Example #1
 * Print character stat in given row, column
static void prt_stat(int stat, int row, int col)
	char tmp[32];

	/* Display "injured" stat */
	if (p_ptr->stat_cur[stat] < p_ptr->stat_max[stat])
		put_str(stat_names_reduced[stat], row, col);
		cnv_stat(p_ptr->state.stat_use[stat], tmp, sizeof(tmp));
		c_put_str(TERM_YELLOW, tmp, row, col + 6);

	/* Display "healthy" stat */
		put_str(stat_names[stat], row, col);
		cnv_stat(p_ptr->state.stat_use[stat], tmp, sizeof(tmp));
		c_put_str(TERM_L_GREEN, tmp, row, col + 6);

	/* Indicate natural maximum */
	if (p_ptr->stat_max[stat] == 18+100)
		put_str("!", row, col + 3);
Example #2
 * Special display, part 2b
void display_player_stat_info(void)
	int i, row, col;

	char buf[80];

	/* Row */
	row = 2;

	/* Column */
	col = 42;

	/* Print out the labels for the columns */
	c_put_str(COLOUR_WHITE, "  Self", row-1, col+5);
	c_put_str(COLOUR_WHITE, " RB", row-1, col+12);
	c_put_str(COLOUR_WHITE, " CB", row-1, col+16);
	c_put_str(COLOUR_WHITE, " EB", row-1, col+20);
	c_put_str(COLOUR_WHITE, "  Best", row-1, col+24);

	/* Display the stats */
	for (i = 0; i < STAT_MAX; i++) {
		/* Reduced or normal */
		if (player->stat_cur[i] < player->stat_max[i])
			/* Use lowercase stat name */
			put_str(stat_names_reduced[i], row+i, col);
			/* Assume uppercase stat name */
			put_str(stat_names[i], row+i, col);

		/* Indicate natural maximum */
		if (player->stat_max[i] == 18+100)
			put_str("!", row+i, col+3);

		/* Internal "natural" maximum value */
		cnv_stat(player->stat_max[i], buf, sizeof(buf));
		c_put_str(COLOUR_L_GREEN, buf, row+i, col+5);

		/* Race Bonus */
		strnfmt(buf, sizeof(buf), "%+3d", player->race->r_adj[i]);
		c_put_str(COLOUR_L_BLUE, buf, row+i, col+12);

		/* Class Bonus */
		strnfmt(buf, sizeof(buf), "%+3d", player->class->c_adj[i]);
		c_put_str(COLOUR_L_BLUE, buf, row+i, col+16);

		/* Equipment Bonus */
		strnfmt(buf, sizeof(buf), "%+3d", player->state.stat_add[i]);
		c_put_str(COLOUR_L_BLUE, buf, row+i, col+20);

		/* Resulting "modified" maximum value */
		cnv_stat(player->state.stat_top[i], buf, sizeof(buf));
		c_put_str(COLOUR_L_GREEN, buf, row+i, col+24);

		/* Only display stat_use if there has been draining */
		if (player->stat_cur[i] < player->stat_max[i]) {
			cnv_stat(player->state.stat_use[i], buf, sizeof(buf));
			c_put_str(COLOUR_YELLOW, buf, row+i, col+31);