Example #1
	void projectLaser(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan& scan_in,
			std::vector<Point> &points_out, const float range_cutoff = 30.0f)
		size_t n_points = scan_in.ranges.size();

		if (co_sine_map_.rows() != n_points || angle_min_ != scan_in.angle_min
				|| angle_max_ != scan_in.angle_max)
			ROS_INFO("Precomputed map built");

			co_sine_map_ = Eigen::ArrayXXf(n_points, 2);
			angle_min_ = scan_in.angle_min;
			angle_max_ = scan_in.angle_max;

			for (size_t i = 0; i < n_points; ++i)
				co_sine_map_(i, 0) =
										+ static_cast<float>(i
												* scan_in.angle_increment));
				co_sine_map_(i, 1) =
										+ static_cast<float>(i
												* scan_in.angle_increment));

		if (points_out.size() != n_points)
			ROS_INFO("Resize points container");

		float range;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < n_points; i++)
				range = 0;
			else if(std::isnan(scan_in.ranges[i]))
				ROS_ERROR("Laser data has a nan value!");
				range = scan_in.ranges[i] > range_cutoff ?
									range_cutoff : scan_in.ranges[i];

			points_out[i].x() = range * co_sine_map_(i, 0);
			points_out[i].y() = range * co_sine_map_(i, 1);

  void LaserProjection::projectLaser_ (const sensor_msgs::LaserScan& scan_in, 
                                      sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &cloud_out,
                                      double range_cutoff,
                                      int channel_options)
    size_t n_pts = scan_in.ranges.size ();
    Eigen::ArrayXXd ranges (n_pts, 2);
    Eigen::ArrayXXd output (n_pts, 2);

    // Get the ranges into Eigen format
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n_pts; ++i)
      ranges (i, 0) = (double) scan_in.ranges[i];
      ranges (i, 1) = (double) scan_in.ranges[i];

    // Check if our existing co_sine_map is valid
    if (co_sine_map_.rows () != (int)n_pts || angle_min_ != scan_in.angle_min || angle_max_ != scan_in.angle_max )
      ROS_DEBUG ("[projectLaser] No precomputed map given. Computing one.");
      co_sine_map_ = Eigen::ArrayXXd (n_pts, 2);
      angle_min_ = scan_in.angle_min;
      angle_max_ = scan_in.angle_max;
      // Spherical->Cartesian projection
      for (size_t i = 0; i < n_pts; ++i)
        co_sine_map_ (i, 0) = cos (scan_in.angle_min + (double) i * scan_in.angle_increment);
        co_sine_map_ (i, 1) = sin (scan_in.angle_min + (double) i * scan_in.angle_increment);

    output = ranges * co_sine_map_;

    // Set the output cloud accordingly
    cloud_out.header = scan_in.header;
    cloud_out.height = 1;
    cloud_out.width  = scan_in.ranges.size ();
    cloud_out.fields.resize (3);
    cloud_out.fields[0].name = "x";
    cloud_out.fields[0].offset = 0;
    cloud_out.fields[0].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32;
    cloud_out.fields[1].name = "y";
    cloud_out.fields[1].offset = 4;
    cloud_out.fields[1].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32;
    cloud_out.fields[2].name = "z";
    cloud_out.fields[2].offset = 8;
    cloud_out.fields[2].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32;

    // Define 4 indices in the channel array for each possible value type
    int idx_intensity = -1, idx_index = -1, idx_distance = -1, idx_timestamp = -1, idx_vpx = -1, idx_vpy = -1, idx_vpz = -1;

    //now, we need to check what fields we need to store
    int offset = 12;
    if ((channel_options & channel_option::Intensity) && scan_in.intensities.size() > 0)
      int field_size = cloud_out.fields.size();
      cloud_out.fields.resize(field_size + 1);
      cloud_out.fields[field_size].name = "intensity";
      cloud_out.fields[field_size].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32;
      cloud_out.fields[field_size].offset = offset;
      offset += 4;
      idx_intensity = field_size;

    if ((channel_options & channel_option::Index))
      int field_size = cloud_out.fields.size();
      cloud_out.fields.resize(field_size + 1);
      cloud_out.fields[field_size].name = "index";
      cloud_out.fields[field_size].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::INT32;
      cloud_out.fields[field_size].offset = offset;
      offset += 4;
      idx_index = field_size;

    if ((channel_options & channel_option::Distance))
      int field_size = cloud_out.fields.size();
      cloud_out.fields.resize(field_size + 1);
      cloud_out.fields[field_size].name = "distances";
      cloud_out.fields[field_size].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32;
      cloud_out.fields[field_size].offset = offset;
      offset += 4;
      idx_distance = field_size;

    if ((channel_options & channel_option::Timestamp))
      int field_size = cloud_out.fields.size();
      cloud_out.fields.resize(field_size + 1);
      cloud_out.fields[field_size].name = "stamps";
      cloud_out.fields[field_size].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32;
      cloud_out.fields[field_size].offset = offset;
      offset += 4;
      idx_timestamp = field_size;

    if ((channel_options & channel_option::Viewpoint))
      int field_size = cloud_out.fields.size();
      cloud_out.fields.resize(field_size + 3);

      cloud_out.fields[field_size].name = "vp_x";
      cloud_out.fields[field_size].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32;
      cloud_out.fields[field_size].offset = offset;
      offset += 4;

      cloud_out.fields[field_size + 1].name = "vp_y";
      cloud_out.fields[field_size + 1].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32;
      cloud_out.fields[field_size + 1].offset = offset;
      offset += 4;

      cloud_out.fields[field_size + 2].name = "vp_z";
      cloud_out.fields[field_size + 2].datatype = sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32;
      cloud_out.fields[field_size + 2].offset = offset;
      offset += 4;

      idx_vpx = field_size;
      idx_vpy = field_size + 1;
      idx_vpz = field_size + 2;

    cloud_out.point_step = offset;
    cloud_out.row_step   = cloud_out.point_step * cloud_out.width;
    cloud_out.data.resize (cloud_out.row_step   * cloud_out.height);
    cloud_out.is_dense = false;

    //TODO: Find out why this was needed
    //float bad_point = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ();

    if (range_cutoff < 0)
      range_cutoff = scan_in.range_max;
      range_cutoff = std::min(range_cutoff, (double)scan_in.range_max); 

    unsigned int count = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n_pts; ++i)
      //check to see if we want to keep the point
      if (scan_in.ranges[i] <= range_cutoff && scan_in.ranges[i] >= scan_in.range_min)
        float *pstep = (float*)&cloud_out.data[count * cloud_out.point_step];

        // Copy XYZ
        pstep[0] = output (i, 0);
        pstep[1] = output (i, 1);
        pstep[2] = 0;

        // Copy intensity
        if(idx_intensity != -1)
          pstep[idx_intensity] = scan_in.intensities[i];

        //Copy index
        if(idx_index != -1)
          ((int*)(pstep))[idx_index] = i;

        // Copy distance
        if(idx_distance != -1)
          pstep[idx_distance] = scan_in.ranges[i];

        // Copy timestamp
        if(idx_timestamp != -1)
          pstep[idx_timestamp] = i * scan_in.time_increment;

        // Copy viewpoint (0, 0, 0)
        if(idx_vpx != -1 && idx_vpy != -1 && idx_vpz != -1)
          pstep[idx_vpx] = 0;
          pstep[idx_vpy] = 0;
          pstep[idx_vpz] = 0;

        //make sure to increment count

      /* TODO: Why was this done in this way, I don't get this at all, you end up with a ton of points with NaN values
       * why can't you just leave them out?
      // Invalid measurement?
      if (scan_in.ranges[i] >= range_cutoff || scan_in.ranges[i] <= scan_in.range_min)
        if (scan_in.ranges[i] != LASER_SCAN_MAX_RANGE)
          for (size_t s = 0; s < cloud_out.fields.size (); ++s)
            pstep[s] = bad_point;
          // Kind of nasty thing:
          //   We keep the oringinal point information for max ranges but set x to NAN to mark the point as invalid.
          //   Since we still might need the x value we store it in the distance field
          pstep[0] = bad_point;           // X -> NAN to mark a bad point
          pstep[1] = co_sine_map (i, 1);  // Y
          pstep[2] = 0;                   // Z

          if (store_intensity)
            pstep[3] = bad_point;           // Intensity -> NAN to mark a bad point
            pstep[4] = co_sine_map (i, 0);  // Distance -> Misused to store the originnal X
            pstep[3] = co_sine_map (i, 0);  // Distance -> Misused to store the originnal X

    //resize if necessary
    cloud_out.width = count;
    cloud_out.row_step   = cloud_out.point_step * cloud_out.width;
    cloud_out.data.resize (cloud_out.row_step   * cloud_out.height);