Example #1
int EmitCIEBasedDEF(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsPipeline* Pipeline, int Intent, cmsCIEXYZ* BlackPoint)
    const char* PreMaj;
    const char* PostMaj;
    const char* PreMin, *PostMin;
    cmsStage* mpe;

    mpe = Pipeline ->Elements;

    switch (cmsStageInputChannels(mpe)) {
    case 3:

            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "[ /CIEBasedDEF\n");
            PreMaj ="<";
            PostMaj= ">\n";
            PreMin = PostMin = "";
    case 4:
            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "[ /CIEBasedDEFG\n");
            PreMaj = "[";
            PostMaj = "]\n";
            PreMin = "<";
            PostMin = ">\n";
            return 0;


    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "<<\n");

    if (cmsStageType(mpe) == cmsSigCurveSetElemType) {

        _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/DecodeDEF [ ");
        EmitNGamma(m, cmsStageOutputChannels(mpe), _cmsStageGetPtrToCurveSet(mpe));
        _cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");

        mpe = mpe ->Next;

    if (cmsStageType(mpe) == cmsSigCLutElemType) {

            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/Table ");
            WriteCLUT(m, mpe, PreMaj, PostMaj, PreMin, PostMin, FALSE, (cmsColorSpaceSignature) 0);
            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");

    EmitWhiteBlackD50(m, BlackPoint);
    EmitIntent(m, Intent);

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "   >>\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");

    return 1;
// Check a single entry
cmsBool CheckOne(const cmsAllowedLUT* Tab, const cmsPipeline* Lut)
    cmsStage* mpe;
    int n;

    for (n=0, mpe = Lut ->Elements; mpe != NULL; mpe = mpe ->Next, n++) {

        if (n > Tab ->nTypes) return FALSE;
        if (cmsStageType(mpe) != Tab ->MpeTypes[n]) return FALSE;

    return (n == Tab ->nTypes);
Example #3
// Change CLUT interpolation to trilinear
void ChangeInterpolationToTrilinear(cmsPipeline* Lut)
    cmsStage* Stage;

    for (Stage = cmsPipelineGetPtrToFirstStage(Lut);
        Stage != NULL;
        Stage = cmsStageNext(Stage)) {

            if (cmsStageType(Stage) == cmsSigCLutElemType) {

                _cmsStageCLutData* CLUT = (_cmsStageCLutData*) Stage ->Data;

                CLUT ->Params->dwFlags |= CMS_LERP_FLAGS_TRILINEAR;
                _cmsSetInterpolationRoutine(Lut->ContextID, CLUT ->Params);
// Does convert a transform into a device link profile
cmsHPROFILE CMSEXPORT cmsTransform2DeviceLink(cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform, cmsFloat64Number Version, cmsUInt32Number dwFlags)
    cmsHPROFILE hProfile = NULL;
    cmsUInt32Number FrmIn, FrmOut, ChansIn, ChansOut;
    cmsUInt32Number ColorSpaceBitsIn, ColorSpaceBitsOut;
    _cmsTRANSFORM* xform = (_cmsTRANSFORM*) hTransform;
    cmsPipeline* LUT = NULL;
    cmsStage* mpe;
    cmsContext ContextID = cmsGetTransformContextID(hTransform);
    const cmsAllowedLUT* AllowedLUT;
    cmsTagSignature DestinationTag;
    cmsProfileClassSignature deviceClass; 

    _cmsAssert(hTransform != NULL);

    // Get the first mpe to check for named color
    mpe = cmsPipelineGetPtrToFirstStage(xform ->Lut);

    // Check if is a named color transform
    if (mpe != NULL) {

        if (cmsStageType(mpe) == cmsSigNamedColorElemType) {
            return CreateNamedColorDevicelink(hTransform);

    // First thing to do is to get a copy of the transformation
    LUT = cmsPipelineDup(xform ->Lut);
    if (LUT == NULL) return NULL;

    // Time to fix the Lab2/Lab4 issue.
    if ((xform ->EntryColorSpace == cmsSigLabData) && (Version < 4.0)) {

        if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(LUT, cmsAT_BEGIN, _cmsStageAllocLabV2ToV4curves(ContextID)))
            goto Error;

    // On the output side too
    if ((xform ->ExitColorSpace) == cmsSigLabData && (Version < 4.0)) {

        if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(LUT, cmsAT_END, _cmsStageAllocLabV4ToV2(ContextID)))
            goto Error;

    hProfile = cmsCreateProfilePlaceholder(ContextID);
    if (!hProfile) goto Error;                    // can't allocate

    cmsSetProfileVersion(hProfile, Version);

    FixColorSpaces(hProfile, xform -> EntryColorSpace, xform -> ExitColorSpace, dwFlags);

    // Optimize the LUT and precalculate a devicelink

    ChansIn  = cmsChannelsOf(xform -> EntryColorSpace);
    ChansOut = cmsChannelsOf(xform -> ExitColorSpace);

    ColorSpaceBitsIn  = _cmsLCMScolorSpace(xform -> EntryColorSpace);
    ColorSpaceBitsOut = _cmsLCMScolorSpace(xform -> ExitColorSpace);

    FrmIn  = COLORSPACE_SH(ColorSpaceBitsIn) | CHANNELS_SH(ChansIn)|BYTES_SH(2);
    FrmOut = COLORSPACE_SH(ColorSpaceBitsOut) | CHANNELS_SH(ChansOut)|BYTES_SH(2);

    deviceClass = cmsGetDeviceClass(hProfile);

     if (deviceClass == cmsSigOutputClass)
         DestinationTag = cmsSigBToA0Tag;
         DestinationTag = cmsSigAToB0Tag;

    // Check if the profile/version can store the result
    if (dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_FORCE_CLUT)
        AllowedLUT = NULL;
        AllowedLUT = FindCombination(LUT, Version >= 4.0, DestinationTag);

    if (AllowedLUT == NULL) {

        // Try to optimize
        _cmsOptimizePipeline(ContextID, &LUT, xform ->RenderingIntent, &FrmIn, &FrmOut, &dwFlags);
        AllowedLUT = FindCombination(LUT, Version >= 4.0, DestinationTag);


    // If no way, then force CLUT that for sure can be written
    if (AllowedLUT == NULL) {

        dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_FORCE_CLUT;
        _cmsOptimizePipeline(ContextID, &LUT, xform ->RenderingIntent, &FrmIn, &FrmOut, &dwFlags);

        // Put identity curves if needed
        if (cmsPipelineGetPtrToFirstStage(LUT) ->Type != cmsSigCurveSetElemType)
             if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(LUT, cmsAT_BEGIN, _cmsStageAllocIdentityCurves(ContextID, ChansIn)))
                 goto Error;

        if (cmsPipelineGetPtrToLastStage(LUT) ->Type != cmsSigCurveSetElemType)
             if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(LUT, cmsAT_END,   _cmsStageAllocIdentityCurves(ContextID, ChansOut)))
                 goto Error;

        AllowedLUT = FindCombination(LUT, Version >= 4.0, DestinationTag);

    // Somethings is wrong...
    if (AllowedLUT == NULL) {
        goto Error;

    if (dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_8BITS_DEVICELINK)
                     cmsPipelineSetSaveAs8bitsFlag(LUT, TRUE);

    // Tag profile with information
    if (!SetTextTags(hProfile, L"devicelink")) goto Error;

    // Store result
    if (!cmsWriteTag(hProfile, DestinationTag, LUT)) goto Error;

    if (xform -> InputColorant != NULL) {
           if (!cmsWriteTag(hProfile, cmsSigColorantTableTag, xform->InputColorant)) goto Error;

    if (xform -> OutputColorant != NULL) {
           if (!cmsWriteTag(hProfile, cmsSigColorantTableOutTag, xform->OutputColorant)) goto Error;

    if ((deviceClass == cmsSigLinkClass) && (xform ->Sequence != NULL)) {
        if (!_cmsWriteProfileSequence(hProfile, xform ->Sequence)) goto Error;

    // Set the white point
    if (deviceClass == cmsSigInputClass) {
        if (!cmsWriteTag(hProfile, cmsSigMediaWhitePointTag, &xform ->EntryWhitePoint)) goto Error;
    else {
         if (!cmsWriteTag(hProfile, cmsSigMediaWhitePointTag, &xform ->ExitWhitePoint)) goto Error;

    // Per 7.2.15 in spec 4.3
    cmsSetHeaderRenderingIntent(hProfile, xform ->RenderingIntent);

    return hProfile;

    if (LUT != NULL) cmsPipelineFree(LUT);
    return NULL;