Example #1
static uint8_t _text_parser(char *str, cmdObj_t *cmd)
	char *ptr_rd, *ptr_wr;					// read and write pointers
	char separators[] = {" =:|\t"};			// any separator someone might use

	// string pre-processing
	cmd_reset_obj(cmd);						// initialize config object
	if (*str == '$') str++;					// ignore leading $
	for (ptr_rd = ptr_wr = str; *ptr_rd!=NUL; ptr_rd++, ptr_wr++) {
		*ptr_wr = tolower(*ptr_rd);			// convert string to lower case
		if (*ptr_rd==',') {
			*ptr_wr = *(++ptr_rd);			// skip over comma
	*ptr_wr = NUL;

	// field processing
	cmd->type = TYPE_NULL;
	if ((ptr_rd = strpbrk(str, separators)) == NULL) { // no value part
		strncpy(cmd->token, str, CMD_TOKEN_LEN);
	} else {
		*ptr_rd = NUL;						// terminate at end of name
		strncpy(cmd->token, str, CMD_TOKEN_LEN);
		str = ++ptr_rd;
		cmd->value = strtod(str, &ptr_rd);	// ptr_rd used as end pointer
		if (ptr_rd != str) {
			cmd->type = TYPE_FLOAT;
	if ((cmd->index = cmd_get_index("",cmd->token)) == NO_MATCH) { 
	return (SC_OK);
Example #2
 * _get_nv_pair_strict() - get the next name-value pair w/strict JSON rules
 *	Parse the next statement and populate the command object (cmdObj).
 *	Leaves string pointer (str) on the first character following the object.
 *	Which is the character just past the ',' separator if it's a multi-valued 
 *	object or the terminating NUL if single object or the last in a multi.
 *	Keeps track of tree depth and closing braces as much as it has to.
 *	If this were to be extended to track multiple parents or more than two
 *	levels deep it would have to track closing curlies - which it does not.
 *	If a group prefix is passed in it will be pre-pended to any name parsed
 *	to form a token string. For example, if "x" is provided as a group and 
 *	"fr" is found in the name string the parser will search for "xfr"in the 
 *	cfgArray.
static stat_t _get_nv_pair_strict(cmdObj_t *cmd, char **pstr, int8_t *depth)
	char *tmp;
	char terminators[] = {"},"};

	cmd_reset_obj(cmd);								// wipes the object and sets the depth

	// --- Process name part ---
	// find leading and trailing name quotes and set pointers.
	if ((*pstr = strchr(*pstr, '\"')) == NULL) { return (STAT_JSON_SYNTAX_ERROR);}
	if ((tmp = strchr(++(*pstr), '\"')) == NULL) { return (STAT_JSON_SYNTAX_ERROR);}
	*tmp = NUL;
	strncpy(cmd->token, *pstr, CMD_TOKEN_LEN);		// copy the string to the token

	// --- Process value part ---  (organized from most to least encountered)
	*pstr = ++tmp;
	if ((*pstr = strchr(*pstr, ':')) == NULL) return (STAT_JSON_SYNTAX_ERROR);
	(*pstr)++;										// advance to start of value field

	// nulls (gets)
	if ((**pstr == 'n') || ((**pstr == '\"') && (*(*pstr+1) == '\"'))) { // process null value
		cmd->objtype = TYPE_NULL;
		cmd->value = TYPE_NULL;
	// numbers
	} else if (isdigit(**pstr) || (**pstr == '-')) {// value is a number
		cmd->value = strtod(*pstr, &tmp);			// tmp is the end pointer
		if(tmp == *pstr) { return (STAT_BAD_NUMBER_FORMAT);}
		cmd->objtype = TYPE_FLOAT;

	// object parent
	} else if (**pstr == '{') { 
		cmd->objtype = TYPE_PARENT;
//		*depth += 1;							// cmd_reset_obj() sets the next object's level so this is redundant
		return(STAT_EAGAIN);					// signal that there is more to parse

	// strings
	} else if (**pstr == '\"') { 				// value is a string
		cmd->objtype = TYPE_STRING;
		if ((tmp = strchr(*pstr, '\"')) == NULL) { return (STAT_JSON_SYNTAX_ERROR);} // find the end of the string
		*tmp = NUL;
		ritorno(cmd_copy_string(cmd, *pstr));
		*pstr = ++tmp;

	// boolean true/false
	} else if (**pstr == 't') { 
		cmd->objtype = TYPE_BOOL;
		cmd->value = true;
	} else if (**pstr == 'f') { 
		cmd->objtype = TYPE_BOOL;
		cmd->value = false;

	// arrays
	} else if (**pstr == '[') {
		cmd->objtype = TYPE_ARRAY;
		ritorno(cmd_copy_string(cmd, *pstr));	// copy array into string for error displays
		return (STAT_INPUT_VALUE_UNSUPPORTED);	// return error as the parser doesn't do input arrays yet

	// general error condition
	} else { return (STAT_JSON_SYNTAX_ERROR); }	// ill-formed JSON

	// process comma separators and end curlies
	if ((*pstr = strpbrk(*pstr, terminators)) == NULL) { // advance to terminator or err out
	if (**pstr == '}') { 
		*depth -= 1;							// pop up a nesting level
		(*pstr)++;								// advance to comma or whatever follows
	if (**pstr == ',') { return (STAT_EAGAIN);}	// signal that there is more to parse

	return (STAT_OK);							// signal that parsing is complete