Example #1
  common cmn(std::cout);
  return 0;
  int argc,
  char const* argv[])
  common cmn(argc, argv);
  common_write write(cmn);
  int num = fem::int0;
  sub(cmn, num);
  write(6, star), num + 17;
Example #3
void cmn(int res[], int m, int n, int pos=0, int val=0)
    if (pos==n)
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
            printf("%d ", res[i]);
    for ( int i=0; i<=m-n,val+i<m; i++)
        res[pos] = val+i+1;
        cmn(res, m, n, pos+1, val+i+1);
Example #4
  int argc,
  char const* argv[])
  common cmn(argc, argv);
  common_write write(cmn);
  int num = fem::int0;
  write(6, star), "num after sub1:", num;
  int n = 1;
  sub2(num, n);
  write(6, star), "num after sub2", num;
  arr_1d<2, int> nums(fem::fill0);
  write(6, star), "nums after sub1:", nums(1), nums(2);
  n = 2;
  sub2(nums, n);
  write(6, star), "nums after sub2:", nums(1), nums(2);
  sub3(nums, n);
  write(6, star), "nums after sub3:", nums(1), nums(2);
Example #5
static void
feat_cmn(feat_t *fcb, mfcc_t **mfc, int32 nfr, int32 beginutt, int32 endutt)
    cmn_type_t cmn_type = fcb->cmn;

    if (!(beginutt && endutt)
        && cmn_type != CMN_NONE) /* Only cmn_prior in block computation mode. */
        cmn_type = CMN_PRIOR;

    switch (cmn_type) {
    case CMN_CURRENT:
        cmn(fcb->cmn_struct, mfc, fcb->varnorm, nfr);
    case CMN_PRIOR:
        cmn_prior(fcb->cmn_struct, mfc, fcb->varnorm, nfr);
        if (endutt)
    cep_dump_dbg(fcb, mfc, nfr, "After CMN");
Example #6
int main()
    int arr[N];
    cmn(arr, M, N);
Example #7
VtableStub* VtableStubs::create_itable_stub(int itable_index) {
  const int code_length = VtableStub::pd_code_size_limit(false);
  VtableStub* s = new(code_length) VtableStub(false, itable_index);
  // Can be NULL if there is no free space in the code cache.
  if (s == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  ResourceMark rm;
  CodeBuffer cb(s->entry_point(), code_length);
  MacroAssembler* masm = new MacroAssembler(&cb);

  assert(VtableStub::receiver_location() == R0->as_VMReg(), "receiver expected in R0");

  // R0-R3 / R0-R7 registers hold the arguments and cannot be spoiled
  const Register Rclass  = AARCH64_ONLY(R9)  NOT_AARCH64(R4);
  const Register Rlength = AARCH64_ONLY(R10)  NOT_AARCH64(R5);
  const Register Rscan   = AARCH64_ONLY(R11) NOT_AARCH64(R6);
  const Register tmp     = Rtemp;

  assert_different_registers(Ricklass, Rclass, Rlength, Rscan, tmp);

  // Calculate the start of itable (itable goes after vtable)
  const int scale = exact_log2(vtableEntry::size_in_bytes());
  address npe_addr = __ pc();
  __ load_klass(Rclass, R0);
  __ ldr_s32(Rlength, Address(Rclass, Klass::vtable_length_offset()));

  __ add(Rscan, Rclass, in_bytes(Klass::vtable_start_offset()));
  __ add(Rscan, Rscan, AsmOperand(Rlength, lsl, scale));

  // Search through the itable for an interface equal to incoming Ricklass
  // itable looks like [intface][offset][intface][offset][intface][offset]
  const int entry_size = itableOffsetEntry::size() * HeapWordSize;
  assert(itableOffsetEntry::interface_offset_in_bytes() == 0, "not added for convenience");

  Label loop;
  __ bind(loop);
  __ ldr(tmp, Address(Rscan, entry_size, post_indexed));
#ifdef AARCH64
  Label found;
  __ cmp(tmp, Ricklass);
  __ b(found, eq);
  __ cbnz(tmp, loop);
  __ cmp(tmp, Ricklass);  // set ZF and CF if interface is found
  __ cmn(tmp, 0, ne);     // check if tmp == 0 and clear CF if it is
  __ b(loop, ne);
#endif // AARCH64

  assert(StubRoutines::throw_IncompatibleClassChangeError_entry() != NULL, "Check initialization order");
#ifdef AARCH64
  __ jump(StubRoutines::throw_IncompatibleClassChangeError_entry(), relocInfo::runtime_call_type, tmp);
  __ bind(found);
  // CF == 0 means we reached the end of itable without finding icklass
  __ jump(StubRoutines::throw_IncompatibleClassChangeError_entry(), relocInfo::runtime_call_type, noreg, cc);
#endif // !AARCH64

  // Interface found at previous position of Rscan, now load the method oop
  __ ldr_s32(tmp, Address(Rscan, itableOffsetEntry::offset_offset_in_bytes() - entry_size));
    const int method_offset = itableMethodEntry::size() * HeapWordSize * itable_index +
    __ add_slow(Rmethod, Rclass, method_offset);
  __ ldr(Rmethod, Address(Rmethod, tmp));

  address ame_addr = __ pc();

#ifdef AARCH64
  __ ldr(tmp, Address(Rmethod, Method::from_compiled_offset()));
  __ br(tmp);
  __ ldr(PC, Address(Rmethod, Method::from_compiled_offset()));
#endif // AARCH64


  if (PrintMiscellaneous && (WizardMode || Verbose)) {
    tty->print_cr("itable #%d at " PTR_FORMAT "[%d] left over: %d",
                  itable_index, p2i(s->entry_point()),
                  (int)(s->code_end() - s->entry_point()),
                  (int)(s->code_end() - __ pc()));
  guarantee(__ pc() <= s->code_end(), "overflowed buffer");
  // FIXME ARM: need correct 'slop' - below is x86 code
  // shut the door on sizing bugs
  //int slop = 8;  // 32-bit offset is this much larger than a 13-bit one
  //assert(itable_index > 10 || __ pc() + slop <= s->code_end(), "room for 32-bit offset");

  s->set_exception_points(npe_addr, ame_addr);
  return s;
Example #8
File: main.c Project: 10v/cmusphinx
static void decode_utt (void *data, char *uttfile, int32 sf, int32 ef, char *uttid)
    kb_t *kb;
    acoustic_t *am;
    int32 featwin, nfr, min_utt_frames, n_vithist;
    char cepfile[4096], latfile[4096];
    vithist_t *finalhist;
    int32 i, f;
    glist_t hyplist;
    FILE *latfp;

    printf ("\n");
    fflush (stdout);
    E_INFO("Utterance %s\n", uttid);
    kb = (kb_t *)data;
    am = kb->am;
    featwin = feat_window_size(am->fcb);
    /* Build complete cepfile name and read cepstrum data; check for min length */
    ctl_infile (cepfile, cmd_ln_str("-cepdir"), cmd_ln_str("-cepext"), uttfile);

    if ((nfr = s2mfc_read (cepfile, sf, ef, featwin, am->mfc, S3_MAX_FRAMES)) < 0) {
	E_ERROR("%s: MFC read failed\n", uttid);
    E_INFO("%s: %d frames\n", uttid, nfr-(featwin<<1));
    ptmr_reset (kb->tm);
    ptmr_reset (kb->tm_search);
    ptmr_start (kb->tm);
    min_utt_frames = (featwin<<1) + 1;
    if (nfr < min_utt_frames) {
	E_ERROR("%s: Utterance shorter than %d frames; ignored\n",
		uttid, min_utt_frames, nfr);
    /* CMN/AGC */
    if (strcmp (cmd_ln_str("-cmn"), "current") == 0)
	cmn (am->mfc, nfr, feat_cepsize(am->fcb));
    if (strcmp (cmd_ln_str("-agc"), "max") == 0)
	agc_max (am->mfc, nfr);
    /* Process utterance */
    lextree_vit_start (kb, uttid);
    for (i = featwin, f = 0; i < nfr-featwin; i++, f++) {
	am->senscale[f] = acoustic_eval (am, i);
	ptmr_start (kb->tm_search);
	lextree_vit_frame (kb, f, uttid);
	printf (" %d,%d,%d", f, glist_count (kb->vithist[f]), glist_count (kb->lextree_active));
	fflush (stdout);
	ptmr_stop (kb->tm_search);
    printf ("\n");
    finalhist = lextree_vit_end (kb, f, uttid);
    hyplist = vithist_backtrace (finalhist, kb->am->senscale);
    hyp_log (stdout, hyplist, _dict_wordstr, (void *)kb->dict);
    hyp_myfree (hyplist);
    printf ("\n");
    /* Log the entire Viterbi word lattice */
    sprintf (latfile, "%s.lat", uttid);
    if ((latfp = fopen(latfile, "w")) == NULL) {
	E_ERROR("fopen(%s,w) failed; using stdout\n", latfile);
	latfp = stdout;
    n_vithist = vithist_log (latfp, kb->vithist, f, _dict_wordstr, (void *)kb->dict);
    if (latfp != stdout)
	fclose (latfp);
    else {
	printf ("\n");
	fflush (stdout);
    ptmr_stop (kb->tm);
    if (f > 0) {
	printf("TMR(%s): %5d frames; %.1fs CPU, %.2f xRT; %.1fs CPU(search), %.2f xRT; %.1fs Elapsed, %.2f xRT\n",
	       uttid, f,
	       kb->tm->t_cpu, kb->tm->t_cpu * 100.0 / f,
	       kb->tm_search->t_cpu, kb->tm_search->t_cpu * 100.0 / f,
	       kb->tm->t_elapsed, kb->tm->t_elapsed * 100.0 / f);
	printf("CTR(%s): %5d frames; %d Sen (%.1f/fr); %d HMM (%.1f/fr); %d Words (%.1f/fr)\n",
	       uttid, f,
	       kb->n_sen_eval, ((float64)kb->n_sen_eval) / f,
	       kb->n_hmm_eval, ((float64)kb->n_hmm_eval) / f,
	       n_vithist, ((float64) n_vithist) / f);
    /* Cleanup */
    glist_free (kb->lextree_active);
    kb->lextree_active = NULL;
    for (; f >= -1; --f) {	/* I.e., including dummy START_WORD node at frame -1 */
	glist_myfree (kb->vithist[f], sizeof(vithist_t));
	kb->vithist[f] = NULL;
    lm_cache_reset (kb->lm);