn led off
                                                    case 0x02:                                          // case for cmd_ccd_peltier HEAT
                                                        raspi.printf("%x\r\n", cmd_ccd_pelt_power);        // return filter_select to raspi
                                                        ccdPeltA = 0;                                   // set PWM A to 0.5
                                                        ccdPeltB = 0.5;                                 // set PWM B to zero
                                                        grnLED = 0;                                     // turn led off
                                        }                                    case packet_end:                                                    // case for packed_end
                                        packetFlag = 0;                                                 // set the packetFlag to 0
                                        break;                                                          // break from loop
                                    default:                                                            // default if nothing matches
                                        break;                                                          // break from loop
                        default:                                                                        // defailt if nothing matches
                            break;                                                                      // break from loop
                default:                                                                                // default if nothing matches
                    break;                                                                              // break from loop