// Displays the colorant table static void PrintColorantTable(cmsHPROFILE hInput, cmsTagSignature Sig, const char* Title) { cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* list; int i, n; if (cmsIsTag(hInput, Sig)) { printf("%s:\n", Title); list = cmsReadTag(hInput, Sig); if (list == NULL) { printf("(Unavailable)\n"); return; } n = cmsNamedColorCount(list); for (i=0; i < n; i++) { char Name[cmsMAX_PATH]; cmsNamedColorInfo(list, i, Name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); printf("\t%s\n", Name); } printf("\n"); } }
/* Get the nth colorant name in the clrt tag */ char* gscms_get_clrtname(gcmmhprofile_t profile, int colorcount, gs_memory_t *memory) { cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST *lcms_names; char name[256]; char *buf; int length; lcms_names = (cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST *)cmsReadTag(profile, cmsSigColorantTableTag); if (colorcount >= cmsNamedColorCount(lcms_names)) return(NULL); if (cmsNamedColorInfo(lcms_names, colorcount, name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == 0) return NULL; length = strlen(name); buf = (char*) gs_alloc_bytes(memory, length + 1, "gscms_get_clrtname"); if (buf) strcpy(buf, name); return buf; }
static int WriteNamedColorCRD(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsHPROFILE hNamedColor, int Intent, cmsUInt32Number dwFlags) { cmsHTRANSFORM xform; int i, nColors, nColorant; cmsUInt32Number OutputFormat; char ColorName[32]; char Colorant[128]; cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* NamedColorList; OutputFormat = cmsFormatterForColorspaceOfProfile(hNamedColor, 2, FALSE); nColorant = T_CHANNELS(OutputFormat); xform = cmsCreateTransform(hNamedColor, TYPE_NAMED_COLOR_INDEX, NULL, OutputFormat, Intent, dwFlags); if (xform == NULL) return 0; NamedColorList = cmsGetNamedColorList(xform); if (NamedColorList == NULL) return 0; _cmsIOPrintf(m, "<<\n"); _cmsIOPrintf(m, "(colorlistcomment) (%s) \n", "Named profile"); _cmsIOPrintf(m, "(Prefix) [ (Pantone ) (PANTONE ) ]\n"); _cmsIOPrintf(m, "(Suffix) [ ( CV) ( CVC) ( C) ]\n"); nColors = cmsNamedColorCount(NamedColorList); for (i=0; i < nColors; i++) { cmsUInt16Number In[1]; cmsUInt16Number Out[cmsMAXCHANNELS]; In[0] = (cmsUInt16Number) i; if (!cmsNamedColorInfo(NamedColorList, i, ColorName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) continue; cmsDoTransform(xform, In, Out, 1); BuildColorantList(Colorant, nColorant, Out); _cmsIOPrintf(m, " (%s) [ %s ]\n", ColorName, Colorant); } _cmsIOPrintf(m, " >>"); if (!(dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_NODEFAULTRESOURCEDEF)) { _cmsIOPrintf(m, " /Current exch /HPSpotTable defineresource pop\n"); } cmsDeleteTransform(xform); return 1; }
static int WriteNamedColorCSA(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsHPROFILE hNamedColor, int Intent) { cmsHTRANSFORM xform; cmsHPROFILE hLab; int i, nColors; char ColorName[32]; cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* NamedColorList; hLab = cmsCreateLab4ProfileTHR(m ->ContextID, NULL); xform = cmsCreateTransform(hNamedColor, TYPE_NAMED_COLOR_INDEX, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, Intent, 0); if (xform == NULL) return 0; NamedColorList = cmsGetNamedColorList(xform); if (NamedColorList == NULL) return 0; _cmsIOPrintf(m, "<<\n"); _cmsIOPrintf(m, "(colorlistcomment) (%s)\n", "Named color CSA"); _cmsIOPrintf(m, "(Prefix) [ (Pantone ) (PANTONE ) ]\n"); _cmsIOPrintf(m, "(Suffix) [ ( CV) ( CVC) ( C) ]\n"); nColors = cmsNamedColorCount(NamedColorList); for (i=0; i < nColors; i++) { cmsUInt16Number In[1]; cmsCIELab Lab; In[0] = (cmsUInt16Number) i; if (!cmsNamedColorInfo(NamedColorList, i, ColorName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) continue; cmsDoTransform(xform, In, &Lab, 1); _cmsIOPrintf(m, " (%s) [ %.3f %.3f %.3f ]\n", ColorName, Lab.L, Lab.a, Lab.b); } _cmsIOPrintf(m, ">>\n"); cmsDeleteTransform(xform); cmsCloseProfile(hLab); return 1; }
static void PrintEncodedResults(cmsUInt16Number Encoded[]) { cmsUInt32Number i, n; char ChannelName[cmsMAX_PATH]; cmsUInt32Number v; n = cmsChannelsOf(OutputColorSpace); for (i=0; i < n; i++) { if (OutputColorant != NULL) { cmsNamedColorInfo(OutputColorant, i, ChannelName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { sprintf(ChannelName, "Channel #%u", i + 1); } if (Verbose > 0) printf("%s=", ChannelName); v = Encoded[i]; if (InHexa) { if (Width16) printf("0x%04X ", (int) floor(v + .5)); else printf("0x%02X ", (int) floor(v / 257. + .5)); } else { if (Width16) printf("%d ", (int) floor(v + .5)); else printf("%d ", (int) floor(v / 257. + .5)); } } printf("\n"); }
// Print a value which is given in double floating point static void PrintFloatResults(cmsFloat64Number Value[]) { cmsUInt32Number i, n; char ChannelName[cmsMAX_PATH]; cmsFloat64Number v; n = cmsChannelsOf(OutputColorSpace); for (i=0; i < n; i++) { if (OutputColorant != NULL) { cmsNamedColorInfo(OutputColorant, i, ChannelName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { OutputRange = 1; sprintf(ChannelName, "Channel #%u", i + 1); } v = (cmsFloat64Number) Value[i]* OutputRange; if (lQuantize) v = floor(v + 0.5); if (!lUnbounded) { if (v < 0) v = 0; if (v > OutputRange) v = OutputRange; } if (Verbose <= 0) printf("%.4f ", v); else printf("%s=%.4f ", ChannelName, v); } printf("\n"); }
static WORD GetIndex(void) { char Buffer[4096], Name[40], Prefix[40], Suffix[40]; int index, max; max = cmsNamedColorCount(hTrans)-1; if (xisatty(stdin)) printf("Color index (0..%d)? ", max); GetLine(Buffer); index = atoi(Buffer); if (index > max) FatalError("Named color %d out of range!", index); cmsNamedColorInfo(hTrans, index, Name, Prefix, Suffix); printf("\n%s %s %s: ", Prefix, Name, Suffix); return index; }
// Read values from a text file or terminal static void TakeFloatValues(cmsFloat64Number Float[]) { cmsUInt32Number i, n; char ChannelName[cmsMAX_PATH]; char Buffer[4096]; if (xisatty(stdin)) fprintf(stderr, "\nEnter values, 'q' to quit\n"); if (InputNamedColor) { // This is named color index, which is always cmsUInt16Number cmsUInt16Number index = GetIndex(); memcpy(Float, &index, sizeof(cmsUInt16Number)); return; } n = cmsChannelsOf(InputColorSpace); for (i=0; i < n; i++) { if (InputColorant) { cmsNamedColorInfo(InputColorant, i, ChannelName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { InputRange = 1; sprintf(ChannelName, "Channel #%u", i+1); } GetLine(Buffer, "%s? ", ChannelName); Float[i] = (cmsFloat64Number) atof(Buffer) / InputRange; } if (xisatty(stdin)) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); }
// Get a named-color index static cmsUInt16Number GetIndex(void) { char Buffer[4096], Name[40], Prefix[40], Suffix[40]; int index, max; const cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* NamedColorList; NamedColorList = cmsGetNamedColorList(hTrans); if (NamedColorList == NULL) return 0; max = cmsNamedColorCount(NamedColorList)-1; GetLine(Buffer, "Color index (0..%d)? ", max); index = atoi(Buffer); if (index > max) FatalError("Named color %d out of range!", index); cmsNamedColorInfo(NamedColorList, index, Name, Prefix, Suffix, NULL, NULL); printf("\n%s %s %s\n", Prefix, Name, Suffix); return (cmsUInt16Number) index; }