Example #1
/* Create a category map with a category for each feature type in a
    GFF_Set.  Category numbers are assigned in order of appearance of
    types */
CategoryMap* cm_new_from_features(GFF_Set *feats) {
  int i;
  CategoryMap *retval;
  Hashtable *hash;
  List *types;

  /* first scan features for all types */
  hash = hsh_new(10);
  types = lst_new_ptr(10);
  for (i = 0; i < lst_size(feats->features); i++) {
    GFF_Feature *f = lst_get_ptr(feats->features, i);
    checkInterruptN(i, 10000);
    if (hsh_get(hash, f->feature->chars) == (void*)-1) {
      lst_push_ptr(types, f->feature);
      hsh_put_int(hash, f->feature->chars, 1);

  /* now create a simple category map */
  retval = cm_new(lst_size(types));
  for (i = 0; i <= retval->ncats; i++) {
    String *type = i == 0 ? str_new_charstr(BACKGD_CAT_NAME) : 
      str_dup(lst_get_ptr(types, i-1));
    retval->ranges[i] = cm_new_category_range(type, i, i);
  return retval;
Example #2
/* Create a trivial CategoryMap, with feature types equal to category
   numbers (plus an optional prefix) and ranges all of size one.  */
CategoryMap* cm_create_trivial(int ncats, char *feature_prefix) {
  int i;
  CategoryMap *retval = cm_new(ncats);
  for (i = 0; i <= ncats; i++) {
    String *type = str_new(STR_SHORT_LEN);
    if (feature_prefix != NULL) str_append_charstr(type, feature_prefix);
    str_append_int(type, i);
    retval->ranges[i] = cm_new_category_range(type, i, i);
  return retval;
Example #3
CategoryMap *cm_create_copy(CategoryMap *src) {
  int i, has_dependencies = 0;
  CategoryMap *retval = cm_new(src->ncats);
  for (i = 0; i <= src->ncats; i++) {
    retval->ranges[i] = cm_category_range_create_copy(src->ranges[i]);
    if (retval->conditioned_on[i] != NULL) {
      retval->conditioned_on[i] = lst_new_int(lst_size(src->conditioned_on[i]));
      lst_cpy(retval->conditioned_on[i], src->conditioned_on[i]);
      has_dependencies = 1;
    retval->labelling_precedence[i] = src->labelling_precedence[i];
    retval->fill_precedence[i] = src->fill_precedence[i];
  if (has_dependencies) cm_create_unspooler(retval->ncats + 1, 
  return retval;
Example #4
/* Read a CategoryMap from a file */
CategoryMap *cm_read(FILE *F) {
  String *line, *name;
  List *l;
  int cat, cat2, lineno, i, cm_read_error;
  CategoryMap *cm = NULL;
  CategoryRange *existing_range;
  static Regex *cat_range_re = NULL;
  static Regex *ncats_re = NULL;
  static Regex *fill_re = NULL;
  static Regex *label_re = NULL;
  static Regex *extend_re = NULL;
  int has_dependencies = 0;

  line = str_new(STR_SHORT_LEN);
  l = lst_new_ptr(3);
  if (cat_range_re == NULL) {
    cat_range_re = str_re_new("^[[:space:]]*([^[:space:]]+)[[:space:]]+([[:digit:]]+)(-([[:digit:]]+))?([[:space:]]+([[:digit:]].*))?"); 
    ncats_re = str_re_new("^[[:space:]]*NCATS[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*([[:digit:]]+)");
    fill_re = str_re_new("^[[:space:]]*FILL_PRECEDENCE[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*(.*)$");
    label_re = str_re_new("^[[:space:]]*LABELLING_PRECEDENCE[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*(.*)$");
    extend_re = str_re_new("^[[:space:]]*FEATURE_EXTEND[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*(.+)[[:space:]]*\\((.+)\\)$");

  lineno = 0;
  while ((str_readline(line, F)) != EOF) {
    if (str_equals_charstr(line, ""))

    if (str_re_match(line, ncats_re, l, 1) >= 0) { 
                                /* NCATS line */
      int ncats;
      str_as_int(lst_get_ptr(l, 1), &ncats);
      cm = cm_new(ncats);

      /* 0th category is "background" */
      cm->ranges[0] = 
        cm_new_category_range(str_new_charstr(BACKGD_CAT_NAME), 0, 0);

    else if (cm == NULL || cm->ncats == 0) 
      die("ERROR: NCATS line must appear first, and must specify a positive number of categories.\n");

    else if (str_re_match(line, label_re, l, 1) >= 0) {               
                                /* LABELLING_PRECEDENCE line */
      List *tmpl = lst_new_ptr(cm->ncats);
      int tmpi;
      str_split((String*)lst_get_ptr(l, 1), " ,", tmpl);
      for (i = 0; i < lst_size(tmpl); i++) {
        String *s = (String*)lst_get_ptr(tmpl, i);
        if (str_as_int(s, &tmpi) != 0 || tmpi < 0 || tmpi > cm->ncats) 
          die("ERROR: bad integer in LABELLING_PRECEDENCE.\n");
        cm->labelling_precedence[tmpi] = i;

    else if (str_re_match(line, fill_re, l, 1) >= 0) {               
                                /* FILL_PRECEDENCE line */
      List *tmpl = lst_new_ptr(cm->ncats);
      int tmpi;
      str_split(lst_get_ptr(l, 1), " ,", tmpl);
      for (i = 0; i < lst_size(tmpl); i++) {
        String *s = lst_get_ptr(tmpl, i);
        if (str_as_int(s, &tmpi) != 0 || tmpi < 0 || tmpi > cm->ncats) 
          die("ERROR: bad integer in FILL_PRECEDENCE.\n");
        cm->fill_precedence[tmpi] = i;

    else if (str_re_match(line, extend_re, l, 2) >= 0) {
                                /* FEATURE_EXTEND line */
      String *target = lst_get_ptr(l, 2);
      List *sources = lst_new_ptr(2);
      str_split(lst_get_ptr(l, 1), " ,", sources);

      if (cm == NULL || (cat = cm_get_category(cm, target)) == 0)
        die("ERROR: FEATURE_EXTEND target must be a previously-defined non-background feature type.\n");

      for (i = 0; i < lst_size(sources); i++) {
        if (cm_get_category(cm, lst_get_ptr(sources, i)) == 0) 
          die("ERROR: FEATURE_EXTEND source list must consist of previously-defined non-background feature types.\n");

    else {                      /* 'range' line */
      if (str_re_match(line, cat_range_re, l, 6) < 0) 
        die("ERROR at line %d: '%s'\n", lineno, line->chars);

      name = str_dup((String*)lst_get_ptr(l, 1));
      str_as_int((String*)lst_get_ptr(l, 2), &cat);

      cat2 = cat;
      if (lst_get_ptr(l, 4) != NULL) 
        str_as_int((String*)lst_get_ptr(l, 4), &cat2);

      if (cat < 0 || cat2 < cat || cat2 > cm->ncats)
        die("ERROR: Illegal category range.\n");

      /* check for existing definitions of the specified category
         range.  Either no such definition must exist, or one must
         exist that spans exactly the same category numbers */
      existing_range = NULL;
      cm_read_error = 0;
      for (i = cat; !cm_read_error && i <= cat2; i++) {
        if (cm->ranges[i] != NULL && existing_range == NULL) 
          existing_range = cm->ranges[i];
        else if (cm->ranges[i] != existing_range)
          cm_read_error = 1;
      if (existing_range != NULL && (existing_range->start_cat_no != cat || 
                                     existing_range->end_cat_no != cat2)) 
        cm_read_error = 1;

      if (cm_read_error) 
        die("ERROR: Overlapping category ranges.\n");

      /* either add new category range, or add new type to existing one */
      if (existing_range != NULL) {
        lst_push_ptr(existing_range->feature_types, name);
      else {
        CategoryRange *cr = cm_new_category_range(name, cat, cat2);
        for (i = cat; i <= cat2; i++) 
          cm->ranges[i] = cr;

      /* now address "conditioned_on" dependencies, if they have been
         specified */
      if (lst_get_ptr(l, 6) != NULL) {
        if (existing_range != NULL) 
          fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: ignoring 'conditioned on' list for type '%s'\n", 
        else {
          List *tmpl = lst_new_ptr(cm->ncats);
          int tmpi;
	  if (cm->conditioned_on[cat] != NULL)
	    die("ERROR cm_read: cm->conditioned_on[%i] should be NULL\n",

          str_split((String*)lst_get_ptr(l, 6), " ,", tmpl);
          cm->conditioned_on[cat] = lst_new_int(lst_size(tmpl));
          for (i = cat + 1; i <= cat2; i++)
            cm->conditioned_on[i] = cm->conditioned_on[cat];
          /* all categories in range point to
             same "conditioned on" list */

          for (i = 0; i < lst_size(tmpl); i++) {
            String *s = (String*)lst_get_ptr(tmpl, i);
            if (str_as_int(s, &tmpi) != 0 || tmpi < 0 || tmpi > cm->ncats) 
              die("ERROR: bad integer in 'conditioned on' list for type '%s'.\n", 
            lst_push_int(cm->conditioned_on[cat], tmpi);
          has_dependencies = 1;

    for (i = 0; i < lst_size(l); i++)
      if (lst_get_ptr(l, i) != NULL)
        str_free((String*)lst_get_ptr(l, i));

  /* make sure every category has been specified */
  for (i = 0; i <= cm->ncats; i++) 
    if (cm->ranges[i] == 0) 
      die("ERROR: category %d has not been specified.\n", i);

  /* build unspooler, if necessary */
  if (has_dependencies)
    cm->unspooler = cm_create_unspooler(cm->ncats + 1, cm->conditioned_on);

  return cm;
Example #5
static int
     const product*     prod,
     int                argc,
     char**             argv,
     const void*        xprod,
     size_t             xlen)
    pid_t       pid = 0;

    if (NULL == execMap) {
        execMap = cm_new();

        if (NULL == execMap) {
            LOG_ADD0("Couldn't create child-process map for EXEC entries");
            pid = -1;
    }                                   /* child-process map not allocated */

    if (0 == pid) {
        int     waitOnChild = 0;        /* default is not to wait */

        if (strcmp(argv[0], "-wait") == 0) {
            waitOnChild = 1;            /* => wait for child */
            argc--; argv++;

        pid = ldmfork();
        if (-1 == pid) {
            LOG_SERROR0("Couldn't fork EXEC process");
        else {
            if (0 == pid) {
                 * Child process.
                 * Detach the child process from the parents process group??
                 * (void) setpgid(0,0);
                const unsigned  ulogOptions = ulog_get_options();
                const char*     ulogIdent = getulogident();
                const unsigned  ulogFacility = getulogfacility();
                const char*     ulogPath = getulogpath();

                (void)signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);

                 * It is assumed that the standard input, output, and error
                 * streams are correctly established and should not be
                 * modified.

                 * Don't let the child process get any inappropriate privileges.

                (void) execvp(argv[0], argv);
                openulog(ulogIdent, ulogOptions, ulogFacility, ulogPath);
                LOG_SERROR1("Couldn't execute command \"%s\"", argv[0]);
            }                           /* child process */
            else {
                 * Parent process.
                (void)cm_add_argv(execMap, pid, argv);

                if (!waitOnChild) {
                    udebug("    exec %s[%d]", argv[0], pid);
                else {
                    udebug("    exec -wait %s[%d]", argv[0], pid);
                    (void)reap(pid, 0);
        }                               /* child-process forked */
    }                                   /* child-process map allocated */

    return -1 == pid ? -1 : 1;